Archived: Integrated Risk-Based Audit and Evaluation Plan 2015-2016
The Integrated Risk-Based Audit & Evaluation Plan, includes:
- Internal Audit Plan 2015-16 to 2017-18
- Evaluation Plan 2015-16 to 2019-20
June 2015
2015 Integrated Risk-Based Audit and Evaluation PlanFinal Approval
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Submitted by Robert D’Aoust, Chief Audit and Evaluation Executive
Approved by Michael Martin, Deputy Minister and Siddika Mithani, Associate Deputy Minister August 17, 2015
The Staff of the Audit and Evaluation Branch(as at April 1, 2015)
Audit Team
Evalution Team
DG's Office and Strategic Planning and Coordination Team
Jean Leclerc*
Stella-Line Cousineau
Jean-Luc Tétreault
Anik Paquette*
Jonathan Oligny
Sophie Lalonde
Graça Rebelo Cabeceiras
Lise Gravel
Urszula Adamik*
Philippe Knight
William Blois
Sandra Allard
Michael Callahan
Cairine Chisamore
Susan Wharton
Robert Tkaczyk
Nicole Michaud
Lindsay Comeau
Katheryne O'Connor*
Micheline Hanna*
Robert D'Aoust
Nicole Fortier
Mary Louise Lemieux
Gordon Clifford
François Pelletier
Daniel Chénier
Michele Kowlessar*
Gerald Osadchy
* Employees on assignment or on leave at April 1st, 2015
Each year the Audit and Evaluation Branch (AEB) of Environment Canada (EC) conducts a broad planning exercise to ensure the Branch's resources will be used efficiently and effectively, and provide the most value to EC senior management and the Deputy Ministers (DMs).
This Integrated Risk-Based Audit and Evaluation Plan (RBAEP) combines both the audit plan for the next three years (2015-16 to 2017-18) and the evaluation plan for the next five years (2015-16 to 2019-20), and outlines AEB’s key strategic priorities. The essential objective of the RBAEP is to ensure Branch efforts and resources are allocated to areas of most significant risk and priority for the Department, and to meet the requirements of Treasury Board (TB) Policies on Internal Audit and Evaluation.
The Department's External Audit Advisory Committee (EAAC) reviewed the audit plan and recommended it to the Deputy Minister for approval. The evaluation plan was also presented to the Departmental Evaluation Committee (DEC) for review and comments. This RBAEP was approved by the Deputy Minister in August, 2015.
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