Distribution List
- President, Action Petroleum Sales
- James R. Kitsul, Action Super Save Gas Stations Ltd.
- Sherry Watson, Air and Waste Management Association
- Tom Darlington, Air Improvement Resource Inc.
- Harry Lillo, Alberta Energy and Utilities Board
- John Choi, Alberta EnviroFuels Inc.
- Doug Mitchell, Alberta EnviroFuels Inc.
- Larry B. Begoray, Alberta Environment Protection
- Donna Nay, Alberta government Services
- George Yates, Alberta Government Services
- Brian Rebus, Alberta Research Council
- Robert Caton, Alchemy Consulting Inc
- Steve Van Houten, Alliance of Manufacturers and Exporters Canada
- Thomas M. O'Sullivan, AltaGas
- Fred Hauenstein Jr., American Power Boat Association
- André Bélisle, AQUIP
- Kevin Wells, Ashwarren International Inc.
- Roger Peart, ASN-Canada FIA Inc.
- Mike Budd, Association of Canada
- Jonathan Hodges, Association of International Automobile
- Robert Auger, Association pour la prévention de la contamination de l'air et du sol (APCAS)
- Sonia Marcotte, Association Québécoise des Indépendents du Pétrole (AQUIP)
- Wayne Schnare, Atlantic Region Motor Sports
- Karen Smith, Atlas Oil Ltd.
- George Iny, Automobile Protection Association
- Robert M. Fishlock, Barristers & Solicitors, Blake, Cassels & Graydon
- Don Green, BDG Budd Conlting Group
- James Tweedie, Bert Riggall Environmental Foundation
- Greg Binks, Binks Petroleum Inc.
- Malcolm P. Smith, Biodiesel Canada
- Dan Theriault, Bitumar Inc.
- André Dumouchel, Bodycote Technitrol Inc.
- Susan Stark, BP (ARCO Products Canada Ltd.)
- Robert J. Schaefer, BP Amoco Research Centre (J-7)
- President, Brown's Fuels
- Tom D'Aquino, Business Council on National Issues
- Bryan Lankester, c/o Spur Refined Products
- Rosalinda Fischer, CAA-Québec
- Bart Ostro, California EPA
- Association of Physicians for the Environment
- Terry Epp, Canadian Association of Rally Sports
- Gary Webster, Canadian Assocition of Petroleum Producers
- Hu Williams, Canadian Auto Dealers Association
- Nick DeCarlo, Canadian Auto Workers Union
- Jody Cuifo, Canadian Automobile Association
- Phil Strudwick, Canadian Automobile Sports Clubs
- Fred Wolf, Canadian Boating Federation
- Richard Patton, Canadian Chemical Producers' Association
- Victoria Hughes, Canadian Co-operative Association
- Saundra Darling, Canadian Energy Pipeline Association
- Ronald V. Portelli, Canadian Environment Industry Association
- Robert Charest, Canadian General Standards Board
- Philip A. Miller, Canadian General Standard Board
- Canadian Institute for Environmental Law and Policy
- Jaquelyn Jones, Canadian Institute of Child Health
- Kerry Mattila, Canadian Petroleum Products Institute
- Alain Perez, Canadian Petroleum Products Institute
- Kathryn Tregunna, Canadian Public Health Association
- Bliss Baker, Canadian Renewable Fuels Association
- Ken Hough, Canadian Renewable Fuels Association
- Doug Nixon, Canadian Report on Fuel Ethanol
- Daniel Ralph, Canadian Tire Corporation
- Peter Kilty, Canadian Tire Corporation, Limited
- Stephen Laskowski, Canadian Trucking Alliance
- Ron Lennox, Canadian Trucking Alliance
- Mark Nantais, Canadian Vehicle Manufacturers' Association
- Dr. Jim Salmon, Canadian Wind Energy Association
- Spyros Pandis, Carnegie Mellon University
- Lawrence A. Smith, Jr., Catelytic Distillation Technologies
- Laura Green, CBC Radio - Daybreak
- Carl Hrenchuk, CCME
- Duncan Fraser, CCMTA
- Linda Whalen, Centre for Longterm Environmental Action in NFLD (CLEAN)
- Peter Duda, Chevron Canada Limited
- Kevin Kidd, Chevron Canada Limited
- Bill Stone, Chevron Canada Limited
- Patricia E. Yarrington, Chevron Canada Limited
- Marcel Fontaine, Circuit de courses de motoneige du Québec Inc.
