Canada Summer Jobs 2018 - New Brunswick
Organizations that received funding and the number of jobs they created in 2018.
Information is based on the data available as of April 22, 2019 and is subject to update.
Acadie - Bathurst
Organization Name | Amount Paid | Jobs Created |
Le Groupe du patrimoine de la Charette Mystérieuse de Lamèque | $3,831 | 1 |
Les Épaves de la baie de Saint-Simon Inc. | $7,847 | 2 |
2M Distribution Inc. | $1,576 | 1 |
Acadie surf péninsule | $3,075 | 1 |
Acadienor Inc. | $3,352 | 1 |
Administration Portuaire | $3,913 | 1 |
Administration Portuaire de Anse-Bleue | $2,935 | 1 |
Administration Portuaire de Shippagan | $4,016 | 1 |
Administration portuaire de Petit-Shippagan | $2,933 | 1 |
Administration portuaire du quai de Tracadie | $4,016 | 1 |
Albert Landry Ltee | $1,576 | 1 |
Allen, Paquet & Arseneau LLP | $1,379 | 1 |
Aloha Café-boutique | $1,572 | 1 |
Anciens et Amis de l'Académie Ste-Famille Inc | $3,352 | 1 |
Apprentissage pour adultes Chaleur Adult Learning Inc. | $3,514 | 1 |
Aréna des îles Inc. | $3,831 | 1 |
Association Baseball Mineur Lamèque Miscou | $3,826 | 1 |
Association Baseball mineur Tracadie-Sheila | $7,023 | 2 |
Association Baseball mineur de Caraquet | $4,016 | 1 |
Association Maison Doucet Hennessy House (AMDHHA) | $3,514 | 1 |
Association Récréatif de Petit-Rocher | $4,016 | 1 |
Association Soccer Mineur Tracadie-Sheila | $7,028 | 2 |
Association Sportive de Pointe-Verte | $3,352 | 1 |
Association chasse et pêche de l'île Lamèque Inc. | $3,831 | 1 |
Association de soccer mineur Shippagan | $2,515 | 1 |
Association des Anciens, Anciennes et Ami-es de l'Université de Moncton, campus de Shippagan | $3,514 | 1 |
Association des bassins versants de la grande et petite rivière tracadie | $3,514 | 1 |
Association des pompiers volontaires de Ste-Marie-St-Raphaël | $3,831 | 1 |
Association du soccer mineur îles Lamèque et Miscou | $6,704 | 2 |
Association francophone des municipalités du Nouveau-Brunswick | $3,765 | 1 |
Association étudiantes de l'Université de Moncton, campus de Shippagan | $3,514 | 1 |
Athletics New Brunswick | $3,514 | 1 |
Au Bootlegger | $1,350 | 1 |
Au Double D. | $1,379 | 1 |
Au Rayon d'Espoir | $4,014 | 1 |
Au Rocher Boise Inc | $1,379 | 1 |
Auberge de la vallée | $1,352 | 1 |
Balle rapide Lamèque | $3,831 | 1 |
Banque Alimentaire Coup d'Pouce Ltée. | $2,850 | 1 |
Basile Chiasson C.P. Inc. | $1,576 | 2 |
Bathurst Aquatic Centre | $23,541 | 6 |
Bathurst Marina | $3,514 | 1 |
Bathurst Regional Airport | $4,016 | 1 |
Bathurst Sustainable Development (BSD) | $4,016 | 1 |
Bathurst Youth Centre des jeunes | $2,493 | 1 |
Boucherie Pont Landry | $1,397 | 1 |
Boudreau Backhoe Services 2017 Ltd. | $1,379 | 1 |
Boulangerie Chez Piero | $1,351 | 1 |
Brasseux d'la Côte | $1,374 | 1 |
Brilliant Labs | $5,726 | 3 |
CJVA FM | $1,576 | 1 |
CKLE-FM | $1,576 | 1 |
Camp Ectus Inc. | $32,100 | 8 |
Camp Jeunesse Richelieu | $31,086 | 8 |
Camping Colibri sur Mer | $1,576 | 1 |
Camping Marina Bas-Caraquet | $3,831 | 1 |
Camping et Aquaparc de la rivière Tracadie Inc | $1,351 | 1 |
Canadian Red Cross | $2,724 | 1 |
Caraquet Home Hardware | $2,410 | 1 |
Caron Lagacé Architecture & Design Inc. | $1,576 | 1 |
Central United Church | $4,016 | 1 |
Centre Communautaire de Ste-Rose Inc. | $3,831 | 2 |
Centre Culturel de Caraquet Inc. | $15,509 | 4 |
Centre Plein Air Régional Aca-Ski | $4,016 | 1 |
Centre d'Activités l'Envol | $3,514 | 1 |
Centre familial Chaleur de l'autime et asperger Inc. | $7,530 | 2 |
Chalet & Camping de la pointe | $1,576 | 1 |
Chaleur Transportation Cooperative Transport Chaleur Ltée. | $3,076 | 1 |
Chambre de commerce des îles Lamèque et Miscou | $3,514 | 1 |
Chambre de commerce du Grand Tracadie-Sheila, Inc. | $4,016 | 1 |
Cinéma Péninsule. | $1,379 | 1 |
City of Bathurst | $6,109 | 3 |
Clinique Dentaire Shippagan | $1,379 | 1 |
Clinique Veterinaire de Caraquet | $1,576 | 1 |
Club Pokemouche Inc. | $4,016 | 2 |
Club Richelieu Caraquet Inc. | $3,075 | 1 |
Club Soccer Chaleur Inc. | $11,488 | 3 |
Club Tennis Chaleur | $3,352 | 1 |
Club de Patinage Artistique de Lamèque | $4,016 | 1 |
Club de curling de Tracadie-Sheila | $4,016 | 1 |
Club de l'Âge d'Or de Saint-Léolin Inc. | $4,016 | 1 |
Club véhicules tout-terrain Péninsule acadienne Inc. | $3,831 | 1 |
Collège Communautaire du Nouveau-Brunswick | $1,551 | 1 |
Comité Deux îles, Mille Trésors Inc. | $3,831 | 1 |
Comité Permanent du Développement du Juvénat | $4,016 | 1 |
Comité Sports et Loisirs de Ste-Marie-St-Raphaël | $4,016 | 1 |
Comité d'animation culturelle du patrimoine | $4,016 | 1 |
Comité de Gestion Environnementale de la Rivière Pokemouche | $4,016 | 1 |
Comité de Sauvegarde Église de Bas-Caraquet | $4,016 | 1 |
Comité de bienfaisance | $4,016 | 1 |
Comité des Citoyens Alcida Dauversière | $3,352 | 1 |
Comité régional des Jeux de l'Acadie - région Péninsule Acadienne | $3,514 | 1 |
Commission de services régionaux Péninsule acadienne | $1,577 | 1 |
Commission de services régionaux chaleur | $1,379 | 2 |
Commission des Loisirs de Lamèque | $7,847 | 2 |
Conseil Récréatif d'Inkerman Inc. | $3,831 | 1 |
Conseil Récréatif de Bois-Blanc Inc. | $2,933 | 1 |
Conseil Récréatif et Culturel de Grande-Anse | $15,513 | 4 |
Conseil économique du Nouveau-Brunswick | $3,514 | 1 |
Coopérative de solidarité en recyclage et intégration à l'emploi | $2,909 | 1 |
Corbo Engineering | $1,779 | 1 |
Corporation au bénéfice du développement communautaire Chaleur Inc | $7,028 | 2 |
Corporation d'amélioration centre-ville | $3,514 | 1 |
Corporations au bénéfice du développement communautaire Péninsule acadienne Inc. | $3,514 | 1 |
Corps de pompier volontaire de Saint-Léolin | $3,831 | 1 |
Cross Country New Brunswick Inc. / Ski de fond Nouveau Brunswick inc. | $2,932 | 1 |
Daley Farms | $1,577 | 2 |
Denis St-Pierre CPA c.p. Inc. | $1,380 | 1 |
Distillerie Fils du Roy Inc. | $1,906 | 2 |
District scolaire francophone Nord-Est | $1,380 | 1 |
Dixie Lee. | $1,419 | 1 |
Dr Lyne Ouellet | $1,205 | 1 |
Drapeaux Ross Flags | $1,262 | 1 |
Dre Michelle Thibodeau, Optométriste | $1,622 | 1 |
Dépanneur Pokemouche Ltée. | $1,577 | 1 |
Développement et loisirs Petite-Lamèque | $7,662 | 2 |
Emergency Shelter | $4,016 | 2 |
Entreprises Maribel Ltée. | $2,731 | 2 |
Espace croissance Ltée. | $3,514 | 1 |
Famille et Petite enfance Nord-Est Inc. | $4,016 | 1 |
Festival des Rameurs | $4,016 | 1 |
Festival des arts visuels en Atlantique Inc. FAVA | $7,028 | 4 |
Festival du Bar Rayé Ste-Marie-St-Raphaël | $3,831 | 1 |
Festival international de musique Baroque de Lamèque | $3,514 | 1 |
Fondation communautaire de la Péninsule acadienne | $3,097 | 1 |
Foyer Notre Dame Du Sourire (2015) Inc. | $1,379 | 1 |
Foyer chez Annie de Robertville | $1,576 | 1 |
Foyer chez Joanne | $1,379 | 1 |
Fédération régionale acadienne des pêcheurs professionnels Inc. | $3,514 | 1 |
Garderie Manège Enchanté Ltée. | $1,576 | 1 |
Garderie Mini-Sol Inc. | $1,577 | 1 |
GeniBuild Construction Ltd. | $1,379 | 1 |
GestionH2O | $3,514 | 1 |
Giant Tiger | $1,182 | 1 |
Gowan Brae Golf Club | $3,600 | 1 |
Greco Caraquet | $901 | 1 |
Green Thumb Landscaping Ltd. | $1,577 | 1 |
Généalogie Tracadie Inc. | $4,016 | 1 |
Habitation Beauséjour Inc. | $4,016 | 1 |
Habitation St-Joseph Inc. | $3,783 | 1 |
Homarus Inc. | $4,016 | 1 |
Hopital Vétérinaire de Shippagan | $1,802 | 1 |
Hôpital Vétérinaire Chaleur Veterinary Hospital | $1,576 | 1 |
Hôpital Vétérinaire de la Péninsule | $1,576 | 1 |
Industrial Rubber Company | $2,477 | 1 |
Instituts de recherche sur les zones côtières Inc. | $7,028 | 2 |
Janine du Havre | $1,317 | 1 |
Kit Plus | $1,577 | 1 |
L'Administration portuaire de Lamèque | $3,075 | 1 |
L'École de danse BoGeste School of Dance | $2,259 | 1 |
La Barque | $6,670 | 3 |
La Chambre de commerce de Shippagan Inc. | $3,514 | 1 |
La Chambre de commerce du Grand Caraquet Inc. | $4,016 | 1 |
La Maison de la Culture Inc. | $4,016 | 1 |
La Quille d'Or | $1,576 | 1 |
La Société des Jeux de l'Acadie Inc. | $3,514 | 1 |
La Terrasse à Steve | $2,759 | 2 |
Lamèque Centre-Ville Inc. | $3,352 | 1 |
Le Club des amis des jeunes | $3,831 | 1 |
Le Comité d'Autorité Portuaire Grande-Anse Inc. | $3,514 | 1 |
Le Comité du Port de Caraquet Inc. | $4,016 | 1 |
Le Festival acadien de Caraquet | $11,176 | 2 |
Le Festival provincial de la Tourbe Inc. | $3,831 | 1 |
Le Foyer Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes Inc. | $1,576 | 1 |
Le Gala de la chanson | $2,510 | 1 |
Le Musée de St-Isidore Inc. | $3,831 | 1 |
Le Roi du Cornet | $1,323 | 1 |
Le Titan Acadie Bathurst (2013) Inc. | $1,576 | 1 |
Le Up'n Down Resto-Bar | $1,576 | 1 |
Le Village de Le Goulet Inc. | $1,374 | 1 |
Le club plein air de Caraquet | $4,016 | 1 |
Le musée historique de Tracadie Inc. | $8,032 | 2 |
Les Deux Milles de Natation | $4,016 | 1 |
Les Entreprises Robichaud Ltée. | $1,576 | 1 |
Les Logements Vent du Nord Inc. | $3,352 | 1 |
Les Légumes à Daniel | $1,576 | 1 |
Les Productions Tintamarre | $7,662 | 2 |
Logement Guignard | $1,577 | 1 |
MQM Quality Manufacturing Ltd. | $1,576 | 1 |
MSC Multi-Service Consultants Inc. | $1,517 | 1 |
Maison de la Fondue | $1,379 | 1 |
Manoir Bienveillance Inc. | $1,182 | 1 |
Manoir Brise de l'Oasis | $1,379 | 1 |
Manoir du Nord inc. | $1,379 | 1 |
Manoir Édith B. Pinet Inc. | $1,379 | 1 |
Marché Grande-Anse | $1,379 | 1 |
Marché Maisonnette | $1,379 | 1 |
Marché Régional de Caraquet Inc. | $3,352 | 1 |
Marina de Bas-Caraquet | $3,831 | 1 |
Maritime Fishermen's Union / Union des Pêcheurs des Maritimes | $3,765 | 1 |
MicroAge Bathurst | $1,436 | 1 |
Monty's Pretzelria | $1,576 | 1 |
Motel & Camping Colibri | $3,152 | 2 |
Municipalité de Petit-Rocher | $3,153 | 2 |
Municipalité régionale de Tracadie | $4,533 | 5 |
Musée Acadien de Caraquet | $3,831 | 1 |
Musée des cultures fondatrices | $11,678 | 3 |
NSA Nepisiguit Salmon Association | $4,016 | 1 |
Netlantique Plus Inc. | $1,379 | 1 |
New Bandon/ Salmon Beach Social Committee | $3,352 | 1 |
New Brunswick Federation of Naturalists Inc | $7,028 | 2 |
Ocean Ridge Support Services Inc. | $3,476 | 1 |
Oktoberfest des Acadiens de Bertrand Inc | $4,016 | 1 |
