Appendix A: publications related to CEPA
Anonymous. 1994. Exposure of wildlife to toxic pollution at ACAP sites. Update, Autumn 1994. Brochure, CWS, Atlantic Region, CWS, Sack., N.B., 2pp. Published.
Bandiera, S.M., S.M. Torok, M.A. Ramsay and R.J. Norstrom. 1995. "Catalytic and immunological characterization of hepatic and lung cytochromes P450 in the polar bear." Biochem. Pharmacology. In press.
Béland, P., S. De Guise, C. Girard, A. Lagacé, D. Martineau, R. Michaud, D. Muir, R. Norstrom, E. Pelletier, S. Ray and L. Shugart. 1994. "Toxic compounds and health and reproductive effects in St. Lawrence beluga whales." J. Great Lakes Res. 19(4):766-775. Published.
Bergman, A., R.J. Norstrom, K. Haraguchi, H. Kuroki and P. Béland. 1994. "PCB and DDE methyl sulphones in mammals from Canada and Sweden." Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 13(1):121-128. Published.
Bishop, C.A. 1994. Methods for Evaluating the Occurrence and Relative Abundance of Amphibians and Reptiles in Natural and Constructed Habitats in Areas of Concern in the Great Lakes Basin. Canadian Wildlife Service, Ontario Region, Environment Canada (Great Lakes Action Plan Cleanup Fund). Published.
Bishop, C.A., A.A. Chek, M.D. Koster, D. Hussell, and K. Jock. 1995. "Chlorinated hydrocarbons, and total mercury in sediments, red-winged blackbirds and tree swallows from wetlands in the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River basin." Environ. Toxicol. Chemistry, 14(3): 491-502. Published.
Bishop, C.A., A.A. Chek, M.D. Koster, D. Hussell, K. Jock. 1994. "Chlorinated hydrocarbons, and total mercury in sediments, red-winged blackbirds and tree swallows from wetlands in the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River basin." Environ. Toxicol. Chemistry. Accepted.
Bishop, C.A., D.R.S. Lean, R.J. Brooks, J.H. Carey, and P. Ng. 1994. "Chlorinated hydrocarbons in early life stages of the common snapping turtle (Chelydra serpentina serpentina) from a coastal wetland on Lake Ontario, Canada." Environ. Toxicol. Chemistry l4(3): 42l-426. Published.
Bishop, C.A., G.P. Brown, R.J. Brooks, D.R.S. Lean and J.H. Carey. 1994. "Organochlorine contaminant concentrations in eggs and their relationship to body size, and clutch characteristics of the female common snapping turtle (Chelydra serpentina serpentina) in Lake Ontario, Canada." Archiv. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 27:82-87. Published.
Bishop, C.A., K.E. Pettit, M.J. Gartshore, and D.A. MacLeod. 1994. "Extensive monitoring in anurans in Ontario, Canada (1992-1993)." Herpetological Conservation. Accepted.
Boily, M.H, L. Champoux, D.H. Bourbonnais, J. L. DesGranges, J. Rodrigue, et P.A. Spear. 1994. "B-carotene and retinoids in eggs of Great Blue Herons (Ardea herodias) in relation to St. Lawrence River contamination." Ecotoxicology 3:271-286. Published.
Bonin, J., J.L. DesGranges, J. Rodrigue, et A. Gendron. 1994. Potentiel d'utilisation du Necture tacheté (Necturus maculosus) comme bioindicateur de la population du fleuve Saint-Laurent. Série de rapports techniques No 190. Service canadien de la faune, Région du Québec. 58 p. Published.
Bonin, J., J.L. DesGranges, C. Bishop, J. Rodrigue, A. Gendron et J. Elliott. 1995. "Comparative study of xenobiotic contaminants in Mudpuppy (Amphibia) and the Common Snapping Turtle (Reptilia), St. Lawrence River, Canada." Arch. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 28: 184-194. Published.
Bredin, K. 1994. "Counting on the birds". In: ACAP: Atlantic Coastal Action Program newsletter. Summer 1994 issue. EC, Dartmouth, NS. 6pp. Eng. & Fr. Published.
Bredin, K. 1994. Toxic chemicals project - Atlantic Coastal Action Plan. Contract No. KR203-3-0429 final report submitted to CWS, Atlantic Region, 71pp. Unpublished Report.
Burgess, N. and K. Bredin. 1994. Exposure of wildlife to pollution at ACAP sites. Bilingual Poster, Miramichi Environmental Science Workshop, Newcastle, N.B., April 13-15, 1994. Poster.
Busby, D. et J. Rodrigue. 1994. "La teneur en BPC dans les oeufs du Cormoran à aigrettes de l'île aux Pommes." L'Euskarien 16(2): 9-10. Published.
Canada. Environment Canada and Health Canada. 1994. Priority Substances List Assessment Report. "1,2-Dichloroethane." 35 pp. Published.
Canada. Environment Canada and Health Canada. 1994. Priority Sublances List Assessment Report. "1,4-Dichlorobenzene." 30 pp. Published.
Canada. Environment Canada and Health Canada. 1994. Priority Substances List Assessment Report. "Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate." 44 pp. Published
Canada. Environment Canada and Health Canada. 1994. Priority Substances List Assessment Report. "Dibutyl phthalate." 34 pp. Published
Champoux, L. 1994. Contamination et écotoxicologie de la faune de la rivière Saint-Maurice dans la région d'une usine de pâte blanchie à La Tuque (Québec). Série de rapports techniques No. 187, Service canadien de la faune, région du Québec, xii + 63 p. Published.
Champoux, L. 1994. Contamination de la faune locale suite à l'incendie de pneus de Saint-Amable. Série de rapports techniques No 188, Service canadien de la faune, région du Québec. xii + 22 p. Published.
Champoux, L. 1994. "Etude de la contamination des visons de la Haute-Mauricie." Le Trappeur québécois. 7(4): 5. Published.
Chu, I., D.C. Villeneuve, A. Yagminas, P. Lecavalier, H. Hakansson, U.G. Ahlborg, V.E. Valli, S.W. Kennedy, A. Bergman, R.F. Seegal, and M. Feeley. 1995. "Toxicity of PCB 77 (3,3', 4,4'-tetrachlorobiphenyl) and PCB 118 (2,3', 4,4', 5-pentachlorobiphenyl) in the rat following subchronic dietary exposure." Fundam. Appl. Toxicol. In press.
DesGranges, J.L., J. Rodrigue et B. Tardif. 1994. Exposition au mercure chez de jeunes Balbuzards au nid dans les territoires de la Baie James et de la Baie d'Hudson. In Van Coillie et al. (eds). Comptes rendus du vingtième colloque annuel de la toxicologie aquatique, 17-21 octobre 1993, Québec, Québec. Rap. Tech. can. sci. halieut. et aquat. 1989: 331 p. Published.
DesGranges, J.L., J. Rodrigue, B. Tardif et M. Laperle. 1994. Exposition au mercure de Balbuzards nichant sur les territoires de la Baie James et de la Baie d'Hudson. Série de rapports techniques, Service canadien de la faune, région du Québec. In press.
DesGranges, J.L., J. Rodrique et L. Champoux. 1994. Esquisse d'un réseau de surveillance écotoxicologique de la faune du Saint-Laurent: le rôle du Service canadien de la faune. In Van Coillie et al. (eds). Comptes rendus du vingtième colloque annuel de la toxicologie aquatique, 17-21 octobre 1993, Québec, Québec. Rap. Tech. can. sci. halieut. et aquat. 1989: 331 p. Published.
Dewailly, E., P. Ayotte, C. Laliberté, D.C.G. Muir, R.J. Norstrom. 1994. "Human exposure to polychlorinated biphenyls through the aquatic food chain in the Arctic." Environmental Health Perspectives 101:618-620. Published.
Elliott, J.E., P.A. Martin and P.E. Whitehead. 1994. Organochlorine contaminants in seabird eggs from the Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia. In: K. Vermeer (ed.) The ecology of marine and shoreline birds of the Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia. In press.
Elliott, J.E., P.A. Martin, T.W. Arnold & P.H. Sinclair. 1994. "Organochlorines and reproductive success of birds in orchard and non-orchard areas of central British Columbia, 1990-91." Archiv. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 26:435-443. Published.
Elliott, J.E., P.E. Whitehead, P.A. Martin, G.D. Bellward and R.J. Norstrom. 1994. Persistent pulp mill pollutants in wildlife. In: M.E. Servos, K.R. Munkittrick, J.H. Carey and G.J. Van Der Kraak (eds.). Fate and Effects of Pulp and Paper Mll Effluents. St. Lucie Press, Boca Raton, Florida, USA. In press.
Ewins, P.J., D.V. Weseloh, J.H. Groom, R.Z. Dobos and P. Mineau. 1994. "The diet of Herring Gulls (Larus argentatus) during winter and early spring on the lower Great Lakes." Hydobiologia 279/280:39-55. Published.
Ewins, P.J., K. Legierse, D.V. Weseloh, R.J. Norstrom, H.J. Auman and J.P. Ludwig. 1994. Organochlorine contaminants and breeding biology of Caspian Terns on the Great Lakes in 1991. CWS Occasional Paper. In press.
Ewins, P.J. 1994. The fall and rise of Osprey populations in the Great Lakes basin. Environment Canada, Ontario Region Fact Sheet No. EN40-222/1-1994E. 12 pp. Published.
Ewins, P.J. and S. Postupalsky. 1994. "Residue levels of organochlorine contaminants and shell thickness of eggs laid by known-age female Ospreys in Michigan during the 1980s." Environmental Pollution. In press.
Ewins, P.J., D.V. Weseloh, R.J. Norstrom, K. Legierse, H.J. Auman and J.P. Ludwig. 1994. Caspian terns on the Great Lakes: organochlorine contamination, reproduction, diet and population changes, 1972-1991. Occasional Paper No. 85, Canadian Wildlife Service, 30 pp. Published.
Fontaine, G., J. Rodrigue, J.L. DesGranges et L. Champoux. 1994. Évaluation du potentiel de l'Hirondelle bicolore comme espèce bioindicatrice de la contamination du fleuve Saint-Laurent. Comptes rendus du vingt et unième colloque annuel de la toxicologie aquatique, octobre 1994, Sarnia, Ontario. Rap. Tech. can. sci. halieut. et aquat. In press.
Forsyth, D.J., P.A. Martin, K.D. De Smet and M.E. Riske. 1994. "Organochlorine contaminants and eggshell thinning in grebes from Prairie Canada." Environmental Pollution 85:51-58. Published.
Fox, G.A. 1994. Scientific Principles: In: Applying Weight of Evidence: Issues and Practice. Michael Gilbertson and Sally Cole-Misch (Eds.). Report on presentations made at the 1993 Biennial Mtg. of the IJC, Windsor, Ontario, Oct. 22-24, 1993. Published.
Fox, G.A. 1995. "Tinkering with the Tinkerer: Pollution versus Evolution." Environ. Health Perspect. 103 (Suppl. 4), April 1995. Published.
Fox, G.A. (editor). 1994. Bioindicators as a measure of success for virtal elimination of persistent toxic substances. A report to the IJC Virtual Elimination Task Force. Based on a workshop held April 28-29, 1992, Ann Arbor, Michigan. International Joint Commission, Windsor. 37 pp. Published.