- Gordon Dalzell, Citizens Coalition for Clean Air
- Citizens Environmental Alliance of Southwestern Ontario
- Colin Kinsley, City of Prince George
- Bruce Williamson, City of St-Catharines
- Pierre Sallafranque, Comité Environnement 1992
- Yves Bourassa, Communauté urbaine de Montréal
- Annick Le Floch, Communauté urbaine de Montréal
- Brian Kohler, Communications, energy and Paperworkers Union of Canada
- John Clarke, ComSep Canada Inc.
- David Coon, Conservation Council of New Brunswick
- Fred W. Lipfert, Consultant
- Judith MacPhail, Consultant
- C. Arden Pope, Consultant
- J.W. Culic, Consumer Co-operative Refineries Ltd.
- R.D. Harris, Consumer Co-operative Refineries Ltd.
- François Gingras, Coopérative Fédérée de Québec
- Perry Bowen, D.A. Stuart Inc.
- David Dubois, Daigle Oil Limited
- Catherine Fitzpatrick, David Suzuki Foundation
- Delk Aviation Fuels Inc.
- Bruce Dudley, Delphi Group
- David Bezak, Department of Environment
- Dave Crump, Department of Environment and Energy
- Maurice Mazerolle, Department of Environment
- Derrick Maddocks, Department of Environment and Labour
- Ken Dominie, Department of Environmental & Lands
- Todd Fraser, Department of Fisheries and Environment
- Don Jardine, Department of Technology and Environment
- Nabil Elhadi, Department of the Environment
- John Mann, DiamlerChrysler Canada Inc.
- Larry Robertson, DiamlerChrysler Canada Inc.
- Gaston Salvas, DIRT
- Bruce Chwartacki, Domo Gas Corporation Limited
- Cory Reed, Drivers Independant Race Track Motorsports
- Russel Drummond, Drumond Fuels
- Pierre Dufresne, EKO
- Tom Lewinson, Electric Vehicle Association of Canada
- Energy Probe
- John Ferguson, Engine Manufacturers Association
- Kevin Kokrda, Engine Manufacturers Association
- Environment Canada
- Steve Arrell, Environment Canada
- John Ayres, Environment Canada
- Peter Blackall, Environment Canada
- Marise Boudriau, Environment Canada
- Toby Brodkorb, Environment Canada
- Jeffrey Brook, Environment Canada
- Robert Chénier, Environment Canada
- Ed Crupi, Environment Canada
- Tom Dann, Environment Canada
- Dominique Doré, Environment Canada
- Jean-Pierre Gauthier, Environment Canada
- Fred Hendren, Environment Canada
- Margaret M. Hills, Ph.D., Environment Canada
- Patrick Hollier, Environment Canada
- Lionel J. King, Environment Canada
- Morrie Kirshenblatt, Environment Canada
- Sandro Leonardelli, Environment Canada
- Stan Liu, Environment Canada
- Arthur M. Martell, Environment Canada
- Bruce McEwen, Environment Canada
- John Mills, Environment Canada
- Lyne Monastesse, Environment Canada
- Bill Moores, Environment Canada
- Hossein Naghadianei, Environment Canada
- Carmelita Olivotto, Environment Canada
- Robert Pépin, Environment Canada
- David Poon, Environment Canada
- Keith Puckett, Environment Canada
- Anthony Rinaldi, Environment Canada
- Gerry Ternan, Environment Canada
- Jean Tremblay, Environment Canada
- Richard Turle, Environment Canada
- Mark Tushingham, Environment Canada
- Mark Vanderlaan, Environment Canada
- Mark Vanderlean, Environment Canada
- J. Vollmershaven, Environment Canada
- Ross White, Environment Canada
- Marianne Wickham, Environment Canada
- Anita Wong, Environment Canada
- Ian Waugh, Environmental and Outdoor Education Council
- Ann Cox, Environmental Commissioner of Ontario
- Dolores Noga, Environmental Law Centre
- Doug Harper, Environmental Liaison Office
- Rick Wiess, Environmental Protection
- Brian Wilson, Environmental Protection
- George MacKenzie-Grieve, Environmental Protection Branch
- Marie-France Bérard, Environnement Canada
- Steve Hancock, Equiva services LLC
- J.D. Hanes, Ethyl Canada Inc.