Ovatek | $1,576 | 1 |
Palestra Gym | $1,576 | 1 |
Parc d'amusement et Camping Malybel Ltée. | $1,576 | 1 |
Parc écologique de la Péninsule acadienne Inc. | $7,662 | 2 |
Paroisse Marie-Médiatrice | $3,352 | 1 |
Paroisse Notre-Dame-des-Flots | $3,509 | 1 |
Paroisse Saint-Jérôme | $3,491 | 1 |
Paroisse Saint-Michel | $3,352 | 1 |
Paroisse St-Antoine-de-Padoue | $3,509 | 1 |
Paroisse St-Pie-X | $3,509 | 1 |
Paroisse St-Raphaël | $3,352 | 2 |
Paroisse Ste-Cécile | $3,509 | 1 |
Pharmacie Jean Coutu #128 | $1,576 | 1 |
Pharmasave Bathurst | $1,478 | 1 |
Physiothérapie Caraquet enr. | $1,576 | 1 |
Piscine régionale à Shippagan | $3,600 | 1 |
Piscines JC Pools & Spa Ltée. | $2,730 | 1 |
Pita Pit | $1,576 | 1 |
Pokeshaw-Black Rock Recreation Council Inc. | $4,016 | 1 |
Polyclinique Isabelle sur Mer | $1,576 | 1 |
Pompiers volontaires de Bas-Caraquet | $3,831 | 1 |
René-Guy Haché Entreprise NB Inc. | $1,576 | 1 |
Residence McGraw | $1,379 | 1 |
Residence Ross | $1,576 | 1 |
Residence Ross Inc. | $1,576 | 1 |
Réseau de santé Vitalité | $2,956 | 2 |
Réseau des Complexes Jeunesse Multifonctionnels du Nouveau-Brunswick Inc. | $3,514 | 1 |
Résidence Aux Douces Marées Inc. | $1,576 | 1 |
Résidence le Royal | $1,301 | 1 |
Salon de beauté chez Manie | $1,379 | 1 |
Serres Chez Eugène enrg. | $1,576 | 1 |
Services à la famille Népisiguit Inc. | $4,016 | 1 |
Shoppers Drug Mart # 595 | $1,543 | 1 |
Shoppers Drug Mart #596 | $1,346 | 2 |
Soccer du Grand Caraquet Ltée. | $10,543 | 3 |
Société Alzheimer Society of New Brunswick | $3,012 | 2 |
Société culturelle Centr'Art | $3,012 | 2 |
Société culturelle des Tracadilles | $3,012 | 1 |
Société de l'Acadie du Nouveau-Brunswick | $3,765 | 1 |
Société du Parc Atlas Ltee | $10,218 | 3 |
Special Olympics New Brunswick | $3,075 | 2 |
St. Lukes Presbyterian Church | $3,075 | 1 |
Stonehaven Harbour Authority | $3,352 | 1 |
Stonehaven-New Bandon Cemetery | $3,831 | 2 |
Subway | $1,576 | 1 |
Succès Jeunesse Péninsule Acadienne Inc. | $3,715 | 1 |
Tabagie Centre Ville | $1,182 | 1 |
The Anglican Parish of New Bandon | $3,352 | 1 |
The Royal Canadian Legion Herman J. Good VC Branch 18 | $6,574 | 2 |
Toner GMC Chevrolet Buick Ltée. | $1,576 | 2 |
Trusko Inc. | $1,576 | 1 |
Université Laval Département de Phytologie | $1,379 | 1 |
Verts Rivages | $3,212 | 1 |
Vie Autonome Péninsule Acadienne inc. | $2,877 | 1 |
Villa Beauséjour Inc. | $4,016 | 1 |
Villa St-Joseph Inc. | $1,576 | 1 |
Villa St-Michel d'Inkerman (2001) Ltée. | $1,576 | 1 |
Village de Maisonnette | $1,576 | 2 |
Village de Bas-Caraquet | $7,206 | 5 |
Village de Bertrand | $7,206 | 4 |
Village de St-Isidore Inc. | $1,802 | 2 |
Village de Ste-Marie-St-Raphaël | $1,802 | 1 |
Village of Belledune | $1,576 | 1 |
Ville de Beresford | $5,405 | 3 |
Ville de Caraquet | $6,756 | 4 |
Ville de Lamèque | $3,603 | 2 |
Villégiature deux Rivières Resort | $1,182 | 1 |
Virage | $4,016 | 1 |
Épicerie Acadie Inc. | $1,379 | 1 |
Organization Name | Amount Paid | Jobs Created |
Le Club récréatif de Grande-Digue inc | $3,831 | 1 |
A-1 Hardwood Floors Ltd. | $1,802 | 1 |
ACORN | $3,671 | 1 |
Able Sail/Handi-Voile | $7,847 | 2 |
Administration Portuaire de Cap St-Louis | $3,831 | 1 |
Administration Portuaire de Cap-Lumière | $4,016 | 1 |
Adorable Chocolat | $4,054 | 3 |
Association du bassin versant de la baie de Shédiac | $4,832 | 1 |
Association du parc et du quai de Ste-Marie Inc. | $3,591 | 1 |
Association du soccer mineur de Memramcook | $3,831 | 1 |
Athletics New Brunswick | $3,514 | 1 |
Atlantic Wildlife Institute | $4,789 | 1 |
Atlantic Canada Conservation Data Centre | $2,846 | 1 |
Atlantic Loop Master Ltd. | $1,802 | 1 |
Atlantic Systems Distribution | $1,689 | 1 |
Au Cabano | $1,802 | 1 |
Baie Verte Recreational | $3,514 | 1 |
Bird Studies Canada | $9,664 | 2 |
Black Duck Cafe | $845 | 1 |
Blue Roof Distillers Ltd. | $1,577 | 1 |
Bonar Law Common | $4,789 | 1 |
Bouctouche Bay Industries Group | $935 | 1 |
Bouctouche Guardian | $1,889 | 1 |
Bouctouche Marina | $3,831 | 1 |
Boulevard Cafe | $1,802 | 1 |
Bridge Street Children's Academy Inc. | $1,576 | 1 |
Bristol Peat Moss Ltd. | $1,802 | 1 |
CHMA 106.9 FM | $4,016 | 1 |
CSm Dieppe | $3,938 | 1 |
Camp Ta-Wa-Si | $3,150 | 1 |
Camp Tidnish | $5,020 | 1 |
Camping Coop Parc Daigle Ltée. | $3,831 | 1 |
Canadian Red Cross | $4,022 | 1 |
Candy Craze | $1,576 | 1 |
Cape Jourimain Nature Centre | $5,020 | 1 |
Cape Tormentine Community Development Corporation Inc. | $4,789 | 1 |
Centre Communautaire de Bouctouche Inc. | $3,831 | 1 |
Centre de prévention de la violence dans Kent | $4,393 | 1 |
Chambre de Commerce Kent Centre | $3,831 | 1 |
Chambre de Commerce St-Louis/St-Ignace | $3,831 | 1 |
Cité d'Âge d'Or | $4,016 | 1 |
Club d'âge d'or de Shemogue Inc. | $3,600 | 1 |
Club d'âge d'or de la Vallée de Memramcook Inc. | $3,352 | 1 |
Club de Golf St Ignace | $3,831 | 1 |
Club de tennis de Shediac / Shediac Tennis Club | $3,012 | 1 |
Coalition - Southern Gulf of St. Lawrence | $3,765 | 1 |
Cocagne Cape Marina | $3,831 | 1 |
Codiac Printing Inc | $1,669 | 1 |
Comité de fons hockey mineur et ringuette Bouctouche et Ste-Anne | $3,831 | 1 |
Comité de mieux-être de Memramcook | $3,352 | 1 |
Comité historique de Notre-Dame | $5,020 | 1 |
Commission Bibliothèque publique St-Antoine | $4,832 | 1 |
Commission de la Bibliothèque publique de Shediac | $4,544 | 1 |
Commission de services régionaux de Kent | $1,971 | 1 |
Communauté rurale Beaubassin-est | $3,603 | 2 |
Community Business Development Corporation Kent | $3,591 | 1 |
Community Forests International | $3,938 | 1 |
ConAir Mechanical Inc. | $1,802 | 1 |
ConAir Ventilation Ltd. | $1,802 | 1 |
Conseil Récréatif de Cocagne Inc. | $4,789 | 1 |
Conseil récréatif de Richibucto | $4,016 | 1 |
Conseil récréatif de Saint Charles | $3,352 | 1 |
Cormier Meat Market | $1,520 | 1 |
Crèmerie Amiro Dairy Bar | $1,576 | 1 |
Crèmerie Bennic Dairy Bar Inc. | $1,773 | 1 |
Daybreak | $3,514 | 1 |
Dieppe Boys and Girls Club Inc. | $7,028 | 2 |
Dixie Lee | $1,351 | 1 |
Domaine La Vallée | $3,831 | 1 |
Down East Coffee | $1,576 | 1 |
Dr Emery Dupuis Corp. Prof. Inc. | $1,971 | 1 |
Dr. G. Foulem | $1,971 | 1 |
Dre Sylvie Richard Corportation Professionnelle Inc. | $1,526 | 1 |
Déjà vu Inc | $4,789 | 1 |
EOS Eco-Energy / EOS Éco-énergie Inc. | $5,015 | 1 |
Entreprise St Louis & Cie Ltd. | $1,802 | 1 |
Eudore A. Melanson & Fils Ltée. | $3,153 | 2 |
Evergreen Campground | $1,576 | 1 |
Familiprix Memramcook | $1,173 | 1 |
Ferme Les Digues Ltd. | $1,802 | 1 |
Festival by the Marsh | $5,020 | 1 |
Foyer Saint-Antoine | $3,831 | 1 |
Foyer Saint-Thomas | $3,831 | 1 |
G.L. Caissie Ltd. | $1,802 | 1 |
Garderie La Cartine Daycare Inc. | $1,802 | 1 |
Garderie Lisette Ltée. | $3,153 | 2 |
Garderie Petits Moineaux | $3,153 | 2 |
Golf Bouctouche Inc. | $4,016 | 1 |
Gourmet Chef Packers Ltd. | $1,317 | 1 |
Greater Shediac Community Garden | $3,347 | 1 |
Groupe de développement durable du Pays de Cocagne Sustainable Development Group Inc. | $2,636 | 1 |
Harbour Authority of Botsford | $3,831 | 1 |
Harbour Authority of Cape Tormentine | $3,352 | 1 |
Higho Market Ltee-Ltd. | $1,802 | 1 |
HockeyShot Inc. | $1,802 | 1 |
Homestead Quarter Horse Farm Ltd. | $1,802 | 1 |
Hopital Vétérinaire de Shediac Veterinary Hospital | $1,576 | 1 |
Ice Cream & Sub Delight | $1,576 | 1 |
J & S Lumber Co. Ltd. | $1,576 | 1 |
J. Nowlan Auto Inc. | $1,802 | 1 |
JMC Epicerie | $3,153 | 2 |
K & R Bottle Exchange Ltd | $1,802 | 1 |
Keillor House Museum | $5,020 | 1 |
Kent County Vet Hospital | $1,576 | 1 |
Kent Guardian | $1,320 | 1 |
L'Association des loisirs de Saint-André & LeBlanc Office Inc. | $3,831 | 1 |
La Boussole, Centre de la petite enfance et de la famille de Richibucto Inc. | $3,831 | 1 |
La Causerie Amicale Inc. | $1,802 | 1 |
La Ville de Bouctouche Inc. | $7,206 | 4 |
Lakeside Golf & Country Club | $1,360 | 1 |
Le Centre Culturel et Sportif de Cormier Village Inc. | $3,591 | 1 |
Le Centre Récréatif St-Louis Inc | $3,600 | 1 |
Le Club Acadien de Richibucto | $3,831 | 1 |
Le Festival du Homard de Shediac Inc. | $3,938 | 1 |
Le Petit Cremier Inc. | $1,802 | 1 |
Le Vestiaire St-Jean Baptiste Inc. | $3,831 | 1 |
Le centre de développement de St-Ignace Ltée. | $1,802 | 1 |
Les Amis(es) de la Kouchibouguacis Inc. | $4,393 | 1 |
Les Chalets du Havre Inc. | $1,802 | 1 |
Les Digues fruits et légumes | $1,802 | 1 |
Les Serres LeBlanc (2007) Ltée. | $1,802 | 1 |
Les trois Poiriers Agriculture | $1,576 | 1 |
Live Bait Theatre | $5,020 | 1 |
M. Tomate Richibucto | $1,802 | 1 |
M.S. & L. Leger Trucking Ltd. | $1,802 | 1 |
Maison Tait House | $1,520 | 1 |
Manoir St-Jean-Baptiste | $1,689 | 1 |
Marché Au Corner Market | $2,928 | 2 |
Marché des fermiers de Bouctouche Inc. | $3,771 | 1 |
Maritime Fishermen's Union / Union des Pecheurs des Maritimes | $3,765 | 1 |
Mazerolle Auto Parts Ltd. | $1,802 | 1 |
Mel's Waggin' Tail Inn Inc. | $2,252 | 1 |
Memramcook Redemption Center - Atelier l'Artisan | $3,352 | 1 |
Mode Unisexe | $1,802 | 1 |
Morgan Place | $2,252 | 1 |
Mount Allison Students' Union | $3,514 | 1 |
Mount Allison University | $10,078 | 6 |
Musée de Kent Inc. | $3,831 | 1 |
Neil Silliker | $1,351 | 1 |
New Brunswick Federation of Naturalists Inc | $3,509 | 2 |
Norbert Jaillet | $1,182 | 1 |
Ocean Surf Ltd. | $4,730 | 3 |
Ocean View Park Ltd. | $1,351 | 1 |
Oceanside Fitness & Tanning | $1,576 | 1 |
Old Lake Angus | $1,576 | 1 |
Open Sky Co-operative Ltd. | $5,020 | 1 |
P'tits Maniac de Kent Sud Inc. | $4,016 | 1 |
Paroisse Saint-Ignace-de-Loyala | $3,012 | 1 |
Pedvac | $2,825 | 1 |
Performers’ Theatre Company Inc. | $3,509 | 1 |
Pharmacie Jean Coutu #130 | $1,351 | 1 |
Pine Grove Farms | $1,802 | 1 |
Platinum RV Park Inc | $1,621 | 1 |
Pointe du Chene Harbour Authority Inc. | $4,016 | 1 |
Pointe du Chene Yacht Club | $3,600 | 1 |
Quincaillerie St-Louis Hardware Ltd. | $1,351 | 1 |
ROUTE 16 DINER | $1,457 | 1 |
Radio Beauséjour Inc. | $3,765 | 1 |
Renaissance Sackville Inc. | $3,012 | 1 |
Rhéal Allain | $1,802 | 1 |
Richibucto Flooring | $1,802 | 1 |
Richibucto Port Authority / Administration Portuaire de Richibucto | $3,831 | 1 |
