The Government of Canada’s EcoAction Community Funding Program
The EcoAction Community Funding Program encourages action-oriented projects that will protect, rehabilitate, or enhance the natural environment. In keeping with Environment and Climate Change Canada’s priorities, EcoAction supports community-based projects led by environmental and community groups, youth and senior groups, and Indigenous organizations across Canada, which have measurable, positive impacts on the environment. The program addresses four themes: climate change, clean air, clean water, and nature.
This year, the EcoAction Community Funding Program will provide $4 million for 66 new projects. An emphasis was made to solicit projects with climate change activities. The EcoAction Community Funding Program leverages contributions for environmental action across Canada. As a result, for every dollar received through EcoAction, approximately $2.45 is used from other funding partners. This leveraging may take the form of financial or in-kind resources, such as volunteer labour, products, or services. Partner funding and other support broaden the scope of projects, improve on the ground results, and strengthen public and private collaboration.
Some of the funded activities include
- dealing with the impacts of climate change
- reducing greenhouse gas emissions by reducing energy consumption and taking steps to improve home energy efficiency
- improving water quality by reducing the amount of pesticides or household hazardous substances entering streams and lakes
- working to reduce air emissions that contribute to air pollution
- restoring and protecting natural habitat
- reducing biodiversity loss
More information about new projects funded through the EcoAction Community Funding Program is found in the project list below. More information about the EcoAction Community Funding Program is available on
Project title | Approved contribution | Project location | Organization name |
Climate Smart Chamber Initiative | $96,000 | Canada wide | Canadian Chamber of Commerce |
Next Steps: A Climate of Change | $66,550 | Communities in Bow Valley, Alta. | Biosphere Institute of the Bow Valley |
Climate Leadership for Generation Green | $48,400 | Calgary, Alta. | Green Calgary Association |
MD of Foothills Riparian Enhancement Projects | $21,686 | Municipal District of Foothills No. 31, Alta. | Sustainability Resources |
Duck Bay Wetland Restoration – Water Quality Improvement and Climate Mitigation Project | $47,000 | Nelson, B.C. | Friends of Kootenay Lake Stewardship Society |
Okanagan Conservation Areas Restoration | $25,000 | Okanagan Valley, B.C. | The Nature Trust of British Columbia |
Pollinator Pathways (for Climate Change Adaptation of Pollinators in Langley, B.C.) | $35,384 | Langley, B.C. | Langley Environmental Partners Society (LEPS) |
Climate Action Champions (CAC) | $35,000 | Metro Vancouver and Vancouver Island, B.C. | Be The Change Earth Alliance Society |
Dawson Creek Watershed Society Riparian Management and Wildlife Monitoring Program | $42,450 | Dawson Creek, B.C. | Dawson Creek Watershed Society |
Earthwise Agassiz Streamside and Woodland Trail | $29,500 | Agassiz/Harrison, B.C. | Earthwise Society |
Metchosin Shoreline Good Neighbours | $30,900 | Metchosin, B.C. | Habitat Acquisition Trust |
Port Alberni Clean Water Project | $63,700 | Port Alberni, B.C. | West Coast Aquatic Stewardship Association |
Sculpting Rockfish Habitat in Howe Sound | $43,410 | Howe Sound, B.C. | Vancouver Aquarium Marine Science Centre |
Pollinator Garden Project | $27,881 | North Vancouver, B.C. | North Shore Neighbourhood House |
