Environment Canada's Enforcement Branch Organization, Role and Responsibilities
Sylvie El Hamarneh
Senior Regulatory Analyst
Enforcement Branch
June 23, 2009
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To enforce the legislation administered by EC in order to protect the environment, biodiversity, wildlife and health of Canadians.
- In June 2005, Environment Canada took steps to reorganize its enforcement functions by creating the Enforcement Branch (headed by a Chief Enforcement Officer) and obtaining supplementary funding to hire and train enforcement officers.
- To enforce both environmental and wildlife protection laws, Environment Canada has close to 300 designated enforcement officers located in offices across the country.
- Environmental Enforcement Division (Inspections, Investigations and Intelligence)
- Regulatory Analysis Division
- Operational Policies Division
- Learning and Development Division
- Wildlife Enforcement Division (Inspections, Investigations and Intelligence)
- Strategic Policy Division
- Engagement and Coordination Division
- Planning and Reporting Division
Environmental Enforcement Directorate |
Wildlife Enforcement Directorate |
To guide enforcement officers in the fair, predictable and consistent application of the law, a series of departmental compliance and enforcement policies are used:
- Compliance and Enforcement Policy for the Canadian Environment Protection Act, 1999
- Compliance and Enforcement Policy for the Habitat Protection and Pollution Prevention Provisions of the Fisheries Act
- Compliance and Enforcement Policy for Wildlife Legislation
- Compliance and Enforcement Policy for the Species at Risk Act (draft)
While there are four distinct policies, they share the following core principles:
- Compliance with the Acts and regulations is mandatory;
- EOs will apply the Acts in a fair, predictable and consistent manner;
- EOs will administer the Acts with an emphasis on the protection of biodiversity, prevention of damage to the environment and/or risks to health;
- EOs will examine every suspected violation of which they have knowledge and take action consistent with policy;
- The public is encouraged to report suspected violations.
- Environment Canada's (EC) Enforcement Branch (EB) uses a consultation process to determine its annual enforcement priorities.
- Through the National Enforcement Plan processes, EC regulatory partners (i.e., risk managers for regulations) are engaged to identify regulations, sectors and geographic areas requiring priority enforcement attention.
- Every year, submissions are provided to EB where risk managers provide justification, via a number of established criteria, why their regulations should be an enforcement priority.
Examples of criteria are:- the level of risk posed to the environment and/or human health
- compliance history
- the coming into force of new risk management instruments or amendments to current regulations
- federal/provincial/territorial and international commitments
- government priorities
- scale and goal of the regulations and size of the regulated community
- At the end of the consultation process, a plan is created (approved by EC senior management) outlining where the EB will focus enforcement activities in a given fiscal year.
Verify compliance with Acts and associated regulations.
An inspection becomes an investigation when there are reasonable grounds to believe a violation has been committed. Evidence relevant to a suspected violation is gathered. An investigation can also be triggered by intelligence reports or public complaints/requests.
On-going information collection and analysis of compliance activities and emerging non-compliance issues within regulated sectors. Preparation of intelligence summaries for internal purposes and sharing of information with national and international partners, as needed.
- Enter, open receptacles, take samples.
- Conduct tests and measurements.
- Have access to information, including electronic data.
- Seek inspection warrants for private dwelling-place or non-dwelling:
- to which entry has been refused; or
- that have been found locked or abandoned.
- Stop conveyances.
- Redirect ships to Canadian waters or ports for inspection.
- Seizure during an inspection.
- Search with or without a search warrant (latter under exigent circumstances).
- Seizure under the authority of a search warrant or without a warrant (latter under exigent circumstances).
- Redirect ships to Canadian waters or ports for investigation (for foreign ship, permission of Attorney General of Canada is necessary and must be in the Exclusive Economic Zone).
- Authority to seek general warrant under the Criminal Code
- Authority to do searches at and around the perimeter of a property
- Authority to mark items for tracking
- Authority to search in anticipation of a violation
- Authority to seek warrant for electronic surveillance
- Authority to arrest with or without warrant
- Where an EO determines, based on available evidence, that a violation either has taken place or is imminent, an enforcement action may be warranted.
- In selecting an appropriate enforcement measure, EOs consider the following criteria outlined in the compliance and enforcement policies:
- Nature of the violation: seriousness of harm, intent of the violator, compliance history, etc.
- Effectiveness of the measure in achieving the desired result: general result sought is compliance within the shortest time with no further occurrence
- Consistency in enforcement: consistency, so similar situations are dealt with in a similar fashion
The following list includes measures available to address violations:
- Warnings
- Tickets
- Directions/Directives
- Ministerial orders
- Prohibition orders involving new substances
- Recall orders
- Detention orders for Ships
- Environmental protection compliance orders
- Laying of charges
Once a charge has been laid, the file lead is transferred to the Public Prosecution Service of Canada, but the EO remains involved with the file by:
- Providing testimony in court proceedings
- Providing advice to Crown Counsel in negotiating an Environmental protection alternative measure with violators in situations where it is in the public interest to pursue alternatives to court trials
- Recommending appropriate penalties and court orders upon conviction
For more information, visit the following web sites:
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