Richibucto River Historical Society | $5,020 | 1 |
Robren House Inc. | $4,789 | 1 |
Royal Canadian Legion #30 | $3,352 | 1 |
Sackville Golf and Country Club | $3,514 | 1 |
Sackville Public Library Board | $3,150 | 1 |
Sackville United Pentecostal Church | $4,789 | 1 |
Safari Social | $1,576 | 3 |
Sandra Bourgeois | $3,041 | 2 |
Sang Holdings Inc. | $1,802 | 1 |
SappyFest | $3,938 | 1 |
Savonnerie Olivier Soapery | $3,153 | 2 |
Shediac Bay Cruises | $1,413 | 1 |
Shediac Home Hardware | $2,928 | 2 |
Shoreline Lube Distribution Inc. | $1,802 | 1 |
Site Historique Beaumont Inc. | $5,020 | 1 |
Soccer Mineur Kent-Nord | $3,514 | 1 |
Société culturelle Kent-Sud (SCKS) | $8,619 | 2 |
Société du Monument-Lefebvre | $8,583 | 2 |
Société historique de Grande-Digue Inc. | $3,831 | 1 |
Soper Physiotherapy | $1,970 | 1 |
Southeastern Anglers Association | $4,016 | 1 |
Stephan Manfred Becker | $1,802 | 1 |
Strang's Shore Seasonal Camping | $1,802 | 1 |
Séjour Kouchibouguac Resort | $2,714 | 2 |
Tantramar Family Resource Centre | $3,012 | 1 |
Tantramar Heritage Trust Inc. | $8,785 | 2 |
Tantramar Wetlands Centre Incorporated | $5,020 | 1 |
The GO Project | $5,020 | 1 |
The Sackville Commons | $3,012 | 1 |
Town of Sackville | $4,082 | 2 |
Trueman Blueberry Farms | $1,802 | 1 |
Vacation Village | $1,126 | 1 |
Verger Belliveau Orchard Ltd. | $1,576 | 2 |
Village de Cap-Pelé | $6,756 | 4 |
Village de Memramcook | $4,955 | 3 |
Village de Saint-Antoine | $1,895 | 1 |
Village of Dorchester | $5,275 | 3 |
Village of Port Elgin | $3,603 | 2 |
Village of Rexton Inc. | $1,351 | 1 |
Ville de Richibucto | $6,756 | 4 |
Ville de Shediac | $12,403 | 6 |
Vision H2O | $3,831 | 1 |
Westford Historical Society | $3,352 | 1 |
Westford Nursing Home | $3,142 | 1 |
Westmorland Veterinary Hospital | $1,576 | 1 |
Wishwood Resort | $2,528 | 2 |
Xtreme Cold | $1,576 | 1 |
Écocentre Homarus | $5,015 | 1 |
Église Historique de Barachois | $3,831 | 1 |
Épicerie St-Charles (2015) Ltée/St-Charles Grocery (2015) Ltd. | $1,576 | 1 |
Organization Name | Amount Paid | Jobs Created |
1) Mental Health REACH centre 2)Community Action Group on Homelessness | $3,514 | 1 |
Ability New Brunswick/Capacité Nouveau-Brunswick Inc. | $3,514 | 1 |
Abony Family Tennis Center | $3,389 | 1 |
Agricultural Alliance of New Brunswick Inc. | $3,352 | 1 |
Aitkens Pewter | $1,182 | 1 |
Alzheimer Society of New Brunswick | $7,530 | 2 |
Amazon Pools and Spas Inc. | $1,576 | 1 |
Amsterdam Inn & Suites - Sussex | $1,230 | 1 |
Asian Heritage Society of New Brunswick | $4,016 | 1 |
Associates of the Provincial Archives of New Brunswick | $10,919 | 3 |
Athletics New Brunswick | $3,514 | 1 |
Au p'tit monde de franco | $17,163 | 5 |
Autism Connections Fredericton | $7,028 | 2 |
Baseball NB | $3,514 | 1 |
Basketball New Brunswick Inc. | $3,514 | 1 |
Beaverbrook Art Gallery | $7,279 | 2 |
Best Metals (2014) Ltd. | $1,576 | 1 |
Bird Studies Canada | $4,016 | 1 |
Black Spruce Rugby | $3,514 | 1 |
Boathouse Cafe and Pizza Shack | $1,576 | 1 |
Boys & Girls Club of Fredericton | $11,936 | 3 |
Bright Beginnings Early Learning Centre | $3,625 | 1 |
Brilliant Labs | $9,450 | 3 |
Burrito Jax | $1,351 | 1 |
Business Fredericton North Inc. | $6,830 | 2 |
C-Therm Technologies Ltd. | $1,971 | 1 |
CAA Atlantic | $3,375 | 1 |
CHSR-FM | $3,012 | 1 |
Camp Rotary | $15,060 | 4 |
Canadian Crafts Federation / Fédération canadienne des métiers d'art | $3,990 | 1 |
Canadian Deaf Blind Association - NB | $3,075 | 1 |
Canadian Mental Health Association of NB | $3,488 | 1 |
Canadian National Institute for the Blind | $3,503 | 1 |
Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society - NB Chapter | $3,514 | 1 |
Capital Arts | $3,012 | 1 |
Capital City Club | $3,514 | 1 |
Capital Winter Club (CWC) | $3,514 | 1 |
Central Valley Adult Learning Association | $3,514 | 1 |
Charlotte Street Arts Centre | $5,400 | 2 |
Chess Piece Patisserie & Cafe | $3,153 | 2 |
Children's International Summer Village - Fredericton | $6,866 | 2 |
Chinese Cultural Association of New Brunswick | $3,352 | 1 |
City of Fredericton | $45,821 | 28 |
Coach NB/Entraîneur NB | $6,750 | 2 |
Coding School, or Coding Camp | $1,683 | 1 |
College Hill Day Care Co-op Ltd | $10,537 | 3 |
Computers for Schools New Brunswick | $3,352 | 1 |
Conservation Council of New Brunswick | $7,530 | 2 |
Corey Nutrition Company | $1,729 | 1 |
Craft NB | $4,016 | 1 |
DECH (Dr. Everett Chalmers Hospital) | $3,041 | 2 |
Dana's Collision Center | $1,537 | 1 |
Dialogue NB | $3,514 | 1 |
District scolaire Francophone Sud | $12,341 | 7 |
Ducks Unlimited Canada | $9,538 | 3 |
Exclusive Events | $1,576 | 1 |
Falls Brook Centre | $3,150 | 1 |
Family Enrichment and Counselling Service | $2,636 | 1 |
Farraline Place | $3,482 | 1 |
Feels Good | $2,700 | 1 |
Filipino CommUNITY of New Brunswick (FCNB) | $3,514 | 1 |
Fitness NB | $2,700 | 1 |
Forest Hill United Church | $3,150 | 1 |
FrOST | $31,627 | 8 |
Fredericton Arts Alliance (FAA) | $3,496 | 1 |
Fredericton Botanic Garden Association (FBGA) | $6,149 | 1 |
Fredericton Chamber of Commerce | $7,028 | 2 |
Fredericton Community Foundation | $3,514 | 1 |
Fredericton Community Kitchens | $3,105 | 1 |
Fredericton District Soccer Association | $3,375 | 1 |
Fredericton Family Resource Centre | $3,514 | 1 |
Fredericton Fast Pitch Association | $3,514 | 1 |
Fredericton Food Bank; Greener Village Community Food Centre | $3,514 | 1 |
Fredericton Golf & Curling Club Inc. | $3,375 | 1 |
Fredericton Homeless Shelters Inc. | $3,506 | 1 |
Fredericton Intercultural Centre Inc | $7,028 | 2 |
Fredericton Loyalist Rugby Club | $3,514 | 1 |
Fredericton Public Library Board | $3,352 | 1 |
Fredericton Region Museum | $3,514 | 1 |
Fredericton Rowing Club | $3,514 | 1 |
Fredericton SPCA | $6,257 | 2 |
Fredericton Sexual Assault Centre | $3,739 | 1 |
Frontier College | $3,012 | 1 |
Gagetown Military Family Resource Centre ( MFRC) | $7,317 | 2 |
Geary, French Lake, Waterville Cemetery Committee Inc. | $3,150 | 1 |
Get Active After School Inc. | $1,802 | 1 |
Golf NB | $3,514 | 1 |
Graystone Brewing | $1,577 | 1 |
Greater Fredericton Social Innovation | $3,389 | 1 |
Greens One Stop | $1,576 | 1 |
HILCON Limited | $1,576 | 1 |
Harvest Jazz & Blues Festival | $7,028 | 2 |
Hometown Veterinary Hospital | $1,576 | 1 |
Hospice Fredericton | $4,518 | 1 |
Ignite Fredericton | $6,750 | 2 |
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local Union 37 | $2,409 | 1 |
Jeff Alpaugh Custom | $3,153 | 2 |
Joint Economic Development Initiative Inc. | $3,488 | 1 |
KidSing Performance School Inc. | $2,900 | 2 |
Kids Korral Day Care | $1,576 | 1 |
La Maison des jeunes L'acAdo Inc. | $6,704 | 2 |
Leading Edge Geomatics | $3,153 | 2 |
Maritime College of Forest Technology | $9,978 | 3 |
Mawiw Council Incorporated | $5,773 | 2 |
Medical Business Services Inc. | $1,576 | 1 |
Multicultural Association of Fredericton Inc. (MCAF) | $26,991 | 7 |
NB Champions for Child Rights Inc - Champions des droits des enfants du N-B, Inc. | $7,025 | 2 |
NB Federation of Woodlot Owners | $3,514 | 1 |
NBCC Fredericton Local Campus Union | $3,332 | 1 |
Napa Fredericton | $1,576 | 1 |
Nashwaak Watershed Association Inc. | $3,514 | 1 |
Naveco Power | $3,153 | 2 |
New Brunswick Aboriginal Peoples Council | $6,221 | 2 |
New Brunswick Assocation for Community Living Inc. | $7,028 | 2 |
New Brunswick Association of Nursing Homes (NBANH) | $3,514 | 1 |
New Brunswick Association of Social Workers | $3,507 | 1 |
New Brunswick Federation of Naturalists Inc | $3,514 | 1 |
New Brunswick Film Co-op | $3,352 | 1 |
New Brunswick Highland Games Festival | $3,514 | 1 |
New Brunswick Lung Association | $3,514 | 1 |
New Brunswick Medical Society | $3,150 | 1 |
New Brunswick Provincial Exhibition | $7,028 | 2 |
New Brunswick Rugby Union | $3,514 | 1 |
New Brunswick Sports Hall of Fame Inc. | $3,954 | 1 |
New Brunswick Summer Music Festival (NBSMF) | $3,012 | 1 |
Noralyn's Bakery | $1,576 | 1 |
Opal III Fredericton Respite Services Inc. | $5,885 | 2 |
Oromocto & Area SPCA | $3,375 | 1 |
Oromocto Boat Club (OBC) | $3,514 | 1 |
PLATO | $3,153 | 2 |
Paradise Villa Inc. | $1,244 | 1 |
Partners for Youth Inc. | $8,032 | 2 |
Pathfinders | $6,387 | 2 |
Pine Grove Nursing Home | $6,916 | 2 |
Radio Fredericton Inc. | $7,430 | 2 |
Rhapsody Rhythmic Gymnastics Ltd. | $3,012 | 1 |
Robert Simmonds Inc. | $1,351 | 1 |
Roblynn Home Hardware | $2,702 | 2 |
Safety Services New Brunswick | $3,639 | 1 |
Savage's Bicycle Centre | $1,351 | 1 |
School Days Museum | $4,016 | 1 |
Science East | $10,542 | 3 |
Second Nature Outdoors | $6,306 | 4 |
Sequoia Natural and Organic Fredericton | $1,858 | 1 |
Sign FX | $1,576 | 1 |
Solo Chicken Productions Inc. | $3,012 | 1 |
Sport NB | $5,183 | 1 |
St Paul's United Church | $3,514 | 1 |
St. Mary's Church and Cemetery. | $3,352 | 1 |
St. Mary's First Nation | $2,682 | 1 |
St. Mary's Pharmacy | $1,576 | 1 |
St. Thomas University | $16,102 | 8 |
Stately Elm Lawn Care | $1,577 | 1 |
Stepping Stone Senior Centre | $3,765 | 1 |
Sunny Bank Cemetery Inc. | $2,700 | 1 |
TCI Manufacturing Inc. | $1,576 | 1 |
TG Ventilation Solutions Limited | $1,576 | 1 |
Terry Fox Foundation NB/PEI | $4,393 | 1 |
The Cabin Depot Ltd. | $1,351 | 1 |
The City Motel | $920 | 1 |
The Duke of Edinburgh's International Award - New Brunswick | $3,514 | 1 |
The Heart and Stroke Foundation of New Brunswick | $3,514 | 1 |
The John Howard Society of Fredericton Inc. | $3,514 | 1 |
The Lighting Gallery | $1,351 | 1 |
The Preschool Centre Inc. | $2,963 | 1 |
The Ville Co-operative | $6,653 | 2 |
Theatre New Brunswick | $3,985 | 1 |
Town of Oromocto | $10,995 | 7 |
United Way Central NB | $2,835 | 1 |
University of New Brunswick | $68,647 | 43 |
Village of New Maryland | $7,882 | 5 |
Volleyball New Brunswick | $3,150 | 1 |
Wilmot United Church | $3,514 | 1 |
Wilson Insurance Ltd. | $1,633 | 1 |
Windsor Court | $1,520 | 1 |
Women in Transition House | $4,016 | 1 |
YMCA of Fredericton | $10,035 | 3 |
York County Cider | $2,989 | 1 |
York Developments Inc. | $3,514 | 1 |
York-Sunbury-Charlotte Forest Products Marketing Board | $3,514 | 1 |
