Canada Summer Jobs 2017 - Manitoba
Not-for-Profit, Public and Private Employers
Organizations that have received funding
Fiscal Year 2017-2018
Organization Name | Amount Paid | Jobs Created |
Assiniboine Community College | $4,978 | 3 |
Brandon University | $1,980 | 1 |
Dinsdale Personal Care Home | $6,930 | 2 |
Manhattan Beach Retreat Centre | $8,832 | 2 |
Alzheimer Society of Manitoba - Westman | $3,842 | 1 |
Art Gallery of Southwestern Manitoba | $9,610 | 3 |
Assiniboine Early Learning Centre Incorporated | $3,981 | 1 |
Assiniboine Hills Conservation District | $8,365 | 2 |
Baldur Community Development Association | $3,552 | 1 |
Beckoning Hills Museum Incorporated | $2,716 | 1 |
Belmont and District Museum | $2,858 | 1 |
Boissevain Golf Club | $4,042 | 1 |
Border Regional Library | $3,308 | 1 |
Brandon Community Welcome | $4,364 | 1 |
Brandon Friendship Centre Inc. | $4,977 | 2 |
Brandon Minor Baseball / Simplot Millennium Park Inc. | $4,414 | 1 |
Brandon Public Library | $3,225 | 1 |
Brandon Riverbank Inc. | $12,622 | 3 |
Brandon University | $1,857 | 1 |
Brandon University | $3,222 | 2 |
Brandon University | $1,733 | 1 |
Brandon University Student Services Department | $1,733 | 1 |
Brandon University/Michael Charette | $5,143 | 4 |
CNIB | $4,014 | 1 |
Canadian Diabetes Association- Brandon (Westman) Branch & District Office | $3,037 | 1 |
Canadian Mental Health Association Westman | $11,482 | 3 |
Canadian Red Cross | $3,885 | 1 |
Cartwright and District Early Learning Centre Inc. (CDELC) | $3,960 | 1 |
Cartwright- Roblin Recreation Commission | $4,443 | 1 |
Central Council of Community Centres | $22,683 | 6 |
Child Evangelism Fellowship of Manitoba | $3,046 | 1 |
Child and Family Services of Western Manitoba | $4,807 | 2 |
Commonwealth Air Training Plan Museum | $3,312 | 1 |
Cypress River - Holland Community Development Corporation | $3,736 | 1 |
Dakota Ojibway Child and Family Services | $3,027 | 1 |
Daly House Museum | $6,839 | 2 |
Ducks Unlimited Canada | $3,875 | 1 |
Elgin & District Museum | $2,970 | 1 |
F.B.I. Clubhouse | $3,589 | 1 |
Friends of Spruce Woods | $3,707 | 1 |
Funshine Early Learning Centre Inc. | $3,454 | 1 |
Glenboro Childrens Learning Centre Inc | $4,431 | 1 |
Glenboro Community Development Corporation | $3,820 | 1 |
Glenboro Golf And Country Club | $3,854 | 1 |
Glenboro Health Centre | $1,386 | 1 |
Glenboro/South Cypress Library | $2,826 | 1 |
Glenwood & Souris Regional Library | $2,640 | 1 |
HartCam Museum | $1,480 | 1 |
Hartney Golf Club | $4,407 | 1 |
Holland Child Care Centre | $4,399 | 1 |
International Peace Garden (Manitoba) Ltd. | $4,408 | 1 |
JAV David Museum | $2,970 | 1 |
John E Robbins Library | $1,320 | 1 |
Kiddie Corner Early Learning Centre Inc. | $6,925 | 2 |
Kokum's Early Enrichment Program- Brandon Friendship Centre | $4,414 | 1 |
La Salle Redboine Conservation District | $4,220 | 1 |
Manitoba Automobile Museum Foundation | $7,480 | 2 |
Manitoba Paddling Association | $3,465 | 1 |
Michif Child and Family Services | $7,116 | 2 |
Mini University (Brandon University) | $9,735 | 5 |
Moncur Gallery - Peoples of the Plains Inc. | $4,374 | 1 |
Municipality of Brenda-Waskada | $1,540 | 1 |
Municipality of Killarney- Turtle Mountain | $993 | 1 |
Nature Conservancy of Canada | $4,147 | 1 |
Oak Lake Care Centre Inc. | $4,400 | 1 |
Pierson Early Learning Centre | $4,416 | 1 |
Pipestone Albert Recreation Commission | $3,066 | 1 |
Prairie Partners | $4,816 | 1 |
Prairie West Recreation | $3,730 | 1 |
Rock Lake Health District | $3,465 | 1 |
Samaritan House Ministries Inc.. | $6,925 | 2 |
Seniors Helping Hands | $2,370 | 1 |
Shilo MFRC Daycare | $3,960 | 1 |
Souris Heritage Museum & Souris Railway Museum | $4,177 | 1 |
Souris Hillcrest Museum | $6,897 | 2 |
Souris Valley District Recreation Commission | $13,435 | 3 |
Southwest Daycare | $3,713 | 1 |
Ten Thousand Villages | $2,453 | 1 |
The Deloraine Golf Club Inc. | $4,110 | 1 |
The John Howard Society of Brandon | $3,493 | 1 |
The Provincial Exhibition of Manitoba | $3,460 | 1 |
The Women's Resource Centre | $3,465 | 1 |
Tiger Hills Arts Association | $3,221 | 1 |
Tiny Turtle Playroom Inc. | $4,416 | 1 |
Turtle Mountain Bible Camp | $4,400 | 1 |
Turtle Mountain Conservation District | $3,864 | 1 |
United Way of Brandon & District | $3,842 | 1 |
Virden Community Chamber of Commerce | $4,412 | 1 |
Virden Pioneer Home Museum | $8,933 | 2 |
Wawanesa Wee Care | $3,368 | 1 |
West Souris River Conservation District | $4,007 | 1 |
Westman Immigrant Services | $3,999 | 1 |
Westman Youth For Christ | $9,174 | 2 |
Whitewater Park | $1,529 | 1 |
YMCA Brandon | $3,344 | 1 |
the Society | $4,499 | 1 |
Total | $441,859 | 132 |
Charleswood-St. James-Assiniboia-Headingley
Organization Name | Amount Paid | Jobs Created |
Agriculture in the Classroom Canada | $4,135 | 1 |
Anderson Orthopedics Inc. | $1,980 | 1 |
Artists in Healthcare, Manitoba Inc. | $3,329 | 1 |
Assiniboine Castle Day Care | $3,708 | 1 |
Assiniboine Park Conservancy | $12,557 | 3 |
Beaumont Day Care | $8,856 | 2 |
Beaverlodge Care for Kids Inc. | $2,208 | 1 |
Bricks 4 Kidz Winnipeg | $7,915 | 4 |
Bright Beginnings Educare | $8,781 | 2 |
Canadian Forces Morale Welfare Service | $10,219 | 4 |
Care and Share Children's Center | $6,316 | 2 |
Charleswood Adult Day Club | $3,673 | 1 |
Crestview School Children's Centre Inc. | $13,249 | 3 |
Dakota Ojibway Community Futures Development Corporation | $4,416 | 1 |
Downs Childrens Centre Inc. | $13,243 | 3 |
Eastern Star Preschool | $3,899 | 1 |
Fairlane Children's Centre Inc. | $3,886 | 1 |
Friends Housing Inc. | $3,311 | 1 |
Friends of the Living Prairie Museum. | $3,864 | 1 |
Grace Community Church | $7,386 | 2 |
Grants Old Mill | $6,362 | 1 |
Headingley Library | $3,418 | 1 |
Heritage Park Children's Programs Inc. | $16,295 | 4 |
Horizons at the Grace and Horizons at Access | $16,787 | 4 |
