Transboundary notification: Biox Canada
(1) Name and address of proponent:
BIOX Canada Limited, 585 Wentworth Street North, Hamilton, ON, L8L 5X3
(2) Latitude and longitude of proposed facility:
43o 08.9' 16" N, 79o 35.2' 50" W
(3) Distance to the Canada/U.S. border:
62 km
(4) Brief description of the proposed project (major products, process, capacity, etc):
The plant will produce approximately 60 million litres per year of biodiesel fuel. The biodiesel will derive from a process utilizing refurbished cooking grease, animal fats, vegetable oils and agricultural seed oils. Chemicals used in processing include methanol, methanol/sodium hydroxide mixture, methanol/tetrahydrofuran mixture and sulphuric acid.
(5) For combustion processes, list capacity (tonnes/year), fuel type and grade:
Capacity: 8,000,000 m3 Fuel Type: Natural Gas< Fuel Grade:
(6) Contact for technical and design information:
Kevin Norton,
Phone Number: (905) 337-4977
Fax Number: (905) 337-4977
(7) Estimated annual quantities of the following pollutants released to the atmosphere (tonnes per year):
SO2 : 0 PM : 1.6 NOx : 5.7 VOC : 74.7 CO : 8.8
(8) List hazardous air pollutants with emissions estimates (tonnes/year) for any hazardous pollutants with expected annual emission rates of greater than 1 tonne per year:
Methanol (27.4 tonnes/year)
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