- Kenneth W. Steinberg, Exxon Engineering and Research
- Jim Jones, Fas Gas Oil Ltd.
- Bryan Dykes, Federated Cooperatives
- Eric Lawrenz, Federated Cooperatives Limited Saskatoon
- André Rivest, Fédération Auto Québec
- M. Haworth, Fédération Nautique du Canada
- Dr. Y.M. (Ming) Yip, Fleet Technical Services - Coast Guard
- Alan R. Goelzer, Fluor Daniel Inc., Philadelphia Office
- Robert Belanger, Ford Motor Co. of Canada Ltd.
- Walt Kreucher, Ford Motor Company
- R.W. Pattee, Ford Motor Company of Canada Ltd.
- C.B. Smith, Ford Motor Company of Canada Ltd.
- David Chock, Ford Research Laboratory
- Brent Francis, Francis Fuels, Petro-Francis, Francis Canada
- Suresh H. Moolgavkar, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
- Beatrice Olivastri, Friends of the Earth
- Doug McFarlane, Gasland Oil Ltd.
- Mike Ricciuto, General Motors of Canada Limited
- Bryan Smift, General Motors of Canada Limited
- Jenson Suen, Gibson Petroleum Company Ltd.
- Martin Mittelstaedt, Globe and Mail
- Walter Blondin, GNWT, Public Works and Government Services
- Raynald Archambault, Government du Québec
- Margaret Eckenfelder, Government of British Columbia
- Don Grass, Government of New Brunswick
- Emery Paquin, Government of North West Territories
- Earle Baddaloo, Government of Nunavut
- Maureen Hall, Government of Nunavut
- Brian Austin, Government of the Northwest Territories
- Karen Johnson, Government of Yukon
- Joy Waters, Government of Yukon
- Stewart Lindale, Government Policy Consultant
- Lori Pike, GPC Gouvernment Consultant
- Bruce Graham, Graham Oil Energy
- Alan Penn, Grand Conseil des Cris
- Alan Vordermeier, Grand National Hydro Committee
- John Newhook, Greater Vancouver Regional District
- Greg Boucher, Greg Boucher Fuels Ltd.
- Mark Kaneb, Group Pétrolier Olco Inc.
- Jean-François Lebvre, Groupe de Recherche appliqué en macroécologie (GRAME) - Lachine
- Hilary Pearson, Groupe SECOR
- Douglas W. Dockery, Harvard School of Public Health
- Joel Schwartz, Harvard School of Public Health
- Jack Spengler, Harvard School of Public Health
- Richard T. Burnett, Health Canada
- Paul De Civita, Health Canada
- Kathy Hughes, Health Canada
- Barry Jessiman, Health Canada
- Mark Raizenne, Health Canada
- Rod Raphael, Health Canada
- Bob Rowe, Higler-Bailly Consulting Inc.
- Glenn Bryksaw, Honda Canada Inc.
- Julia Phillips, Honda of Canada Manufacturing
- Vaughn Hibbits, Honda of Canada Mfg.
- Dr. Michael McGuigan, Hospital for Sick Childred
- Hughson Trucking Inc.
- Vince Chin, Husky Energy Inc.
- Don Ingram, Husky Energy Inc.
- Peter Osis, Husky Oil
- David Long, Husky Oil Limited
- T.R. Ashe, Imperial Oil
- Alan G. Chesworth, Imperial Oil
- Cindy Christopher, Imperial Oil
- R.J. (Bob) Falkiner, Imperial Oil
- Gilles Morel, Imperial Oil
- Brian Fischer, Imperial Oil Limited
- Manju Sekhri, Independent Retail Gasoline Marketers Association
- John Banigan, Industry Canada
- Alison Bunting, Industry Canada
- Janice Dickey, Industry Canada
- Peter Forristal, Industry Canada
- Suzanne Galloway, Industry Canada
- Amrik S. Rakhra, Industry Canada
- Slawek Skorupinski, Industry Canada
- Deborah Toll, Industry Canada
- Nada Vrany, Industry Canada
- Ron Leavitt, Insurance Corporation of B.C. (B.C. Air Care)
- Pierre Legault, Interdepartmental Working Group on Storage Tanks
- Paul Argyropoulos, International Fuel Quality Centre
- John McDonald, International Joint Commission
- Michael Budd, IRGMA
- Michael Hanrahan, Irving Oil Limited.