Jim's Vintage Garages Inc | $2,585 | 1 |
Kidz Korner Infant Childcare | $16,287 | 4 |
Lakewood Children's Centre | $15,324 | 5 |
Learning and Growing Daycare | $17,995 | 4 |
Linwood Child Centre Inc. | $8,997 | 2 |
Metropolitan Kiwanis Courts | $3,960 | 1 |
Nature Manitoba | $4,416 | 1 |
Oasis Church | $17,447 | 4 |
Peek-A-Boo Infant Child Care Incorporated | $14,398 | 4 |
Royal Aviation Museum of Western Canada | $3,589 | 1 |
St. James - Assiniboia Museum | $7,706 | 2 |
St. James - Assiniboia School Division | $9,680 | 4 |
St. James Assiniboia 55 + Centre | $6,502 | 1 |
Strathmillan Childrens centre | $7,425 | 2 |
Sunnyside Child Care | $14,025 | 4 |
The Salvation Army Heritage Park Temple | $13,860 | 4 |
The Salvation Army-Community Venture. | $5,982 | 2 |
True North Youth Foundation (TNYF) | $19,800 | 5 |
Voyageur In School program Inc | $13,350 | 3 |
West Park Manor Personal Care Home Inc.. | $18,034 | 4 |
Westgrove Children's Centre | $3,080 | 1 |
Westwood Community Child Care Inc. | $8,624 | 3 |
Willow Place Inc | $7,766 | 2 |
Winnipeg Military Family Resource Centre Childcare Centre | $6,835 | 2 |
YMCA-YWCA of Winnipeg | $10,256 | 2 |
Total | $432,139 | 115 |
Churchill-Keewatinook Aski
Organization Name | Amount Paid | Jobs Created |
Wabowden Historical Museum Inc | $6,553 | 2 |
Aurora House | $4,180 | 3 |
Boys & Girls Club of Thompson | $13,136 | 3 |
Churchill Northern Studies Centre | $7,920 | 2 |
Community Futures Greenstone | $3,713 | 1 |
Flin Flon Arts Council | $6,036 | 3 |
Flin Flon Friendship Centre | $9,833 | 4 |
Flin Flon Public Library | $3,465 | 1 |
Flin Flon Recycling Centre | $3,053 | 1 |
Flin Flon School Division | $1,606 | 1 |
Flin Flon Station Museum | $3,665 | 1 |
Four Arrows | $21,717 | 5 |
Grand Rapids First Nation | $10,977 | 3 |
JCI Juniper Centre | $31,491 | 7 |
Kelsey Recreation Commission | $16,129 | 4 |
Light of the North | $3,872 | 1 |
Lynn Lake Friendship Centre Inc. | $7,472 | 2 |
Lynn Lake Library | $4,239 | 1 |
Ma-Mow-We-Tak Friendship Centre Inc. | $10,912 | 3 |
Macdonald Youth Services | $5,046 | 2 |
Manitoba Paddling Association | $13,860 | 4 |
Marigold Preschool Centre | $8,833 | 2 |
Mathias Colomb Cree Nation | $26,322 | 10 |
Michif Child and Family Services | $2,552 | 1 |
Northern Tykes Daycare | $3,723 | 1 |
Opaskwayak Cree Nation | $30,092 | 9 |
Riverside Day Care Incorporate | $4,415 | 1 |
Sagkeeng Employment & Training | $30,675 | 11 |
Sam Waller Museum | $10,501 | 2 |
Sherridon Community Council | $869 | 1 |
Simonhouse Camp Inc. | $14,256 | 3 |
Snow Lake Golf Club Inc | $3,344 | 2 |
Snow Lake Mining Museum | $5,940 | 2 |
St Theresa Point First Nation Employment & Training Services | $7,040 | 2 |
The City of Flin Flon | $7,920 | 5 |
The Pas Action Centre Inc. | $3,262 | 1 |
The Town of Churchill | $4,953 | 3 |
Thompson Crisis Center | $3,036 | 1 |
Thompson Health Auxiliary | $3,089 | 1 |
Town of Lynn Lake Community Development Corporation | $2,803 | 1 |
Town of Snow Lake | $1,760 | 1 |
Uptown Day Care Inc. | $6,864 | 2 |
Verna Kirkness Education Foundation | $2,147 | 1 |
Total | $373,271 | 117 |
Dauphin-Swan River-Neepawa
Organization Name | Amount Paid | Jobs Created |
Municipality of North Cypress-Langford - Parks and Recreation | $1,840 | 1 |
Barrows Community Council | $3,427 | 1 |
Heyes Child Care Centre Inc | $3,787 | 1 |
Almost New Store | $3,321 | 1 |
Alzheimer Society of Manitoba-Parkland | $3,334 | 1 |
Association for Community Living-Swan River Branch Inc. | $1,972 | 1 |
Binscarth Museum | $3,460 | 1 |
Binscarth Park and Pool | $3,533 | 1 |
Camp Wannakumbac | $3,566 | 1 |
Camp Wasaga | $2,945 | 1 |
Canada's National Ukrainain Festival | $3,864 | 1 |
Carberry Child Care Coop | $3,640 | 1 |
Carberry/North Cypress Library | $2,343 | 1 |
Charlie Brown Daycare Inc. | $4,417 | 1 |
Childcare - Family Access Network | $2,970 | 1 |
Circle Square Ranch, Austin | $4,414 | 1 |
Clack Museum | $3,221 | 1 |
Cross of Freedom | $2,452 | 1 |
Dakota Ojibway Child and Family Services | $3,164 | 1 |
Dauphin & District Allied Arts Council | $4,450 | 1 |
Dauphin Clinic Pharmacy | $1,980 | 1 |
Dauphin Recreation Services | $2,783 | 1 |
Dauphin's Countryfest | $3,960 | 1 |
Duck Bay Community Council | $2,784 | 1 |
Duck Mountain Forest Centre | $4,344 | 1 |
Elbert Chartrand Friendship Centre | $3,899 | 1 |
Fort Dauphin Museum | $4,428 | 1 |
Friendly Corner Bakeshop and Activity Center | $3,764 | 1 |
Friends of Riding Mountain National Park Inc . | $3,713 | 1 |
Gilbert PLains & District Historical Society | $3,461 | 1 |
Gilbert Plains Municipality | $1,980 | 1 |
Gilbert Plains Museum & Info Centre | $3,301 | 1 |
Gilbert Plains Recreation Commission.. | $4,499 | 1 |
Glad-West Recreation Commission | $1,309 | 1 |
Grandview & District Recreation Commission | $4,275 | 1 |
Hamiota Aquatic Centre | $1,733 | 1 |
Happy Face Children's Centre | $3,959 | 1 |
Happy Rock Childrens Centre | $3,322 | 1 |
Heartland Recreation Commission | $3,955 | 1 |
Home Assistance Neepawa & District (HAND) | $1,980 | 1 |
Inglis Elevator National Historic Site | $3,871 | 1 |
Little Saskatchewan River Conservation District | $4,248 | 1 |
Manitoba Agricultural Museum | $3,686 | 1 |
Manitoba Paddling Association | $3,465 | 1 |
Margaret Laurence Home | $3,831 | 1 |
McCreary Swimming Pool | $4,234 | 1 |
Mid-West Arts Council | $2,970 | 1 |
Minnedosa & District Recreation Commission | $3,344 | 1 |
Minnedosa Community Child Care Cooperative | $2,394 | 1 |
Minnedosa District Museum & Heritage Village | $3,148 | 1 |
Minnedosa Golf & Country Club | $3,465 | 1 |
Minnedosa Regional Library | $3,465 | 1 |
Municipality of Clanwilliam-Erickson | $1,848 | 1 |
Municipality of Ethelbert | $1,581 | 1 |
Municipality of Minitonas-Bowsman | $1,648 | 1 |
Municipality of Roblin | $1,628 | 1 |
Municipality of WestLake-Gladstone | $1,980 | 1 |
Neepawa Banner Newspaper | $1,532 | 1 |
