Who can apply
This page explains:
Eligible recipients are:
- Official Language Minority Community (OLMC) organizations* that are not-for-profit
- OLMC organizations that are for-profit
- OLMC educational or vocational institutions
- Indigenous organizations that serve an Indigenous community where the first official language used - either English or French - is the minority language in that province or territory
Applicants must demonstrate in their application that they are an OLMC organization. In keeping with the spirit of reconciliation, self-determination and recognition of rights, Indigenous organizations aren't required to identify as an OLMC organization to be eligible for funding.
*For the purposes of this call for proposals, an OLMC organization is one whose mission and/or mandate is dedicated primarily to supporting individuals living in OLMCs nationally, provincially, regionally, or locally, including educational or vocational institutions. For profit organizations may be eligible for funding if the nature and intent of the activity funded by the Department is non‑commercial, not intended to generate profit, and supports program priorities and objectives.
The Department has solicited a proposal from la Fédération des francophones de la Colombie-Britannique (FFCB). Funding to other organizations across Canada will be determined through this open call for proposals (CFP).
Note to organizations located and operating in Quebec - Act respecting the Ministère du Conseil Exécutif (M-30)
The Quebec National Assembly adopted an Act respecting the Ministère du Conseil exécutif (RLRQ, chapter M-30). This act provides that all Quebec public bodies must obtain the authorization of the Quebec government before entering into any agreement with the federal government, one of its departments or government agencies, or with a federal public agency. Any entity that is subject to the act is responsible for obtaining the necessary authorization before the conclusion of such an agreement. You may wish to review the provisions of M-30 before applying for funding to make sure you comply with the Act. If your proposed project is successful, ESDC will allow a reasonable amount of time for you to obtain the authorization from the Government of Quebec. If you are unable to get the required authorization in a reasonable amount of time, your application may not be funded, even if it meets the Program's eligibility requirements.
Your project must:
- deliver at least 1 of the Employment Assistance Services (EAS) activities (listed below) to individuals living in OLMCs
- describe how you are or will be working closely with the provincial or territorial (PT) government in which you are located during your project to refer clients to employment and training services beyond EAS, based on the needs of the client
- have an end date of no later than March 31, 2029
- request a budget of less than $10M per fiscal year
Project Activities
Eligible EAS activities include:
Job Search Assistance
- Job search assistance activities focus on helping the individual find work based on their existing level of skills and qualifications. Job search activities include structured and/or personalized supports that help individuals conduct an informed job search. Examples include, but aren't limited to:
- resume writing workshops
- interview practice and coaching
- job placement facilitation
- networking events
- job fairs
Counselling/Case Management Services
- Examples of counselling/case management activities include, but aren't limited to:
- creating a return-to-work action plan based on the client's individual employment needs
- assisting clients with job search action plans
- monitoring individuals' progression in implementing their action plan
- providing specialized assessments or professional diagnostic services to support a client's job search
Unassisted Services
- Unassisted services are the services or resources that support a client's ability to search independently for a job. They include, but aren't limited to:
- providing access to local labour market information, employment opportunities, career planning services, and information about existing education and training programs
- providing equipment to support unassisted job search or career planning, such as access to a computer with internet to facilitate a job search
Other Employment Assistance Services
- Additional services not defined in the other categories listed above. These can include, but aren't limited to:
- job retention services (those that help individuals maintain employment)
- business networking opportunities
- mentorship, guidance and support to jobseekers
- mentorship, guidance and support to entrepreneurs to help them promote awareness and expand the availability, accessibility and quality of employment opportunities
Please note that in-depth skills training isn't an eligible activity under this call for proposals.
While providing in-depth skills training isn't eligible for funding under this CFP, organizations can refer clients to existing training funded by other sources to support in-depth skills development as part of their project activities.
Other mandatory activities include:
- referrals to other service providers
- project and participant data collection and reporting
What the funding can be used to pay for
Funding can only be used for eligible expenses. All expenses must be tied directly to the financial requirements of the proposed project to be eligible. Eligible expenses include:
- overhead costs, including costs related to central administrative functions of the recipient organization that support agreement activities (such as shared postage, telephones, IT maintenance and head office support)
- the costs of project materials and supplies
- wages and mandatory employment related costs (MERCS)
- staff training and professional development costs
- hospitality costs (the provision of meals and beverages/refreshments)
- honoraria
- printing and communication costs
- travel costs (international travel must be specifically authorized)
- professional fees such as: consultants, research, audit, IT, technical expertise, facilitation
- participant (or client) support costs, including wraparound supports (such as childcare, transportation costs, work clothing, etc.)
- repairs or renovations to support the participation of persons with disabilities
- the costs of buying tools, equipment, machinery, computers and furniture
- costs of collecting and reporting on data as requested by the Department
If the funding recipient re-distributes funding to a third party to carry out project activities, costs incurred by that third party are also eligible, provided they align with the above list.