artsnb | $3,263 | 1 |
Fundy Royal
Organization Name | Amount Paid | Jobs Created |
AX: The Arts and Culture Centre of Sussex | $7,530 | 2 |
Acadian Sturgeon and Caviar Inc | $1,312 | 1 |
Agricultural Museum of New Brunswick | $14,558 | 3 |
Alantra Leasing Inc. | $1,802 | 1 |
Albert County Exhibition | $6,704 | 2 |
Albert County Historical Society (ACHS) | $7,662 | 2 |
Albert County Tourism Association- ACTA | $3,954 | 1 |
All Seasons Inn & Restaurant | $1,081 | 1 |
Alma Lobster Shop | $1,577 | 1 |
Alma Recreational Council | $7,848 | 2 |
Ann-Marie Adams | $1,577 | 1 |
Association of the 8th Canadian Hussars (Princess Louise's) Inc | $7,832 | 1 |
Athletics New Brunswick | $4,393 | 1 |
Belleisle Gardens | $1,183 | 1 |
Boys & Girls Club of Salisbury | $12,049 | 3 |
Brent Rourke Cabinetmaker | $1,380 | 1 |
Broadleaf Guest Ranch | $2,703 | 2 |
Caledonia Activity Place | $5,747 | 2 |
Canadian Red Cross | $3,323 | 1 |
Cape Enrage Interpretive Centre | $15,025 | 4 |
Carnival Farms | $3,604 | 2 |
Central Kings Recreational Centre | $11,316 | 3 |
Century Farm Family Campground | $1,971 | 1 |
Chipoudy Communities Revitalization Committee | $3,012 | 1 |
Coleman's Landscaping and Tree Services Ltd. | $3,153 | 2 |
Commercial Tent Rentals & Sales Ltd | $1,014 | 1 |
Corn Hill Nursery | $1,577 | 1 |
Coverdale Veterinary Hospital | $1,577 | 1 |
Crosswinds Inc. | $9,765 | 2 |
Crystal Beach | $1,521 | 1 |
Dickinson & Baird Veterinary Hospital | $2,027 | 1 |
Dr. V. A. Snow Centre | $3,201 | 1 |
Dunhams Run Estate Winery | $1,689 | 1 |
Elementary Literacy Inc./L'Alphabétisation au Primaire Inc. | $14,610 | 4 |
Elgin Eco Association Inc. | $4,518 | 1 |
Fairway Inn & JJ's Diner | $1,014 | 1 |
Family and Child Education Anglophone South Inc. | $3,514 | 1 |
Farmer Brown's Greenhouse | $1,577 | 1 |
Fawcett's Rest Home | $1,802 | 1 |
Forest Dale Home Inc. | $7,530 | 2 |
Freddy's New Frenchys Ltd. | $1,183 | 1 |
Friends of the Kennebecasis Valley Inc. | $17,985 | 4 |
Fundy Guild Inc. | $3,352 | 1 |
Fundy Gymnastics Club Inc | $7,028 | 2 |
Fundy Soccer Association | $11,044 | 3 |
Fundy Trail | $16,466 | 4 |
Hammond River Angling Association | $13,769 | 3 |
Hampton Alliance for Lifelong Learning | $10,056 | 3 |
Hampton Area Chamber of Commerce | $2,515 | 1 |
Hampton Community Club Inc | $10,800 | 3 |
Hampton High School Scholarship and Bursary Foundation Inc | $3,076 | 1 |
Hampton Soccer Club | $4,016 | 1 |
Hampton Veterinary Hospital | $1,352 | 1 |
Harvey Grassland Co-Op Ltd | $3,150 | 1 |
Here we Grow Youth Center | $3,243 | 1 |
Higgins Insurance | $1,014 | 1 |
Hillsborough Golf Club | $1,183 | 1 |
Hillsborough Recreation Council Inc. | $6,705 | 2 |
Huttges General Merchants | $1,183 | 1 |
KV Oasis Youth Centre | $7,028 | 2 |
Kennebecasis Watershed Restoration Committee | $9,578 | 3 |
KidSing Performance School Inc. | $5,258 | 3 |
Kings County Family Resource Centre Inc. | $3,954 | 1 |
Kings County Museum | $3,352 | 1 |
Kiwanis Nursing Home | $7,594 | 2 |
La vallée enchantée | $7,848 | 2 |
Lakeside Park | $1,622 | 1 |
Legacy Lane Fiber Mill | $1,352 | 1 |
Little Blossoms Learning Centre | $2,252 | 1 |
Lutz Longstaff Parish | $2,027 | 2 |
Midland Meadows Golf Club | $1,577 | 1 |
Nelson Monuments Ltd. | $1,013 | 2 |
Norrad Express Trucking & Redemption | $1,351 | 1 |
Norton Rec Council | $8,032 | 2 |
Osprey Adventures | $1,576 | 1 |
Outdoor Elements | $3,722 | 2 |
PCC | $1,828 | 1 |
Peninsula Heritage Inc. | $10,375 | 3 |
Petitcodiac Boys & Girls Club Inc. | $11,385 | 5 |
Petitcodiac Downtown Business. | $3,172 | 1 |
Petitcodiac War Museum | $6,759 | 3 |
Ponderosa Pines Park | $3,153 | 2 |
PotashCorp Civic Centre | $10,380 | 3 |
Princess Louise Park Show Centre Inc. | $2,515 | 1 |
Quaco Historical & Library Society | $8,032 | 2 |
Quispamsis Tennis | $2,508 | 1 |
Red Rock Adventure | $1,672 | 1 |
Regional Service Commission 8 | $1,267 | 1 |
Riverview Boys & Girls Club | $9,827 | 3 |
Rothiemay Farms Ltd | $2,703 | 2 |
Rural Rides | $2,873 | 1 |
Saint John Learning Exchange | $3,445 | 1 |
Saint John Y | $19,578 | 5 |
Saint Martins Cemetery | $2,636 | 1 |
Salisbury Lions Club Pool | $10,056 | 3 |
Salisbury Public Library Board | $2,778 | 1 |
Seaside Tent & Trailer Park | $1,577 | 1 |
Security Electrical Ltd. | $1,014 | 1 |
Sky Athletics | $2,703 | 2 |
Smitty's Family Restaurant | $1,442 | 1 |
Southeast Regional Service Commission | $1,771 | 1 |
Sowcow Farms Inc. | $1,380 | 1 |
Stephen Moffett Ltd. | $1,577 | 1 |
Studio on the Marsh | $1,802 | 1 |
Sully's Ice Cream Parlour | $5,912 | 3 |
Sussex Committee for the Prevention of Family Violence. | $3,765 | 1 |
Sussex Craft Distillery | $1,577 | 1 |
Sussex Golf & Curling Club | $1,352 | 1 |
Sussex Health Centre Gift Shop | $3,514 | 1 |
Sussex Home Hardware Building Centre | $1,081 | 1 |
Sussex Lions Club | $3,012 | 1 |
Sussex Regional Library | $7,725 | 2 |
Sussex Sleep Clinic Inc | $1,577 | 1 |
Sussex Source for Sports | $1,577 | 1 |
Sussex Tennis Association Inc. | $13,657 | 3 |
Sussex Vale Transition House | $3,514 | 1 |
T White Holdings Ltd | $1,577 | 1 |
Tele-Drive Albert County | $3,514 | 1 |
The Caves Restaurant | $1,352 | 1 |
The Kennebecasis Valley Player | $13,779 | 4 |
The Maplegrove Inn | $1,391 | 1 |
The New Brunswick Division of the Canadian Railroad Historical Association | $7,662 | 2 |
The Soapbox Soap Shoppe | $1,352 | 1 |
Town of Sussex | $13,512 | 7 |
Town of Hampton | $16,665 | 9 |
Town of Quispamsis | $18,917 | 11 |
TruGreen Landscaping Ltd. | $3,604 | 2 |
Village of Alma | $1,577 | 1 |
Village of Hillsborough | $1,577 | 1 |
Village of Norton | $1,380 | 1 |
Village of Petitcodiac | $3,091 | 2 |
Village of Salisbury | $7,094 | 4 |
Village of St. Martins | $3,604 | 2 |
WCAF | $6,226 | 2 |
Wendy Johnston Pottery | $1,577 | 1 |
William Henry Steeves House Museum | $7,848 | 2 |
Madawaska - Restigouche
Organization Name | Amount Paid | Jobs Created |
A.Landry Fabrication Ltée | $1,380 | 1 |
Agence Residentielle Restigouche | $3,514 | 1 |
Al's Pizzeria | $1,352 | 1 |
Alexpert Inc | $1,352 | 1 |
Arco Lumber Limited | $1,352 | 1 |
Association Sport Mineur | $2,873 | 1 |
Association Sportif de Clair | $3,352 | 1 |
Association Sportive de Baker-Brook | $3,352 | 1 |
Association de balle-molle du Nord-Ouest | $3,352 | 1 |
Association de soccer de balmoral | $6,866 | 2 |
Association des Pompiers de Baker-Brook | $3,352 | 1 |
Atelier R.A.D. | $3,514 | 1 |
Atelier d'à Côté | $1,352 | 1 |
Au Bout du Monde | $1,352 | 1 |
Au NiDaigle | $1,577 | 1 |
Baseball Mineur Edmundston | $3,352 | 1 |
Benjamin River Ballfield | $3,352 | 1 |
Bird Studies Canada | $3,514 | 1 |
Boiseries Atlantica Mouldings Enr. | $1,577 | 1 |
Boissonnault McGraw | $1,689 | 1 |
Bonaventure Lodge Inc. | $1,577 | 1 |
Bosse Mini-Mart Inc. | $1,352 | 1 |
Boutique Or Déco | $1,352 | 1 |
Brigade d'incendie de St-Joseph | $3,514 | 1 |
Brilliant Labs | $3,150 | 1 |
Brun-Way | $1,577 | 1 |
Burger King | $1,577 | 1 |
C.O.R.P. Ltée | $3,352 | 1 |
CBDC Madawaska inc. | $3,514 | 1 |
CFAI-FM | $3,514 | 1 |
CPE la Ribambelle en folie | $1,577 | 1 |
Cafe Chez Wes 2016 | $1,442 | 1 |
Camp Boulo Richelieu | $23,836 | 7 |
Campbellton Home Hardware | $1,352 | 1 |
Campbellton Lions Club Inc. | $3,514 | 1 |
Campbellton Minor Tennis Association | $3,514 | 1 |
Campbellton Nursing Home | $3,514 | 1 |
Campbellton YMCA | $2,799 | 1 |
Camping JDJ Ltée | $1,577 | 1 |
Canadian Red Cross | $4,022 | 1 |
Canadian Sturgeon & Caviar Inc | $1,577 | 1 |
Celtic Soccer Club | $10,056 | 3 |
Centre Jeunesse Oasis Youth Center Inc | $3,176 | 1 |
Centre Maillet Inc | $3,352 | 1 |
Centre Récréatif les Calinours | $1,352 | 1 |
Centre d'Entrepreneurship du Restigouche Inc. / Restigouche Entrepreneurship Centre Inc. | $3,352 | 1 |
Centre d'activité le lien inc. | $3,514 | 1 |
Centre d'interprétation des Voies Ferrées 'Du Réel au miniature' | $1,577 | 1 |
Centre de Loisirs St Joseph de Madawaska | $3,352 | 1 |
Centre des Loisirs | $3,352 | 1 |
Centre des arts La petite église d'Edmundston | $3,390 | 1 |
Cercle Culturel Hilarion Cyr Inc. | $3,352 | 1 |
Chalet Nid du Héron/Herons Nest Cottages | $1,577 | 1 |
Chambre de Commerce Haut-Madawaska | $3,514 | 1 |
Chambre de Commerce de Saint-Quentin Inc. | $3,514 | 1 |
Chambre de commerce de la région d'Edmundston | $3,352 | 1 |
Charlo Regional Airport Authority Inc. | $3,352 | 1 |
City of Campbellton | $6,306 | 4 |
Clair Home Hardware | $1,352 | 1 |
Clinique d'optométrie Hiboo | $1,577 | 1 |
Club Skirakdoo | $3,352 | 1 |
Club de Golf Fraser Edmundston | $3,514 | 1 |
Collège Communautaire du Nouveau-Brunswick | $1,577 | 1 |
Comité Régional des Jeux de l'Acadie Madawaska-Victoria Inc. | $3,514 | 1 |
Comité de Promotion de l'Acadie des terres et forets | $6,704 | 2 |
Comité de parents | $3,514 | 1 |
Comité de parents du CAHM | $3,514 | 1 |
Comité développement récréatif inc. | $3,352 | 1 |
Comité sentier Grande-Rivière Inc. | $3,352 | 1 |
Commission des loisirs de Balmoral Inc. | $3,514 | 1 |
Commité de Development touristique de Saint Quentin | $3,352 | 1 |
Communauté rurale de Kedgwick | $1,577 | 1 |
Conseil de District 4-H du Nord-Ouest | $3,514 | 1 |
Conseil économique de Saint-Léonard | $3,352 | 1 |
Construction Générale MyKo | $1,572 | 1 |
Coopérative Radio Restigouche Limitée | $2,197 | 1 |
Coopérative Santé et Conditionnement Physique du Haut-Madawaska | $2,902 | 1 |
Coopértative Travailleurs Forestiers McKendrick Ltée | $3,514 | 1 |
Corporation Embellissement de Kedgwick | $3,352 | 1 |
Corruven Canada Inc | $1,577 | 1 |
Course à pied 'Bon coeur' | $3,514 | 1 |
Croissant délice | $1,352 | 1 |
D&L Electric Ltd | $1,577 | 1 |
DEP International Inc. | $1,352 | 1 |
DRAC Loisirs 2011 Inc. | $1,577 | 1 |
Dairy Queen | $1,352 | 1 |
Dalhousie BIAC | $3,514 | 1 |
Dalhousie Haven of Hope Inc. | $3,352 | 1 |
Dalhousie Minor Soccer Association | $6,704 | 2 |
Dalhousie Nursing Home | $1,577 | 1 |
Downtown Campbellton Centre-ville | $3,514 | 1 |
Dr Choy Dental Clinic | $1,352 | 1 |
Edmundston Kia | $1,380 | 1 |
Edward Poirier Memorial Dog Park Inc. | $3,352 | 1 |
Escale MadaVic Inc. | $3,514 | 1 |
FM90 Route 17 | $3,352 | 1 |