Neepawa Public Library | $2,673 | 1 |
Neepawa and Area Immigrant Settlement Services, Inc | $4,200 | 1 |
New Era Ag Technologies | $1,980 | 1 |
North-West Regional Library | $3,721 | 1 |
Northwest Metis Council Inc. | $3,843 | 1 |
Pine Creek First Nation Employment & Training | $3,960 | 1 |
Preservation Committee | $2,458 | 1 |
ROSE Inc. | $2,564 | 1 |
Rapid City Regional Library | $1,980 | 1 |
Riding Mountain Biosphere Reserve | $7,414 | 2 |
Roblin Rec Commission | $3,960 | 1 |
Rolling Dale | $3,272 | 1 |
Rossburn Early Learners | $3,540 | 1 |
Rossburn Recreation | $2,191 | 1 |
Rural Municipality of Oakview | $1,320 | 1 |
Rural Municipality of Riding Mountain West | $828 | 1 |
Russell & District Chamber of Commerce. | $3,465 | 1 |
Russell's Lots-a-Tots | $3,955 | 1 |
Shoal Lake Kid's Club | $4,233 | 1 |
Shoal Lake Leisure Services | $1,324 | 1 |
Sprucedale Industries Inc | $7,700 | 2 |
Ste. Rose Youth Outreach | $2,849 | 1 |
Strathclair Museum Association | $3,686 | 1 |
Swan Lake Watershed Conservation District | $4,004 | 1 |
Swan River Day Care Centre Inc. | $4,323 | 1 |
Swan River Valley Agricultural Society | $2,944 | 1 |
Swan Valley Sport Fishing Enhancement Inc. | $3,744 | 1 |
The Diocese of Brandon MB | $3,883 | 1 |
The Seton Centre | $3,848 | 1 |
Touchwood Park Association Inc. | $3,509 | 1 |
Town of Neepawa - Leisure Services Department | $1,783 | 1 |
Upper Assiniboine River Conservation District | $4,416 | 1 |
Valley View Bible Camp | $4,359 | 1 |
Viscount Cultural Council Inc. | $3,277 | 1 |
Wasagaming Community Arts | $3,864 | 1 |
Watson Crossley Community Museum | $3,960 | 2 |
Wellman Lake United Church Camp | $3,921 | 1 |
Winnipegosis and District Residential Services Inc. | $4,422 | 1 |
Yellowhead Centre | $3,465 | 1 |
Total | $324,190 | 101 |
Organization Name | Amount Paid | Jobs Created |
Wonder Shows | $1,980 | 1 |
Boys and Girls Clubs of Winnipeg | $12,035 | 3 |
Bright Future Daycare | $15,469 | 2 |
Buhler Recreation Park | $15,840 | 3 |
Can You Imagine Preschool Care & Education Centre Inc. | $8,725 | 2 |
Canterbury Park Daycare Inc. | $7,988 | 2 |
Care-A-Lot Nursery Inc. | $8,866 | 2 |
Child Evangelism Fellowship of Manitoba | $4,416 | 1 |
Concordia Adult Day Program | $3,790 | 1 |
Concordia Child Care Centre | $8,536 | 2 |
Concordia Place | $1,452 | 1 |
Congo-Canada Charity Foundation Inc. (CCCF) | $3,182 | 1 |
Discovery Day Camp | $8,124 | 2 |
EdVentures Continuing Education | $4,422 | 3 |
Elmwood Community Resource Centre (ECRC) | $9,764 | 2 |
Elmwood Day Nursery Inc. | $7,745 | 2 |
Elmwood Giants Baseball Club Inc. | $4,499 | 1 |
Emu School Age Centre | $4,140 | 1 |
Family Dynamics Inc. | $7,662 | 2 |
Forever Families of Canada | $4,171 | 1 |
Good Neighbours Active Living Centre Inc. | $5,156 | 1 |
Hope Centre Ministries | $4,405 | 1 |
Kildonan Mennonite Thrift Store | $4,231 | 1 |
Little Voyageurs Learning Centre Inc. | $10,056 | 3 |
MCC Manitoba | $5,489 | 1 |
Munroe Early Childhood Education Centre Inc . | $24,169 | 6 |
Munroe Early Childhood Education Centre Inc. | $21,418 | 6 |
New Hope Community Church | $4,499 | 1 |
One Hope Canada - Adventure Day Camp | $4,447 | 1 |
Orthopaedic Innovation Centre Inc. | $4,379 | 1 |
Park Manor Care | $21,861 | 6 |
Poplar Avenue Kids Care Inc. | $10,296 | 3 |
Radisson School Before and After Program, Inc. | $7,915 | 2 |
River East Mennonite Brethren Church | $15,530 | 4 |
Riverwood Church | $3,744 | 1 |
Riverwood Church - Uprising | $11,719 | 2 |
Riverwood Church Community Programming-The Refuge | $11,777 | 3 |
Riverwood Kids | $3,720 | 1 |
Royal City Soccer Club | $7,007 | 2 |
Spring Meadows School Age Centre | $4,397 | 1 |
Stars of Promise Inc. | $3,960 | 1 |
Story Book Day Care Centre Inc. | $10,747 | 3 |
Sunny Mountain Day Care Centre | $8,934 | 2 |
Take Pride Winnipeg! | $6,430 | 2 |
Ten Thousand Villages Canada | $3,218 | 1 |
The Learning Tree Day Care | $3,417 | 1 |
The Salvation Army-Community Venture. | $2,955 | 1 |
Transcona Business Improvement Zone. | $5,153 | 1 |
Transcona Jaycees Day Care | $12,352 | 3 |
Transcona Museum | $4,620 | 1 |
Valley Gardens Daycare | $7,049 | 2 |
Wee Bairns Infant Care Inc. | $4,356 | 1 |
Westview Community Day Care | $14,597 | 5 |
World Mission Good Seed | $3,357 | 1 |
Total | $420,166 | 107 |
Kildonan-St. Paul
Organization Name | Amount Paid | Jobs Created |
Winnipeg Paramedic Fire Services - Public Education Branch | $9,884 | 5 |
Aleph-Bet Child Life Enrichment Program Inc. | $13,277 | 3 |
Artists in Healthcare, Manitoba Inc. | $3,329 | 1 |
BEEP Balanced Experiential Education Program | $5,719 | 6 |
Bishop Velychkovsky Martyr's Shrine Inc. | $3,465 | 1 |
CARST - Canadian Association of Radon Scientists and Technologists | $6,930 | 2 |
Created 4 Me Early Learning Center Inc. | $14,618 | 4 |
Derksen Law | $1,980 | 1 |
Donwood Manor | $57,257 | 13 |
Donwood Manor Elderly Persons Housing | $4,512 | 1 |
Donwood South | $4,537 | 1 |
Gwen Secter Creative Living Centre | $8,151 | 2 |
Heritage Kids Furniture Company | $820 | 1 |
Inkster Community Child Care Inc. | $11,072 | 3 |
Junior Golf Mentorship. | $6,336 | 2 |
Kidi-Garden Day Nurseries Inc. | $12,755 | 4 |
Kildonan Tennis Club | $3,465 | 1 |
Kildonan Youth Activity Centre | $19,360 | 6 |
Kinderworld Daycare Inc.. | $2,854 | 1 |
Laugh 'N' Learn School Age Centre Inc. | $5,984 | 2 |
Luther Home | $3,120 | 1 |
Luther Home | $3,791 | 1 |
Luther Home | $2,831 | 1 |
Manitoba Parents for Ukrainian Education (MPUE) | $3,465 | 1 |
Marymound | $12,732 | 3 |
RAZORBACK B.L.A.S.T. | $3,897 | 1 |
RM of West St. Paul | $17,799 | 10 |
Rainbow Stage | $4,290 | 1 |
Ratuski Law Office | $1,856 | 1 |
Rivercrest Early Learning and Child Care | $4,387 | 1 |
Sangster's Health Centre | $1,678 | 1 |
Seven Oaks Child Day Care Centre Inc | $10,676 | 3 |
Seven Oaks General Hospital | $1,853 | 2 |
Shalom Residences Inc. | $3,649 | 1 |