Gamberg, M. and A.M. Scheuhammer. 1994. "Cadmium in caribou and muskoxen from the Canadian Yukon and Northwest Territories." The Science of the Total Environment 143:221-234. Published.
Harding, L.E. and R.C.H. Wilson. 1994. Integrated marine ecosystem monitoring: the Pacific Marine Ecozone Trial. Proc. Science and Management of Protected Areas, Halifax, May 16-19, 1994. In press.
Harfenist, A., P.E. Whitehead, W.J. Cretney and J.E. Elliott. 1995. Food chain sources of polychlorinated dioxins and furans to Great Blue Herons (Ardea herodias) foraging in the Fraser River Estuary, British Columbia. CWS Technical Report Series No. 169, Pacific and Yukon Region. Published.
Hebert, C., M. Simon, R. Norstrom, J. Moisey, M. Mulvihill, A. Idrissi. 1994. Polychlorinated Dibenzodioxins, Dibenzofurans and Non-ortho Polychlorinated Biphenyls in Caribou from the Canadian Arctic. Report by Canadian Wildlife Service, National Wildlife Research Centre. Unpublished Report.
Hebert, C.E., D.V. Weseloh, L. Kot and V. Glooschenko. 1994. "Organochlorine contaminants in a terrestrial foodweb on the Niagara Peninsula, Ontario, Canada 1987-89." Arch. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 26:356-366. Published.
Hebert, C.E., R.J. Norstrom, M. Simon, B.M. Braune, D.V. Weseloh and C.R. Macdonald. 1994. "Temporal trends and sources of PCDDs and PCDFs in the Great Lakes: Herring gull egg monitoring, 1981-1991." Environ. Sci. Technol. 28:1268-1277. Published.
Honour, S.M., S. Trudeau, S.W. Kennedy and G. Wobeser. 1995. "Experimental vitamin A deficiency in mallards (Anas platyrhynchos): Lesions and tissue vitamin A levels." J. Wildlife Disease. In press.
Kasserra, M.T. and B.J. Wakeford. 1994. Environmental Specimen Banking and Monitoring of Toxic Chemicals - A Canadian Wildlife Service Perspective. International Symposium on Environmental Biomonitoring and Specimen Banking, Honolulu, Dec. 1995. Poster.
Kennedy, S.W. and A. Lorenzen. 1994. "Application of new methods to measure cytochrome P4501A induction and porphyrin accumulation in avian embryo hepatocyte cultures." Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Microsomes and Drug Oxidations, 216-218. Accepted.
Kennedy, S.W. and S. Trudeau. 1994. Simultaneous Measurement of Cytochrome P4501A Catalylic Activity and Total Protein Concentration in Environmental Samples. SETAC '94, Oct. 30-Nov. 3, 1994. Poster.
Kennedy, S.W. and S.P. Jones. 1994. "Simultaneous Measurement of Cytochrome P4501A Catalytic Activity and Total Protein Concentration with a Fluorescence Plate Reader." Analytical Biochemistry 222:217-223. Published.
Kennedy, S.W., A. Lorenzen and S.P. Jones. 1994. "Sensitivity of various avian embryo hepatocyte cell cultures to cytochrome P4501A induction by TCDD, TCDF and PCBs." Organohalogen Compounds 21:475-480. Published.
Kennedy, S.W., S.P. Jones and L.J. Bastien. 1995. "Efficient analysis of cytochrome P450aA catalytic activity, porphyrins, and total proteins in chicken embryo hepatocyte cultures with a fluorescence plate reader." Anal. Biochem. 226: 362-370. Accepted.
Kieley, K.M., and H.J. O'Neill. 1995. Data review and analysis of CEPA Priority Substance List metals in the Atlantic Region (Ed. Neil Burgess). EC, Atlantic Region Tech. Report 95-02, 104 pp. Published.
Letcher, R.J., R.J. Norstrom and Å. Bergman. 1994. "Geographical distribution of MeSO2-PCB and -DDE metabolites in pooled polar bear (Ursus maritimus) adipose tissue from western hemisphere arctic and subarctic regions." Sci. Total Environ. 160, 161: 409-420. Published.
Letcher, R.J., R.J. Norstrom and Å. Bergman. 1994. A column chromatography approach to PCB and DDT Methyl sulphone metabolite isolation from biological matrices. Dioxin '94, Dept. of Environ. Sanit. Eng. Kyoto University, Japan. Organohalogen Compounds 20:441-446. Published.
Letcher, R.J., R.J. Norstrom, S.M. Bandiera and M.A. Ramsay. 1994. Polar bear hepatic cytochrome P450 1A1 and 1A2: Immunoquantitation, EROD/PROD activity and PCB levels. Dioxin '94, Dept. of Environ. Sanit. Eng. Kyoto University, Japan. Organohalogen Compounds 20:553-558. Published.
Mineau, P., A.M. Scheuhammer and T. Clark. 1994. "Effects of environmental pollutants on biodiversity ". (In) Biodiversity in Canada - A Science Assessment. Environment Canada. In press.
Mineau, P., T. Turner, J. Middleton and K. Freemark. 1994. "Pressures on biodiversity - a brief analysis of principal land use conflicts". (In) Biodiversity in Canada - A Science Assessment. Environment Canada. In press.
Muir, D.C.G. and R.J. Norstrom. 1994. "Persistent organic contaminants in Arctic marine and freshwater ecosystems". Arctic Res. Unit. States 8: 136-146. Published.
Norstrom , R.J. and C.G. Muir. 1994. "Chlorinated hydrocarbon contaminants in arctic marine mammals." The Science of the Total Environment 154 : 107-128. Published.
Norstrom, R.J. 1994. Chlorinated hydrocarbon contaminants in the Arctic marine environment. Dioxin '94, Dept. of Environ. Sanit. Eng. Kyoto University, Japan. Organohalogen Compounds 20:541-545. Published.
Norstrom, R.J., T.P. Clark, G.A. Fox and C.E. Hebert. 1994. Bioaccumulation of PCBs in Herring Gulls: QSAR and Modelling Approaches. Paper, 15th Annual SETAC Meeting, Denver, CO, Oct. 30-Nov. 3, 1994. Published.
Pettit, K.E., C.A. Bishop, and R.J. Brooks. 1995. "Home range and movements of the common snapping turtle (Chelydra serpentina serpentina) in a coastal wetland of Hamilton Harbour, Lake Ontario, Canada." Can. Field-Nat. 109(1): 1-9. Published.
Pettit, K.E., C.A. Bishop, D.V. Weseloh, and R.J. Norstrom. 1994. An atlas of contaminants in eggs of fish-eating colonial birds of the Great Lakes (1989-1992), Vol. II. CWS Tech. Report #194, Environmental Conservation Branch, Ontario Region. Published.
Pettit, K.E., C.A. Bishop, DV. Weseloh, and R.J. Norstrom. 1994. An atlas of contaminants in eggs of fish-eating colonial birds of the Great Lakes (1989-1992), Vol. 1. CWS Tech. Report #193, Ecosystems Health Branch, Ontario Region, pp. 1-319. Published.
Phaneuf, D., J.L. DesGranges, N. Plante et J. Rodrigue. 1995. "Contamination of local wildlife following a fire at a PCB warehouse in St-Basile le Grand, Quebec". Arch. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 28: 145-153. Published.
Polischuk, S.C., R.J. Letcher, R.J. Norstrom and M.A. Ramsay. 1994. "Preliminary results on the kinetics of organochlorines in western Hudson Bay polar bear (Ursus maritimus)". Sci. Total Environ. 160, 161: 465-472. Published.
Polischuk, S.C., R.J. Letcher, R.J. Norstrom, S.A. Atkinson and M.A. Ramsay. 1994. Relationship between PCB concentration, body burden and percent body fat in female polar bears while fasting. Dioxin '94, Dept. of Environ, Sanit. Eng. Kyoto University, Japan. Organohalogen Compounds 20:535-539. Published.
Rodrigue, J. and B. Braune. 1994. "Contamination de la bécasse d'Amérique". La Sauvagine 1994-95: 13. Published.
Rodrigue, J., J.L. DesGranges et R. Titman. 1994. Évaluation du Canard de Pékin comme bioindicateur de la contamination en milieu naturel. In Van Coillie et al. (eds). Comptes rendus du vingtième colloque annuel de la toxicologie aquatique, 17-21 octobre 1993, Québec, Québec. Rap. Tech. can. sci. halieut. et aquat. 1989: 331 p. Published.
Rodrigue, J., J.L. DesGranges et R. Titman. 1994. Utilisation de canards domestiques pour la surveillance des contaminants du fleuve Saint-Laurent. Série de rapports techniques No. 192. Service canadien de la faune, région du Québec, ix + 86 p. Published.
Sanderson, J.T., J.E. Elliott, R.J. Norstrom, P.E. Whitehead, L.E. Hart, K.M. Cheng and G.D. Bellward. 1994. "Monitoring biological effects of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins, dibenzofurans and biphenyls in great blue heron chicks (Ardea herodius) in British Columbia". J. Toxicol. Environ. Health 41:435-450. Published.
Sanderson, J.T., R.J. Norstrom, J.E. Elliott, L.E. Hart, K.M. Cheng and G.D. Bellward. 1994. "Biological effects of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins, dibenzofurans and biphenyls in double-crested cormorant chicks (Phalocrocorax auritus)". J. Toxicol. Environ. Health 41(2):247-265. Published.
Scheuhammer, A.M. and P.J. Blancher. 1994. "Potential Risk to Common Loons (Gavia immer) from Methylmercury Exposure in Acidied Lakes." Hydrobiologia 279/280:445-455, 1994 [J.J. Kerekes (ed.) , Aquatic Birds in the Trophic Web of Lakes]. Published.
Scheuhammer, A.M. and S.L. Norris. 1995. A review of the environmental impacts of lead shotshell ammunition and lead fishing sinker products in Canada. CWS Occasional Paper Series. In press.
Shutt, J.L. 1994. Reproductive Success of Herring Gulls Nesting on Lake Superior: The Role of Contaminants and Diet. Poster presented at 15th Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Denver, Co. Oct. 30-Nov. 3, 1994. Poster.
Shutt, J.L. and J. Jensen. 1994. "Environmental contaminants in Canadian raptors." Bird Trends 4: 36-37. Published.
Struger, J. J.E. Elliott, C.A. Bishop, M.E. Obbard, R.J. Norstrom, D.V. Weseloh and M. Simon, and P. Ng. 1994. "Environmental contaminants in eggs of the common snapping turtle (Chelydra serpentina serpentina) from the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River Basin of Ontario, Canada (1981, 1984)." J. Gr. Lakes Res. 19(4):681-694. Published.
Trudeau, S. and S.W. Kennedy. 1994. An Efficient Method for Determining Hepatic Cytochrome P4501A Activity in Fish and Fish Eating Birds with a Fluorescence Plate Reader. Aquatic Toxicology Workshop, Sarnia, Ontario, Oct. 3-7, 1994. Poster.
