Ethylene glycol final content: tables
List of Tables
Table 1: Chemical and Physical Properties of Ethylene Glycol
Table 2: Ethylene Glycol Releases from all Reporting Sources (NPRI 1994 - 2005)
Table 3: Untreated Ethylene Glycol Releases, by Compartment, All Sources (NPRI, 1994 - 2005)
Table 4: Ethylene Glycol Releases from Airports
Table 5: Summary Statistics of Concentrations of Ethylene Glycol in Stormwater Released from Canadian Airports in Selected Years
Table 6: Direct Toxicity Risk Quotients for Exposure of Algae to Ethylene Glycol
Table 7: Direct Toxicity Risk Quotients for Exposure of Amphibians to Ethylene Glycol
Table 8: Indirect Toxicity Risk Quotients for Exposure of Aquatic Biota to Ethylene Glycol
Table 9: Upper-bounding Estimates of Daily Intake of Ethylene Glycol by the General Population of Canada
Table 10: Upper-bounding Estimates of Daily Intake of Ethylene Glycol by a Highly Exposed Population in the Immediate Vicinity of an Industrial Point Source
Table 11: Upper-bounding Estimates of Exposure to Ethylene Glycol from use of Consumer Products
Table 12: Benchmark Dose (BMD) Values for Key Toxicity Studies: Gaunt et al. (1974), Depass et al. (1976), Neeper-Bradley et. al. (1995), Cruzan et al. (2004) and ACC (2005)
Table 13: Maternal and Developmental Effects in CD-1 Mice from Nose-only Exposure to Ethylene Glycol During Gestation Days 6-15 (Tyl, et al. 1995)
Table 14: Concentration of Ethylene Glycol in Groundwater Sampled at Canadian Airports
Table 15: Concentrations of Total Glycol Sampled at Selected Monitoring Stations of Canadian Airports for the 2004/2005 Deicing Season
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