Small Scholars | $2,371 | 1 |
Sugar-N-Spice Kiddie Haven Inc. | $11,469 | 3 |
Sunny Mountain Day Care Centre | $30,240 | 7 |
The Movement Centre | $19,634 | 5 |
The Wellness Institute at Seven Oaks General Hospital | $4,333 | 1 |
Total | $391,789 | 117 |
Organization Name | Amount Paid | Jobs Created |
A Rocha Pembina Valley Interpretive Centre | $6,124 | 2 |
Ag-Quest Inc. | $7,380 | 4 |
Altona & District Chamber of Commerce | $3,689 | 1 |
Alzheimer Society of Manitoba - South Central Regional Office | $3,835 | 1 |
Argyle-Lorne Weed District | $1,980 | 1 |
Big Brothers & Big Sisters of Portage | $3,336 | 1 |
Boundary Trail Railway Company Inc. | $1,320 | 1 |
Boyne Regional Library | $7,821 | 2 |
Busy Nest Day Care Inc. | $4,212 | 1 |
Cafe 75 | $12,563 | 3 |
Carman-Dufferin Recreation | $8,844 | 2 |
Cenerini Vegetable Farm | $990 | 1 |
Centre D'enfants St. Claude Children's Centre Inc. | $4,386 | 1 |
Child Evangelism Fellowship of Manitoba | $7,821 | 2 |
Child and Family Services of Central Manitoba Inc. | $3,887 | 1 |
City of Morden | $5,280 | 4 |
Countess Place | $4,411 | 1 |
Country Kids Learning Centre | $3,960 | 1 |
Dakota Ojibway Child and Family Services | $13,251 | 5 |
Department of Biological Sciences | $3,080 | 1 |
Douglas Kuhl School of Music (DKSM) | $4,416 | 1 |
Ducks Unlimited | $7,920 | 2 |
Elm Creek Stay & Play | $6,348 | 2 |
Fort La Reine Museum, Pioneer Village And Tourist Bureau Inc. | $16,814 | 4 |
Gaia Consulting Ltd. | $1,864 | 1 |
Grass Roots Agronomics | $1,446 | 1 |
Harvest Festival | $3,955 | 1 |
J. A. Cuddy Child Care Centre Inc. | $3,344 | 1 |
Katie Cares Inc. | $7,339 | 2 |
Kiddie Sunshine Centre | $4,180 | 1 |
La Garderie Arc-en-ciel Inc. | $6,922 | 2 |
Lorne Recreation District | $3,944 | 1 |
MCC Manitoba | $2,925 | 1 |
Manitoba Paddling Association | $6,930 | 4 |
Manitoba Purple Loosestrife Project (MPLP) | $6,711 | 1 |
Manitou Community Swimming Pool | $6,930 | 2 |
Manitou Regional Library | $3,709 | 2 |
Miami Children's Facility | $4,414 | 1 |
Miami Railway Station Museum | $3,960 | 1 |
Michif Child and Family Services | $3,987 | 1 |
Morden Community Child Care Centre | $8,369 | 2 |
Morden Corn & Apple Festival | $3,465 | 1 |
Morden Library | $3,144 | 1 |
Morris and District Centennial Museum Inc | $4,068 | 1 |
Notre Dame Foyer-Southern Health Santé Sud | $1,733 | 1 |
Parent Child Center | $7,955 | 2 |
Pembina Manitou Community Development Corporation | $3,465 | 1 |
Pembina Threshermen's Museum | $3,542 | 1 |
Pembina Valley Central Plains Tourism Association | $2,987 | 1 |
Pembina Valley Conservation District | $8,992 | 2 |
Portage ARC | $3,877 | 1 |
Portage Learning and Literacy Centre | $3,708 | 1 |
Portage la Prairie Friendship Centre Inc | $10,343 | 3 |
Prairie Sky Child Care Cetnre | $3,960 | 1 |
Recreation Opportunities for Kids (ROK) | $10,428 | 3 |
Riverdale Supply ; Riverdale Water Management ; | $1,980 | 1 |
Rural Municipality of St. Francois Xavier | $1,536 | 1 |
Saint-Claude Tourism & Marketing Committee | $3,080 | 1 |
Small Endeavors Inc. | $4,416 | 1 |
Southern Health - Sante Sud | $3,581 | 3 |
Southern Health-Santé Sud | $1,315 | 1 |
St-Claude Historical Society | $8,761 | 2 |
Stanley Soil Management Association | $4,499 | 1 |
TLC Child Care Centre | $4,132 | 1 |
The Bunker Youth Ministry Inc. | $4,219 | 1 |
The Canadian Fossil Discovery Centre | $12,040 | 3 |
Tiger Hills Community Resource Centre | $3,960 | 1 |
Tiger Hills Recreation District | $3,685 | 1 |
Tupper Street Family Resource Centre | $3,713 | 1 |
Wee Care Child Center | $3,708 | 1 |
West Wind Stables | $1,760 | 1 |
Youth for Christ (YFC) | $4,450 | 1 |
Total | $367,099 | 112 |
Organization Name | Amount Paid | Jobs Created |
District School Heritage Association Inc | $3,407 | 1 |
Ukrainian Museum & Village Society Inc | $3,308 | 1 |
Arrowhead R.V. Park | $1,733 | 1 |
Bibliothèque Saint-Joachim Library | $3,319 | 1 |
Calvary Temple | $7,920 | 3 |
Camp Nutimik | $2,927 | 1 |
Catholic School of Evangelization | $3,392 | 1 |
Child Evangelism Fellowship of Manitoba | $7,327 | 2 |
Cook's Creek Heritage Museum | $3,936 | 1 |
Dakota Ojibway Child and Family Services | $3,632 | 1 |
Dan Laliberte | $1,980 | 1 |
Deer Meadow Farms | $1,881 | 1 |
Dugald Daycare Inc. | $4,377 | 1 |
Eastman Employment Services | $3,936 | 1 |
Eastman Safety Training Centre | $3,254 | 1 |
Emerson Kinder College, Inc. | $4,417 | 1 |
Epic de St. Malo,Inc/Smile of St. Malo, Inc | $3,350 | 1 |
Falcon Beach Ranch | $1,485 | 1 |
Garderie Ile Des Chenes Daycare Inc.. | $4,403 | 1 |
Garderie de Bambins Co-op Inc. | $4,431 | 1 |
Gepetto's | $1,980 | 1 |
Good News Daycare | $3,870 | 1 |
Grande Pointe Homeowners Association Inc. | $4,295 | 1 |
Green Inspirations Landscaping | $440 | 1 |
Growing Minds Child Care Centre | $3,893 | 1 |
Grunthal Abundant Life Fellowship | $6,600 | 2 |
Hanover Ag Society | $2,804 | 1 |
Happy Feet Early Learning Center Inc. | $3,130 | 1 |
Heartland Community Church | $3,843 | 1 |
Jake Epp Library | $3,864 | 1 |
John Boy Farms | $1,980 | 1 |
Kinder Korner Early Learning Centre | $13,296 | 3 |
Kleefeld Recreation Association | $3,960 | 1 |
Landmark Christian Fellowship | $3,107 | 1 |
Le Coin Magique Inc. | $7,821 | 2 |
Les Boutons d'Or Inc. | $2,288 | 1 |
Les Chouettes de Lorette Inc. | $4,305 | 1 |
Les P'tits Brisous | $8,859 | 2 |
Les petites grenouilles | $4,385 | 1 |
MUSEE ST. JOSEPH MUSEUM | $3,649 | 1 |
Macdonald Youth Services | $3,178 | 1 |
Manitoba Eastern European Heritage Society (MEEHS) | $3,960 | 1 |
Manitoba Hobby Farm Association | $3,975 | 1 |
Menno Mart | $3,927 | 1 |
Mennonite Heritage Village | $4,452 | 1 |
Municipality of Emerson-Franklin | $3,344 | 2 |
Municipality of Springfield | $1,727 | 1 |
Musée Saint-Pierre-Jolys Museum | $3,148 | 1 |
Niverville Heritage Centre and PCH | $1,735 | 1 |
Oakbank Pharmasave | $1,480 | 1 |