Wayland, M. 1994. Environmental Contaminants in Common Mergansers on the Wapiti River, Alberta. Report to the Northern River Basins Study, Edmonton, Alberta. Unpublished Report.
Wayland, M. 1994. Environmental Contaminants in mink from the Peace and Athabasca River systems. Report to the Northern River Basins Study, Edmonton, Alberta. Unpublished Report.
Wayland, M. and D.K. McNicol. 1994. "Movements and survival of Common goldeneye broods near Sudbury, Ontario, Canada." Can. J. Zool. In press.
Wayland, M., J. Welch and L. Long. 1994. "The potential effects of mercury in the aquatic environment on fish-eating birds in Saskatchewan and Manitoba." Canadian Wildlife Service, Saskatoon. Unpublished Report.
Weseloh, D.V., J. Struger and C.E. Hebert. 1994. "White pekin ducks (Anas platyrhynchos) as monitors of organochlorine and metal contamination in the Great Lakes." J. Great Lakes Res. 20(1):277-288. Published.
Weseloh, D.V., P.J. Ewins, J. Struger, P. Mineau and R.J. Norstrom. 1994. "Geographical distribution of organochlorine contaminants and reproductive parameters in herring gull eggs on Lake Superior in 1983." Environ. Monitor. Assess. 29:229-251. Published.
Weseloh, D.V., P.J. Ewins, J. Struger, P. Mineau, C.A. Bishop, S. Postupalsky and J.P. Ludwig. 1994. Double-crested Cormorants (Phalacrocorax auritus) of the Great Lakes: changes in population size, breeding distribution and reproductive output, 1913-1991. In D.N. Nettleship and D.C. Duffy (eds.). The Double-crested Cormorant: Biology, Conservation and Management. Colonial Waterbirds 17 (Special Publication). In press.
Weseloh, D.V. and P.J. Ewins. 1994. "Herring and Great Black-backed Gulls as indicators of contaminants in Bald Eagles in Lake Ontario." SETAC Abstracts 1994: 250. Published.
Weseloh, D.V., P. Hamr, C.A. Bishop and R.J. Norstrom. 1995. "Organochlorine contaminant levels in waterbird species from Hamilton Harbour, Ontario: an IJC Area of Concern." J. Gr. Lakes Res. 21:121-137. Published.
Weseloh, D.V., P. Hamr, C.A. Bishop, R.J. Norstrom. 1994. "Organochlorine contaminant levels in waterbird species from Hamilton Harbour, Lake Ontario: An IJC Area of Concern." Archiv. Environ. Toxicol. Contam. Accepted.
Weseloh, D.V., P.A. Martin, C.A. Bishop and R.J. Norstrom. 1995. "Organochlorine contaminants in avian wildlife of Severn Sound (Georgian Bay, Lake Huron), and IJC Area of Concern." J. of Water Resources. In press.
Zhu, J, R.J. Norstrom, D.C.G. Muir, L.A. Ferron, J-P. Weber, and E. Dewailly. 1995. "Persistent Chlorinated Cyclodiene Compounds in Ringed Seal Blubber, Polar Bear Fat, and Human Plasma from Northern Québec, Canada: Identification and Concentrations of Photoheptachlor." Environamental Science & Technology, Vol. 28:267-271. Published.
Zhu, J. and R.J. Norstrom. 1994. "Identification of polychlorocamphenes (PCC's) in the polar bear (Ursus Maritimus) food chain." Chemosphere 27(10):1923-1935. Published.
Zhu, J.P. and R.J. Norstrom. 1994. "Identification of polychlorocamphenes (PCCs) in the polar bear (Ursus maritimus) food chain." Chemosphere 27:1923-1935. Published.
Zhu, J.P., M.J. Mulvihill and R.J. Norstrom. 1994. "Characterization of technical toxaphene using combined HPLC-GC.ECNIMS techniques." J. Chromatog. A669:103-117. Published.
Environment Canada. 1994. Towards a Toxic Substances Management Policy for Canada. A Discussion Document for Consultation Purposes. September 1994. Ottawa, Ontario. 23p.
Environment Canada. 1994. Criteria for the Selection of Substances for Virtual Elimination. Final Report of the ad hoc Science Group on Criteria. A companion document to "Towards a Toxic Substances Management Policy for Canada". September 15, 1994. Ottawa, Ontario. 25p.
Environment Canada. 1995. Section 17 Reportable Information Pertaining to the Environment. Report prepared by Linda Laurus. Ottawa, Ontario. 3p.
Environment Canada. 1995. Draft Environment Canada Guidelines for Evaluating section 17 Submissions under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act. Report prepared by Linda Laurus. Ottawa, Ontario. 13p.
Environment Canada. 1994. Response to Stakeholders' Comments on the Federal Government Proposals for Preparing the Second Priority Substances List under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA). May 1994. Ottawa, Ontario. 17p.
Environment Canada. 1994. The Phase-Out of Methyl Chloroform in Canada: Steps toward a smooth adjustment. September 1994. Ottawa, Ontario. 40p. September 1994
Environment Canada. 1994. Ozone-depleting Substances Alternatives and Suppliers List. December 1994. Ottawa, Ontario. 58p.
Environment Canada. 1994. Replenishing the Ozone Layer (Update) - Bulletin. An Update on Environmental Issues. September 1994. Ottawa, Ontario. 2p.
Environment Canada. 1995. MCF Newsletter. Canada's Ozone Layer Protection Program. March 1995. Ottawa, Ontario. 4p.
Argue, S. and Whittaker, H. The Advanced Oxidation of Manotick Ground Water Contaminated with Perchloroethlene.
Argue, S. and Whittaker, H. The Destruction of Chloromethanes Using Solarchem's Rayox Technology. 1994.
Argue, S. and Whittaker, H. The Reduction of Chlorinated Methanes and 1,2-Dichloroethane Using Zinz Metal. 1994.
Bastien, C. Y., M. M. Punt and J. R. J. Paré. "Study of the MAPTM Enhanced Solvent Extraction Process for the Removal of Organic Contaminants from Soil." Proceedings of the 11th Technical Seminar on Chemical Spills. Vancouver, B.C., June 1994.
Barton, P & Simpson, J. The effects of Aged Catalysts and Cold Ambient Temperature on Nitrous Oxide Emission. July 1994
Bélanger J. M. R., K. Li, M. Fingas, R. C. Lao, Y. Y. Shu, and J. R. J. Paré. "Microwave-Assisted Process (MAPTM): A Survey of Applications to Sample Preparation."16th International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography. Riva del Grade, Italy, September 16 - 20, 1994.
Bissonnette, M.C., M.F. Fingas, R.D. Nelson, P. Beaudry, and J.R.P. Paré, "Crude Oil Combustion at Sea: The Sampling of Released Products Using Remote-Controlled Boats", in Proceedings of the Seventeenth Arctic and Marine Oil Spill Program Technical Seminar, Environment Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, pp. 1065-1081, 1994.
Bissonnette, M.C., M. Goldthorp, M.F. Fingas, J.M.R. Bélanger, and J.R.J. Paré. "Design and Development of a Person-Portable Instrumentation System for Emergency Response and Field Studies", in Proceedings of the Eleventh Technical Seminar on Chemical Spills, Environment Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, pp. 109-127, 1994.
Blenkinsopp, S., G. Sergy, Z. Wang, M.F. Fingas, J. Foght and D.W.S. Westlake. "Oil Spill Bioremediation Agents - Canadian Efficacy Test Protocols", in Proceedings of the 1995 International Oil Spill Conference, American Petroleum Institute, Washington, D.C., pp. 91-96, 1995.
Brown, C.E., M. Fruhwirth, M.F. Fingas, M. Choquet, R. Héon, C. Padioleau, G. Vaudreuil, J-P Monchalin, R.H. Goodman, and J.V. Mullin. "Oil Slick Thickness Measurement: A Possible Solution to a Long-Standing Problem", in Proceedings of theEighteenth Arctic and Marine Oil Spill Program Technical Seminar, Environment Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, pp. 427-440, 1995.
Brown, C.E., M. Fruhwirth, and M.F. Fingas. "Airborne Oil-Spill Sensor Field Trial" in Proceedings of the First International Airborne Remote Sensing Conference and Exhibition, Environmental Research Institute of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, pp. I599-I611, 1994.
Brown, C.E., M. Fruhwirth, M.F. Fingas, R.H. Goodman, M. Choquet, R. Heon, G. Vaudreuil, J-P Monchalin, and C. Padioleau. "Laser Ultrasonic Remote Sensing of Oil Thickness: Absolute Measurement of Oil Slick Thickness", in Proceedings of theFirst International Airborne Remote Sensing Conference and Exhibition, Environmental Research Institute of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, pp. I567-I578, 1994.
Brown, C.E., Z. Wang, M. Fruhwirth, and M.F. Fingas. "May 1993 Oil Spill Sensor Test Program: Correlation of Laser Fluorosensor Data With Chemical Analysis", in Proceedings of theSeventeenth Arctic and Marine Oil Spill Program Technical Seminar, Environment Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, pp. 1239-1261, 1994.
Cianciarelli, D. Characterization of Semi-volatile and Volatile Organic Compounds From a Recovery Boiler - Les Cartons St-Laurent, La Tuque, Québec. Report PMD 95-2 March 1995.
Craig, A. Evaluation of the Zimac Preheater Module for Catalytic Converter. September 1994
Craig, A. Fu-Chin Gelly International. 1994
Dann, T. PM10 and PM2.5 Concentrations at Canadian Sites : 1984 - 1993. Report PMD 94-3. November 1994.
Dann, T. Ambient Air Measurements of Benzene at Canadian Monitoring Sites (1987-1993). Report PMD 94-4. July 1994.
Dann, T. et al. Characterization of Vehicle Emissions in the Cassiar Tunnel, Vancouver, B.C. Report PMD 94-6. December 1994.
Dayking, M.M., P.A. Kennedy and A. Tang. "Aquatic Toxicity from In-Situ Oil Burning." Emergencies Science Division, Environmental Technology Centre, Environment Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, 62 p., 1995
Dowdall, E., Tardif, M. And Chiu, C. "Automated PCB Analysis, Quantitation and Reporting." Submitted to Proceedings of 24th International Symposium on Environmental Analytical Chemistry, May 16-19, 1994, Carleton University, Ottawa, May, 1994.
Fearn, J. Exhaust Emissions Testing of Clean Air Valve. Joint DND - Environment Canada Project-June 1994
Fearn, J. Exhaust Emissions Testing of FuelMax Retrofit Device. June 1994
Fearn, J. World of Wheels 94. August 1994
Fingas, M.F., G. Halley, F. Ackerman, R. Nelson, M.C. Bissonnette, N. Laroche, Z. Wang, P. Lambert, K. Li, P. Jokuty, G. Sergy, W. Halley, J. Latour, R. Galarneau, B. Ryan, P.R. Campagna, R.D. Turpin, E.J. Tennyson, J. Mullin, L. Hannon, D. Aurand and R. Hiltabrand. "The Newfoundland Offshore Burn Experiment", in Proceedings of the 1995 International Oil Spill Conference, American Petroleum Institute, Washington, D.C., pp. 123-132, 1995.
