Minister's response to concerns raised by Chlorinated Paraffins Industry Association (additional comments)

Mr. Robert J. Fensterheim
Executive Director
Chlorinated Parrafins Industry Association
1250 Connecticut Avenue N.W., Suite 700
Washington, D.C. 20036

Dear Mr. Fensterheim:

Thank you for your correspondence of April 3, providing supplemental information for consideration with respect to the proposed Order adding chlorinated paraffins to Schedule 1 of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999, that was published in the Canada Gazette, Part 1, on September 20, 2008.

It is important to clarify that the public comment period for the proposed Order ended on November 19, 2008. Any information received after the end of the mandated 60-day public comment period cannot be taken into consideration. However, the comments that were received from you and others during the public comment period will be considered in determining the Government of Canada's final position on this proposal.

Please accept my best regards.


The Honourable Jim Prencice, P.C., Q.C., M.P.

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