Haida Gwaii Clean Energy Toolkit | $35,000 | Haida Gwaii, B.C. | Swiilawiid Sustainability Society |
Mitigating the Effects of Climate Change by Protecting Foreshore Ecosystems in the Okanagan Valley. | $84,075 | Okanagan Valley, B.C. | Okanagan Collaborative Conservation Program |
Adapting for Climate Change: Protecting Okanagan Waterways from Invasive Species | $37,700 | Okanagan Valley, B.C. | Okanagan and Similkameen Invasive Species Society |
Adapting to Climate Change: Community Workshops and Estuary Restoration Project | $62,902 | Cowichan Valley Regional District, Duncan, B.C. | Cowichan Community Land Trust Society |
Integrating Human Use with Ecological Restoration Project | $54,450 | Galiano Island, B.C. | Galiano Conservancy Association |
Adapting to Cowichan’s Changing Climate – Cleaning our Water, Slowing the Flow | $51,060 | Cowichan Valley Regional District, B.C. | Cowichan Watershed Society |
Closing the Loop on Affordable and Healthy Housing | $97,100 | Shawnigan Lake, B.C. | O.U.R. Community Association |
SṈIDȻEȽ Resiliency Project | $96,050 | Tod Inlet, Gowlland Tod Provincial Park, Central Saanich, B.C. | SeaChange Marine Conservation Society |
Innovative Harvest Management of Rural Ditches for Biomass, Nutrient Capture, and Flood Control: A Pilot Demonstration for the Lake Winnipeg Watershed | $100,000 | Rural Municipality of Springfield, Oakbank, Man. | International Institute for Sustainable Development |
ON SITE Multi-Family Composting Project | $40,000 | Winnipeg, Man. | Green Action Centre |
Water Retention on Tobacco Creek | $35,000 | Tobacco Creek watershed in the rural municipalities of Lorne, Thompson, Dufferin and Roland, Man. | Deerwood Soil and Water Management Association |
Shelterbelt Awareness and Renovation Options | $13,000 | Morden, Man. | Stanley Soil Management Association |
Carbon Reduction Through Increased Sequestration | $14,000 | Municipalities of Prairie View and Rossburn, Man. | Upper Assiniboine River Conservation District |
Climate Change, Human Health, and the Urban Forest | $58,000 | Bathurst, N.B. | Bathurst Sustainable Development (BSD) |
The Great Fundy Coastal Cleanup | $40,930 | Fredericton, N.B. | Nature Trust of New Brunswick Inc. |
Improving Storm Water Management in the Kennebecasis | $33,800 | Sussex, N.B. | Kennebecasis Watershed Restoration Committee |
Reducing Transportation-Related Greenhouse Gases: Drive Electric N.B. – Electric Vehicle Incentive Pilot Program | $43,000 | Fredericton, N.B. | New Brunswick Lung Association |
Implementing Emissions Reduction Plans in Tantramar: Community Draft-Proofing Work Parties | $96,000 | Sackville, N.B. | EOS Eco-Energy / EOS Eco-Énergie Inc. |
Nashwaak River Bank Stabilization | $64,000 | Fredericton, N.B. | Nashwaak Watershed Association Inc. |
Community Nursery for the Restoration of Riparian Environments | $35,861 | Shediac, N.B. | Shediac Bay Watershed Association |
Communities in Action for a Better Bradley Brook | $20,000 | Nauwigewauk, N.B. | Hammond River Angling Association |
N.L. Wetland Conservation in a Changing Climate | $70,000 | St. John's, N.L. | Ducks Unlimited Canada |
Composting to Reduce Greenhouse Gases in Newfoundland and Labrador | $77,335 | N.L. | Quebec-Labrador Foundation |
Preserving the Shoreline and Heritage of Malagawatch | $67,742 | Sydney, N.S. | Atlantic Coastal Action Program (ACAP) Cape Breton |
Soaking Up Stormwater in Southwest Nova Scotia | $90,000 | Lunenburg, N.S. | Bluenose Coastal Action Foundation |
ReNEW – The Deanery Project | $89,672 | Lower Ship Harbour, N.S. | The Deanery Project |
Creating Ecosystem Services on Marginal Farmland | $66,000 | Norfolk County, Ont. | ALUS Norfolk Inc. |