Fingas, M.F, B. Fieldhouse and J.V. Mullin. "Water-in-Oil Emulsions: How They Are Formed and How They Are Broken", in Proceedings of the 1995 International Oil Spill Conference, American Petroleum Institute, Washington, D.C., pp. 829-830, 1995.
Fingas, M.F., F. Ackerman, P. Lambert, K. Li, Z. Wang, J. Mullin, L. Hannon, D. Wang, A. Steenkammer, R. Hiltabrand, R.D. Turpin and P.R. Campagna. "The Newfoundland Offshore Burn Experiment: Further Results of Emissions Measurement", in Proceedings of the Eighteenth Arctic and Marine Oil Spill Program Technical Seminar, Environment Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, pp. 915-995, 1995.
Fingas, M.F., Kyle, D.A., Laroche, N.D., Fieldhouse, B.G., Sergy, G. and Stoodley, R.G. "The Effectiveness Testing of Spill Treating Agents", The Use of Chemicals in Oil Spill Response, ASTM STP 1252, Peter Lane, Ed., American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, 1994.
Fingas, M.F., Kyle, D. and Tennyson, E. "Dispersant Effectiveness: Studies Into the Causes of Effectiveness Variations", The Use of Chemicals in Oil Spill Response, ASTM STP 1252, Peter Lane, Ed., American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, 1994.
Fingas, M.F., Kyle, D.A., Wang, Z., Handfield, D., Ianuzzi, D. and Ackerman, F. "Laboratory Effectiveness Testing of Oil Spill Dispersants", The Use of Chemicals in Oil Spill Response, ASTM STP 1252, Peter Lane, Ed., American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, 1994.
Fingas, M.F., D.A. Kyle, P. Lambert, Z. Wang and J.V. Mullin. "Analytical Procedures for Measuring Oil Spill Dispersant Effectiveness in the laboratory", in Proceedings of theEighteenth Arctic and Marine Oil Spill Program Technical Seminar, Environment Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, pp. 339-354, 1995.
Fingas, M.F. "The Evaporation of Oil Spills", in Proceedings of the Eighteenth Arctic and Marine Oil Spill Program Technical Seminar, Environment Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, pp.43-60, 1995.
Fingas, M.F., B. Fieldhouse, L. Gamble and J.V. Mullin. "Studies of Water-in-Oil Emulsions: Stability Classes and Measurement", in Proceedings of the Eighteenth Arctic and Marine Oil Spill Program Technical Seminar, Environment Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, pp.21-42, 1995.
Fingas, M.F., C.E. Brown, M. Fruhwirth, and L. Gamble. "Assessment of Sensors for Oil Spill Remote Sensing", in Proceedings of the First International Airborne Remote Sensing Conference and Exhibition, Environmental Research Institute of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, pp. I1-I12, 1994.
Fingas, M.F., F. Ackerman, K. Li, P. Lambert, Z. Wang, M.C. Bissonnette, P.R. Campagna, P. Boileau, N. Laroche, P. Jokuty, R. Nelson, R.D. Turpin, M.J. Trespalacios, G. Halley, J. Bélanger, J.R.J. Paré, N. Vanderkooy, E.J. Tennyson, D. Aurand and R. Hiltabrand. "The Newfoundland Offshore Burn Experiment - NOBE - Preliminary Results of Emissions Measurement", in Proceedings of the Seventeenth Arctic and Marine Oil Spill Program Technical Seminar, Environment Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, pp. 1099-1164, 1994.
Fingas, M.F., G. Halley, F. Ackerman, N. Vanderkooy, R. Nelson, M.C. Bissonnette, N. Laroche, P. Lambert, P. Jokuty, K. Li, W. Halley. G. Warbanski, P.R. Campagna, R.D. Turpin, M.J. Trespalacios, D. Dickins, E.J. Tennyson, D. Aurand and R. Hiltabrand. "The Newfoundland Offshore Burn Experiment - NOBE Experimental Design and Overview", in Proceedings of theSeventeenth Arctic and Marine Oil Spill Program Technical Seminar, Environment Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, pp. 1053-1061, 1994.
Fingas, M.F. D.A. Kyle, Z. Wang, F. Ackerman and J. Mullin. "Testing of Oil Spill Dispersant Effectiveness in the Laboratory", in Proceedings of the Seventeenth Arctic and Marine Oil Spill Program Technical Seminar, Environment Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, pp. 905-941, 1994.
Fingas, M. "Chemistry of Oil and Modelling of Spills", in Journal of Advances in Marine Technology Conference, Vol. 11, pp. 41-63,1994.
Fingas, M.F., Fieldhouse, B., Bier, I., Conrod, D. and Tennyson, E. "Laboratory Effectiveness Testing of Water-in-Oil Emulsion Breakers", The Use of Chemicals in Oil Spill Response, ASTM STP 1252, Peter Lane, Ed., American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, 1994.
Fingas, M.F. and B. Fieldhouse. "Studies of Water-in-Oil Emulsions and Techniques to Measure Emulsion Treating Agents", in Proceedings of the Seventeenth Arctic and Marine Oil Spill Program Technical Seminar, Environment Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, pp. 213-244, 1994.
Fingas, M.F. "Studies on the Evaporation of Oil Spills", in Proceedings of the Seventeenth Arctic and Marine Oil Spill Program Technical Seminar, Environment Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, pp. 189-212, 1994.
Fruhwirth, M., C.E. Brown, and M.F. Fingas. "Laser Fluorosensor Development: Providing Real-Time Information for Spill Response", in Proceedings of the First International Airborne Remote Sensing Conference and Exhibition, Environmental Research Institute of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, pp. I579-I585, 1994.
Graham, L. Emissions Characterization of a Fleet of 1993 Model Year Light Duty Vehicles. May 1994.
Graham, L. Contribution to Curbside Air Quality from Mobile Sources-Part I. January 1995.
Graham, L. Underground Garage Air Quality Assessment Program. March 1995.
Hendren, F. Evaluation of the Fuel Heater 2000 for Fuel Consumption and Exhaust Emissions Reductions in a Heavy Duty Vehicle Application. 1994.
Hendren, F. MSED Paper to Support Environmental Industry. February 95-Revised Edition of 94-01.
Holmes, J., and Y. Y. Shu. Pre-Test Microwave Oven Conditions for PUF Extractions: Behaviour of Solvent and PUF Matrix to Microwave Energy. Report No. CD 94-4, Environmental Technology Centre, Environment Canada (1994).
Howes, P. Emission Optimization/Calibration GFI equipped Bi-Fuel Lpg Vehicles. May 1994.
Howes, P., and F. Hendren. Evaluation of fuel Injectors and a Fuel Catalyst Device on Exhaust Emissions form a Diesel Fueled 6V53." 1994.
Howes, P. Emissions Deterioration Assessment of Bi-Fuel Natural Gas Vehicles. October 1994.
Howes, P. Environment Canada-Petro Canada RVP Program-Phase 1 - Oldsmobile Eighty Eight. December 1994.
Hodgins, D.O., S. E. Tinis, R.H. Goodman, M.F. Fingas and C. Bjerkelund. "Ocean Feature Identification Using HF Radar in Conjunction With SAR Imagery", in Proceedings of theSeventeenth Arctic and Marine Oil Spill Program Technical Seminar, Environment Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, pp. 1227-1237, 1994.
Hodgins, D.O., R.H. Goodman, and M.F. Fingas. "Remote Sensing of Surface Currents in the Fraser River Plume With the SeaSonde HF Radar", in Proceedings of the Seventeenth Arctic and Marine Oil Spill Program Technical Seminar, Environment Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, pp. 1207-1217, 1994.
Jokuty, P., M.F. Fingas, E. Meyer, C. Knobel and S. Whiticar. "Hydrocarbon Groups and Their Relationships to Oil Properties and Behaviour", in Proceedings of the Eighteenth Arctic and Marine Oil Spill Program Technical Seminar, Environment Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, pp.1-19, 1995.
Jokuty, P. and M.F. Fingas. "Oil Analytical Techniques for Environmental Purposes", in Proceedings of theSeventeenth Arctic and Marine Oil Spill Program Technical Seminar, Environment Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, pp. 245-260, 1994.
Ladanowski, C. Role of Environment Canada Emergency Officers Oil Spill response Management. paper ID#314, 1995 International Oil Spill Conference.
Lambert, P.G., B.G. Fieldhouse, M.F. Fingas, S.J. Whiticar, E.J. Tennyson and J.V. Mullin. "Sampling and Analysis in the Field: Methodologies Used by the Emergencies Science Division", in Proceedings of the Seventeenth Arctic and Marine Oil Spill Program Technical Seminar, Environment Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, pp. 277-288, 1994.
Laroche, N.D., M.F. Fingas, C. Stewart and C. Fredericks. "The Development of a Mobile Decontamination Unit for Emergency Response", in Proceedings of the Eleventh Technical Seminar on Chemical Spills, Environment Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, pp. 235-244, 1994.
Lawuyi, R, and M.F. Fingas. "Environmental Impact of Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) Spills and Fires", in Proceedings of the Twelfth Technical Seminar on Chemical Spills, Environment Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, pp. 65-98, 1995.
Lawuyi, R, and M.F. Fingas. "The Impact of Sulphuric Acid on the Environment", in Proceedings of the Eleventh Technical Seminar on Chemical Spills, Environment Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, pp. 63-99, 1994.
Li, K., M.F. Fingas, J.M.R. Bélanger, and J.R.J. Paré. "The Use of Thermal Extraction in Spill Response", in Proceedings of the Twelfth Technical Seminar on Chemical Spills, Environment Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, pp. 191-211, 1995.
Li, K., M.F. Fingas, J.M.R. Bélanger, and J.R.J. Paré. "Evaluation of the Hewlett-Packard HP7680 Automated Supercritical Fluid Extraction System", in Proceedings of the Twelfth Technical Seminar on Chemical Spills, Environment Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, pp. 173-189, 1995.
Li, K,. M.F. Fingas, J.R.J. Paré, and P. Boileau. "Determination of Dissolved Organics in the Water Soluble Fraction from Crude Oils by Headspace Analysis", in Proceedings of the Seventeenth Arctic and Marine Oil Spill Program Technical Seminar, Environment Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, pp. 289-306, 1994.
Li, K., M.F. Fingas, J.R.P. Paré, P. Boileau, P. Beaudry and E. Dainty. "The Use of Remote-Controlled Helicopters for Air Sampling in An Emergency Response Situation", in Proceedings of the Eleventh Technical Seminar on Chemical Spills, Environment Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, pp.139-158, 1994.
Mortazavi, Renata. Report on the Emissions of Freon 12 and Freon 113 from the HALOZONE Recovery Unit at the National Archives of Canada Deacidification Process. Report PMD 94-5 November 1994.
Ouellette, L., and V. Razbin, EMR, Remediation of Oil-Contaminated debris Using a Rotary Kiln Combustion. 1994.
Paré, J. R. J. , J. M. R. Bélanger and S. S. Stafford. "Microwave-Assisted Process (MAPTM): A New Tool fir the Analytical Laboratory." Trends in Analytical Chemistry. 13 (1994):176-184.
Paré, J. R. J. , J. M. R. Bélanger and K. Li. "Microwave Assisted Process (MAPTM): Application to the Headspace Analysis of VOCs in Water." Journal of Microcolumn Separation. 7 (1995): 37-40.
