Guide for reporting to National Pollutant Release Inventory 2001: appendix 10
Appendix 10: reported mercury content of various products and materials
The following table provides information on the mercury content of various products and materials. The table serves as a quick reference for sources of mercury.
However, where possible, facilities should confirm with their suppliers the quantity of mercury contained in various products or materials. If only a range of concentrations is available for a substance present in a mixture, use the average of the range for threshold determinations. If no other information is available, use the information provided in this table to estimate the mercury content of the product or material. An item retains its article status if it is a manufactured item that does not release mercury under normal conditions of processing or other use. References are cited beneath this table.
Product/material type | Mercury content: mean | Mercury content: range | Mercury content: units | Comments | Reference |
Catalyst | - | - | - | Unknown current use of mercuric chloride catalyst for producing vinyl chloride monomer and phenyl-mercuric compound catalysts for producing polyurethane foams. Methyl mercury hydroxide has been used as an epoxidation catalyst and ethyl mercury chloride used as a polymerization catalyst. | U.S. EPA 1994, U.S. EPA 1997, U.S. NTP 2000 |
Caustic soda solution (50%) | - | < 0.25 ppm | - | Mercury is present as an impurity in a concentration of less than 0.25 ppm in the caustic soda solution (50%). In the chlorine-alkali process for industrial fabrication of caustic soda and gaseous chlorine, mercury is used in direct contact with the solution as a cathode, which explains the presence of mercury as an impurity in the caustic soda. | Environment Canada, personal communication |
Explosive detonator | - | - | - | Mercury fulmonate was widely used as a detonator for explosives with unknown current use. | Spectrum 2000 |
Miscellaneous | - | - | - | Mercuric chloride has been used as an agent for browning and etching steel and iron, intensifier in photography, electroplating aluminum, photocopy toners. | U.S. NTP 2000, Scorecard 2000 |
Paint preservative | - | - | - | Mercury compounds were previously, but no longer, used as an interior and exterior paint preservative (e.g., phenylmercuric acetate, N-phenylmercury 2-ethylhexyl maleate, phenylmercuric oleate, etc.). | Poll. Probe 1996, U.S. EPA 1997 |
Pesticide | - | - | - | Various mercury compounds have been used as bactericides and fungicides (e.g., methyl mercury(II) chloride, methyl mercury hydroxide, ethylmercury chloride, phenylmercuric acetate, phenylmercuric nitrate, mercuric chloride, mercury ((o-carboxyphenyl)thio) ethyl sodium salt). Registration of all material fungicides was discontinued in December 1995. | U.S. NTP 2000, Env. Can. 1998 |
Pigment/colouring agent | - | - | - | Although mostly phased out, mercury (cadmium mercury sulphides) has been used to produce dark red pigments for inks, dyes and impregnation to plastic and rubber products. | Poll. Probe 1996, Env. Can. 1998 |
Preservative | - | - | - | Mercuric chloride has been used as a preservative for materials such as wood, leather tanning, white reserve in fabric printing and embalming anatomical specimens. | U.S. NTP 2000 |
Sulphuric acid | - | - | - | Sulphuric acid is known to contain mercury. Please refer to the MSDS to determine the mercury content. | - |
