Disposal at sea permit QUE-00349-1
Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999
Notice is hereby given that the Minister of the Environment, pursuant to section 127 of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (CEPA), is issuing disposal at sea permit no. QUE-00349-1, authorizing the loading for disposal and the disposal of waste or other matter at sea. The permit is eligible for a maximum of 4 renewals. The permit is published in the Canadian Environmental Protection Act Registry on Tuesday, March 7, 2023. All documents referenced in this permit are available upon request by email at immersionqc-disposalatseaqc@ec.gc.ca.
1. Permittee: Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Québec, Quebec.
2. Waste or other matter to be disposed of: dredged material.
2.1. Nature of waste or other matter: dredged material consisting of gravel, sand, silt, clay and colloids.
3. Duration of permit: The permit is valid from April 5, 2023, to April 4, 2024.
3.1. The loading and disposal at sea activities are restricted to the following periods: from April 5, 2023, to July 15, 2023; and from August 11, 2023, to April 4, 2024.
4. Reference documents:
- Dredging template 2023, Île-d’Entrée Harbour, as submitted in support of the permit application, received on November 14, 2022
- Register of Disposal at Sea Activities – Dredge Material
5. Loading site: Île-d’Entrée Harbour, Magdalen Islands, Quebec, at approximately 47.27754º N, 61.71925º W North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83), with the exception of the zone of exclusion (2022) as described in the document identified in paragraph 4a.
6. Disposal sites:
- IE-6, 47.28650º N, 61.76000º W (NAD83)
- Île-d’Entrée Channel, 47.27754º N, 61.71925º W (NAD83)
7. Method of loading: Loading will be carried out using land-based heavy equipment or a barge-mounted mechanical dredge.
8. Route to disposal sites and method of transport: most direct navigational route from the loading site to the disposal sites via hopper scow/barge.
9. Method of disposal: Disposal will be carried out by bottom dumping. The levelling of the seabed will be carried out by means of a steel beam, a scraper blade, or a hydraulic shovel.
10. Total quantity to be disposed of: not to exceed 8000 cubic metres, place measure.
11. Fees: The fee prescribed by the Disposal at Sea Permit Fee Regulations must be paid by the permittee in accordance with those regulations as modified by the provisions of the Service Fees Act. The applicable fee rates for April 1, 2022, are in effect for the duration of this permit.
12. Inspection and records:
12.1. Pursuant to of CEPA, the permittee and its contractors are subject to inspection by enforcement officers designated under CEPA.
12.2. The permittee must keep records of all loading and disposal activities aboard any ship involved with the disposal operations. The records must be accessible to enforcement officers designated under CEPA.
12.3. The permittee must maintain an up-to-date Register of Disposal at Sea Activities as provided by the Department of the Environment and identified in paragraph 4b. This register must be kept on board any vessel involved with the disposal operations and be accessible to enforcement officers designated under CEPA.
12.4. At all times, a paper or digital copy of this permit and each of the documents referenced in paragraph 4 must be available at the loading site and on all powered ships directly engaged in the loading and disposal operations. The documents must be accessible to enforcement officers designated under CEPA for the duration of this permit.
12.5. The permittee must retain records of all loading and disposal activities at its principal place of business in Canada for the duration of the permit and for 5 years following the expiry of the permit.
12.6. The loading or disposal at sea referred to under this permit must not be carried out by any person without written authorization from the permittee. The authorization must be accessible to enforcement officers designated under CEPA.
13. Reporting and notification:
13.1. The permittee must provide the following information, in writing, at least 48 hours before loading and disposal activities commence: name or identification number of ships, platforms or structures to be used to carry out the loading and/or disposal, name of the contractor including corporate and on-site contact information, and expected period of loading and disposal activities. The above-noted information must be submitted to:
Regional Director
Environmental Protection Operations Directorate
Department of the Environment
Quebec Region
105 McGill St 4th Floor
Montreal QC H2Y 2E7
Email: immersionqc-disposalatseaqc@ec.gc.ca
13.2. The permittee must submit a written report to the minister, as represented by the regional director of the Environmental Protection Operations Directorate, as identified in paragraph 13.1, within 30 days after the expiry of the permit. This report must contain the following information: a list of all work completed pursuant to the permit, including the names and coordinates of the loading and disposal sites used, the quantity of matter disposed of at the disposal sites, the dates on which disposal activities occurred and the Register of Disposal at Sea Activities.
On behalf of the Minister of Environment and Climate Change
Éric Vachon
Regional Director
Environmental Protection Operations Directorate
Quebec Region
Signed on February 24, 2023
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