Transboundary notification: Portlands Energy Centre L.P.
(1) Name and address of proponent:
Portlands Energy Centre L.P., 440 Unwin Avenue, Toronto, ON, M4M 3B9
(2) Latitude and longitude of proposed facility:
43o 38' 57" N, 80o 19' 52" W
(3) Distance to the Canada/U.S. border:
25 km
(4) Brief description of the proposed project (major products, process, capacity, etc):
The Portlands Energy Centre L.P. (PEC) is a 50/50 limited partnership between Ontario Power Generation Inc. (OPG) and TransCanada Energy Ltd. (TCE). The partnership was formed to plan, develop and operate the proposed PEC at the Toronto Portlands on a portion of the former R. L. Hearn Generation Station property at 440 Unwin Avenue. The proposed PEC facility will be a natural gas fired power plant that will be capable of generating up to 550 MW of electricity and up to 272,000 kg/hr of steam for district heating. The plant will be constructed as two independent but equally rated identical combined cycle, cogeneration power plant trains. Both trains will be monitored and controlled from a central control room, and will be designed to meet all applicable municipal, provincial, national and other applicable industry based codes and standards. The proposed turbines will be using state of the art dry low NOx (DLN) technology, which is reliable, well dev loped and proven and have very low NOx emission rates.
(5) For combustion processes, list capacity (tonnes/year), fuel type and grade:
Capacity: 23 x 106 MMBtu/year - 638 x 106 m3/year Fuel Type: natural gas Fuel Grade: western Canada pipeline
(6) Contact for technical and design information:
Phone Number: (416) 869-2154
Fax Number: (416) 869-2056
(7) Estimated annual quantities of the following pollutants released to the atmosphere (tonnes per year):
SO2 : 4 PM : 76 NOx : 1000 VOC : 16 CO : 276
Note: These are maximum annual rates. NOx is 1000 tonnes/year equivalent to NO2.
(8) List hazardous air pollutants with emissions estimates (tonnes/year) for any hazardous pollutants with expected annual emission rates of greater than 1 tonne per year:
Toluene : 1.8 tonnes/year Formaldehyde : 10.1 tonnes/year Ethane : 1.3 tonnes/year Pentane : 1.1 tonnes/year Note: These are maximum annual rates.
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