Piney Stuartburn Weed Control District | $3,654 | 2 |
Prairie Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre Inc. | $4,209 | 1 |
Quarry Oaks Golf Course | $7,920 | 4 |
Rat River Recreation Commission | $2,944 | 1 |
Richer Community Club Inc. | $3,780 | 1 |
Rivers Edge Resort | $1,975 | 1 |
Roseau Crossing Heritage Park | $2,758 | 1 |
Roseau River Bible Camp | $8,219 | 2 |
Rural Municipality of Piney | $1,491 | 1 |
Rural Municipality of Stuartburn | $1,656 | 1 |
Seine-Rat River Conservation District | $3,860 | 1 |
Smith Neufeld Jodoin | $1,859 | 1 |
Springfield Learning Centres Incorporated | $3,291 | 1 |
St Adolphe Nursery School | $4,320 | 1 |
Steinbach Arts Council (SAC) | $11,396 | 3 |
Steinbach Christian Schools Inc. | $4,129 | 1 |
Steinbach Family Resource Centre | $4,392 | 1 |
Steinbach MCC Community Assistance Centre | $3,784 | 1 |
Sunrise Performing Arts Centre of Excellence (the SPACE) Inc. | $3,864 | 1 |
SwiftHighSpeed | $1,474 | 1 |
TOWN OF NIVERVILLE | $1,980 | 2 |
Tache Day Care | $3,946 | 1 |
Ten Thousand Villages | $4,295 | 1 |
Tim Horton Children's Foundation Inc. | $616 | 1 |
Treasure Keepers Children's Centre Inc. | $3,960 | 1 |
Vassar Community Recreational Centre, Inc. | $7,920 | 2 |
Vita Community Child Care Centre Inc. | $4,435 | 1 |
Whitemouth Library | $2,106 | 1 |
Whitemouth Municipal Museum Society | $2,789 | 1 |
Whitemouth River Recreation Commission Inc. | $2,602 | 1 |
Wildlife Haven | $8,629 | 2 |
Youth for Christ - Niverville | $8,744 | 2 |
Total | $327,873 | 103 |
Saint Boniface-Saint Vital
Organization Name | Amount Paid | Jobs Created |
L'Entre-temps des Franco-Manitobaines Inc. | $4,426 | 1 |
University of Manitoba | $1,733 | 1 |
Accueil francophone | $6,262 | 2 |
Artists in Healthcare, Manitoba Inc. | $3,329 | 1 |
Barbara Mitchell Family Resource Centre | $10,961 | 3 |
Boys and Girls Clubs of Winnipeg | $3,902 | 1 |
Canadian Parents for French - Manitoba | $4,423 | 1 |
Centre Flavie-Laurent Inc. | $17,758 | 3 |
Chesterfield Housing Development Inc. | $7,115 | 2 |
College of Pharmacists of Manitoba | $3,680 | 1 |
Connect Employment | $4,588 | 1 |
Conseil de développement économique des municipalités bilingues du Manitoba | $11,483 | 3 |
Coop Vélo-Cité | $3,301 | 1 |
Dispatch Integration | $1,975 | 1 |
Envol 91 FM | $3,465 | 1 |
Family Dynamics Inc. | $3,915 | 1 |
Festival du Voyageur | $15,220 | 4 |
Glass Lab Inc. | $2,970 | 2 |
Gymkyds Gymnastics Centre inc. | $3,268 | 2 |
Habitat for Humanity | $6,449 | 2 |
Immanuel Fellowship | $3,900 | 1 |
Jardins St-Léon Gardens | $1,975 | 1 |
KDR Design Builders Inc. | $3,465 | 1 |
Kindret Landscaping Incorporated | $1,975 | 1 |
La Maison Gabrielle-Roy | $6,904 | 2 |
Le Musée de Saint-Boniface Museum | $8,910 | 3 |
Le P'tit Bonheur Inc. | $3,080 | 1 |
Les Amis du Centre culturel franco-manitobain | $3,932 | 1 |
Les Franco-lions de Lacerte Inc. | $6,686 | 2 |
Les enfants précieux inc. | $7,040 | 2 |
Lifesaving Society - Manitoba Branch | $3,754 | 1 |
Little Saints Learning Center Inc. | $3,919 | 1 |
Little Voyageurs Learning Centre Inc. | $8,154 | 2 |
Manitoba Baptist Home Society Inc | $6,079 | 2 |
Morrow Avenue Child Care Programs for Families | $3,749 | 1 |
Norwood Grove Business Improvement Zone | $3,435 | 1 |
Old St.Vital Biz Association Inc. | $3,866 | 1 |
Panthers Gymnastics | $6,736 | 2 |
Paroisse Cathédrale Saint-Boniface | $6,944 | 3 |
Prendergast Centre Association Inc | $2,277 | 1 |
Riverside Lions Seniors Residences Inc | $9,714 | 3 |
SARA RIEL INC. | $5,621 | 1 |
Saint-Boniface Garderie de Bambins | $6,969 | 2 |
Simaril | $3,441 | 1 |
Société historique de Saint-Boniface | $13,539 | 3 |
St. Boniface-St. Vital baseball Club Inc. | $3,336 | 1 |
St. Therese Childcare | $10,560 | 3 |
St. Vital Museum | $7,723 | 2 |
St.Vital Child Care | $6,600 | 2 |
Take Pride Winnipeg! | $4,730 | 2 |
The Salvation Army-Community Venture. | $3,915 | 1 |
Théâtre Cercle Molière | $10,149 | 2 |
Tourisme Riel | $33,240 | 5 |
Tyler Van Schepdael Enterprises | $3,520 | 2 |
Université de Saint-Boniface | $4,009 | 3 |
Vic Wyatt House Inc. | $4,217 | 1 |
Windsor Park Children's Care Centre | $7,861 | 2 |
Winnipeg Rowing Club (WRC) | $8,761 | 2 |
Winnipeg Trails Association(WTA) | $16,556 | 5 |
YMCA-YWCA of Winnipeg | $11,347 | 2 |
ZAC Provencher Buisness Improvement Zone | $3,864 | 1 |
Total | $416,475 | 116 |
Organization Name | Amount Paid | Jobs Created |
Gimli Children's Centre | $8,342 | 2 |
Riverdale Place Workshop Inc. | $2,310 | 1 |
Teulon Day Care Inc. | $3,960 | 1 |
Arborg & District Seniors Resource Council Inc. | $4,178 | 1 |
Arborg Bifrost Parks and Recreation Commission | $6,914 | 2 |
Arborg Heritage Village | $7,920 | 2 |
Arborg Play Group Inc. | $4,404 | 1 |
Ashern Day Care Co-op Inc. | $4,207 | 1 |
Ashern Pioneer Museum | $3,960 | 1 |
Beausejour Kids Centre Inc.. | $4,368 | 1 |
Betel Home Foundation | $3,597 | 1 |
Betel Home Foundation | $3,384 | 1 |
Brokenhead River Regional Library. | $3,391 | 1 |
Child Evangelism Fellowship of Manitoba | $2,944 | 1 |
Children's Place Daycare | $3,599 | 1 |
Clandeboye Community Club - CCC | $4,262 | 1 |
Dunnotar Community Club | $4,416 | 1 |
East Interlake Conservation District | $3,713 | 2 |
Eriksdale Museum Inc. | $3,276 | 1 |
Fisher Branch Care-A-Lot For Tots Inc. | $3,374 | 1 |
Ful-Flo Industries Ltd. | $1,980 | 1 |
Gaining Resources Our Way Inc. | $3,947 | 1 |
Gillis Play and Learn Center | $3,626 | 1 |
Gimli Film Festival | $13,213 | 4 |
Grand Beach Cottage Owners Association | $3,899 | 1 |
Green Acres Art Centre | $3,960 | 1 |
Hand in Hand Daycare Inc. | $8,997 | 2 |
Islendingadagurinn - Icelandic Festival of Manitoba | $6,930 | 2 |
J&L Truck Recycling | $1,315 | 1 |
Jessica Manness Engineering World Consultants | $1,623 | 1 |
Krochenski Farms | $1,760 | 1 |
Lac Du Bonnet Historical Society | $3,160 | 1 |
Lac du Bonnet Regional Library | $2,640 | 1 |