- A. Irving, Irving Oil Ltd.
- John Hutchison, John D. Hutchison Consulting
- Kerry Morris, KerMorTrading Company Ltd.
- Terry Dean, Kinetic Resources LPG
- Serge Therrien, Les Pétroles Therrien Inc.
- Richard Boyer, MacEwen Petroleum Inc.
- Earl Mackenzie, Mackenzie Petroleum Ltd.
- Anne Lindsey, Manitoba Eco-Network/Réseau Écologique du Manitoba
- H. Clarke Moster, Manitoba Energy and Mines
- Alice Chambers, Manitoba Naturalists Society
- David S. Hirshfeld, Math Pro Inc.
- Agathe Bujold, McCarthy Tétrault
- Allan MacEwen, McEwen Petroleum Inc.
- Warren Bell, MEMPR
- Lorna Lanctot, Methanex
- Bruce W. Heine, Methanex Methanol Company
- Kurt Wipp, Methanex Methanol Company
- Kevin Loughborough, Metro Works Toronto
- Conrad Anctil, Ministère de l'environnement
- Luc Berthiaume, Ministère de l'Environnement et de la Faune
- Raynald Brulotte, Ministère de l'environnement et de la faune du Québec
- Michel Paquet, Ministère de l'environnement et de la faune du Québec
- Alain Lefebre, Ministère des ressources naturelles du Québec
- George Mandrapilias, Ministry of Economic Dev't, Trade and Tourism
- Martin Whicher, Ministry of Economic Dev't, Trade and Tourism
- Grant McVicar, Ministry of Energy and Mines
- Betty Morgan, Ministry of Energy, Science and Technology
- John Onderdonk, Ministry of Environment
- Ken Smith, Ministry of Environment
- Edwin J. Yee, Ministry of Environment
- Doug Harper, Ministry of Environment (Ontario)
- Robert Bloxam, Ministry of Environment and Energy
- Anne Powell, Ministry of Environment and Energy
- Marcia Weaver, Ministry of Environment and Energy
- Andrew Hazelwood, Ministry of Health
- Toros Topalaglu, Ministry of Transportation
- David Gourley, Ministry of Transportation & Highway AirCare
- Kelvin Hicke, Ministry of Water, Land & Air Protection
- Kirk Spinks, Montank Transit Inc.
- Moose Jaw Asphalt Ltd.
- Garry J. MacDonald, Motor Vehicle Manufacturer's Association
- Mourad Mikhail, Mourad Mikhail
- Bryan Lankester, Murphy Oil Company Ltd.
- Neil Earnest, Muse, Stancile & Co.
- Robert Chemecki, National Automobile, Aerospace, Transportation & General Workers Union of Canada
- Craig Fairbridge, Ph.D., National Centre for Updrading Technology
- Bill Dawson, National Centre for Upgrading Technology
- Major Lauzon, National Defence Headquarters
- Barry Lynch, National Energy Board
- Graham Light, National Hot Rod Association
- Mary Manners, National Vehicle and Fuel Emissions Laboratory
- Peter Reilly-Roe, Natural Resource Canada
- Suzanne Clément-Cousineau, Natural Resources Canada
- Mike Hnetka, Natural Resources Canada
- Valentin Konza, Natural Resources Canada
- Dr. S.W. Lee, Natural Resources Canada
- Bob Lyman, Natural Resources Canada
- Maureen Monaghan, Natural Resources Canada
- Eva Waldron, Nature-Action Saint-Bruno
- Morton Lippmann, Nelson Institute of Environmental Medicine
- J.R.. Komorowsky, Neste Petroleum
- Mary Ann Coleman, New Brunswick Environmental Network
- Ken Maybee, New Brunswick Lung Association
- Dale Morehouse, New Brunswick Power
- George D. Thurston, New Yor University School of Medicine
- Ian Macpherson, Newfoundland & Labrador Hydro
- Gerald M. Miller, Niagra Holdings Ltd.
- Nile D. Coble, Nile D. Coble
- Jerry Dolan, Norgas Limited
- Richard J. Connors, Northern Transportation Company Limited
- Rick Henson, NOVA Chemicals (Canada) Ltd
- Brian McFadden, Nova Chemicals (Canada) Ltd.
- Steve Schmidt, Nova Chemicals (Canada) Ltd.