Paré J. R. J., "Microwave-Assisted Process (MAPTM) Applications to Sample Extraction." Proceedings of the Pittsburgh Conference '95. New Orleans, Louisiana, March 5-10, 1995.
Poole, G., B. Thibert, H. Lemaire, B. Sheridan, and C. Chiu. "An Assessment of Various Aprotic Solvents to Separate PCB from Oils". A Poster presented at Pittcon '95, New Orleans, La., March 1995
Punt, M., and D. Cooper. The Development of Soil Remediation Technologies at Environment Canada's Emergencies Engineering Division. Fourth Annual Conference on Contaminated Land, Conference Documentation, January 24/25 1994 SAS Portman Hotel, London W1.
Rideout, G. Emissions Testing of a Dual Fueled Diesel-Natural Gas Transit Bus." A Joint Environment Canada - Track Test Project. September 1994.
Rideout, G. Exhaust Emissions from a Feedback Controlled Fuel Injected Natural Gas Vehicle. 1994.
Rideout, G. Draft Cargo Studies on Marine Tank Vessels. February 1995.
Rosenblatt, D. Study to Investigate Mobile Source Emissions at the Macdonald-Cartier International Airport, Ottawa-Preliminary Report. Joint Transport Canada - Environment Canada Project-April 1994
Sheridan, B.R., Poole, G., Dowdall, E. And Chiu, C. "The Effect of Temperature on GPC for The Separation of PCBs from Transformer Oil and Subsequent Analysis by GC/MSD." Submitted to Proceedings of 24th International Symposium on Environmental Analytical Chemistry, May 16-19, 1994, Carleton University, Ottawa, May, 1994.
Shu Y. Y., J. Holmes, and R. C. Lao. PUF Cleaning and Extraction Procedure by Microwave-Assisted Process (MAPTM). Report NO. DO 1-94, Environmental Technology Centre, Environment Canada (1994).
Shu Y. Y., J. Holmes, C. Chiu, and R. C. Lao. "Environmental Sample Cleaning and Extraction Procedures by Microwave-Assisted Process (MAPTM) Technology." Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Analytical Chemistry. Changchun, China, August 2 - 6, 1994
Shu Y. Y., J. Holmes, and R. C. Lao. PUF Cleaning and Extraction Method by Microwave-Assisted Process (MAPTM): Part II. Report NO. DO 2-94, Environmental Technology Centre, Environment Canada (1994).
Shu Y. Y., J. Holmes, and R. C. Lao. The Application of Microwave-Assisted Process (MAPTM) to Ambient Air Sample Analysis. Report NO. DO 3-94, Environmental Technology Centre, Environment Canada (1994).
Shu, Y.Y., J.E. Dowdall, C. Chiu, and R.C. Lao. "Interference of Tansformer Oil Matrices to the Internal Standards on PCB Quantification". Submitted to Proceedings of 24th International Symposium on Environmental Analytical Chemistry, May 16-19, 1994, Carleton University, Ottawa, May, 1994.
Shu, Y.Y., R.C. Lao, J.M.R. Bélanger, M.F. Fingas, J.R.J. Paré. "Applications of the Microwave-Assisted Process (MAPtm) to Polyurethane Foams (PUFs) and Filters for Monitoring of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons", in Proceedings of the Twelfth Technical Seminar on Chemical Spills, Environment Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, pp. 165-172, 1995.
Souligny, M. University of Alberta HEVII. March 1995.
Volchek, K., Mortazavi, S., Lorusso, L. and Whittaker, H. Removal of Lead from Contaminated Soil. 11th Technical Seminar on Chemical Spills, June 6-7, 1994. Coastal Plaza Hotel, Vancouver British Columbia.
Wang, Z., M.F. Fingas, and G. Sergy. "Identification of Alkyl Benzenes and Direct Determination of BTEX and (BTEX + C3-Benzenes) in Oils by GC/MS", in Proceedings of the Eighteenth Arctic and Marine Oil Spill Program Technical Seminar, Environment Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, pp. 141-164, 1995.
Wang, Z., M.F. Fingas, and G. Sergy. "Chemical Characterization of Crude Oil Residues from an Arctic Beach by GC/MS and GC/FID", in Proceedings of the Eighteenth Arctic and Marine Oil Spill Program Technical Seminar, Environment Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, pp.111-139, 1995.
Wang, Z., and M.F. Fingas. "Chemical Analysis Methods for Crude Oil", in Proceedings of the 1995 International Oil Spill Conference, American Petroleum Institute, Washington, D.C., pp. 1004-1006, 1995.
Wang, Z., M.F. Fingas and G. Sergy. "Study of 22-Year-Old ARROW Oil Samples Using Biomarker Compounds by GC/MS", Environmental Science and Technology, Vol. 28, No. 9, pp. 1733-1746, 1994.
Wang, Z., M.F. Fingas and Ken Li. "Fractionation of a Light Crude Oil and Identification and Quantitation of Aliphatic, Aromatic, and Biomarker Compounds by GC-FID and GC-MS, Part II", Journal of Chromatographic Science, Vol. 32, pp. 367-382, 1994.
Wang, Z., M.F. Fingas and Ken Li. "Fractionation of a Light Crude Oil and Identification and Quantitation of Aliphatic, Aromatic, and Biomarker Compounds by GC-FID and GC-MS, Part I", Journal of Chromatographic Science, Vol. 32, pp. 361-366, 1994.
Wang, Z. and M.F. Fingas. "Quantitative Oil Analysis Method", in Proceedings of the Seventeenth Arctic and Marine Oil Spill Program Technical Seminar, Environment Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, pp. 307-335, 1994.
Wang, Z. and M.F. Fingas. "Study of the Effects of Weathering on the Chemical Composition of a Light Crude Oil", in Proceedings of the Seventeenth Arctic and Marine Oil Spill Program Technical Seminar, Environment Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, pp. 133-171, 1994.
Wang, Z., M.F. Fingas, and G. Sergy, "Study of 22-Year-Old ARROW Oil Samples Using Biomarker Compounds by GC/MS", in Proceedings of the Seventeenth Arctic and Marine Oil Spill Program Technical Seminar, Environment Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, pp. 93-131, 1994.
Williams, J. Characterization of Vented Landfill Gases - Progress Report. Report PMD 95-3 March 1995.
CCME (Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment). 1995. Canadian Water Quality Guidelines: Updates for Tebuthiuron. Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment, Task Group on Water Quality Guidelines. In press.
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CCME (Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment). 1994. Subsurface Assessment Handbook for Contaminated Sites. Report No. CCME-EPC-NCSRP-48E, Winnipeg, Manitoba, 293 pp.
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Chan, P.K.L., M.E. Meek (1994). "Chlorinated Paraffins - Evaluations of Risks to Health from Environmental Exposure in Canada." Environmental Carcinogenesis and Ecotoxicology Reviews. vol. C12: No. 2: pp. 219-229.
Chan, P.K.L., M.E. Meek (1994). "Di-n-butyl Phthalate - Evaluation of Risks to Health from Environmental Exposure in Canada." Environmental Carcinogenesis and Ecotoxicology Reviews. vol. C12: No. 2: pp. 257-268.
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Douglas, G.R., J.D. Gingerich, L. Soper, J. Jiao, J. Goosen. Comparison of Visual and Positive Selection Methods for Enumeration of Lac Z- Gene Mutations in Transgenic Mouse Tissues. Environmental Mutagen Society. May 7-12, 1994, Portland.
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Foster, W.G., D.C. Rice, A. Mcmahon. Adverse Effects of Low Circulating Lead Levels on Menstrual Cycle Characteristics in the Monkey. Reproductive Biology Workshop. (SORB). May 6, 1994.
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Giddings, M.; M.E. Meek, R. Gomes (1994). "Pentachlorobenzenes - Evaluation of Risk to Health from Environmental Exposure in Canada." Environmental Carcinogenesis and Ecotoxicology Reviews. Vol. C12: No. 2: pp. 435-441.
Giddings, M., M.E. Meek, R. Gomes (1994). "Tetrachlorobenzenes - Evaluation of Risks to Health from Environmental Exposure in Canada." Environmental Carcinogenesis and Ecotoxicology Reviews. Vol. C12: No. 2: pp. 473-481.
Giddings, M., M.E. Meek, R. Gomes (1994). "Trichlorobenzenes - Evaluation of Risks to Health from Environmental Exposure in Canada." Environmental Carcinogenesis and Ecotoxicology Reviews. Vol. C12: No. 2: pp. 517-525.
Gomes, R. R.G. Liteplo, M.E. Meek (1994). "Aniline - Evaluation of Risks to Health from Environmental Exposure in Canada." Environmental Carcinogenesis and Ecotoxicology Reviews. Vol. C12: No. 2: pp. 135-144.
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Hughes, K., M.E. Meek, I. Caldwell (1994). "1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane - Evaluation of Risks to Health from Environmental Exposure in Canada." Environmental Carcinogenesis and Ecotoxicology Reviews. Vol. C12: No. 2: pp. 483-491.
Hughes, K. M.E. Meek, I. Caldwell (1994). "1,2-Dichloroethane - Evaluation of Risks to Health From Environmental Exposure in Canada." Environmental Carcinogenesis and Ecotoxicology Reviews. Vol. C12: No. 2: pp. 293-303.
Hughes, K., M.E. Meek, S. Bartlett (1994). "Benzene - Evaluation of Risks to Health from Environmental Exposure in Canada." Environmental Carcinogenesis and Ecotoxicology Reviews. Vol. C12: No. 2: pp. 161-171.
Hughes, K., M.E. Meek, L.J. Seed, J. Shedden (1994). "Chromium and its Compounds - Evaluation of Risks to Health from Environmental Exposure in Canada." Environmental Carcinogenesis and Ecotoxicology Reviews. Vol. C12: No. 2: pp. 237-255.
Hughes, K., M.E. Meek, R. Burnett (1994) "Inorganic Arsenic - Evaluation of Risks to Health from Environmental Exposure in Canada." Environmental Carcinogenesis and Ecotoxicology Reviews. Vol. C12: No. 2: pp. 145-159.
Hughes, K., M.E. Meek, W. Windle (1994). "Trichloroethylene - Evaluation of Risks to Health From Environmental Exposure in Canada." Environmental Carcinogenesis and Ecotoxicology Reviews. Vol. C12: No. 2: pp. 527-543.
Hughes, K., M.E. Meek, R. Newhook, P.K.L. Chan. "Speciation in Health Assessments of Elements Under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act." Regulatory Toxicology and Phamacology. Submitted.
Jiao, J., J.D. Gingerich, L.M. Soper, G.R. Douglas. Molecular Analysis of N-nitrosodibenzylamine lacZ Mutations in Transgenic Mice. Canadian Society of Toxicology. Dec 1-2, 1994, Montreal.
Kumarathasan, S. R. Otson, I. Chu. "Dynamic Vapour Generation and Head Space Determination of M-Xylene for Pharmacokinetic Studies." International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry. In press.
Liteplo, R.G., M.E. Meek (1994). "3,3 - Dichlorobenzidine - Evaluation of Risks to Health from Environmental Exposure in Canada." Environmental Carcinogenesis and Ecotoxicology Reviews. Vol. C12: No. 2: pp. 287-292.
