Guide for Reporting to the National Pollutant Release Inventory 2000: section 4
Section 4: Returning Information to Environment Canada
Check for Errors
This is an essential step. The reporting software will not export an NPRI report to a disk until this function reports that no errors were detected. From the "Main Menu" select "Check Errors/Create Report" and then run the "Check for Reporting Errors" function to verify that all sections of the NPRI report were completed correctly. A status screen will indicate the number of facility and substance records being verified and the number of warnings and errors being found. The reporting software provides warnings if the reported releases and transfers seem unusually large. These warnings, unlike errors, will not prevent the NPRI report from being exported to a disk.
If errors are found, you will be prompted to view the error and warning messages. The list of error messages explains what errors were found and in which fields of the report they occurred. At any time, you can view or print the error messages to help find and correct errors in the report. Correct the errors that were reported and run the "Check for Reporting Errors" function again. This will clear the error codes and allow you to export your NPRI report to a disk. The most common problem encountered when creating a disk is that the "Check for Reporting Errors" function is not run again and previous error codes are not cleared.
Copy the NPRI Report to Disk
You must use the NPRI software to export a report, otherwise the data on the disk cannot be accepted by Environment Canada. From the "Main Menu" select "Check Errors/Create Report" and then select "Copy NPRI Report to Disk". Before copying the NPRI report to disk, you will be shown a summary of your facility and substance reports. Review the summary for accuracy. Ensure that a blank, formatted disk has been inserted into disk drive "A" or "B".
You should also create a copy of your report on disk for your files. Essential information from this report can be imported into next year's reporting software. Do not use other database programs to alter the data after export. This will result in your disk being rejected and will require a resubmission of your report.
Although rare, computer viruses have been detected on report disks submitted to the NPRI. If your disk is infected, you will be required to resubmit your report.
After making a copy on disk, slide the tab to open the "write protect" window on the corner of your 3.5" disk.
Indicate on your disk the name of your facility, NPRI ID number (provided with the reporting package) and the date of submission. First-time reporters who have not received a permanent NPRI ID number can use the temporary ID number (e.g., 9000000001) generated by the software.
Complete the Statement of Certification
Your disk must be accompanied by a signed Statement of Certification. The statement should be signed by the same person identified as the "company official" for the facility in field A16.
From the "Main Menu" open the "Reports Menu" and choose "Print Statement of Certification". If you are unable to print from the software, please contact your regional NPRI office to obtain a Statement of Certification. See Appendix 3 for details on printing reports.
Return the NPRI Report to Environment Canada
Send the disk and the signed Statement of Certification to your regional NPRI office, postmarked or courier-dated no later than June 1, 2001. It is not necessary to provide a printed copy of the report with your disk.
Where disks contain reports for facilities in different regions of Canada, company coordinators are reminded that they are only required to send one report to the NPRI office in their region. For example, a company coordinator in Montreal, reporting for facilities in Edmonton, Vancouver and Toronto, is asked to send the reports to the NPRI regional office in Montreal.
If you need assistance, contact your regional NPRI office listed on the inside front cover.
Submitting an NPRI Report by E-mail
If you choose to submit your NPRI report by e-mail:
- Use the NPRI software to export the NPRI report to a floppy disk or a hard disk folder. Do not copy the files that are in the NPRI software directory. A complete NPRI report consists of two files:
- expodata.mdb
- Send these files as attachments in an e-mail to your regional NPRI office. In the subject line, clearly indicate that it is an NPRI report and include the NPRI ID number for your facility and the name of your company. Company coordinators are reminded that they are only required to send one report to the NPRI office in their region. In your e-mail message, include your name, address, telephone and facsimile numbers and e-mail address. Retain a copy of this e-mail for future reference.
- A signed Statement of Certification must accompany your NPRI report. Send a copy by facsimile to the same NPRI office to which you sent the e-mail. Keep the original signed Statement of Certification on file for future reference.
Reports submitted by e-mail and the signed Statement of Certification must be received by Environment Canada no later than June 1, 2001. NPRI regional contacts, their e-mail addresses, telephone and facsimile numbers are listed on the inside front cover of this guide and on the NPRI Web site.
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