Nesting periods

Determine when migratory birds might be nesting so you can plan your activities to reduce the risk of harming them.



This information provides an overview of your obligations and does not replace relevant laws and regulations. You must adhere to all federal, provincial and/or territorial laws, regulations and conditions of permits.

This information does not authorize you to harm or kill migratory birds or to disturb, destroy or take nests or eggs under the Migratory Birds Regulations.

Remember that:

  • It is your responsibility to evaluate risks and determine the measures required.
  • The general nesting periods of migratory birds in Canada apply to large geographical areas. The nesting periods in your area could have a different starting date and/or duration than published dates.
  • Activities occurring outside of the nesting periods might contravene the Migratory Birds Regulations or other laws and regulations.
  • The list of species here included may change as more information becomes available, which could result in the changing of technical information published on this web site.

Please contact us for further information. 

To determine the time periods when migratory bird nests or eggs are likely to be present, you must:

Nesting zones

Canadian nesting zones are broad, general areas, corresponding roughly to Bird Conservation Regions.

The limits of nesting zones reflect:

Changes in the nesting period between adjacent nesting zones occur as a gradient.

When working near the boundary of a zone, you should also consider the nesting period of the adjacent zone.

Nesting calendars

The nesting calendars show the variation in nesting intensity by habitat type and nesting zone. Nesting intensity is defined as the proportion of species that are estimated to be actively nesting on a given date from March to September. For example, 44 species are known to nest in wetland habitats of the nesting zone A1 over the year. The nesting intensity shows that, from March 26 to March 28, less than 5 percent of these 44 species are predicted to be nesting in wetland habitats.

The nesting calendars are based on the number of nesting species, not the number of nesting individuals. Periods with fewer nesting species may still have a high number of individuals within those species that nest during that time period. For example, large numbers of Canada geese, mallards and pintails nest in April on the prairies, nesting zones B3 and B4, although few species nest during that period.

How to interpret the nesting calendars

When interpreting the nesting calendars, remember that:


Example of a nesting calendar

In this nesting calendar for the nesting zone A1 in open habitat, you can see that:

Map of the nesting zones in Canada

Zone A Zone B Zone B Zone C Zone D Zone N

Zone A: includes Northern Pacific Rainforest (BCR 5), Great Basin (BCR 9) and Northern Rockies (BCR 10)

Zone B: includes Prairie Potholes (BCR 11), Boreal Taiga Plains (BCR 6) and Northwestern Interior Forest (BCR 4)

Zone C: includes Lower Great Lakes/St. Lawrence Plain (BCR 13), Atlantic Northern Forest (BCR 14), Boreal Hardwood Transition (BCR 12), parts of Boreal Softwood Shield (BCR 8) and parts of Taiga Shield and Hudson Plains (BCR 7)

Zone D: includes Quebec-Labrador and Newfoundland sub-zones of Boreal Softwood Shield (BCR 8) and of Taiga Shield and Hudson Plains (BCR 7)

Zone N: includes Arctic Plains and Mountains (BCR 3)

Regional nesting period tables in Canada

Table 1a. Regional nesting period table in Canada, technical information for planning purposes: Nesting zone A
Nesting zone A: Northern Pacific Rainforest (BCR 5), Great Basin (BCR 9) and Northern Rockies (BCR 10)
Regional nesting period
A1 Late March - Mid-August
A2 Early April - Mid-August
A3 Mid-April - Mid-August
A4 and A5 Late April - Mid-August
(Nesting calendars of zone A)
Table 1b. Regional nesting period table in Canada, technical information for planning purposes: Nesting zone B
Nesting zone B: Prairie Potholes (BCR 11), Boreal Taiga Plains (BCR 6) and Northwestern Interior Forest (BCR 4)
Regional nesting period
B3 and B4 Mid April - Late August
B5 Late April - Late August
B6 Late April - Mid-August
B7 and B8 Early May - Late August
B9 Mid-May - Mid-August
(Nesting calendars of zone B)
Table 1c. Regional nesting period table in Canada, technical information for planning purposes: Nesting zone C
Nesting zone C: Lower Great Lakes/St. Lawrence Plain (BCR 13), Atlantic Northern Forest (BCR 14), Boreal Hardwood Transition (BCR 12), parts of Boreal Softwood Shield (BCR 8) and parts of Taiga Shield and Hudson Plains (BCR 7)
Regional nesting period
C1 Late March - Late August
C2 Early April - Late August
C3 and C4 Mid-April - Late August
C5 Late April - Late August
C6 Late April - Mid-August
C7 and C8 Early May - Mid-August
(Nesting calendars of zone C)
Table 1d. Regional nesting period table in Canada, technical information for planning purposes: Nesting zone D
Nesting zone D: Quebec-Labrador and Newfoundland sub-zones of Boreal Softwood Shield (BCR 8) and of Taiga Shield and Hudson Plains (BCR 7)
Regional nesting period
D3-4 Mid-April - Mid-August
D5 Late April - Mid-August
D6 and D7 Early May - Mid-August
(Nesting calendars of zone D)
Table 1e. Regional nesting period table in Canada, technical information for planning purposes: Nesting zone N
Nesting zone N: Arctic Plains and Mountains (BCR 3)
Regional nesting period
N8 and N9 Mid-May - Mid-August
N10 Late May - Mid-August
(Nesting calendars of zone N)

Nesting calendars

Nesting calendars in zone A (map of zone A), technical information for planning purposes covering Northern Pacific Rainforest (BCR 5), Great Basin (BCR 9) and Northern Rockies (BCR 10)

Nesting calendars in zone A


Legend for calendars: Number of species in percentage (Blue markers show extreme dates predicted for some atypical parts of the nesting zone where nesting could be earlier or later).

Nesting calendar legend


Nesting calendars in zone B (map of zone B), technical information for planning purposes covering Prairie (BCR 11), Boreal Taiga Plains (BCR 6) and Northwestern Interior Forest (BCR 4)

Nesting calendars in zone B


Legend for calendars: Number of species in percentage (Blue markers show extreme dates predicted for some atypical parts of the nesting zone where nesting could be earlier or later)

Nesting calendar legend


Nesting calendars in zone C (map of zone C), technical information for planning purposes covering Lower Great Lakes/St. Lawrence Plain (BCR 13), Atlantic Northern Forest (BCR 14), Boreal Hardwood Transition (BCR 12), parts of Boreal Softwood Shield (BCR 8) and of Taiga Shield and Hudson Plains (BCR 7)

Nesting calendars in zone C


Legend for calendars: Number of species in percentage (Blue markers show extreme dates predicted for some atypical parts of the nesting zone where nesting could be earlier or later)

Nesting calendar legend


Nesting calendars in zone D (map of zone D), technical information for planning purposes covering Quebec-Labrador and Newfoundland sub-zones of Boreal Softwood Shield (BCR 8) and of Taiga Shield and Hudson Plains (BCR 7)

Nesting calendars in zone D


Legend for calendars: Number of species in percentage (Blue markers show extreme dates predicted for some atypical parts of the nesting zone where nesting could be earlier or later)

Nesting calendar legend


Nesting calendars in zone N (map of zone N), technical information for planning purposes covering Arctic Plains and Mountains (BCR 3)

Nesting calendars in zone N


Legend for calendars: Number of species in percentage (Blue markers show extreme dates predicted for some atypical parts of the nesting zone where nesting could be earlier or later)

Nesting calendar legend

Customized nesting calendars

If you need customized nesting calendars based on a selection of species and regions of interest or calendars for species under provincial/territorial jurisdiction, consult the Nesting Calendar Query Tool available through Bird Studies Canada.

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