Liteplo, R.G., M.E. Meek (1994). "Benzidine - Evaluation of Risk to Health from Environmental Exposure in Canada." Environmental Carcinogenesis and Ecotoxicology Reviews. Vol. C12: No. 2: pp. 173-178.
Liteplo, R.G., M.E.Meek (1994). "Bis(2-chloroethyl) Ether, Bis(chloromethyl) Ether, and Chloromethyl Methyl Ether - Evaluation of Risk to Health from Environmental Exposure in Canada." Environmental Carcinogenesis and Ecotoxicology Reviews. Vol. C12: No. 2: pp. 231-236.
Liteplo, RG. M.E. Meek, R. Gomes, S. Savard (1994). "Inorganic Fluoride - Evaluation of Risk to Health from Environmental Exposure in Canada." Environmental Carcinogenesis and Ecotoxicology Reviews. Vol. C12: No. 2: pp. 327-344.
Liteplo, RG., M.E. Meek (1994). "Tetrachloroethylene - Evaluation of Risks to Health from Envrionmental Exposure in Canada." Environmental Carcinogenesis and Ecotoxicology Reviews. Vol. C12: No. 2: pp. 493-506.
Long, G., M.E. Meek, I. Caldwell, S. Bartlett, S. Savard (1994). "Dichloromethane - Evaluation of Risk to Health from Environmental Exposure in Canada." Environmental Carcinogenesis and Ecotoxicology Reviews. Vol. C12: No. 2: pp. 305-318.
Long, G. M.E. Meek, S. Savard (1994). "Methyl Tertiary-Butyl Ether - Evaluation of Risks to Health from Environmental Exposure in Canada." Environmental Carcinogenesis and Ecotoxicology Reviews. Vol. C12: No. 2: pp. 389-395.
Long, G.W., M.E. Meek. Assessment of Environmental Substances with Respect to Human Health: The Canadian Regulatory Program. Science and Technology Libraries. Submitted.
Maus, K.L. Assessment of Health Effects of Microorganisms Under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act: Special Considerations for the Environmental Use of Gram-negative Bacteria. International Symposium/Workshop on Environmental Biotechnology. July 3-7, 1994, Waterloo.
Meek, M.E., P.K.L. Chan (1994). "Bis (2-ethylhexyl) Phthalate - Evaluation of Risk to Health from Environmental Exposure in Canada." Environmental Carcinogenesis and Ecotoxicology Reviews. Vol. C12: No. 2: pp. 179-194.
Meek, M.E., P.K.L. Chan, S. Bartlett (1994). "Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons - Evaluation of Risks to Health from Environmental Exposure in Canada." Environmental Carcinogenesis and Ecotoxicology Reviews. Vol. C12: No. 2: pp. 443-452.
Meek, M.E., P.K.L. Chan (1994). "Xylenes - Evaluation of Risk to Health from Environmental Exposure in Canada." Environmental Carcinogenesis and Ecotoxicology Reviews. Vol. C12: No. 2: pp. 545-556.
Meek, M.E., M. Giddings, R.Gomes (1994). "1,2-Dichlorobenzene - Evaluation of Risk to Health from Environmental Exposure in Canada." Environmental Carcinogenesis and Ecotoxicology Reviews. Vol. C12: No. 2: pp. 269-275.
Meek, M.E., M. Giddings, R. Gomes (1994). "1,4-Dichlorobenzene: Evaluation of Risks to Health from Environmental Exposure in Canada." Environmental Carcinogenesis and Ecotoxicology Reviews. Vol. C12.: No. 2: pp. 277-285.
Meek, M.E., M. Giddings, R. Gomes (1994). "Monochlorobenzene - Evaluation of Risk to Health from Environmental Exposure in Canada." Environmental Carcinogenesis and Ecotoxicology Reviews. Vol. C12: No. 2: pp. 409-415.
Meek, M.E., G. Long (1994). "Man-Made Vitreous Fibers - Evaluation of Risk to Health from Environmental Exposure in Canada." Environmental Carcinogenesis and Ecotoxicology Reviews. Vol. C12: No. 2: pp. 361-387.
Meek, M.E., R. Newhook, V.C. Armstrong (1994). "Approach to Health Risk Determination for Priority Substances, Including Styrene, Under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act." S.I.R.C. Review. Vol. 4: No. 1: pp. 37-48.
Meek, M.E., P.K.L. Chan. "Toluene - Evaluation of Risks to Health From Environmental Exposure in Canada." Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology. Submitted.
Meek, M.E., K. Hughes. "Approach to Health Risk Determination for Metals and their Compounds Under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act." Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology. Submitted.
Miller, R.R., R. Newhook, A. Poole (1994). "Styrene Production, Use and Human Exposure." Critical Reviews in Toxicology. Vol. 24: No. (S1): pp. S1-S10.
Newhook, R., G. Long, M.E.Meek, R. Liteplo, P. Chan, J. Argo, W. Dormer (1994). "Cadmium and its Compounds - Evaluation of Risks to Health From Environmental Exposure in Canada." Environmental Carcinogensis and Ecotoxicology Reviews. Vol. C12: No 2: pp. 195-217.
Newhook, R., M.E. Meek (1994). "Hexachlorobenzene - Evaluation of Risks to Health from Environmental Exposure in Canada." Environmental Carcinogenesis and Ecotoxicology Reviews. Vol. C12: No. 2: pp. 345-360.
Newhook, R. M.E. Meek, S. Savard, R. Caldwell, W. Dormer (1994). "Styrene - Evaluation of Risk to Health from Environmental Exposure in Canada." Environmental Carcinogenesis and Ecotoxicology Reviews. Vol. C12: No. 2: pp. 453-471.
Otson, R., P. Fellin, Q. Tran (1994). "VOCs in Representative Canadian Residences." Atmospheric Environment. Vol. 28: pp. 3563-3569.
Parfett, C.L.J., R. Pilon. "Oxidative Stress-induced Gene Expression and Promotion of Morphological Transformation by Ammonium Metavanadate in C3H/10T[[Omega]] Cells." Food and Chemical Toxicology. In press.
Poon, R., L. Chu, P. Lecavalier, A. Bergman, D.C. Villeneuve (1994). "Urinary Ascorbic Acid-HPLC Determination and Application as a Noninvasive Biomarker of Hepatic Response." Journal of Biochemical Toxicology. Vol. 9: No. 6: pp. 297-304.
Poon, R., P. Lecavalier, P. Chan, C. Viau, I. Chu, V.E. Valli. "Subchronic Toxicity of a Medium-Chain Chlorinated Parffin in the Rat." Journal of Applied Toxicology. In press.
Poon, R., P. Lecavalier, P., R. Mueller, V.E. Valli, B. Procter, I. Chu, I. "Subchronic Oral Toxicity of Di-n-octyl phthalate and Di(2-ethyl hexyl) Phtlalate in the Rat." Fundamental and Applied Toxicology. In press.
Poon, R., P.R. Lecavalier, A. Yagminas. Invasive and Non-invasive Biochemical Tests in the Toxicological Evaluation of Environmental Contaminants. Fifth Congress of the International Society of Animal Clinical Biochemistry. August 2-4, 1994, Guelph, Ontario.
Richardson, G.M.; M. Egyed, J. Currie. Acidic Deposition May Reduce Human Exposure to Mercury. International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant. July 10-14, 1994. Whistler, B.C.
Stephen, E.R. A Possible Role for Indicator Microorganisms in Health Assessments of Microbial Consortia Under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act. (CEPA). (Society for Industrial Microbiology Annual General Meeting. Aug 1-5, 1994., Boston, Mass.
Subramanian, K.S., G.V. Iyengar. Low Level Environmental Lead: Need for Reference Materials. Sixth International Symposium on Biological and Environmental Reference Materials. Apr 17-21, 1994., Hawaii.
Withey, J.R., R. Burnett, F.C.P. Law, S. Abedini, L. Endreny (1994). "Pharmacokinetics of Inhaled Pyrene in Rats." Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health. Vol. 43: pp. 103-116.
Younglai, E.R., J. Bailles, S.M. Yie, E.G. Hughes, J.A. Collins, W.G. Foster. Acrosin Activity in Frozen Sperm Samples does not Correlate with In Vitro Fertilization of Human Oocytes. International Federation of Gynaecology & Obstetrics (FIGO). Sept 24-30, 1994., Montreal, PQ.
Younglai, V., S.M. Yie, E.G. Hughes, J.A. Collins, W.G. Foster. Seasonal Variation in Hormones in Human Follicular Fluid and Granulosa Cell Steroidogenesis. Canadian Fertility and Andrology Society Workshop. Sep 7-10, 1994., St. Andrews-By-The-Sea, N.B.
Culp, J.M. and K.J. Cash. 1995. Potential impacts of effluents on the Thompson and Upper Fraser rivers. Progress report prepared for the Fraser River Action Plan. 36 p. CS-95007.
Gong, Y., J.V. Headley and L. Barbour. 1995. "The mobilization of benzene in groundwater at sour-gas plants - implications for remediation technologies." In Proceedings of the International Association of Hydrologists Congress, 4-10 June, 1995.
Headley, J.V., K.M. Peru and M.T. Arts. 1995. "Detection of herbicide residues in lipid-rich tissue using tandem mass spectrometry." In Techniques in Aquatic Toxicology, Lewis Publishers/CRC
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Kwong, Y.T.J. and J.R. Lawrence. 1994. Mineralogical controls of sulfide oxidation. NHRI Contribution Series No. CS-94010. 87 p.
Lawrence, J.R. and M.J. Hendry. 1994. In situ microbial barriers for groundwater remediation and containment at contaminated sites. Agriculture Biotechnology Bulletin, 1: 2-3.
Lowell, R.B., J.M. Culp and F.J. Wrona. 1995. "Toxicity testing with artificial streams: effects of differences in current velocity." Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. In press.
Lowell, R.B., J.M. Culp, F.J. Wrona and M.L. Bothwell. 1995. Effects of pulp mill effluent on benthic freshwater invertebrates: food availability and stimulation of increased growth and development. Environmental Fate and Effects of Pulp Mill Effluents, M. Servas, J. Carey, K. Munkittrick, G. VanDerKraak, eds., St. Lucie Publisher, Florida. In press.
Mohamed, M.N. and R.D. Robarts. 1995. The effect of pulp mill effluent on microbial processes in the Fraser River. Progress report prepared for the Fraser River Action Plan. NHRI Contribution Series No. CS-95002.
Szeto, S.Y., G. Grove, H. Liebscher et al. 1994. "Non-point source groundwater contamination by 1,2,2-Trichloropropane, a trace impurity in soil fumigant formulations." Journal of Environmental Quality, 23(6): 1367-1370.
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Wassenaar, L.I. 1994. Evaluation of the origin and fate of nitrate in the Abbotsford Aquifer using the isotopes of 15N and 18O in NO3-. A Final Report to B.C. Ministry of the Environment, Fraser River Action Plan. NHRI Contribution Series No. CS-94009. 46 p.