Funding recipients will be prohibited from receiving funding for delivering the same activity to the same recipients from the EF-OLMC EAS Stream through more than one agreement at a time.
Ineligible expenses:
- capital costs for the construction of a building (other than repairs or renovations to support the participation of persons with disabilities) or buying land or buildings
- costs that support skills and language training for EAS clients
- purchase of alcohol
How we assess your application
We may refuse applications that are incomplete or contain errors
We may contact you to request any mandatory information if it’s missing from your application. We’ll do this before we decide if your application is eligible. If you receive such a request, you must respond within 5 business days of the date we send the request. If you don’t respond before the deadline, your application will be considered incomplete and deemed ineligible.
We will review your application in 3 steps:
Step 1: Screening for eligibility (questions 50, 54-57, 72-75 of the application)
- your application is received by the deadline of 1:00 PM EDT on June 20, 2024
- your application package is completed in full and includes all supporting documents and attestation
- the requested budget is no greater than $10 million per year
- your organization is an eligible OLMC organization
- your organization meets the experience requirements
- your project ends by March 31, 2029
- your application includes eligible EAS activities
- your project describes how you'll include two-way referrals with PTs and other service providers
- *if you're a non-indigenous organization serving indigenous clients, your proposal describes how you'll ensure cultural safety for your clients
It's important to submit a complete application. We'll only assess your project if all the eligibility requirements are met.
Things that may impact your eligibility
Your past performance or issues of default in projects with ESDC may impact the eligibility of your application.
When determining the eligibility of your application, ESDC may review information in the public domain including, but not limited to, materials on your website and media articles.
Step 2: Assessing on program objectives (questions 50, 56-59 and 72 of the application)
ESDC reserves the right to accept a proposal in whole or in part. Your proposal may also be shared within the department, with other governmental departments and PTs for validation purposes.
We’ll assess your application based on the following criteria:
Organizational capacity and experience
Your application must demonstrate that your organization has recent and significant* experience and expertise in delivering EAS; or it must demonstrate that your organization has a plan to partner, shown through partnership a letter, with an organization that has demonstrable experience in delivering EAS.
Your application must describe your organization's recent and significant* experience integrating your services into the broader skills and employment service delivery system through two-way referrals with the PTs and other service providers in which you operate. Or you must demonstrate that your organization has a plan to partner, shown through a partnership letter, with an organization that has demonstrable experience in integrating services into the broader skills and employment service delivery system through two-way referrals.
You must demonstrate that your organization has recent and significant* experience and expertise to report on results. Or you must demonstrate that your organization has a plan to meet this requirement.
You must also demonstrate that your organization has recent and significant* experience and expertise in collecting data through an intersectional lens. Or you must demonstrate that your organization has a plan to meet this requirement.
*Recent and significant experience is defined as 2 or more years of experience within the last 5 years.
Project objectives
You must demonstrate how your project will provide EAS to OLMCs through OLMC organizations, based on an understanding of their unique labour market needs (through a “by and for” approach).
You must describe how you’ll integrate these organizations’ services into the broader PT skills and employment service delivery system to better support clients’ needs, including through communication and two-way referrals.
You must describe the EAS gaps in the OLMC you’ll serve and show how your project will address these needs. Further, you’re encouraged to make sure that the project continues to address EAS gaps throughout the life cycle of the project.
Project activities, timelines, and feasibility
Your application should provide a clear and relevant description of each project activity.
Your application should demonstrate a clear and feasible timeline to implement project activities.
Your application should demonstrate a clear recruitment strategy for clients and participants.
Project results
Your application should describe the expected results and how they align with the project objectives.
Your application should describe how the project will collect, measure, and report on results achieved.
Project costs
Your application must clearly list and describe all project costs.
Your application must also demonstrate that the project costs support project activities. There must be clear linkages between the project costs outlined in the budget and the project activities.
Step 3: Assessing on other criteria to select a diverse range of projects to fund (question 57 of the application)
Proposals that demonstrate one or more of the below elements may be prioritized for funding:
- provide services in more than one of the four defined EAS activities (Job Search Assistance, Counselling/Case Management Services, Unassisted Services, Other EAS)
- establish and maintain collaborative relationships with other service providers that contribute to the success of the service model (such as sectors, regions, or industries, or with community/non-profit groups, educational institutions, or other service providers)
- contribute to pan-Canadian coverage by serving larger areas of OLMC clients, including those living in rural or remote areas
- serve individuals living in OLMCs with intersectional identities (other underrepresented groups such as 2SLGBTQI+, Indigenous peoples, newcomers, persons with disabilities, racialized peoples, women or youth)
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