Appendix C: Summary of National Actions
Federal, provincial and territorial governments all play in role in meeting the obligations under the Stockholm Convention. These actions include the use of:
- joint federal/provincial/territorial actions under the Canadian Council of Ministers for the Environment
- federal-provincial agreements
- federal instruments
- provincial and territorial instruments
The CCME is the major intergovernmental forum in Canada for discussion and joint action on environmental issues of national and international concern. CCME works to promote effective intergovernmental cooperation and coordinated approaches to interjurisdictional issues such as air pollution and toxic chemicals. CCME members collectively establish nationally-consistent environmental standards, strategies and objectives so as to achieve a high level of environmental quality across the country.
- Wood Preservation Facilities: Recommendations for the Design and Operation of Creosote, Pentachloro-phenol, Chromated Copper Arsenate and Pentachlorophenol Thermal Facilities
Specific sub-agreements under the CCME that pertain to POPs include:
- The Comprehensive Air Quality Management Framework for Canada
- The Canada - Wide Accord on Environmental Harmonization, including the Canada-wide Standards on Dioxins and Furans
- The CCME Policy for the Management of Toxic Substances
- The National Commitment to Pollution Prevention
- Cooperation on Environmentally Sound Waste Management
Guidelines related to POPs have been developed under the CCME and include:
- CCME Guidelines for the Management of Wastes Containing PCBs (1989);
- CCME Guidelines for Mobile PCB Destruction Systems (1990);
- CCME Guidelines for Mobile PCB Treatment Systems (1990);
- CCME National Guidelines for the Landfilling of Hazardous Wastes (1991);
- CCME National Emission Guidelines for Stationary Combustion Turbines (1992);
- CCME National Guidelines for Hazardous Waste Incineration Facilities, Design and Operating Criteria, Volumes 1 and 2 (1992);
- CCME National Guidelines for the Use of Hazardous and Non-hazardous Wastes as Supplementary Fuels in Cement Kilns (1996); and
- Wood Preservation Facilities: Recommendations for the Design and Operation of Creosote, Pentachlorophenol, Chromated Copper Arsenate and Pentachlorophenol Thermal Facilities (1998).
- National Guidelines for Hazardous Waste Incineration Facilities: Design and Operating Criteria
Additional information on national actions related to POPs can be found at the CCME website.
Under CEPA 1999, federal and provincial/territorial governments can enter into agreements on environmental instruments related to inspections, enforcement, monitoring, reporting, etc. Current agreements include:
- the Canada-Saskatchewan Administrative Agreement concerning CEPA 1999 regulations included those related to pulp and paper mills, chlorobiphenyls and PCBs
- the Canada-Quebec Administrative Agreement concerning the pulp and paper sector
- the Canada-Alberta Equivalency Agreement to eliminate duplication related to dioxin, furan and vinyl chloride emissions.
Additional information on these agreements can be found on the CEPA Environmental Registry.
Federal instruments allow for the management of POPs and include legislation and regulations, policies and programs, guidelines and plans.
The Toxic Substances Management Policy (TSMP), adopted in June 1995, provides for the preventive, precautionary management of toxic substances to ensure the protection of human health and the environment. It guides federal actions domestically and serves as the centerpiece for the Canadian position in international negotiations on managing toxic substances. The policy recognizes the particular problems associated with toxic substances that are in the environment as a result of human activity, that persist in the environment, and that accumulate in organisms. These "Track 1" substances are targeted for virtual elimination from the environment. The Pest Management Regulatory Agency's Strategy for Implementing the Toxic Substances Management Policy (DIR 99 03) outlines the approach taken under the PCPA for dealing with Track 1 substances in pest control products. POPs that were listed under the Stockholm Convention at its coming into force are managed by Environment Canada under the TSMP. CEPA 1999 instruments are used to achieve the Convention's objectives and the legislation's provisions incorporate the intent and criteria of the TSMP regarding toxics assessment and management.
Legislation and regulations related to substances under the Convention include CEPA 1999 and the PCPA.
More specifically, federal instruments as they relate to the Stockholm Convention include:
Intentionally Produced POPs
- Canadian Environmental Protection Act 1999
- Toxic Substances List (Schedule 1 of the Act)
- Export Control List (Schedule 3 of the Act)
- Hazardous Waste Transportation Regulations
- Prohibition Regulations
- Export Regulations
- Export of Substances under the Rotterdam Convention regulations
- Chlorobiphenyls Regulations
- New Substances Notification Regulations
- Persistence and Bioaccumulation Regulations
- Guidelines and codes of practice
- Pest Control Products Act (PCPA)
- Government of Canada Toxic Substances Management Policy (TSMP) Track 1 (virtual elimination)
Unintentionally Produced POPs
- Canadian Environmental Protection Act 1999 (CEPA 1999)
- Toxic Substances List (Schedule 1)
- Export Control List (Schedule 3)
- Prohibition Regulations
- Export Regulations
- Export of Substances under the Rotterdam Convention regulations
- Chlorobiphenyls Regulations
- Persistence and Bioaccumulation Regulations
- Pulp and Paper Mill Defoamer and Wood Chip Regulations
- Pulp and Paper Mill Effluent Chlorinated Dioxins and Furans Regulations
- Pollution prevention and virtual elimination planning provisions
- Guidelines and Codes of Practice
- Pest Control Products Act
- Fisheries Act
- Pulp and Paper Effluent Regulations
Stockpiles and Wastes
- Canadian Environmental Protection Act 1999 (CEPA 1999)
- Interprovincial Movement of Hazardous Wastes Regulations
- Disposal at Sea regulations
- Federal Mobile PCB Treatment and Destruction Regulations
- PCB Waste Export Regulations
- Storage of PCB Material Regulations
Monitoring and Reporting Tools
- National Air Pollution Surveillance Network (NAPs)
- Northern Contaminants Program
- National Pollutant Release Inventory (NPRI)
- National Inventory of PCBs in Use and PCB Wastes in Storage in Canada
- National Inventory of PCDD/PCDF Releases
- Residual Discharge Information System
All provinces and territories have legislation and regulations to manage air quality, toxic substances and pesticides. Table 2.3.2 in Part I of Canada's National Implementation plan provides a detailed list. Most provinces and territories have an Environmental Protection Act, or the equivalent, with regulations that establish permitting or approvals systems for stationary point sources that discharge pollutants to the atmosphere. Most provinces and territories also have a Pesticides Act or regulations that establish a system for managing pesticide use. Two provinces have a Clean Air Act.
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