Ferme Bancourt Ltée | $771 | 1 |
Ferme Laviolette Farm Ltee/Ltd | $1,352 | 1 |
Festival Bon Ami Get Together Inc. | $3,514 | 1 |
Festival Western | $10,380 | 3 |
Festival d'Automne de Kedgwick | $3,466 | 2 |
Festival de Jazz & Blues d'Edmundston | $7,028 | 3 |
Festival de la truite Inc. | $3,514 | 1 |
First United Church | $3,433 | 1 |
Forest Protection Limited | $1,352 | 1 |
Four Best Management Inc. | $1,577 | 1 |
Foyer A. Ringuette Incorporé | $1,352 | 1 |
Foyer Linda Charest | $1,352 | 1 |
Foyer Notre-Dame de Saint-Léonard, Inc. | $3,507 | 1 |
Foyer Savoie Inc. | $1,577 | 1 |
Foyer Sonia-Lisa Inc | $1,182 | 1 |
Foyer Ste-Anne | $1,352 | 1 |
Foyer Ste-Élizabeth Inc. | $2,902 | 1 |
Fraser Wood Siding | $1,352 | 1 |
Friends of Healthcare Foundation | $3,150 | 1 |
GR Farm Equipment | $1,352 | 1 |
Galerie Restigouche Gallery | $7,028 | 2 |
Garderie Les Débrouillards | $3,514 | 1 |
Garderie Mont-Ste-Marie Inc. | $3,514 | 1 |
Garderie l'Enfant Magique Inc | $3,514 | 1 |
Garderie les p'tits chatons | $1,577 | 1 |
Glen Levit Community and Recreation Center | $3,352 | 1 |
Golden Music Shop | $1,352 | 1 |
Groupe EMS group Inc. | $1,352 | 1 |
Haut-Madawaska | $1,577 | 1 |
Hôpital Vétérinaire du Madawaska Inc. | $1,464 | 1 |
Hôtel-Dieu St-Basile | $3,226 | 1 |
Isabelle Bouchard, avocate et notaire | $1,352 | 1 |
JMC Pizzeria Inc. | $1,577 | 1 |
JMN Enterprises Inc. | $518 | 1 |
Jardin botanique du Nouveau-Brunswick | $3,514 | 1 |
Knox Presbyterian Church | $2,802 | 1 |
La Foire Brayonne | $9,543 | 3 |
La Fondation des Oeuvres de l'Hôtel-Dieu de Saint-Basile inc. | $3,514 | 1 |
La Garderie des P'tits Amis | $1,295 | 1 |
La Pharmacie de Kedgwick Inc. | $1,379 | 1 |
La Roma Motel | $1,352 | 1 |
La Scierie Chassé | $1,380 | 1 |
Le Légumier du Madawaska inc. | $1,352 | 1 |
Le P'tit Monde des Enfants | $1,351 | 1 |
Les Aventuriers de Charlo | $3,352 | 1 |
Les Brasseurs du Petit-Sault | $1,509 | 1 |
Les Danseurs du Madawaska | $2,873 | 1 |
Les Festivités Demi-Marathon | $3,514 | 1 |
Les Résidences Jodin inc. | $3,514 | 1 |
Levesque & McIntyre Electric Co. Ltd. | $1,352 | 1 |
Life Church | $3,514 | 1 |
Madawaska Forest Products Marketing Board | $3,514 | 1 |
Mann's Garden Centre & Landscaping Ltd. | $1,577 | 1 |
Manoir Darlington Manor | $1,352 | 1 |
Manoir Sugarloaf | $1,352 | 1 |
Manoir Sunrise | $1,182 | 1 |
Manoir de la Vallée | $1,352 | 1 |
Maple Leaf Motel, Campground & Restaurant Ltd | $1,352 | 1 |
Mario Bonenfant | $1,352 | 1 |
Martin Small Equipment 2015 Ltd | $1,352 | 1 |
Maxtali Entreprise inc. | $1,352 | 1 |
Mecanique Bruno Mechanics Inc | $1,577 | 1 |
Miel N-Bee Honey Enr | $1,352 | 1 |
Mike's Canteen | $1,183 | 1 |
Mill Auto Parts | $1,352 | 1 |
Motel Clé-o-spa | $1,347 | 1 |
Musée - Salle du 150e | $3,352 | 1 |
Musée La Forge Jos B. Michaud | $3,352 | 1 |
Nadeau Picard &Associés | $1,352 | 1 |
New Brunswick Assocation for Community Living Inc. | $3,514 | 1 |
North American Forest Products Ltd | $1,380 | 1 |
North Shore Cinema | $1,352 | 1 |
Office du tourisme Edmundston Madawaska | $6,640 | 2 |
P.R.O. Jeunesse Edmundston | $3,514 | 1 |
PCH Primitive Country Home Boutique | $1,351 | 1 |
PLC Info Inc | $1,576 | 1 |
Paroisse Ste-Trinité | $3,352 | 1 |
Paroisse de Dundee | $3,352 | 1 |
Paul Davis Northwest New Brunswick | $1,796 | 1 |
Paulette Albert | $1,576 | 1 |
Pavillon de l'anse | $1,576 | 1 |
Pharmacie Kevin Smyth | $1,351 | 1 |
Physiothérapie Nord-Ouest | $1,576 | 1 |
Plantation Grande-Rivière | $1,441 | 1 |
Presse Café | $1,351 | 1 |
Productions 11 inc (Jason Guerrette) | $1,577 | 1 |
Puits de Jacob | $3,352 | 1 |
ROC | $3,352 | 1 |
Recreaplex | $6,856 | 2 |
Rendez-vous des artistes Inc. | $6,464 | 2 |
Residence 4 Saisons | $1,352 | 2 |
Resnet inc. | $3,514 | 1 |
Restigouche CBDC | $3,514 | 1 |
Restigouche Community Inclusion Network | $3,514 | 1 |
Restigouche County Volunteer Action Association Inc. . | $3,514 | 1 |
Restigouche Multicultural Association | $3,337 | 1 |
Restigouche RSC - Regional Service Commission | $1,572 | 1 |
Restigouche Regional Museum | $3,352 | 1 |
Restigouche River Watershed Management Council Inc. | $5,079 | 2 |
Resto Pub Sportif | $1,352 | 1 |
Réseau de santé Vitalité | $4,054 | 3 |
Résidence Communautaire St-Joseph | $3,514 | 1 |
Résidence Mgr Melanson Inc. | $3,352 | 1 |
S.O.O. Take Out 2.0 | $1,374 | 1 |
SCT Rail Contractors Ltd. | $1,577 | 1 |
Salon du Livre d'Edmundston Inc. | $3,352 | 1 |
Scout de St-Basile inc. | $3,514 | 1 |
Secrétariat à la jeunesse d'Edmundston Inc. | $3,514 | 1 |
Services Elite Services - Piscines et Spas - Pool and Hot Tubs | $1,352 | 1 |
Smearer Sales & Service | $1,352 | 1 |
Soccer Edmundston Inc. | $7,028 | 2 |
Société Alzheimer du Nouveau -Brunswick | $3,514 | 1 |
Société Historique de St Hilaire | $3,514 | 1 |
Société culturelle de Saint-François | $3,514 | 1 |
Société culturelle des Hauts-Plateaux Inc | $3,514 | 1 |
Société d'aménagement de la rivière Madawaska inc. | $3,514 | 1 |
Société du Fortin du Petit-Sault inc. | $3,352 | 1 |
Société du Patrimoine de Saint-Quentin Inc. | $3,352 | 1 |
Société du développement du centre des affaires d'Edmundston Inc. | $3,514 | 1 |
Société historique du Madawaska Inc. | $3,005 | 1 |
Soldiers Memorial Villa | $3,728 | 1 |
Solution Santé Imajne Inc. | $1,352 | 1 |
Sommet de la Chanson de Kedgwick | $3,514 | 1 |
St. Joseph's Auxiliary | $3,514 | 1 |
Studio Fitness | $1,576 | 1 |
Stéphan Sénéchal Services Inc. | $1,577 | 1 |
Subway | $1,334 | 1 |
Sylvacer Inc. | $1,379 | 1 |
Tandem Consultant | $1,802 | 1 |
The Heart and Stroke Foundation of New Brunswick | $3,364 | 1 |
Thompson Passion Plein Air | $1,352 | 1 |
Town of Dalhousie | $4,730 | 3 |
Valley Sales & Service Ltd. | $1,352 | 1 |
Village d'Atholville | $4,555 | 3 |
Village de Balmoral | $3,153 | 2 |
Village de Lac Baker | $1,577 | 1 |
Village de Rivière-Verte | $1,351 | 1 |
Village de Sainte-Anne-de-Madawaska | $3,604 | 2 |
Village of Charlo | $1,577 | 1 |
Village of Eel River Crossing | $1,577 | 1 |
Village of Tide Head | $2,950 | 2 |
Ville d'Edmundston | $9,459 | 6 |
Ville de Saint-Léonard | $3,018 | 2 |
Ville de Saint-Quentin | $4,054 | 3 |
Vélo Edmundston | $3,514 | 1 |
Water Blasting & Vacuum Services Inc. | $1,380 | 1 |
Wee Care 2 | $1,577 | 1 |
Miramichi - Grand Lake
Organization Name | Amount Paid | Jobs Created |
671216 NB Inc. | $1,577 | 1 |
Alan R Graham Import & Export | $1,576 | 1 |
Amica Inc. | $7,183 | 2 |
Association des Loisirs St-Bernard | $4,016 | 1 |
Association du Monument | $3,352 | 1 |
Athletics New Brunswick | $3,514 | 1 |
Atlantic Salmon Museum | $3,407 | 1 |
Autism Resources Miramichi Inc | $7,530 | 2 |
Bass River Country Fair Inc | $3,352 | 1 |
Bay Du Vin General Store Ltd. | $1,576 | 1 |
Beaubear Co-Op | $1,577 | 1 |
Beaudet Motors | $1,351 | 1 |
Beaverbrook House Commission | $3,695 | 1 |
Beersville Community Center | $3,352 | 1 |
Betts Village Family Restaurant | $3,152 | 2 |
Blackville Rec | $10,524 | 3 |
Boutique Evasion | $1,577 | 1 |
Boys and Girls Club | $4,016 | 1 |
Brilliant Labs | $3,145 | 1 |
Burnt Church/New Jersey Senior Citizens Inc. | $3,012 | 1 |
C.M. Dickison & Sons Ltd. | $1,689 | 1 |
CHM Management Group | $1,352 | 1 |
Cake a Chance | $1,262 | 1 |
Canada's Irish Festival on the Miramichi | $4,016 | 1 |
Canadian Red Cross | $3,938 | 1 |
Caring Friends Activity Center | $4,016 | 1 |
Carrefour communautaire Beausoleil Inc. | $7,369 | 2 |
Carstar Collision and Glass Service | $1,577 | 1 |
Cemetery Committee | $2,756 | 1 |
Central NB Self Help Group | $3,352 | 2 |
Central New Brunswick Woodmen's Museum, Inc. | $7,662 | 2 |
Centre Communautaire de Collette | $3,352 | 1 |
Centre Communautaire de Pointe-Sapin Inc. | $3,352 | 1 |
Centre Mgr Godin | $3,514 | 1 |
Centre d'activité Alnwick | $1,868 | 1 |
Chambre de Commerce de Collette | $3,352 | 1 |
Chambre de Commerce de Rogersville | $3,514 | 1 |
Chatham Head Rec. Centre | $5,271 | 2 |
Chatham Ironmen Inc. | $3,514 | 1 |
Chatham Public Library | $132 | 1 |
Chipman Marina Enhancement Committee | $3,352 | 1 |
Chipman United Church | $4,016 | 1 |
Chipman Waterfront Campground | $1,352 | 1 |
Chipman Youth Centre Inc | $7,781 | 2 |
City of Miramichi | $16,062 | 10 |
Clairville/Beersville Recreation Council Inc. | $3,352 | 1 |
Club Sportif de Rogersville Inc. | $3,514 | 1 |
Club de golf régional Tabusintact Regional Gold and Club | $3,514 | 1 |
Club récréatif Pleasant Ridge Inc. | $3,347 | 1 |
Cole's Garden Patch | $1,351 | 1 |
Comité touristique de Rogersville | $3,514 | 1 |
Comité Organisateur de la 39e Finale des Jeux de l'Acadie 2018 Inc. | $6,029 | 2 |
Comité sauvons nos rivières Néguac Inc. | $3,688 | 1 |
Conseil Récréatif de Haut Rivière-du-Portage | $3,831 | 1 |
Cost + $399 Auto Limited | $1,576 | 1 |
Cradle to Career Miramichi Partnership | $6,866 | 2 |
Curtis Corner General Store | $1,343 | 1 |
Dairy Bar Neguac | $3,604 | 2 |
Decker Boy | $1,971 | 2 |
Doaktown Library | $4,303 | 1 |
Doaktown Pharmasave | $1,689 | 1 |
Down River Convenience | $3,153 | 2 |
Enclosure Campground Resort Ltd. | $3,152 | 2 |
Escuminac Beach and Family Park | $3,744 | 2 |
Esgenoôpetitj Watershed Association Inc. | $3,765 | 1 |
FOYER ASSOMPTION | $4,016 | 1 |
Famille et Petite enfance Nord-Est Inc. | $4,016 | 1 |
Fantastique Ladies Fashions | $1,971 | 1 |
Festival Rendez Vous | $4,016 | 1 |
Forest Protection Limited | $3,152 | 2 |
Friends of Beaubears Island Inc | $15,562 | 4 |
Gallan's Miramichi River Tubing | $3,153 | 2 |
Garderie coopérative de Rogersville Ltée. | $4,016 | 1 |
Governor's Mansion Inn | $1,577 | 1 |
Greater Miramichi Regional Service Commission | $1,577 | 1 |
Groupe RLCL | $2,964 | 2 |
J. Knowles Pharmacy Ltd. | $1,689 | 1 |
Jean Coutu #443 | $1,577 | 1 |
Jean Coutu Pharmacy #219 | $1,576 | 1 |
K C Silviculture Ltd. | $1,577 | 1 |
Kacie's Early Learning Childcare | $1,616 | 1 |
Kindertots Children's Centre | $4,504 | 2 |
Knox Presbyterian Church | $3,150 | 1 |
Kouchibouguac Community Centre Inc. | $3,772 | 1 |
Kouchibouguac Farmer's Market | $3,772 | 1 |
L. J. Patterson Sales & Service Ltd. | $1,576 | 1 |
La Coopérative Ferme Terre Partagée Ltée | $1,577 | 1 |