Addressing Climate Change at the Neighbourhood Scale | $100,000 | Toronto, Markham, and Brampton, Ont. | The Living City Foundation |
2020 Vision of Healthy Waters: Community Stewardship in the Nottawasaga Valley and South Georgian Bay | $100,000 | Simcoe County, Dufferin County, and Grey County, Ont. | Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority |
Six Streams Initiative: Soil and Nutrient Conservation to Enhance Resiliency in Natural and Agricultural Systems | $93,556 | Bruce County, Ont. | Bruce Peninsula Biosphere Association |
Connecting Communities and Creeks | $65,000 | Simcoe County, Ont. | Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority |
Youth and Community Action to Reduce Climate Change Impacts and Improve Watershed and Community Health | $64,000 | Scarborough, Ont. | Friends of the Rouge Watershed |
Glenn-E Municipal Drain Project | $95,000 | Dungannon, Ont. | Maitland Valley Conservation Authority |
Stormwater and Nutrient Management on the Eighteen Mile River | $100,000 | Bruce County, Ont. | Pine River Watershed Initiative |
Improving Forests and Coastlines in Winter River – Tracadie Bay Watershed | $77,760 | Dunstaffnage, P.E.I. | Winter River – Tracadie Bay Watershed Association Inc. |
I Compost, I Garden! | $99,173 | Montérégie, Estrie, and Centre-du-Québec regions, Que. | La RHA pour la Reconstruction Harmonieuse de l'Agriculture |
Getting from Home to School Using Active Transportation! | $42,850 | Montérégie region, Que. | Nature-Action Québec Inc. |
Electrification and Efficiency of Travel for Business and Deliveries | $37,090 | Estrie region, Que. | Conseil régional de l’environnement de l’Estrie |
The Search for Clandestine Dump Sites | $74,850 | Abitibi-Témiscamingue region, Que. | Conseil régional de l'environnement de l'Abitibi-Témiscamingue (CREAT) |
Brown Snake Habitat Conservation, Restoration, and Enhancement | $52,756 | Montréal, Que. | Société d’histoire naturelle de la vallée du Saint-Laurent |
Blue and Green Alleyways | $90,000 | Montréal, Que. | Société de développement communautaire de Montréal (SODECM) |
Environmentally Responsible Development of Parking Lots | $88,000 | Montréal, Que. | Conseil régional de l'environnement de Montréal |
Action Group for Sustainable Energy and Buildings in the Magdalen Islands | $50,000 | Magdalen Islands, Que. | Écobâtiment |
Eurasian Watermilfoil Control in Water Bodies in the Laurentians | $100,000 | Laurentians region, Que. | Conseil régional de l’environnement des Laurentides |
Greening Initiative in Saint-Henri | $99,062 | Montréal, Que. | Les YMCA du Québec |
Greening Project for Urban Heat Island Mitigation in Sainte-Marie | $25,088 | Montréal, Que. | Société écocitoyenne de Montréal |
Fruit Tree Planting Project in Saint-Roch 2017-2019 | $44,700 | Québec, Que. | Programme d’encadrement clinique et d’hébergement (Pech) |
W Composting | $22,689 | Wôlinak, Que. | Conseil des Abénakis de Wôlinak |
Targeted Activities for Runoff Control and Soil Conservation in Degraded Agricultural Areas in Brome-Missisquoi | $96,550 | Brome-Missisquoi region, Que. | Organisme de bassin versant de la baie Missisquoi |
Slow it, Spread it, Sink it: Engineered Rain Gardens in a Semi-Arid Region | $73,394 | Swift Current, Sask. | Swift Current Creek Watershed Stewards |
Cattails to Power: Innovative Pilot Demonstration for Clean Water and Sustainable Energy in Saskatchewan | $100,000 | Upper Souris watershed, Sask. | International Institute for Sustainable Development |
If You Build It, They Will Come: Increasing Cycling, Decreasing Emissions | $88,550 | Halifax, N.S. Montréal, Que. Brampton, Ont. Edmonton, Alta. |
Canada Bikes |
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