Lakeshore School Division | $1,728 | 1 |
Lakeshore Women's Resource Centre | $2,503 | 1 |
Les Petits Dorés | $2,296 | 1 |
Lundar Community Swimming Pool | $2,819 | 1 |
Lundar Co-op Golf & Country Club | $3,300 | 1 |
Lundar Day Care Inc. | $2,718 | 1 |
Manitoba Eastern European Heritage Society (MEEHS) | $3,960 | 1 |
Manitoba Forage Seed Association Incorporated | $3,960 | 1 |
Manitoba Paddling Association | $3,465 | 1 |
Marg's Honey Inc | $1,956 | 1 |
Moosehorn Heritage Museum Inc. | $3,077 | 1 |
Municipality of Bifrost-Riverton | $1,348 | 1 |
New Iceland Heritage Museum | $2,970 | 1 |
Nova House Inc. | $6,369 | 2 |
Oak Hammock Marsh Interpretive Centre. | $3,941 | 1 |
Peguis First Nation - TLE Implementation | $3,129 | 1 |
Pinawa Public Library | $1,320 | 1 |
Pioneer Bay Resort and Campground | $1,975 | 2 |
Pioneer Village Museum | $4,416 | 1 |
Quarry Park Heritage Arts Centre | $1,419 | 1 |
Riverton & District Friendship Centre | $4,205 | 1 |
Riverton Transportation & Heritage Centre | $3,276 | 1 |
Rosser Woodlands Recreation Commission | $3,870 | 1 |
Rural Municipality of Lac Du Bonnet | $5,292 | 3 |
Saffies General Store | $1,604 | 1 |
Sandy-Saulteaux Spiritual Centre | $2,319 | 1 |
Selkirk Biz | $3,159 | 1 |
Selkirk Day Care Inc. | $4,004 | 1 |
Selkirk Friendship Centre | $8,198 | 2 |
Selkirk Friendship Centre Daycare | $3,621 | 1 |
Selkirk Marine Museum | $13,239 | 3 |
Skinners Hwy 44 | $1,980 | 1 |
South Interlake 55 Plus | $3,886 | 1 |
St. Andrews Childcare | $8,866 | 2 |
St. Andrews Community Club - STACC | $7,557 | 2 |
St. Andrews Heritage Centre | $3,960 | 1 |
Starting Blocks Inc. | $3,344 | 1 |
Steep Rock Beach Park | $3,768 | 1 |
Stonewall Children's Centre | $3,509 | 1 |
Stony Mountain Child Care Center | $6,534 | 2 |
Teulon & District Museum | $2,932 | 1 |
Teulon-Rockwood Recreation Commission | $7,518 | 2 |
Town of Powerview-Pine Falls | $1,601 | 1 |
Triple 'S' Fair and Rodeo | $3,891 | 1 |
Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Winnipeg | $8,896 | 2 |
Ukrainian Park | $4,235 | 1 |
Victoria Beach Club | $4,416 | 2 |
West Interlake Watershed Conservation District (WIWCD) | $3,960 | 1 |
Westshore Marine & Leisure | $1,474 | 1 |
Whytewold Emporium | $1,480 | 1 |
Wings of Power | $2,847 | 1 |
Winnipeg Beach Day Camp | $5,940 | 2 |
Winnipeg Beach Tiny Tots Inc. | $4,499 | 1 |
Winnipeg River Carpentry | $1,683 | 2 |
Winnipeg River Heritage Museum | $4,212 | 1 |
Winnipeg River Recreation | $2,310 | 1 |
Women Refreshed at the Well | $2,808 | 1 |
Woodlands Childcare Inc. | $3,787 | 1 |
Woodlands Museum | $3,221 | 1 |
Youth for Christ - Camp Cedarwood | $21,935 | 5 |
Total | $392,074 | 121 |
Winnipeg Centre
Organization Name | Amount Paid | Jobs Created |
Directorat de l'activité sportive | $8,342 | 2 |
Provincial Employees Care For Kids Co-op Inc. | $4,021 | 1 |
Provincial Employees Care For Kids Co-op Inc. | $3,236 | 1 |
2017 Canada Summer Games Host Society Inc. | $45,979 | 12 |
A & O: Support Services for Older Adults | $3,864 | 1 |
African Communities Of Manitoba Inc | $3,827 | 1 |
Artbeat Studio Inc. | $8,869 | 2 |
Artists in Healthcare, Manitoba Inc. | $6,641 | 2 |
Artspace | $3,465 | 1 |
Assiniboine Children's Centre | $3,685 | 1 |
Border Crossings | $3,503 | 1 |
Boys and Girls Clubs of Winnipeg | $4,012 | 1 |
Broadband Communications North | $3,960 | 1 |
Brooklands Day Care Centre | $8,951 | 2 |
Bumper Crop Early Learning Centre | $4,012 | 1 |
Busy Bee Day Care Centre Inc. | $8,358 | 2 |
CAHRD | $3,736 | 1 |
CNIB | $3,975 | 1 |
Calvary Temple | $3,960 | 1 |
Canada's Royal Winnipeg Ballet | $3,021 | 1 |
Canadian Parks. and Wilderness Society. | $3,932 | 1 |
Canadian Red Cross | $3,881 | 1 |
Central Park Child Care | $4,417 | 1 |
Children at the Centre | $3,708 | 1 |
City Church | $3,859 | 1 |
Cuddles Infant Centre. | $4,361 | 1 |
Dalnavert Museum and Visitors' Centre | $3,460 | 1 |
Daniel McIntyre / St. Matthews Community Association Inc. | $8,812 | 2 |
Day Nursery Centre. | $8,004 | 2 |
Discovery Children's Centre | $4,638 | 1 |
Eagle Urban Transition Centre | $3,398 | 1 |
Emmanuel Mission Summer Learning Program | $4,494 | 1 |
Epic Opportunities | $2,970 | 1 |
Ethio-Canadian Cultural Academy Inc | $2,649 | 1 |
Explorer's Childrens Centre Inc. | $3,077 | 1 |
Folklorama | $3,435 | 1 |
Freight House Early Learning & Care Inc. | $7,754 | 2 |
Graffiti Art Programming Inc . | $6,318 | 3 |
Harstone Children's Centre Inc. | $4,235 | 1 |
Heritage Winnipeg | $3,713 | 1 |
Horizons Children's Centre | $8,860 | 2 |
Immigrant and Refugee Community Organization of Manitoba Inc. | $7,361 | 2 |
Jazz Winnipeg Inc. | $8,828 | 2 |
Ka Ni Kanichihk Inc | $7,181 | 2 |
Lake Winnipeg Foundation | $4,411 | 1 |
Laura Secord Community Child Care Inc. | $4,432 | 1 |
Legal Help Centre of Winnipeg Inc | $8,180 | 2 |
Lighthouse Evangelistic Association Inc. | $4,384 | 1 |
Lions Manor | $6,254 | 1 |
Living Bible Explorers | $3,960 | 1 |
MCIC or Manitoba Council for International Cooperation | $3,859 | 1 |
Manitoba Aboriginal Sports & Recreation Council | $7,729 | 2 |
Manitoba Amateur Wrestling Association | $3,229 | 1 |
Manitoba Environmental Industries Ass. | $3,418 | 1 |
Manitoba Theatre for Young People Theatre School | $8,815 | 2 |
Mood Disorders Association of Manitoba | $3,882 | 1 |
Mosaic-Newcomer Family Resource Network | $3,277 | 1 |
New Directions | $6,527 | 2 |
Newcomers Employment & Education | $4,049 | 1 |
Niigaanaki Day Care Centre | $4,407 | 1 |
Prairie Sky Immigration Inc | $1,480 | 2 |
Red River College | $4,235 | 1 |
Rehabilitation Centre for Children, Inc.- Prosthetics & Orthotics Program | $3,630 | 1 |
Robert A. Steen Community Centre | $3,503 | 1 |
Royal City Soccer Club | $7,040 | 2 |
SCE LifeWorks | $14,230 | 4 |
Sister MacNamara Day Care | $4,431 | 1 |
Social Planning Council of Winnipeg Inc | $2,970 | 1 |
Spence Neighbourhood Association Inc | $7,733 | 2 |