La coopérative de Pointe Sapin Ltée. | $1,577 | 1 |
Lazare Breau Service Centre Ltd. | $1,802 | 1 |
Le Complexe Rendez-vous Inc. | $3,514 | 1 |
Le Foyer de la Baie Inc. | $3,514 | 1 |
Legion Branch #23 | $3,352 | 1 |
Lisa Astle's Kountry Kids Early Learning and Care | $3,603 | 1 |
MacDonald Farm | $1,475 | 1 |
MacEachern's Point Harbour Authority | $3,352 | 1 |
Maple Glen Community Cemetery | $3,514 | 1 |
Mark Wilson | $1,802 | 1 |
Mawiw Council Incorporated | $3,514 | 1 |
McAllister Dent Removal | $180 | 1 |
McNamee Recreation Council | $3,352 | 1 |
Meak Chhuom Physiotherapy P.C. Inc. | $1,802 | 1 |
Middle Island Park | $13,030 | 4 |
Miramichi Adult Learning | $3,514 | 1 |
Miramichi Airport Commission(1993) Inc. | $5,315 | 1 |
Miramichi Boating & Yacht Club | $4,016 | 1 |
Miramichi Curling Club | $3,514 | 1 |
Miramichi Emergency Centre for Women | $2,787 | 1 |
Miramichi Exhibition | $3,352 | 1 |
Miramichi Fisheries Management | $1,577 | 1 |
Miramichi Folklore Park | $3,352 | 1 |
Miramichi Golf & Country Club | $7,279 | 2 |
Miramichi Gymnastics | $3,352 | 1 |
Miramichi Kinsmen | $2,850 | 1 |
Miramichi Local Campus Union | $3,514 | 1 |
Miramichi Naturopathic Health Clinic Inc. | $1,802 | 1 |
Miramichi Physically Disabled | $2,873 | 1 |
Miramichi Recreation Council. | $6,704 | 2 |
Miramichi Regional Hospital | $3,152 | 2 |
Miramichi River Boat Tours Inc. | $2,168 | 1 |
Miramichi River Environmental Assessment Committee | $3,514 | 1 |
Miramichi Salmon Association | $7,781 | 2 |
Miramichi Senior Citizens Home | $3,954 | 1 |
Miramichi United Soccer Club | $3,831 | 1 |
Miramichi Watershed Management Committee | $3,765 | 1 |
Morris Wholesale Ltd. | $1,576 | 1 |
Motel De Chez Nous Ltee | $3,153 | 2 |
Mount Saint Joseph Nursing Home | $7,368 | 2 |
Mutch Trucking Ltd. | $1,577 | 1 |
N.B. Internment Camp Museum | $4,788 | 1 |
NB Forest Safety Association | $3,514 | 1 |
NSE Food Services Inc. | $3,514 | 1 |
Napan 4-H Club | $7,662 | 2 |
Napan Agricultural Show Inc. | $3,352 | 1 |
Napan Minor Baseball | $3,352 | 1 |
Neguac Freshmart. | $1,379 | 1 |
Nelson Softball Ass | $3,831 | 1 |
New Brunswick Aviation Museum | $3,245 | 1 |
New Brunswick Construction Safety Association | $3,347 | 1 |
New Hope Community Church | $6,866 | 2 |
Newcastle Business District | $3,772 | 1 |
Newcastle Lions Club | $3,514 | 1 |
North & South Esk Rec Center | $3,352 | 1 |
Northumberland Cooperative Limited | $1,577 | 2 |
Northumberland Salmon Protection Association | $4,016 | 1 |
Omega Restaurant | $1,576 | 1 |
Over the Cove Zipline | $4,730 | 3 |
Parish of Newcastle/Nelson/Hardwicke | $3,514 | 1 |
Peek-A-Boo Childcare Center | $1,521 | 1 |
Pharmacie Rogersville (Thebeau) Ltd. | $1,802 | 1 |
Premier Homes and Structures | $1,441 | 1 |
Pub 981 | $1,802 | 1 |
Radio MirAcadie Inc. | $3,514 | 1 |
Rae's Trailer & Sports Center Inc. | $1,577 | 1 |
Re/Max 3000 Ltd./Ltée | $1,605 | 1 |
Renous Recreation Center | $3,111 | 1 |
Retirement Miramichi Inc. | $3,784 | 1 |
Rodd Miramichi River | $1,577 | 1 |
Roussel Volkswagen | $1,486 | 1 |
Route 118 Convenience Ltd | $1,576 | 1 |
Royal Canadian Legion Chatham Branch # 3 | $3,509 | 1 |
Rural Community of Upper Miramichi | $5,067 | 3 |
SPCA - Miramichi | $3,514 | 1 |
Salmon Creek Convenience Ltd | $2,702 | 2 |
Sandy Point Park | $1,576 | 1 |
Schizophrenia Society of NB inc.-Miramichi | $3,352 | 1 |
Scottish Heritage Association (Miramichi) Inc. | $3,514 | 1 |
ShadComm Limited | $1,802 | 1 |
Solid Waste Services | $1,577 | 1 |
Square Forks Fishing Club Inc. Ltd. | $3,514 | 1 |
St. James & St. John United Church | $2,933 | 1 |
St. Michael's Museum | $3,352 | 2 |
Stewart's Tubing Inc | $2,702 | 2 |
Stratégie économique de Rogersville | $3,514 | 1 |
Subway | $1,576 | 1 |
Sunny Corner General Store | $1,802 | 1 |
Sutherland Excavating Ltd. | $1,576 | 1 |
TG Williston Surveys Ltd. | $1,576 | 1 |
TOWNE FORD | $1,286 | 1 |
Tabusintac Centennial Memorial Museum | $3,352 | 1 |
Tabusintac Chalets | $1,576 | 1 |
Tabusintac Community Development Corporation Inc. | $7,028 | 2 |
Tabusintac Local Service District | $3,514 | 1 |
Tabusintac Recreation Council | $6,861 | 2 |
Tabusintac Watershed Association | $3,765 | 1 |
Targettville Recreation Center | $3,352 | 1 |
Tazza Caffe Neguac | $1,576 | 1 |
The Old Mill Pond Golf & Country Club | $7,560 | 2 |
The Salvation Army Miramichi | $3,514 | 2 |
The Urban Nest | $1,576 | 1 |
Tire Recycling Atlantic Canada Corporation | $1,576 | 1 |
Towne Mazda | $1,576 | 1 |
Trevors Hyundai | $1,576 | 1 |
Trevors Nissan | $1,576 | 1 |
UA/MCA JATC of NB Inc. | $3,488 | 1 |
Underhill Landscaping & Exc. | $1,576 | 1 |
Upper Miramichi Community Library | $3,639 | 1 |
VERA kitchen & bar | $2,477 | 1 |
Village de Neguac | $3,603 | 2 |
Village de Rogersville | $4,728 | 3 |
Village of Chipman | $7,201 | 4 |
Village of Doaktown | $3,153 | 2 |
Village of Minto | $6,306 | 4 |
W. S. Loggie Cutural Center | $3,347 | 1 |
White Lightning Auto Center | $1,576 | 1 |
Yvon's Health & Fitness | $1,576 | 1 |
nelson minor ball ass | $3,831 | 1 |
Moncton - Riverview - Dieppe
Organization Name | Amount Paid | Jobs Created |
Riverview Soccer Association | $7,657 | 2 |
AIDS Moncton | $6,527 | 2 |
Académie de théâtre du Capitol - Capitol Theatre Academy | $7,028 | 2 |
Académie du sport NB | $6,866 | 2 |
Alternative Residences Alternatives Inc. | $3,514 | 1 |
Alzheimer Society of NB | $3,076 | 1 |
Association francophone des aînés du N.-B. | $3,514 | 1 |
Assurances Michel Frenette Insurance Inc | $1,458 | 1 |
Athletics New Brunswick | $4,393 | 1 |
Atlantic Ballet Theatre of Canada | $7,028 | 1 |
Atlantic Canada Taxman Ltd | $1,802 | 1 |
Atlantic Cancer Research Institute | $14,056 | 4 |
Autism Resource Centre | $14,056 | 4 |
Baseball Dieppe Inc. | $4,016 | 1 |
Boys and Girls Club of Moncton | $23,096 | 6 |
Brilliant Labs | $3,150 | 1 |
CAA Atlantic | $3,375 | 1 |
CAFi [Centre d'accueil et d'accompagnement francophone des immigrants] | $11,678 | 3 |
Camp Centennial | $18,917 | 12 |
Canadian Blood Services | $4,707 | 1 |
Canadian Cancer Society, New Brunswick | $2,934 | 1 |
Canadian Mental Health Association of New Brunswick | $4,707 | 1 |
Canadian National Institute for the Blind | $3,514 | 1 |
Canadian Red Cross | $2,900 | 1 |
Caroline LeBlanc | $1,576 | 1 |
Centre culturel Aberdeen | $7,028 | 2 |
Centre de Jour l'Éveil Inc. | $7,494 | 2 |
Circus Stella inc. | $3,075 | 1 |
City of Moncton | $30,942 | 20 |
Codiac Soccer | $7,028 | 2 |
Coding School, or Coding Camp | $2,776 | 2 |
Collège Communautaire du Nouveau-Brunswick | $1,183 | 1 |
Conseil provincial des sociétés culturelles (CPSC) | $2,933 | 1 |
Conseil économique du Nouveau-Brunswick | $3,014 | 1 |
Construction Acadienne (1991) ltée | $3,153 | 2 |
Crossroads for Women Inc./Carrefour pour Femmes Inc. | $3,514 | 1 |
Curl Moncton | $3,281 | 1 |
DancEast | $3,831 | 1 |
Dieppe Guardian | $2,114 | 1 |
Distribution Plages Inc. | $1,379 | 1 |
Downtown Moncton Centre-ville Inc. | $6,003 | 2 |
Draft Guys Inc. | $1,379 | 1 |
East End Community Assoc. | $10,056 | 3 |
Eastern Canteen Services | $1,248 | 1 |
Elmwood Veterinary Hospital Ltd | $3,153 | 2 |
Expansion Dieppe | $6,300 | 2 |
Famille et petite enfance francophone Sud inc. | $3,414 | 1 |
Fidelis Law Droit | $3,153 | 2 |
Figurra Institute | $1,576 | 1 |
Food Depot Alimentaire Inc. | $9,226 | 3 |
Friends of The Moncton Hospital Foundation Inc. | $8,943 | 2 |
Fundy Biosphere Reserve | $7,845 | 2 |
FÉÉCUM | $3,514 | 1 |
Fédération des jeunes francophones du Nouveau-Brunswick | $7,028 | 2 |
Garderie Chez Martine | $2,252 | 1 |
Greater Moncton Chamber of Commerce | $7,028 | 2 |
Greater Moncton Pest Control Commission | $8,032 | 2 |
Habitat for Humanity Moncton Area | $7,847 | 2 |
HollisWealth (New Brunswick location) | $1,577 | 1 |
Host Event Management Inc. | $1,379 | 1 |
IA SENB | $8,032 | 2 |
Inspiration Café d'Inspiration | $3,514 | 1 |
Institut canadien de recherche sur les minorités linguistiques | $3,076 | 1 |
Karing Kitchen - Cuisine à Coeur Inc. | $6,538 | 2 |
Keocor Real Estate Inc. | $3,153 | 2 |
King's Ice Cream | $1,380 | 1 |
Kingswood Academy Montessori and Day Care | $3,547 | 3 |
Klozet Clothing Boutique Inc. | $1,089 | 1 |
LDANB, Moncton Chapter | $14,056 | 4 |
La Maison de Jeunes à Dieppe Inc | $17,570 | 5 |
Labourer`s International Union Local No. 900 | $2,933 | 1 |
Labourers' Training Institute of NB Inc. | $3,514 | 1 |
Lawn Rangers Landscaping | $2,759 | 2 |
Le Phare familial inc. | $7,352 | 2 |
Les Productions DansEncorps Inc | $7,028 | 2 |
Little Rays of Sunshine Daycare | $1,802 | 1 |
Love and Learn Childcare Center Inc. | $3,950 | 1 |
Lutz Mountain Meeting House | $6,792 | 2 |
Maison Nazareth Inc | $4,016 | 1 |
Mari-Tech Appraisal & Inspection N.B. Ltd. | $1,577 | 1 |
Mariposa Moncton Skating Club | $3,076 | 1 |
Maritime Door and Window Ltd | $1,802 | 1 |
Miracles at First Childcare | $8,027 | 2 |
Moncton & District Minor Baseball Association Inc. | $3,831 | 1 |
Moncton Council for Integrated Recreation | $3,514 | 1 |
Moncton East Youth Center Inc. | $14,829 | 3 |
Moncton Employment & Training Services,Inc. | $10,542 | 3 |
Moncton Headstart | $13,153 | 4 |
Moncton Public Library Board | $7,154 | 2 |
Moncton Squash Club | $3,514 | 1 |
Moncton fish Market Ltd. | $1,577 | 1 |
Montessori Dieppe Inc. | $4,730 | 3 |
NBCC - Moncton Campus | $1,576 | 1 |
NBCC Moncton Student Union | $3,075 | 1 |
New Brunswick Association of Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists | $3,012 | 1 |
New Brunswick College of Pharmacists | $3,289 | 1 |
New Brunswick Common Front for Social Justice | $1,313 | 2 |
New Brunswick Environmental Network | $7,067 | 1 |
Nuttall Restoration (1975) Ltd. | $3,148 | 2 |
P.R.O. Jeunesse Dieppe/P.R.O. Kids Inc | $3,514 | 1 |
Petitcodiac Watershed Alliance Inc. | $14,057 | 2 |
Piscine FunTime Pools & Spa | $3,153 | 2 |
RCL Financial Services | $1,380 | 1 |
Radio Beauséjour Inc. | $9,196 | 2 |
Regroupement féministe du Nouveau-Brunswick | $4,393 | 1 |
Riverview Minor Basketball Association | $3,352 | 1 |
Riverview Public Library | $753 | 1 |
Riverview Riddles and Rhymes Inc | $3,209 | 2 |