Wassenaar, L.i. and J.m. Culp. 1994. Identification of pulp mill effluent "signals" in riverine food webs by stable isotopic analyses. Final Report on Pilot Project to the Fraser River Action Plan. NHRI Contribution Series No. CS-94004. 23 p.
Wolfaardt, G.M., J.R. Lawrence, J.V. Headley, R.D. Robarts and D.E. Caldwell. 1994. "Microbial Exopolymers Provide a Mechanism for Bioacculmulation of Contaminants." Microbial Ecology, 27: 279-291.
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Alaee, M. M. Whittle, and W.M.J. Strachan. 1995. "The Effect of Water Temperature and Composition on Air/Water Henry's Law Constant for Various PAH's." (submitted: Chemosphere). NWRI Contribution No. 95-101.
Alaee, M., W.M.J., Strachan, W.M. Schertzer. 1995. "Comparison Between Mass Transfer Coefficients Determined in a Gas Transfer Flume and in Several Small Lakes." (submitted: Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry). NWRI Contribution No. 95-102.
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Aoyama, I., D. Liu and B.J. Dutka. 1995. "A sequential manometric technique for assessing the toxicity of chemical mixtures." Environ. Toxicol. Water Qual. In press.
Azcue, J., Mudroch, A., Rosa, F. and Hall, G.E.M. 1994. "Effects of abandoned gold mine tailings on the arsenic concentrations in water and sediments of Jack of Clubs Lake, B.C." Environ. Technolol. 15:669-678
Azcue, J.M., Mudroch, A., Rosa, F., Hall, G.E.M., Jackson, T.A. and Reynoldson, T.B. 1995. "Trace elements in water, sediments, porewater, and biota polluted by tailings from an abandoned gold mine in British Columbia, Canada." J. Geochemical Explor., 52:25-34.
Bobba, A.G., V.P. Singh. 1994. "Application of Monte Carlo Analysis to Saturated Subsurface Contamination Modelling." In Proceedings of the International Conference on Hydrology and Water Resources. Dec. 20-22, 1993, New Delhi, India. NWRI Contribution No. 94-121.
Brassard, P. and Mudroch, A. 1994. Potential use of Crown Pillar pit in a demonstration project of the feasibility of subaqueous disposal of acid generating metal mine tailings. NWRI Contribution No. 94-04, p. 34.
Brüggemann, R. and E. Halfon. 1994. Sensitivity analysis of partially ordered sets and ranking objects of environmental interest. NWRI Contribution 94-95.
Brüggemann, R. and E. Halfon. 1995. "Comparative Analysis of Nearshore Contaminated Sites in Lake Ontario: Ranking for Environmental Hazard." Toxic and Hazardous Substance Control. In press.
Chau, Y.K. (Task Group Leader). 1994. CEPA Priority Substances List Assessment Report, Nickel and its compounds. Department of Supply and Services Canada.
Chau, Y.K. and O.T.R. Kulikovsky-Cordeiro. 1995. "Occurrence of nickel in the Canadian environment." Environ. Rev. 3: 95-120.
Chau,Y.K., F. Yang and M. Brown. 1995. "Supercritical fluid extraction of butyltin compounds from sediment." Anal. Chim. Acta 304: 85-89.
Chau, Y.K., F. Yang and R.J. Maguire. 1994. Speciation of organotin compounds in water, sediment and sewage samples by GC-AED. NWRI Contribution 94-70.
Day, K., B.J. Dutka, K.K. Kwan, N. Batista, T.B. Reynoldson and J.L. Metcalfe-Smith. 1994. "Correlations between solid-phase microbial screening assays, whole sediment toxicity tests with macroinvertebrates and in situ benthic community structure." NWRI Contribution 94-117, Also J. Great Lakes Res. In press.
Day, K.E., B.J. Dutka, K.K. Kwan, N. Batista. T. B. Reynoldson, J.L. Metcalfe-Smith. 1994. "Correlations Between Solid-Phase Microbial Screening Assays, Whole-Sediment Toxicity Tests with Macroinvertebratesa and In Situ Benthic Community Structure." (submitted: Journal of Great Lakes Research). NWRI Contribution No. 94-117.
Day, K.E. 1994. "The Effects of Sieving, Freezing, Autoclaving and Gamma-Irratiation of Freshwater Sediments on Responses of Benthic Invertebrates in Whole-Sediment Toxicity Tests." (submitted: Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry). NWRI Contribution No. 94-128.
Dutka, B.J., R. Bourbonniere, R. McInnis, K.K. Kwan and A. Jurkovic. 1995. "Bioassay assessment of impacts of tar sands extraction operations." Environmental Toxicology and Water Quality 10: 107-117.
Dutka, B.J., A. Jurkovic, R. McInnis, K.K. Kwan and T. Murphy. 1994. "Battery of tests approach applied to three different types of sediment extracts." J. Environ. Sci. Health A29: 1649-1661.
Dutka, B.J., J. Marsalek, A. Jurkovic, R. McInnis and K.K. Kwan. 1994. "A seasonal ecotoxicological study of stormwater ponds." Zeitschrift für angewandte Zoologie, 80 (2). In press.
Dutka, B.J., J. Marsalek, A. Jurkovic, K.K. Kwan and R. McInnis. 1994. "Ecotoxicological study of stormwater ponds under winter conditions." Zeitschrift für angewandte Zoologie, 80(1): 25-41.
Dutka, B.J., R. McInnis, G.J. Pacepavicius and R.J. Maguire. 1995. Acute and chronic toxicity of the herbicide metolachlor to the water flea Daphnia magna and the soil nematode Panagrellus redivivus. NWRI Contribution 95-56.
Dutka, B.J., K. Teichgräber and R. Lifshitz. 1995. A modified SOS-Chromotest procedure to test for genotoxicity and cytotoxicity in sediments directly without extraction. NWRI Contribution 95-53.
Efler, S., Hodson, J. Wilson. 1994. "Bioassay for Measuring the Potency of Effluents for Inducing the Activity of Ethoxyresorufin-o-Deethylase (EROD) in fish liver." In Proceedings of the 29th Central Canadian Symposium on Water Pollution Research. February 9-10, 1994, Burlington, Ontario, Canada. NWRI Contribution No. 94-138.
Elliot, J.R. and A.H. El-Shaarawi. 1994. Time series models of sediment lead concentration and load in the Niagara River at Fort Erie and Niagara-on-the-Lake, 1986-1992. NWRI Contribution 94-71.
Elliot, J.R. and A.H. El-Shaarawi. 1995. "Sediment lead loads in the Niagara River, 1986-1992." J. Great Lakes Res. (In press)
El-Shaarawi, A.H. 1994. "Proving causality is not always necessary or sufficient for regulatory action." J. Great Lakes Res. 20(3): 593-596.
Esterby, S.R. 1995. "Estimation of quantiles with application to regulations." In: Proceedings of Stochastic and Statistical Methods in Hydrology and Environmental Engineering, K.W. Hipel and L. Fang (Eds.), Vol. 4: 103-112, Kluwer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands.
Gagnon, M.M., D. Bussiers, J.J. Dodson and P.V. Hodson. 1995. White Sucker (Catostomus commersoni) Growth and Sexual Maturation in Pulp Mill-Contaminated and Reference Rivers. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 14(2):317-327. NWRI Contribution No. 95-111.
Hodson, P.V., J.H. Carey, K.R. Munkittrick, M.R. Servos. 1994. "Canada and Sweden - Contrasting Regulations for Chlorine Discharge from Pulp and Paper Industries." In Proceedings of Chlorine Workshop. NWRI Contribution No. 94-124.
Hodson, P.V., S. Efler, J. Wilson, J. Sprenger, A. El-Shaarawi, M. Maj, T. Williams. 1994. Measuring the Potency of Effluents for Inducing Hepatic Mixed Function Oxygenase Activity in Fish. A Methods Manual. NWRI Contribution No. 94-125.
Hodson, P.V., 1994. MFO Induction by Pulp Mill Effluents - Advances Since 1992. NWRI Contribution No. 94-133.
Halfon, E. 1995. A systems approach to the determination of optimal experimental conditions to validate toxic contaminants volatilization models. In B.C. Patten and S.E. Jorgensen (Eds.) Complex ecology: the part-whole relation in ecosystems, Prentice Hall. pp: 297-303.
Hashemi, F., G.G. Leppard and D.J. Kushner. 1994. "Copper resistance in Anabaena variabilis: effects of phosphate nutrition and polyphosphate bodies." Microb. Ecol. 27: 159-176.
Hempel, M., K.K. Kwan, B.J. Dutka, D. Liu and Y.K. Chau. 1995. "Risk assessment on mercury contamination sites - toxicity of organic mercury compounds." Analyst 120: 721-724.
Kaiser, K.L.E. and J. Devillers. 1994. Ecotoxicity of Chemicals to Photobacterium phosphoreum. Vol. 2 in series of Handbooks on Ecotoxicity of Chemicals, J. Devillers, ed., Gordon & Breach, USA, x + 879 pp.
Kaniansky, D., F. Ivanyi and F.I. Onuska. 1994. "On-line ITP-sample pretreatment in ultratrace determination of paraquat and diquat in water." Anal. Chem. 66: 1817-1824.
Kaniansky, D., I. Zelensky, A. Hybenova and F.I. Onuska. 1994. "Determination of chloride, nitrate, sulfate, nitrite, fluoride and phosphate ions by on-line coupled ITP-CZE with a conductivity detector." Anal. Chem. 66: 4258-4264.
Kochany, J. and R.J. Maguire. 1994. "Sunlight photodegradation of quinoline in water." 208th Amer. Chem. Soc. Natl. Mtg., Washington, DC, U.S.A., Aug. 21-25, 1994, Div. Environ. Chem. Vol. 34 (2): 52-55.
Kuballa, J., R.-D. Wilken, K.K. Kwan and Y.K. Chau. 1995. "Speciation and genotoxicity of butyltin compounds." Analyst 120: 667-673.
Lau, Y.L., D.L.S. Liu, G.J. Pacepavicius and R.J. Maguire. 1995. "Volatilization of metolachlor from water." NWRI Contribution 95-54; Also J. Environ. Sci. Health - Part B. In press.
Lee, H.B. and T.E. Peart. 1995. "Determination of 4-nonylphenol in effluent and sludge from municipal sewage treatment plants." Anal. Chem. 67(13): 1976-1980.
Lee, H.B., T.E. Peart, A.J. Niimi, and C.R. Knipe. 1995. "Rapid supercritical carbon dioxide extraction method for determination of polychlorinated biphenyls in fish." J. Assoc. Offic. Anal. Chem. Inter. 78 (2): 437-444.
Li, W.C. and A.S.Y. Chau. 1994. Preparation and stability of chlorophenol in sediment extract. NWRI Contribution No. 94-62.
Li, W.C. and A.S.Y. Chau. 1994. CEPA National Interlaboratory Comparison Study (CP-3): Analysis of Dioxins and Furans in Sediment Extracts. NWRI Contribution No. 94-81
Li, W.C. and A.S.Y. Chau. 1994. CEPA National Interlaboratory Comparison Study (CP-4): Analysis of Dioxins and Furans in Sediment Extracts. NWRI Contribution No. 94-84.