St. Matthew's-Maryland Community Ministry | $2,640 | 1 |
St. Matthews Kids Korner | $7,722 | 2 |
Sunshine House | $3,465 | 1 |
The Edge | $3,465 | 1 |
The Law Society of Manitoba | $3,465 | 1 |
The Salvation Army-Community Venture. | $3,939 | 1 |
The Winnipeg Repair Education and Cycling Hub | $3,286 | 1 |
University of Winnipeg Students Assoc. | $4,160 | 1 |
Urban Shaman Gallery . | $3,864 | 1 |
Victor Play Centre | $3,912 | 1 |
West Broadway Community Organization | $3,870 | 1 |
West Broadway Youth Outreach Inc. | $13,190 | 3 |
West Central Women's Resource Centre | $3,465 | 1 |
West End Business Improvement Zone | $7,335 | 2 |
Westminster Children's Care Centre | $3,834 | 1 |
Wild Honey Children's Centre Inc | $4,399 | 1 |
Wild Strawberry Children's Centre | $4,446 | 1 |
Winnipeg Chinese Cultural and Community Centre (WCCCC) | $4,383 | 1 |
Winnipeg Folk Festival | $10,729 | 3 |
Winnipeg Fringe Theatre Festival | $3,557 | 1 |
Wolseley Family Place | $4,217 | 1 |
Youth Employment Services | $3,971 | 1 |
Youth for Christ - The Edge Skatepark | $3,914 | 1 |
Total | $504,055 | 133 |
Winnipeg North
Organization Name | Amount Paid | Jobs Created |
Eagle Wing Early Education Centre | $12,779 | 3 |
Rehab Centre for Children | $8,080 | 2 |
Action Centre Day Nursery | $2,302 | 1 |
Airmaster Sales Ltd | $1,975 | 1 |
Artists in Healthcare, Manitoba Inc. | $3,176 | 1 |
Artists in Healthcare, Manitoba Inc. | $3,329 | 1 |
BEEP Balanced Experiential Education Program | $6,507 | 7 |
Bethlehem Aboriginal Fellowship | $3,826 | 1 |
Boys and Girls Clubs of Winnipeg | $11,862 | 3 |
Canadian Polish Congress, Manitoba District | $8,773 | 2 |
Canadian Roots Exchange | $7,999 | 2 |
Champlain Community Child Care Centre, Inc. | $11,138 | 3 |
Child Evangelism Fellowship of Manitoba | $11,896 | 3 |
Dakota Ojibway Child and Family Services | $2,539 | 2 |
Day Nursery Centre. | $11,740 | 3 |
Eagle's Nest Youth Program | $5,152 | 1 |
Fred Douglas Society | $3,316 | 1 |
Garden Grove Child Care | $17,754 | 4 |
German Society of Winnipeg. | $2,830 | 1 |
Holy Family Home | $3,311 | 2 |
Huron Childcare Inc. | $8,383 | 2 |
Indigenous Family Centre Inc. | $7,700 | 2 |
K.E.E.P. Child Care Inc. | $7,733 | 2 |
Luxton Community Centre | $6,021 | 2 |
Ma Mawi | $16,786 | 4 |
Machray Day Nursery | $8,832 | 2 |
Manitoba Ball Hockey | $3,831 | 1 |
Manitoba Energy Justice Coalition | $5,107 | 2 |
Manitoba Historical Society (Ross House Museum Department) | $2,970 | 1 |
Manitoba House | $6,881 | 2 |
Manitoba Indigenous Cultural Education Centre. | $8,832 | 2 |
Maples Day Care Inc | $13,266 | 3 |
Maples Youth Activity Centre | $11,381 | 3 |
Mary Kardash Child Care (M.K.C.C.C.) | $3,520 | 1 |
Meadows West Kids Kare Inc | $3,880 | 1 |
Native Women's Transition Centre | $3,330 | 1 |
NorWest Co-op Community Health | $7,949 | 2 |
North End Community Renewal Corporation | $$-1,148.00 | 1 |
North End Women's Centre | $8,100 | 2 |
North Point Douglas Women's Centre | $7,875 | 2 |
O. Koshetz Choir | $3,312 | 1 |
OK Before & After School Child Care Centres Inc | $7,222 | 2 |
Point Douglas Residents Committee | $3,337 | 1 |
Robertson Early Enrichment Program @ Robertson School | $4,114 | 1 |
S.P.L.A.S.H Child Care Inc | $16,327 | 4 |
Sadok Veselka Daycare | $3,395 | 1 |
Sarasvati Productions | $6,748 | 2 |
Seven Oaks Adult Learning and Immigrant Services Centres | $3,713 | 2 |
Shaughnessy Park Daycare | $12,010 | 3 |
Shepherd's Care Day Nursery Inc. | $4,446 | 1 |
Shurwood Forest | $2,250 | 1 |
Soul Sanctuary | $7,920 | 2 |
Stanley Knowles Children's Centre Inc. | $13,761 | 3 |
Stanley Knowles Pre-School Center | $11,565 | 3 |
Supporting Employment & Economic Development Winnipeg Inc. | $12,656 | 4 |
Take Pride Winnipeg! | $2,079 | 1 |
The Momentum Centre Inc. | $3,567 | 1 |
The Salvation Army-Community Venture. | $8,460 | 2 |
Ukrainian Canadian Congress | $4,141 | 1 |
Ukrainian Canadian Congress - Manitoba Provincial Council | $5,521 | 2 |
Winnipeg Aboriginal Sport Achievement Centre | $5,016 | 2 |
YMCA-YWCA of Winnipeg | $7,873 | 2 |
Youth for Christ-Workforce | $8,805 | 2 |
Total | $439,751 | 126 |
Winnipeg South
Organization Name | Amount Paid | Jobs Created |
Genome Prairie | $4,030 | 1 |
University of Manitoba | $3,960 | 2 |
University of Manitoba | $120,384 | 64 |
University of Manitoba | $3,465 | 2 |
University of Manitoba | $1,705 | 1 |
University of Manitoba | $2,734 | 1 |
AIESEC Manitoba | $2,208 | 1 |
Actionmarguerite | $4,214 | 1 |
Agassiz Child Care Centre Inc. | $15,523 | 4 |
Ashworth Children's Centre Inc. | $3,591 | 1 |
Aurora Farm | $1,650 | 1 |
Behavioural Health Foundation | $3,784 | 1 |
Boys and Girls Clubs of Winnipeg | $3,990 | 1 |
Cairns Children's Centre | $12,325 | 3 |
Campus Day Care Centre | $11,670 | 3 |
CanU | $4,459 | 1 |
Canadian Agricultural Safety Association | $4,140 | 1 |
Centre on Aging, University of Manitoba | $2,640 | 1 |
Child Evangelism Fellowship of Manitoba | $10,803 | 3 |
Crampton's Market | $7,920 | 4 |
Dakota Community Centre | $12,415 | 2 |
Dalhousie Day Care Inc. | $11,512 | 3 |
Department of Chemistry, University of Manitoba | $1,733 | 1 |
Faith Children's Centre Incorporated | $17,665 | 4 |
Fort Richmond Physiotherapy & Sports Injury Centre | $1,945 | 2 |
Greendell Park Community Centre | $5,707 | 2 |
Henteleff Park Foundation | $11,953 | 5 |
Heritage St. Norbert | $2,625 | 1 |
Immanuel Fellowship | $3,899 | 1 |
International Place of Friendship | $7,729 | 2 |
K.I.D.S. Inc. | $11,809 | 3 |
Kings Park Child Care Centre | $10,539 | 3 |
Les Toupies Inc. | $8,833 | 2 |
Macdonald Youth Services | $4,578 | 1 |
Manitoba Islamic Association Inc. | $27,362 | 8 |
Manitoba Soccer Association | $14,684 | 4 |
Maric Homes | $1,928 | 1 |
Meal Exchange | $4,079 | 1 |
Microbiology | $1,980 | 1 |
Morrow Avenue Child Care Programs for Families | $7,967 | 2 |