Riverview Tennis Club | $3,076 | 1 |
Rivière de la fierté du Grand Moncton | Greater Moncton River of Pride | $4,388 | 1 |
Réseau de santé Vitalité | $4,983 | 3 |
Salvus Clinic Inc. | $3,514 | 1 |
Seniors' Information Centre / Centre d'information pour personnes âgées | $3,352 | 1 |
Soccer NB | $7,023 | 2 |
Sound Specialists Inc | $1,379 | 1 |
Southeast Regional Service Commission | $1,458 | 1 |
Spray-Net PEI/NB | $1,576 | 1 |
St. John the Baptist Anglican Church | $3,514 | 1 |
St. Paul's United Church | $3,352 | 1 |
Symplicity Designs Inc | $1,375 | 1 |
Tennis Dieppe Inc. | $14,991 | 3 |
Tennis Moncton | $3,075 | 1 |
The Eastern Prosthetic Clinic | $3,603 | 1 |
The Greater Moncton Scottish Association | $3,514 | 1 |
The Heart and Stroke Foundation of New Brunswick | $4,393 | 1 |
The Moncton Hospital | $4,729 | 3 |
The Salvation Army Correctional and Justice Services Greenfield House | $4,279 | 1 |
The Salvation Army Moncton Community & Family Services | $8,623 | 2 |
The Salvation Army Small Blessings | $6,473 | 2 |
Town of Riverview | $25,223 | 16 |
TransAqua | $2,759 | 2 |
Unicorn Children's Centre | $8,032 | 2 |
United Way of Greater Moncton & SENB Region Inc. | $3,765 | 1 |
Unité de médecine familiale | $1,689 | 1 |
Université de Moncton | $18,403 | 12 |
Vickers Marketing Ltd. | $1,380 | 1 |
Villa Héritage Inc. | $2,933 | 1 |
Ville de Dieppe | $18,078 | 12 |
Waterworks Pools & Spas | $1,577 | 1 |
YMCA of Greater Moncton | $4,255 | 1 |
YWCA Moncton | $10,405 | 3 |
atlantic cell phone repair | $1,380 | 1 |
New Brunswick Southwest
Organization Name | Amount Paid | Jobs Created |
A&M Daamen Ltd. | $1,094 | 1 |
Armadale Farm Dairy Products | $1,576 | 1 |
Atlantic Salmon Federation (Canada) | $3,012 | 1 |
Birch Grove Restaurant and Takeout | $1,576 | 1 |
Boys and Girls Club of Charlotte County | $7,129 | 2 |
Brian Frost Masonry | $1,075 | 1 |
Brian Walker | $3,153 | 2 |
Brilliant Labs | $6,300 | 2 |
Brunswick Aquaculture Ltd. | $3,603 | 2 |
CI Design Inc. | $1,576 | 1 |
Cambridge-Narrows Regional Library | $7,657 | 2 |
Camp Pascobac | $3,831 | 1 |
Canadian Parents for French - St. Stephen Chapter | $3,831 | 1 |
Canadian Parents for French New Brunswick | $9,538 | 3 |
Charlotte County Archives Inc. | $3,765 | 1 |
Charlotte County Museum Inc. | $3,150 | 1 |
Charlotte County TV/CHCO-TV | $3,514 | 1 |
Charlotte United Soccer Club | $8,032 | 1 |
Chocolate Fest Inc. | $3,488 | 1 |
Clipper Shipp Beach Motel | $1,576 | 1 |
Community Business Development Corporations Southwest | $3,514 | 1 |
Covered Bridge Orchards | $1,374 | 1 |
Dairy Farmers of New Brunswick | $3,150 | 1 |
Deer Island Chamber of Commerce | $3,514 | 1 |
Deer Island Recreation Council Inc. | $7,662 | 2 |
Deer Island Tourism Association | $6,866 | 2 |
Dragonfly Centre for Autism Incorporated | $7,028 | 2 |
Ducey's Grocery/Elizabeth Ducey | $1,182 | 1 |
Eastern Charlotte Waterways | $3,765 | 1 |
FHHL: Friends of Head Harbour Lightstation | $7,662 | 2 |
Family Resource Centre of Charlotte Co. Inc. | $3,352 | 1 |
Family and Child Education Anglophone South Inc. | $3,142 | 1 |
Food Bank and Frugal Furnishings Thrift Store | $2,868 | 1 |
Four C's Market | $1,576 | 1 |
Fundy Discovery Aquarium | $9,344 | 3 |
Fundy North Fishermen's Association | $4,016 | 1 |
Fundy Nursing Home | $3,378 | 2 |
G&M Pet and Farm Supplies | $1,498 | 1 |
Gagetown and District Recreation Council Inc. | $7,815 | 2 |
Ganong Nature Park | $3,514 | 1 |
Grand Manan Boats Ltd. | $1,576 | 1 |
Grand Manan Library Board | $3,212 | 1 |
Grand Manan Museum | $3,352 | 1 |
Grand Manan Whale and Seabird Research Station Inc. | $3,990 | 1 |
Grand Washademoak Lions Club | $3,352 | 1 |
Granite Town Farms (2015) Ltd. | $3,603 | 2 |
Greenwich Recreation Association | $3,514 | 1 |
Harbour Authority | $3,514 | 1 |
Harbour View Cemetery Ltd. | $2,700 | 1 |
Harvey High School Education Foundation | $4,016 | 1 |
Harvey Outreach | $3,352 | 1 |
Hastey | $2,962 | 1 |
Hatt Enterprises (2010) Ltd. | $1,576 | 1 |
Henry Holdings Ltd | $1,576 | 1 |
Hole in the Wall Park & Campground | $1,666 | 1 |
Hoyt Fall Fair Youth & Family Center | $3,352 | 1 |
Hoyt Rec. Council Inc. | $3,352 | 1 |
J. Smith Excavating | $1,576 | 1 |
Joanne's Garden Center | $1,576 | 1 |
Just for Kidz | $1,351 | 1 |
Kings Landing | $4,998 | 3 |
Kingsbrae Garden | $4,016 | 2 |
Kingsbrae Garden Cafe | $1,576 | 2 |
Kirk-McColl United Church | $3,352 | 1 |
Kiwanis Oceanfront Camping | $4,016 | 1 |
Kiwanis Park | $3,514 | 1 |
L'Etete Lighthouse | $7,847 | 2 |
Lake George Family Campground | $3,514 | 1 |
Lakeland Industries Sheltered Workshop Inc | $7,662 | 2 |
Lisa's Playhouse Children's Learning Centre | $1,379 | 1 |
McAdam Economic Development Corporation | $3,352 | 1 |
McAdam Historical Restoration Commission | $11,864 | 3 |
McAdam Home & Building Centre Ltd. | $1,379 | 1 |
McAdam Lions Club | $7,979 | 2 |
McCrea Farms | $7,206 | 3 |
Mill Cove Nursing Home Inc. | $3,167 | 2 |
Moffatt Securities Ltd. | $1,374 | 1 |
Musquash Recreation Centre | $7,847 | 2 |
New Brunswick Community College | $3,152 | 2 |
Niger Reef Tea House | $1,478 | 1 |
Orchard View | $3,765 | 1 |
Oven Head Salmon Smokers | $1,577 | 1 |
Passamaquoddy Children's Centre Inc. | $3,506 | 1 |
Passamaquoddy Lodge Inc. | $3,294 | 1 |
Patterson Settlement Historical Society Inc. | $3,831 | 1 |
Pirates Cove Park | $1,576 | 1 |
Potter Christmas Tree Farm | $2,686 | 1 |
Queens County Heritage | $12,049 | 2 |
Quilli's Family Fun Factory | $1,576 | 1 |
River Valley Community Center | $3,831 | 1 |
Robert S. Bates Farm/Bates Landing | $2,956 | 2 |
Roosevelt Campobello International Park | $3,150 | 1 |
Ross Memorial Library | $3,352 | 1 |
Ross Memorial Museum | $3,765 | 1 |
Rural Community of Hanwell | $1,970 | 1 |
Rusagonis Recreation Council Inc. | $3,352 | 1 |
Saint John Y | $3,514 | 1 |
Scrooge and Marleys | $1,576 | 1 |
Serendipin'Art | $1,576 | 1 |
Silk Stevens Limited | $1,149 | 1 |
Snider Mountain Ranch | $14,850 | 4 |
Softball New Brunswick | $3,514 | 1 |
Southwest NB Service Commission | $1,351 | 1 |
Spice Box Comestibles | $1,413 | 1 |
St George Rural cemetery | $3,328 | 1 |
St. Andrews Arts Council, Inc. | $3,514 | 1 |
St. Andrews Hardware Ltd. | $1,576 | 1 |
St. Croix Public Library | $1,633 | 1 |
St. Croix Vineyard | $4,016 | 1 |
St. Croix Vocational Centre | $7,847 | 2 |
St. Stephen Area Chamber of Commerce | $2,787 | 1 |
St. Stephen Rural Cemetery | $3,352 | 1 |
St.Stephen Business Improvement Area Inc. | $3,514 | 1 |
Summer Slide at Blacks Harbour School | $1,526 | 1 |
Sunbury Shores Arts and Nature Centre | $3,264 | 1 |
Sunbury West Historical Society | $7,028 | 2 |
Sure Grip Hand Controls | $3,152 | 1 |
Sussex Yard Services | $1,096 | 2 |
Swallowtail Keepers Society Inc. | $3,352 | 1 |
Sweeney International Marine Corporation | $1,802 | 1 |
Tall Ship Whale Adventures | $1,802 | 1 |
The Boys and Girls Club of Grand Manan | $13,732 | 4 |
The Chocolate Museum | $3,831 | 1 |
The Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy #347 | $1,802 | 1 |
The Oppenheimer-Prager Museum at Dayspring | $3,514 | 1 |
The Station on King Eatery | $968 | 1 |
Town of Grand Bay-Westfield | $4,718 | 3 |
Town of Saint Andrews | $5,406 | 3 |
Town of St George | $3,152 | 2 |
Town of St. Stephen | $3,603 | 2 |
Tradewinds Imports | $1,576 | 1 |
Tri-County Complex | $13,408 | 4 |
Tycal Properties Inc. | $1,013 | 1 |
Valley Run Horse Centre | $3,831 | 1 |
Van Horne Estate on Ministers Island | $8,380 | 2 |
Vibrant Communities Charotte County | $4,016 | 1 |
Village of Blacks Harbour | $3,153 | 2 |
Village of Fredericton Junction | $4,728 | 3 |
Village of Gagetown | $1,712 | 1 |
Village of Grand Manan | $5,681 | 4 |
Village of Harvey | $1,576 | 1 |
Village of McAdam | $5,405 | 3 |
Village of McAdam Rockland Cemetery Company Inc. | $3,488 | 1 |
Village of Tracy | $3,789 | 3 |
Western Kings Kiwanis Lodge Inc. (Lodge) | $3,514 | 1 |
Westfield Golf & Country Club Inc | $4,016 | 1 |
White Rapids Manor | $3,142 | 1 |
Saint John - Rothesay
Organization Name | Amount Paid | Jobs Created |
2018 Canada 55+ Games | $7,028 | 2 |
AIDS Saint John | $3,514 | 1 |
Alzheimer Society of New Brunswick | $3,765 | 1 |
Area 506 | $3,514 | 1 |
ArtsLink NB | $7,028 | 2 |
Athletics New Brunswick | $3,352 | 1 |
Atlantic Coastal Action Program (ACAP) Saint John Inc. | $12,049 | 2 |
Avenue Animal Hospital | $1,257 | 1 |
Best Western Plus Saint John Hotel & Suites | $1,351 | 1 |
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Saint John | $7,028 | 2 |
Boys & Girls Club of Saint John | $31,414 | 9 |
Brilliant Labs | $18,900 | 6 |
Brunswick Engineering | $3,153 | 2 |
CAA Atlantic | $3,375 | 1 |
Canadian Blood Services | $3,375 | 1 |
Canadian Cancer Society, New Brunswick | $3,514 | 1 |
Canadian Mental Health Association of NB Saint John Office | $7,028 | 2 |
Canadian Red Cross | $10,587 | 3 |
Carleton-Kirk Lodge | $3,514 | 1 |
Catena Jobs Plus | $13,645 | 4 |
Cedar Hill-Greenwood Cemetery Company | $4,016 | 1 |
Centenary-Queen Square Day Care Centres Inc. | $7,028 | 2 |
Cherry Brook Zoo | $10,543 | 3 |
Children's Wish Foundation of Canada, New Brunswick Chapter | $3,215 | 1 |
City of Saint John | $33,104 | 21 |
Conquest Engineering Ltd. | $1,576 | 1 |
Country harvest | $5,708 | 4 |
Coverdale Centre for Women | $6,853 | 2 |
Crescent Valley Resource Centre | $17,044 | 4 |
Discover Saint John | $3,012 | 1 |
District scolaire francophone Sud | $7,882 | 5 |
Douglas Lake Home | $4,016 | 1 |
East Coast Boxing and Performance Center | $4,054 | 2 |
Enterprise Saint John | $3,765 | 1 |
Exhibition Park | $3,150 | 1 |
Exhibition Park | $3,600 | 1 |
Family Plus | $3,426 | 1 |
Family and Child Education Anglophone South Inc. | $3,765 | 1 |
Fog Lit Festival | $7,028 | 2 |
Frank and Ella Hatheway Labour Exhibit Centre | $3,514 | 1 |
Fresh Start Services for Women | $3,591 | 1 |
Fundy Animal Hospital | $1,576 | 1 |
Fundy Soccer Association | $7,028 | 2 |
Gentle Path Counselling Services Ltd. | $3,150 | 1 |
Godbout Fawcett | $1,577 | 1 |
Habitat for Humanity Saint John Region Restore | $13,732 | 4 |
Hickey Bros. DKI | $1,577 | 1 |
Housing Alternatives | $4,016 | 1 |