- Arun Chatterjee, Nova Scotia Department of the Environment
- Don Black, Nova Scotia Environmental Network
- Lee Jamieson, Nova Scotia Power Inc.
- Mark Eikland, Office of the Grand Chef
- Rodney H. Clarke, Olco Petroleum Group Inc.
- Louis Senechal, Olco Petroleum Group Inc.
- Ontario College of Physicians
- Randy Turner, Ontario Fuel Dealers Association
- Ontario Lung Association
- Dr. Ted Boadway, Ontario Medical Association
- Barry Bower, Ontario Ministry of Energy, Science and Technology
- Peter Mar, Ontario Ministry of Environment and Energy
- Robyn Tsallis, Ontario Ministry of the Environment
- René Chartier, Ontario Propane Association
- Ontario Public Health Association
- Ontario Public Interest Research Group
- Ontario Public Interest Research Group
- Ontario Public Interest Research Group
- Ontario Society for Environmental Education
- Claude Landry, OPTEC Energy Services Inc.
- Lloyd Bailey, Other Co-op
- John Wheelhouse, Other Co-op
- Michael MacNeil, Oxygenated Fuels Association
- Fred Musial, Pacesetter Enterprises
- PAL Energy Corp.
- J.C. Donald, Parkland Industries
- R.J. Leflar, Parkland Refining Ltd.
- Don Jardine, PEI Ministry of Fisheries, Aquaculture and Environment
- Matt McCulloch, Pembina Institute for Appropriate Development
- Rob Macintosh, Pembina Institute for Appropriate Development
- Dan Smith, Pembina Institute for Appropriate Development
- Gene Carignan, Petro-Canada
- Boris Jackman, Petro-Canada
- Farahad Seif, Petro-Canada
- Doug Evans, Petro-Canada Institute
- Nigel R. Hills, Petro-Canada Producst Ltd.
- Petro-Plus
- Bruce Pawson, Petrocor Petroleum Corporation
- Richard Côté, Pétroles Norcan Inc.
- Garry Garcin, Pétroles Norcan Inc.
- James Flindall, Pioneer
- Brian Kitchen, Pioneer Petroleum
- Pollution Probe
- Ken Ogilvie, Pollution Probe
- John Wellner, Pollution Probe
- Martha Kostuch, Prairie Acid Rain Coalition
- David Ramkumar, Prince Edward Island Environmental Network
- Mitch Markusigh, Pro Racing Fuels
- Joe Muldoon, Province of Saskatchewan
- Adrian Mitterhuber, Provmar Fuels
- Gaston Morin, Québec Cartier Mining Company
- M. Robert Lamarche, Radio Canada, Les années lumières
- Marc Rousse, Régate internationales de Valleyfield
- Henri Jacob, Regroupement écologistes Val D'or et Environs., (Le R.E.V.E.)
- Gabrielle Pelletier, Réseau Québécois des Groupes Écologistes
- Alan Krupnick, Resources for the Future
- René Pigeon, Ressources naturelles Canada
- David V. Bates, Retired
- Franco Germano, Revenue Canada
- Colin Robbins, Robbins Feed & Fuel Ltd.
- Phil Koven, Rosen Fuels Ltd.
- Anton Davies, Rowan, Williams, Davies, Irwin Inc.
- Kevin Kent, Roy-L Canadian Fuels Co. Ltd.
- Robert Anderson, S.C.C.A. Pro Racing Ltd.
- Rob Elson, S.C.C.A. Pro Racing Ltd.
- Joanne Blythe, Saskatchewan Eco-Network
- Les Bernier, Saskatchewan Energy and Mines
- Joe Muldoon, Saskatchewan Environment and Resource Management
- Dennis Perras, Saskatchewan Environment and Resource Management
- Ann Coxworth, Saskatchewan Environmental Society
- Larry Lechner, Saskatchewan Ministry of Environment
- Anna Tilman, Save the Oak Ridges Moraine Coalition (STORM)
- Dan Hrebenyk, Senes Consultants
- Tom Chan, SGS
- Dave Bussey, SGS Canada Inc.
- Elizabeth Malinowski, Shell Canada
- Ken Mitchell, Shell Canada
- John Wills, Shell Canada Limited
- Geoff Granville, Shell Canada Ltd.
- Dana Atwell, Shell Canada Products Ltd.
