Appendix VII: guide to stakeholder interviews

Environment Canada has contracted Stratos Inc. to perform an independent third-party evaluation of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (CEPA 1999), in support of the five-year Parliamentary Review. This evaluation will be based on documentary evidence gathered to indicate progress made in meeting the Department's expected environmental outcomes for CEPA 1999. It supplements a separate consultation exercise under way to gather stakeholder experiences with CEPA 1999.

Interviews with selected stakeholders will contribute to the evaluation of CEPA 1999. The goal of these interviews is to acquire evidence regarding the questions posed below, which relate to both the progress made on CEPA 1999 and the role of Environment Canada in this regard.

  1. What is your experience with CEPA? Which areas of CEPA are you actively engaged or concerned with?
  2. What progress has been made in meeting the intent of CEPA 1999? (Note any evidence available.)
    • What achievements are you aware of? What areas are most promising?
    • Where has there been a lack of progress? What do you think is having an impact on making progress?
  3. Overall, has Environment Canada been successful in delivering on CEPA? (What evidence would speak to this success?)
  4. Is Environment Canada aligning its programs and standards with others involved in environmental protection across Canada (e.g., provinces/territories)? (Note any evidence available.)
  5. Is Environment Canada working together and coordinating with others involved in environmental protection (e.g., other federal departments, provinces/territories, internationally, etc.)? (If so, please explain.)
  6. Is Environment Canada providing the conditions or environment that supports the work that others (e.g., public, industry, other levels of government, etc.) need to do to contribute to CEPA's objectives on environmental protection and pollution prevention? (Note any evidence available.)
  1. How well is CEPA NAC working? (Note any evidence available.)
  2. Is there any evidence that NAC is influencing Environment's Canada decision-making on CEPA?
  3. Are any changes required?

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