Transboundary notification: Synfuel Technologies
(1) Name and address of proponent:
Synfuel Technologies Inc., 1 Darrell Avenue, Thunder Bay, ON, P7B 6T7
(2) Latitude and longitude of proposed facility:
48o 23' " N, 89o 14' " W
(3) Distance to the Canada/U.S. border:
50 km
(4) Brief description of the proposed project (major products, process, capacity, etc):
This application is for approval to install a 199MW petroleum coke gasification cogeneration facility to be located on the Mission River in the district of Thunder Bay, Ontario. The plant will have nine (9) gasification trains, which in total make up one (1) gasification unit. Each train will be a closed loop system with an exhaust point only from the corresponding gasifier stack and a fugitive emission point at the ash silo due to truck loading. One (1) 9-cell Marley cooling tower will be located along the east side of the property. Using synthesis gas treatment technologies, this facility will convert petroleum coke into steam energy for process and electric generation. Details at: Comment period ends: November 30, 2003
(5) For combustion processes, list capacity (tonnes/year), fuel type and grade:
Capacity: 16,736 lb/hr per train x 9 trains = 150,624 lb/hr or 68.47 tonnes/hr or about 600,000 tonnes year Fuel Type: Petroleum Coke Fuel Grade: 95% through a 50 mesh screen and 75% through a 200 mesh screen
(6) Contact for technical and design information:
Brad Ross, Application Processor, 2 St. Clair Avenue West, Floor 12A Toronto, Ontario M4V 1L5
Phone Number: (416) 314-8225
Fax Number: (416) 314-8452
(7) Estimated annual quantities of the following pollutants released to the atmosphere (tonnes per year):
SO2 : 697.3 PM : 198.4 NOx : 673.6 VOC : None CO : 879.5
Although there is an emission factor in the submission for VOCs, no emission estimation was conducted for VOCs. The gasification system manufacturer commented that the volatile organics "are thermally destroyed by direct combustion and catalytic conversion". If this is not the case, the emission of VOCs was estimated to be about 71.3 tonnes/year.
(8) List hazardous air pollutants with emissions estimates (tonnes/year) for any hazardous pollutants with expected annual emission rates of greater than 1 tonne per year:
None Listed
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