- Gerry Ertel, Shell Canada Products Ltd.
- Lurdes Martins, Shrader Canada Ltd.
- Louise Comeau, Sierra Club Canada
- Clint W. Ensign, Sinclair Oil Corporation
- Bruce Torrie, Skies Above Foundation
- Jean T. Fournier, Sous-solliciteur général
- Bill Runciman, Southland Canada, Inc.
- George Mycroft, Statia Terminals
- Dino Chakraborty, Stone & Webster Canada
- Bruce Walker, STOP
- Bob Landry, Strategex
- Bob King, SUN Company
- F. Suleman, Suncor Energy Inc.
- Tony Coffey, Suncor Inc. OSG
- Mike O'Brien, Sunoco
- Don Cook, Sunoco Inc.
- Marty Dunlop, Sunoco Inc.
- Paula Marie Jannetta, Sunoco Inc.
- Robert W. King, Sunoco Inc.
- David MacMillan, Sunoco Inc.
- Tom Ryley, Sunoco Inc., Suncor Energy Inc.
- John Ellingsen, Syncrude Canada Ltd.
- C.T. Hammond, T.G. Hammond Ltd.
- Tom McCann, T.J. McCann & Associates
- Susan Herbert, TerraChoice Environmental Services Inc.
- Jim Grossl, Tesoro Alaska Company
- K.D. Cox, Texaco
- Ronald D. Tharby, Tharby & Associates Consultants
- Alanna Fox, The Canadian Lung Association
- Stacey Hunt, The Environmental Compliance Report
- Chris Severson-Baker, The Pembina Institute
- Steve McKenna, Toronto Public Health
- Kim Perrotta, Toronto Public Health
- Steve Smith, TOSCO Corporation
- John Askounis, Tosco Ferndale Refinery
- Dwight Stevenson, TOSCO Refining and Marketing
- Gary Miller, Trans Mountain Pipe Line Company
- Gary Robinson, Trans Northern Pipelines Inc.
- Brad R. Howard, TransCanada Energy Ltd.
- Normand Parisien, Transport 2000
- Lui Hrobelsky, Transport Canada
- Nicole Pageot, Transport Canada
- Saleem Sattar, Transport Canada
- Laurie Gourlay, Turning 2000 Project - Commons Co-op
- Susan Willis, U.S. EPA-National Vehicle and Fuel Emissions Laboratory
- Terry Geldreich, Ultra Fuels
- Chuck Husell, Ultra Fuels
- Steve McLaren, Ultra Fuels/United Petroleum
- Joseph C. MacDonald, Ultramar Lté
- Danielle Beaulieu, Ultramar Ltée
- Gilles De Bellefeuille, Ultramar Ltée
- Jacques Jobin, Ultramar Ltée
- Jean Bernier, Ultramar Ltée.
- Frank Ries, Union Gas Limited
- Kelly Eaton, United Farmers
- Jaun Benitez, United Farmers of Alberta Co-operative Ltd.
- David Worthman, United Refining
- Barry D'Andrea, United Refining Company
- Dr. Nicola Cherry, University of Alberta
- Bonny Lambert, University of Alberta
- Steven Rogak, University of British Columbia
- Sverre Vedal, University of British Columbia
- Janice Dickie, University of Waterloo
- Naila Siddique, University of Waterloo
- Bill Keesom, UOP
- Robert Sicard, UPI Inc.
- Bob Redd, US Oil and Refining
- Michel Palmer, Voice of the Earth Society
- Leonard W. Kata, Volkswagen
- Steve Eisenburg, VP Racing Fuels - Western Canada
- Steve Jr. Burns, VP Racing Fuels, Inc.
- Fred Morrison, VP Racing Fuels, Inc.
- Beth Benson, Waterfront Regeneration Project
- Chris Rolfe, West Coast Environmental Law Assoc. Research Foundation
- Western Canada Motorsport Association
- Ian Wilson, Wilson Fuel Co. Ltd.
- Rick Coronado, Windsor and District Labour
- Joe Ballantyne, Yukon Department of Renewable Resources
- Pat Paslawski, Yukon Department of Renewable Resources
- Tom Martin, North 60 Petro Limited
- Roger Bennett, North Atlantic Refining Ltd.
- Mike Manvel, North Atlantic Refining Ltd.
- North Toronto Green Community
- Greg Whitlock, Northern Transportation Co. Ltd.
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