Li, W.C., A.S.Y. Chau, S. Humphrey and I. Orchard. 1994. Interlaboratory Study no. G-2: Analysis of Selected Chlorinated Hydrocarbons in Sediments. NWRI Contribution No. 94-63.
Li, W.C., A.S.Y. Chau, S. Humphrey and I. Orchard. 1994. Interlaboratory Study no. G-3: "Analysis of Selected Chlorinated Hydrocarbons in Sediments. NWRI Contribution No. 94-73.
Liu, D., Y.L. Lau, Y.K. Chau and G. Pacepavicius. 1994. "Simple technique for estimation of biofilm accumulation." Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 53: 913-918.
Liu, D., R.J. Maguire, G.J. Pacepavicius and I. Aoyama. 1995. "Microbial transformation of metolachlor." Environ. Toxicol. Water Qual. Inter. J., 10. In press.
Maguire, R.J. 1994. "Dissolved organic matter can reduce the efficiency of extraction of lipophilic chemicals from water." 208th American Chemical Society National Meeting, Washington, DC, U.S.A., Aug. 21-25, Div. Environ. Chem. Vol. 34(2): 108-111.
Marsalek, J. and B.J. Dutka. 1994. "Impacts of urban drainage discharges on microbiological quality in receiving waters." In Proceedings of the Conference on New Requirements for Structures and Their Reliability, Prague, Czech Republic, June 7-8, pp. 217-220.
Marsalek, J., B.J. Dutka and I.K. Tsanis. 1994. "Urban impacts on microbiological pollution of the St. Clair River in Sarnia, Ontario." Water Sci. Technol. 30: 177-184.
Mayer, T. and M.G. Johnson. 1994. "History of anthropogenic activities in Hamilton Harbour as determined from the sedimentary record." Environmental Pollution 87:341-347.
Metcalfe-Smith, J.L., R.H. Green and L.C. Grapentine. 1995. Influence of biological factors on the bioaccumulation of metals by Elliptio complanata and Lampsilis radiata radiata (Bivalvia:Unionidae) from the St.Lawrence River. NWRI Contribution No. 95-50.
Metcalfe-Smith, J.L., R.J. Maguire and S. Batchelor. 1994. Polychlorinated biphenyl congeners and chlorinated pesticides in fish from the Yamaska River basin, Québec. NWRI Contribution No. 94-91.
Metcalfe-Smith, J.L., R.J. Maguire, S.P. Batchelor and D.T. Bennie. 1995. Occurrence of Chlorinated Paraffins in the St. Lawrence River, near a Manufacturing Plant in Cornwall, Ontario. NWRI Contribution No. 95-61.
Mudroch, A., K.L.E. Kaiser, M.E. Comba and M. Neilson. 1994. "Particle-associated PCBs in Lake Ontario." Science of the Total Environment 158: 113-125.
Mudroch, A. and Azcue, J. 1994. Distribution of metals in differenct size fractions of tailings on Larder Lake, Ontario, Canada. Technical Papers The Mining Environmental Management Conference, Reno, Nevada, p. 153-159.
Ng, H.Y.F., J.D. Gaynor, C.S. Tan and C.F. Drury. 1995. "Dissipation and loss of atrazine and metolachlor in surface and subsurface drain water: A case study." Water Research. In press.
Onuska, F.I., K.A. Terry, A. Seech and M. Antonic. 1994. "Determination of toxaphene in soil by electron-capture negative ion mass spectrometry and capillary column gas chromatography." J. Chromatogr., 665: 125-132.
Parrott, J.L., P. Hodson, D.G. Dixon. 1994. "Rainbow Trout Liver Mixed Function Oxygenase (MFO) Induction by Polychlorinated Dibenzo-P-ioxins (PCDDs) as a Function of Time and Tissue Concentration." (Accepted: Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health). NWRI Contribution No. 94-140.
Peters, A.J., D.J. Gregor, C.F. Teixeira, N.P. Jones, C. Spencer. 1994. "The Recent Depositional Trend of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Elemental Carbon to the Agassiz Ice Capellesmere I., Canada." (Submitted: Science of the Total Environment). NWRI Contribution No. 94-118.
Pizarro, J., N. Belzile, M. Filella, G.G. Leppard, J.-C. Negre, D. Perret and J. Buffle. 1995. "Coagulation/sedimentation of submicron iron particles in a eutrophic lake." Water Res. 29: 617-632.
Rao, S.S., B.K. Burnison, D.A. Rokosh, E. Wittekindt. 1994. "Assessment of Genotoxic Potential of Pulp Mill Effluent and an Effluent Fraction Using Ames Mutagenicity and UMU-C Genotoxicity Assays." In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Environmental Fate and Effects of Bleached Pulp Mill Effluents. Nov. 6-10, 1994, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. NWRI Contribution No. 94-137.
Rao, S., B.A. Quinn, B.K. Burnison, M.A. Hayes, C.D. Metcalfe. 1995. "Assessment of the Genotoxic Potential of Pulp Mill Effluent Using Bacterial, Fish and Mammalian Assays." (submitted: Chemosphere). NWRI Contribution No. 95-114.
Renaud, C.B., K.L.E. Kaiser and M.E. Comba. "Historical versus recent levels of organochlorine contaminants in lamprey larvae of the St. Lawrence River basin, Quebec." Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. In press.
Renaud, C.B., K.L.E. Kaiser, M.E. Comba and J.L. Metcalfe-Smith. "A comparison between lamprey ammocoetes and bivalve molluscs as biomonitors of organochlorine contaminants." Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. In press.
Rivers Research Branch. 1994. A Summary Of Current Research Publications (compendium). NWRI Contribution No. 94-119.
Rod'ko, I.Ya, B.F. Scott, J.H. Carey. 1994. "Analysis of Black Liquor Samples for Organosulfur Compounds Using GC/Atomic Emission Detection (AECD)." In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Environmental Fate and Effects of Bleached Pulp Mill Effluents. Nov. 6-10, 1994, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. NWRI Contribution No. 94-131.
Rosa, F., Mudroch, A., Reynoldson, T.B. 1994. Chemical and biological effects of gold mine tailings on Larder Lake, Ontario, Canada. Technical Papers The Mining Environmental Management Conference, Reno, Nevada, p. 156-159.
Scott, B., J. Sherry and E. Nagy. 1994. Chemical and Biological Studies of Refinery Effluents. NWRI Contribution No. 94-134.
Sharma, M., J. Marsalek and E. McBean. 1994. "Migration pathways and remediation of urban runoff for PAH control." Journal of Environmental Management, 41: 325-336.
Sharma, M., E. McBean, N. Thomson and J. Marsalek. 1994. "Source-receptor modelling of PAHs using deposition levels in winter-long urban snowpack." J. Environmental Engineering Division (ASCE), 120(5): 1248-1265.
Sherry, J.P., B.F. Scott, E. Nagy and B.J. Dutka. 1994. "Investigations of the sublethal effects of some petroleum refinery effluents." J. Aquat. Health 3: 129-137.
Sherry, J., 1994. "Immunodetection of Ecosystem Contaminants: Research, Application, and Acceptance in Canada." (submitted: ACS Monograph). NWRI Contribution No. 94-114.
Sherry, J., F. Onuska. 1994. Methods for the Determination of Chlorinated Dibenzo-P-Dioxins, Dibenzofurnas, and Biphenyls in Food. NWRI Contribution No. 94-126.
Tsanis, I.K., P. Xu and J. Marsalek. 1994. "Estimates of toxic contaminant mean concentrations and loads from runoff water quality data." J. Great Lakes Research, 20(2): 435-442.
Wong, P.T.S., Y.K. Chau, M. Brown and D.M. Whittle. 1994. "Butyltin compounds in Severn Sound, Lake Huron, Canada." Appl. Organometal. Chem. 8: 385-391.
Constable, M. and P. Orr (1994). "Lethal and Sub-lethal Toxicity of Lindane Pimephales promelas and Ceriodaphnia dubia." Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 52:298-304.
McNaughton, D.C. and A.S. Crowe. "Investigation of pesticides in groundwater at three irrigated sites near Outlook, Saskatchewan." Water Quality Research Journal of Canada 30 (1995): 399-427.
Environment Canada. 1994. Towards a Toxic Substances Management Policy for Canada. A Discussion Document for Consultation Purposes. September 1994. Ottawa, Ontario. 23p.
Environment Canada. 1994. Criteria for the Selection of Substances for Virtual Elimination. Final Report of the ad hoc Science Group on Criteria. A companion document to "Towards a Toxic Substances Management Policy for Canada". September 15, 1994. Ottawa, Ontario. 25p.
Environment Canada. 1995. Section 17 Reportable Information Pertaining to the Environment. Report prepared by Linda Laurus. Ottawa, Ontario. 3p.
Environment Canada. 1995. Draft Environment Canada Guidelines for Evaluating section 17 Submissions under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act. Report prepared by Linda Laurus. Ottawa, Ontario. 13p.
Environment Canada. 1994. Response to Stakeholders' Comments on the Federal Government Proposals for Preparing the Second Priority Substances List under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA). May 1994. Ottawa, Ontario. 17p.
Environment Canada. 1994. The Phase-Out of Methyl Chloroform in Canada: Steps toward a smooth adjustment. September 1994. Ottawa, Ontario. 40p.
Environnement Canada. 1994. Liste des alternatives aux substances appauvrissant la couche d'ozone et leurs fournisseurs. December 1994. Ottawa, Ontario. 58p.
Environment Canada. 1994. Ozone-depleting Substances Alternatives and Suppliers List. December 1994. Ottawa, Ontario. 58p.
Environment Canada. 1994. Replenishing the Ozone Layer (Update) - Bulletin. An Update on Environmental Issues. September 1994. Ottawa, Ontario. 2p.
Environment Canada. 1995. MCF Newsletter. Canada's Ozone Layer Protection Program. March 1995. Ottawa, Ontario. 4p.
Environmental Indicator Bulletin Series
Climate Change Environmental Indicator Bulletin, SOE Bulletin No. 94-4. State of the Environment Directorate, Environment Canada. May 1994.
Sustaining Marine Resources: Pacific Herring Fish Stocks, Environmental Indicator Bulletin. SOE Bulletin No. 94-5. State of the Environment Direcorate, Environment Canada. September 1994.
Stratospheric Ozone Depletion: Fall 1994 update, Environmental Indicator Bulletin. SOE Bulletin No. 94-6. State of the Environment Directorate, Environment Canada. Fall 1994.
Energy Consumption: Winter 1995 update, Environmental Indicator Bulletin. SOE Bulletin No. 95-1. State of the Environment Directorate, Environment Canada. Winter 1995.
Climate Change: Winter 1995 update, Environmental Indicator Bulletin. SOE Bulletin No. 95-2. State of the Environment Directorate, Environment Canada. Winter 1995.
Canadian Passenger Transportation, Environmental Indicator Bulletin. SOE Bulletin No. 95-3. State of the Environment Directorate, Environment Canada. Spring 1995.
Ecoregions of Saskatchewan [poster map], 1994. State of the Environment contributing agency, Minister of Supply and Services Canada and Saskatchewan Property Management Corporation.
Fact sheet
The Inuit Economy: Sustaining a Way of Life (SOE Fact Sheet No. 94-1)
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