Human Development Council (HDC) | $3,765 | 1 |
Imperial Theatre | $7,028 | 2 |
In Pursuit Mobile Boutique | $2,027 | 1 |
Inside Out Nature Centre | $6,301 | 4 |
InterAction School of Performing Arts | $12,600 | 4 |
Jean Coutu Pharmacy Ryan Kennedy #405 | $3,091 | 2 |
Jo's Boutique/ at St. Joseph's Hospital | $10,856 | 2 |
John Howard Society of New Brunswick Adelaide | $4,016 | 1 |
John Howard Society of New Brunswick Duke Street | $4,016 | 1 |
John Howard Society of New Brunswick Fundy Region Inc. | $4,016 | 1 |
John Howard Society of New Brunswick Grant House | $4,016 | 1 |
John Howard Society of New Brunswick Inc. Hart House | $3,526 | 1 |
John Howard Society of New Brunswick Maloney House | $3,878 | 1 |
KV3C | $6,704 | 2 |
Kennebecasis Drugs Ltd. | $1,768 | 1 |
Kennebecasis Rowing Club Inc. | $7,028 | 2 |
Kennebecasis Valley Girls Softball Association | $3,012 | 1 |
Kennebecasis canoe/kayak club | $3,514 | 1 |
Key Industries | $7,028 | 2 |
L'Arche Saint John | $3,514 | 1 |
La Coopérative Radiophonique - La Brise de la Baie ltée. | $3,599 | 1 |
Labourer`s International Union Local No. 900 | $3,735 | 1 |
Lancaster Plaza | $1,577 | 1 |
Latimore Lake Community Centre | $7,028 | 2 |
Lily Lake Pavilion Inc. | $3,012 | 1 |
Local 107.3fm | $6,300 | 2 |
Loyalist House | $3,514 | 1 |
Maritime Food Services Ltd. | $3,153 | 2 |
Milford Memorial Centre Inc. | $7,028 | 2 |
Mothers Against Drunk Driving | $3,514 | 1 |
National Diabetes Trust | $3,476 | 1 |
New Brunswick Community College | $6,306 | 4 |
New Brunswick Community College Student Representative Council | $3,012 | 1 |
North Market Wharf Cultural Association | $7,028 | 2 |
ONE Change | $13,895 | 4 |
Parkinson Canada | $3,150 | 1 |
Port Saint John | $6,306 | 4 |
Pride of Race, Unity and Dignity through Education Incorporated | $3,514 | 1 |
Reversing Falls Restaurant | $1,506 | 1 |
Rothesay Tennis Club | $6,508 | 2 |
Rothesay Yacht Club Inc. | $10,218 | 3 |
Royal Kennebeccasis Yacht Club | $10,380 | 3 |
Ruth Ross Residence | $4,016 | 2 |
Saint David's United Church | $6,704 | 2 |
Saint John & District Tennis Association | $6,866 | 2 |
Saint John Arts Centre | $7,028 | 2 |
Saint John Community Loan Fund | $3,352 | 1 |
Saint John Expos Baseball Team | $6,765 | 2 |
Saint John Fire Fighters Museum | $6,866 | 2 |
Saint John Free Public Library | $20,470 | 1 |
Saint John Horticultural Association | $6,300 | 2 |
Saint John Irish Rugby Club | $3,012 | 1 |
Saint John Jewish Historical Museum | $6,701 | 2 |
Saint John Marina | $8,552 | 6 |
Saint John Regional Hospital | $7,882 | 5 |
Saint John SPCA Animal Rescue | $3,426 | 1 |
Saint John Theatre Company | $10,440 | 3 |
Saint John Trojans Rugby Football Club | $4,016 | 1 |
Saint John Y | $27,862 | 8 |
Seaside Lawn Bowling Club | $3,514 | 1 |
St. Joseph's Hospital Foundation | $3,765 | 1 |
St. Mark's United Church | $3,405 | 1 |
Sweet Caroline Foundation Inc. | $3,352 | 1 |
Symphony New Brunswick Inc. | $4,016 | 1 |
Teen Resource Centre | $14,056 | 4 |
The Heart and Stroke Foundation of New Brunswick | $6,097 | 2 |
The New Brunswick Museum | $8,929 | 6 |
Third Space | $3,831 | 1 |
Thistle-St. Andrews Curling Club | $3,352 | 1 |
TimberTop Adventures | $8,469 | 3 |
Town of Rothesay | $29,951 | 19 |
Trinity Church | $7,028 | 2 |
Tucker Park Recreation Association | $3,514 | 1 |
Turnbull Nursing Home | $5,986 | 2 |
University of New Brunswick | $20,296 | 13 |
Uptown Saint John Inc. | $3,514 | 1 |
Tobique - Mactaquac
Organization Name | Amount Paid | Jobs Created |
PhysioFirst | $3,603 | 2 |
4-H New Brunsiwck | $4,016 | 1 |
A-L Parts Inc. | $1,802 | 1 |
A.N.D. Communication & Graphics | $1,802 | 1 |
Alliance agricole du Nouveau-Brunswick | $3,831 | 1 |
Andrew & Laura McCain Library Board | $7,405 | 2 |
Andrew Crawford | $1,351 | 1 |
Aroostook Valley Country Club | $3,831 | 1 |
Arthurette Legion Branch #85 | $3,509 | 1 |
Association pour l'intégration Communautaire Grand-Sault Inc. | $2,988 | 1 |
Bannon Bible Camp | $8,032 | 2 |
Bath Meeting House | $1,621 | 1 |
Benton Recreation Council, Inc. | $4,016 | 1 |
Big Dog Equipment Sales Inc. | $1,802 | 2 |
Bolster Canada Inc. | $3,604 | 2 |
Brigitte M. Ouellette - Avocate-Notaire | $2,252 | 1 |
Brun-Way | $1,802 | 1 |
CIEVA (Community Industries Employment Vocational Association) | $3,352 | 1 |
Calvary Church | $3,831 | 1 |
Canadian Organic Maple Co. Ltd. | $1,802 | 2 |
Canadian Red Cross | $4,217 | 1 |
Canadian Tire #137 | $1,689 | 1 |
Carleton County Animal Shelter | $3,831 | 1 |
Carleton County Historical Society | $4,919 | 1 |
Carleton Manor Inc. | $3,765 | 1 |
Carleton Victoria Community Vocational Board Inc. | $3,765 | 1 |
Carleton Victoria Wood Producers Association | $4,500 | 1 |
Carlow Farms Ltd. | $1,802 | 1 |
Centre E. & P. Sénéchal Center | $1,802 | 1 |
Centre Floral de Grand-Sault Ltéé. | $1,802 | 1 |
Centre Recreatif | $7,657 | 2 |
Centre d'Activité la Source | $5,267 | 1 |
Centre de soins et Education Mickey & Minnie | $1,576 | 1 |
Centreville Chamber of Commerce | $3,514 | 1 |
City of Fredericton | $1,633 | 1 |
Comité organisateur de la finale des Jeux de l'Acadie 2019 Inc. | $1,205 | 1 |
Communauté rurale de Saint-André | $5,855 | 3 |
Community Business Development Corporations Victoria Madawaska - South | $3,352 | 1 |
Covered Bridge Community Lifestyles | $4,518 | 1 |
Covered Bridge Golf & Country Club | $3,600 | 1 |
Crabbe Mountain | $4,503 | 3 |
Crafty Corner Childcare Centre | $4,870 | 1 |
Cruiser Holdings Inc | $1,492 | 1 |
Currie's Greenhouses as operated by Andrew & Helen Currie | $1,689 | 1 |
D Forsyth Ltd. | $1,225 | 1 |
Debec Recreation Council Inc. | $3,831 | 1 |
Debec Women's Institute | $3,830 | 1 |
DunRoamin' Stray and Rescue | $3,831 | 1 |
Dykstra Farms Knowlesville Inc. | $1,802 | 2 |
E. Cummings Contracting Inc. | $1,351 | 1 |
E. M. Cummings Trucking Inc. | $1,484 | 1 |
Falls & Gorge Commission Inc. | $11,295 | 3 |
Ferme Gilles-Pierre Côté | $1,576 | 1 |
Florenceville Ag Limited | $1,576 | 1 |
Florenceville Veterinary Clinic | $1,147 | 1 |
Florenceville-Bristol Recreation & Parks Inc. | $3,918 | 1 |
Fondation Accès ERSA | $7,530 | 2 |
Friends of Hartland | $3,514 | 1 |
Future Footprints Family Centre | $3,831 | 1 |
Galerie Acanthus Gallery Inc. | $6,704 | 2 |
Grand Falls Agromart Ltd. | $3,603 | 2 |
Grand Falls Historical Society Inc. | $4,016 | 1 |
Grand Falls Minor Baseball Association | $8,032 | 2 |
Grand-Sault / Grand Falls | $8,558 | 5 |
Greater Woodstock Chamber of Commerce | $3,831 | 1 |
Habitat for Humanity Fredericton | $5,020 | 1 |
Hartin Settlement Cemetery | $3,990 | 1 |
Hartland Lions Club Inc. | $2,873 | 1 |
Hartland Valufoods | $1,576 | 1 |
Heritage Country Camping | $1,576 | 1 |
Hilltop Market Limited | $1,082 | 1 |
Hunter Brothers Farm | $3,603 | 2 |
Jean C Dupont Ltée. | $1,802 | 1 |
Juniper Co-Operative Ltd. | $3,352 | 1 |
Juniper Community Centre | $3,352 | 1 |
Kenworth Grand Sault | $1,802 | 1 |
Keswick Reads | $3,615 | 1 |
Keswick Ridge Historical Society | $3,012 | 1 |
Knowlesville Art & Nature Centre | $6,024 | 2 |
Les Fermes GAM Michaud Farms | $1,802 | 1 |
Lewis Pharmacy | $1,971 | 1 |
M & M Service Inc. | $1,802 | 1 |
Mactaquac Country Chamber of Commerce | $3,831 | 1 |
Meduxnekeag River Association Inc. | $5,020 | 1 |
Multicultural Association of Carleton County | $5,020 | 1 |
Municipality of Woodstock | $8,107 | 4 |
Municipalité de Drummond | $3,152 | 3 |
Nashwaak Villa Inc. | $3,591 | 1 |
New Brunswick Federation of Music Festivals | $3,012 | 1 |
New Denmark Recreation Council Inc. | $3,831 | 1 |
Northside Ventilation Ltd. | $1,785 | 1 |
Palmer Fabrications Ltd. | $1,802 | 1 |
Paradis de la Petite Montagne | $3,152 | 2 |
Partners for Youth Inc. | $9,036 | 2 |
Paul Davis Northwest New Brunswick | $1,802 | 1 |
Paw & Order Inc. | $1,089 | 1 |
Perth-Andover Public Library Board | $1,985 | 1 |
Perth-Andover Recreation Commission | $7,385 | 2 |
Perth-Andover Water Commission | $1,351 | 1 |
Plaster Rock Golf Club | $3,831 | 1 |
Potato Festival | $4,191 | 1 |
Potato World | $4,392 | 1 |
Red-Robin Christmas Trees & Maple Syrup | $3,378 | 2 |
River Country Campground | $1,802 | 1 |
River Valley Civic Center | $3,916 | 1 |
River Valley Physiotherapy | $1,970 | 1 |
River View Manor Inc. | $4,707 | 1 |
Ronald Furrow | $1,802 | 1 |
Royal Canadian Legion Marble Arch Branch 29 | $3,454 | 1 |
Ruth Anna's Ladies' Home Care Ltd. | $2,927 | 2 |
Settler's Inn & Motel Ltd. | $1,351 | 1 |
Smith Drugs | $1,576 | 1 |
Société du Centre des Affaires de Grand-Sault Inc. | $4,016 | 1 |
South Ridge Maple Co. Ltd. | $5,067 | 3 |
Start SMART Family Learning Centre Inc. | $6,936 | 2 |
Step Ahead-Bath family Learning Centre | $3,963 | 1 |
Stickney Recreation Council | $2,514 | 1 |
Strawberry Hill Farm | $3,457 | 2 |
Sullivan Farms (1992) Ltd. | $1,802 | 1 |
Sunridge Properties Ltd. | $1,576 | 1 |
Sunset Auction & Sales | $1,802 | 1 |
Tay Creek Folk Festival | $3,765 | 1 |
Taymouth Community Association (TCA) | $3,591 | 1 |
The Andrew & Laura McCain Art Gallery | $3,012 | 1 |
The Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy | $2,252 | 1 |
The River Restaurant | $1,351 | 1 |
Tobique Employment and Training | $6,019 | 1 |
Tobique Valley Manor, Inc. | $2,824 | 1 |
Toner Chevrolet Buick Gmc Ltd. | $901 | 1 |
Town of Florenceville-Bristol | $5,113 | 3 |
Town of Hartland | $1,773 | 1 |
Town of Nackawic | $3,153 | 2 |
Triple C Recreation Council | $3,012 | 1 |
Upper Kent Recreational Centre | $3,352 | 1 |
Upper Valley Autism Resource Centre Inc. | $8,027 | 2 |
Valley Foodbank (formerly known as Volunteer Family Services Inc.) | $5,021 | 1 |
Valley SPCA La Vallée Inc. | $3,514 | 1 |
Village of Canterbury | $3,603 | 2 |
Village of Centreville | $3,800 | 2 |
Village of Bath | $4,504 | 2 |
Village of Meductic | $1,576 | 1 |
Village of Perth-Andover | $4,933 | 3 |
Village of Plaster Rock | $3,502 | 2 |
Western Valley Recreation Association | $4,016 | 1 |
Woodstock Sanctuary House | $5,020 | 1 |
Yum Yums Dairy Bar | $1,621 | 1 |
Zip Zag | $3,603 | 2 |
the Tobique Youth Center | $6,639 | 2 |
Page details
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