River Of Life Church Of The Nazarene | $5,177 | 2 |
Ryerson Child Care | $4,381 | 1 |
Sage Garden Greenhouses | $8,080 | 5 |
School of Art Gallery | $1,722 | 1 |
Sierra Leone Refugee Resettlement, Inc. | $15,388 | 4 |
Soul Sanctuary | $15,840 | 4 |
Southlands Community Church | $6,643 | 2 |
St. Germain Daycare Inc. | $4,207 | 1 |
St. John's College | $3,465 | 1 |
St. Norbert Arts Centre | $13,249 | 3 |
St. Norbert Children's Centre | $12,371 | 3 |
St. Norbert Farmers' Market | $5,891 | 1 |
St.Amant | $1,738 | 1 |
The University of Manitoba | $1,711 | 1 |
The University of Manitoba | $1,733 | 1 |
The University of Manitoba | $990 | 1 |
The University of Manitoba | $3,618 | 3 |
The Director's Cut Workshops | $2,673 | 2 |
The Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada - Manitoba and Northwestern Ontario District | $12,143 | 3 |
The Saul and Claribel Simkin Centre | $10,124 | 3 |
The University of Manitoba | $1,733 | 1 |
The University of Manitoba | $3,465 | 2 |
The University of Manitoba Student Accessibility Services | $2,648 | 2 |
Ti-Yende Movers | $1,732 | 1 |
Tourisme Riel | $11,372 | 2 |
University of Manitoba | $6,930 | 2 |
University of Manitoba Students' Union | $7,414 | 2 |
Univillage Preschool and Infant Centre | $12,441 | 3 |
Village Canadien Co-op Ltee. | $4,412 | 1 |
Village Child Care Inc. (River Rd, Meadowood & Minnetonka Sites) | $22,214 | 5 |
WISE (Women in Science & Engineering) Kid-Netic Energy | $20,645 | 7 |
Waverley Heights Child Care Inc. | $9,281 | 2 |
Whyte Ridge Baptist Church | $3,960 | 1 |
Whyte Ridge Child Care | $4,359 | 1 |
Whyte Ridge Community Centre | $11,000 | 3 |
Winnipeg Blue Bombers | $7,876 | 2 |
Winnipeg Optimal Health Early Years Sports Club | $7,727 | 2 |
Total | $676,279 | 230 |
Winnipeg South Centre
Organization Name | Amount Paid | Jobs Created |
Harrow United Church | $3,093 | 1 |
On The Move Inc. (Preschool Program) | $13,268 | 3 |
Artists in Healthcare, Manitoba Inc. | $3,329 | 1 |
Athletes in Action | $8,863 | 2 |
Badminton Manitoba | $10,684 | 3 |
Boys and Girls Clubs of Winnipeg | $6,766 | 2 |
Brush Fire Ceramic Studio | $1,099 | 1 |
Canadian Multicultural Disability Centre Inc. | $22,081 | 5 |
Carpathia Children's Centre Inc. | $18,552 | 5 |
Carter Early Learning Centre, Inc. | $12,001 | 3 |
Children Are People Too | $12,776 | 3 |
Corydon Community Centre | $15,851 | 4 |
Crescent Park Rescue | $17,632 | 4 |
Dante Day Nursery Inc. | $22,315 | 5 |
Earl Grey Children's Centre | $17,502 | 4 |
Earl Grey Community Centre | $15,273 | 4 |
Explore & Discover Early Learning Centre Inc. | $17,994 | 4 |
Family Dynamics Inc. | $4,075 | 1 |
Fort Garry Child Care Centre Co-op Inc | $17,793 | 4 |
Fort Rouge Child Care Programs Board Inc | $4,334 | 1 |
FortWhyte Alive Foundation | $12,307 | 2 |
Gaining Resources Our Way Inc. | $3,697 | 1 |
Gramma Marie's Children's Centre | $5,935 | 3 |
Harrow Co-op Children's Centre | $17,320 | 5 |
Howe Harrell & Associates | $1,851 | 1 |
ILRC Independent Living Resource Centre (ILRC) | $4,386 | 1 |
James Child Care Inc. | $8,708 | 2 |
Jewish Child and Family Service | $7,873 | 2 |
Jewish Heritage Centre of Western Canada | $3,344 | 2 |
K.I.D.S. Inc. | $19,681 | 5 |
Kaufman Silverberg Library (an agency within the Jewish Community Campus) | $2,492 | 1 |
Linden Meadows Child Care | $4,381 | 1 |
Lindenwoods Child Care Centre | $16,073 | 5 |
Lindenwoods Community Centre | $8,833 | 2 |
Little Bluestem Landscape Architecture & Design | $1,876 | 1 |
Lord Roberts Children's Programs Inc. | $22,275 | 6 |
Lord Roberts Community Centre Inc. | $6,778 | 2 |
Lubavitch Centre | $11,233 | 3 |
MORR Transportation Consulting Ltd. | $3,036 | 1 |
MS Society | $2,504 | 1 |
Macdonald Youth Services | $16,938 | 4 |
Manitoba Paddling Association | $10,395 | 3 |
Maybrook Children's Centre Inc. | $3,080 | 1 |
Native Plant Solutions | $11,613 | 3 |
Oak Table | $7,723 | 2 |
On the Move Inc (School-Age J.B. Program) | $26,531 | 6 |
R H S Child Care Inc. | $2,804 | 1 |
Rady JCC Child Care Centre | $20,944 | 5 |
Rainbow Resource Centre | $8,319 | 2 |
Reh-Fit Centre | $3,598 | 1 |
River Avenue Day Care (RADC) | $3,465 | 1 |
Riverview Ashland Child Care Centre Inc. | $16,574 | 4 |
Riverview Community Centre (RVCC) | $11,682 | 3 |
Royal City Soccer Club | $7,920 | 5 |
Royal Winnipeg Polo Club | $6,930 | 2 |
The Arthritis Society | $3,847 | 1 |
The Laurel Centre | $3,465 | 1 |
Tuxedo Tennis Club | $2,803 | 1 |
Universal Day Care | $13,118 | 3 |
Wildwood Heritage and Conservation Committee | $7,316 | 1 |
Winnipeg Military Family Resource Centre | $3,460 | 1 |
YMHA/Rose and Max Rady Jewish Community Centre | $3,638 | 1 |
Total | $617,902 | 162 |
Grand Total - Manitoba
Organization Name | Amount Paid | Jobs Created |
Brandon-Souris | $441,859 | 132 |
Charleswood-St. James-Assiniboia-Headingley | $432,139 | 115 |
Churchill-Keewatinook Aski | $373,271 | 117 |
Dauphin-Swan River-Neepawa | $324,190 | 101 |
Elmwood-Transcona | $420,166 | 107 |
Kildonan-St. Paul | $391,789 | 117 |
Portage-Lisgar | $367,099 | 112 |
Provencher | $327,873 | 103 |
Saint Boniface-Saint Vital | $416,475 | 116 |
Selkirk-Interlake-Eastman | $392,074 | 121 |
Winnipeg Centre | $504,055 | 133 |
Winnipeg North | $439,751 | 126 |
Winnipeg South | $676,279 | 230 |
Winnipeg South Centre | $617,902 | 162 |
Grand Total | $6,124,922 | 1,792 |
This list represents organizations and amounts paid on Canada Summer Jobs agreements for activities that took place in 2017.
Information is based on systems data available as of January 28, 2018 and may vary from final financial reports and the Departmental results report.
The constituency is based on the location of activities using postal code information. Because both constituency boundaries and postal codes are subject to change, the constituency associated to the organization.
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