Product/material type | Mercury content: mean | Mercury content: range | Mercury content: units | Comments | Reference |
Batteries: alkaline | ~ 0.1 | - | g/unit | 0.025% unit mass, type AAA - 9V dry cell | Env. Can. 1998, U.S. EPA 1998 |
Batteries: alkaline (no mercury design) | - | - | - | type AAA - 9V dry cell | Env. Can. 1998 |
Batteries: mercuric oxide | 1.35 | - | g/unit | 33.3% unit mass, button cell | Env. Can. 1998 |
Batteries: silver oxide | 0.008 | - | g/unit | 0.6% unit mass, button cell | Env. Can. 1998 |
Batteries: zinc air | 0.009 | - | g/unit | 1.0% unit mass, button cell | Env. Can. 1998, U.S. EPA 1998 |
Batteries: zinc carbon | - | - | - | 1% unit mass, type AAA - 9V dry cell | U.S. EPA 1998 |
Batteries: zinc carbon (no mercury design) | - | - | - | type AAA - 9V dry cell | Env. Can. 1998 |
Fluorescent lamps: compact | 0.010 | - | g/unit | Poll. Probe 1996 | |
Fluorescent lamps: 4 ft. lamp | 0.023 | - | g/unit | targetted reduction | Poll. Probe 1996 |
Fluorescent lamps: 8 ft. lamp | 0.046 | - | g/unit | targetted reduction | Poll. Probe 1996 |
Fluorescent lamps: various | - | - | - | fluorescent lamps contain 0.05% mercury | U.S. EPA 1994 |
Fluorescent lamps: 40 watt | - | < 0.01 | g/unit | contained 0.027g in 1995, target < 0.012 by 2000 | Env. Can. 1998 |
High powered lamps: high pressure sodium | - | < 0.01 | g/unit | Env. Can. 1998 | |
High powered lamps: metal halide | 0.051 | - | g/unit | Env. Can. 1998 | |
High powered lamps: mercury vapour | 0.075 | - | g/unit | used in early 1990s | Env. Can. 1998 |
MCT semiconductors | - | - | - | alloy of mercury-cadmium-telluride | U.S. EPA 1994 |
Other electrical equipment | - | - | - | mercury in rectifiers, oscillators, motor switches, cathode tubes | U.S. EPA 1994 |
Switches & gauges: Accustat | 1 | - | g/unit | precise temperature control | Env. Can. 1998 |
Switches & gauges: float control tilt | - | 0.5-1 | g/unit | sump pump, septic tank | Env. Can. 1998 |
Switches & gauges: plunger/displacement relay | - | up to 160 | g/unit | high current lighting and heating | Env. Can. 1998 |
Switches & gauges: reed | - | 0.14-3 | g/unit | high precision analytical | Env. Can. 1998 |
Switches & gauges: silent | 2.6 | - | g/unit | light switch prior to 1991 | Env. Can. 1998 |
Switches & gauges: tilt | 2 | - | g/unit | freezer light, washing machine | Env. Can. 1998 |
Thermometers: household | 0.5 | - | g/unit | typical fever thermometer | Env. Can. 1998 |
Thermometers: laboratory | 2.25 | - | g/unit | basal air temperature thermometer (5% usage) | U.S. EPA 1997 |
Thermometers: lab/weather | - | up to 3 | g/unit | typical lab or weather thermometer | Env. Can. 1998 |
Thermometers: medical | 0.61 | - | g/unit | oral, rectal, baby thermometers (95% usage) | U.S. EPA 1994 |
Thermostats: mercury switch | ~ 3 | - | g/unit | Env. Can. 1998 | |
Thermostats: probes | ~ 2.5 | - | g/unit | gas appliances | Env. Can. 1998 |
Various instrumentation | - | - | - | barometers, manometers, pressure sensors, valves, calomel electrodes | U.S. EPA 1994 |
Product/material type | Mercury content: mean | Mercury content: range | Mercury content: units | Comments | Reference |
U.S. coals: clean coal | - | 0.08-0.34 | ppm | mercury content in clean coal (U.S. Geol. Survey) | Poll. Probe 1996 |
U.S. coals: raw coal | - | 0.09-0.44 | ppm | mercury content in raw coal (U.S. Geol. Survey) | Poll. Probe 1996 |
U.S. coals: Minnesota coal | - | 0.02-0.09 | ppm | Poll. Probe 1996 | |
U.S. coals: anthracite | 0.23 | 0.16-0.3 | ppm | by weight | U.S. EPA 1997 |
U.S. coals: bituminous | 0.21 | < 0.01-3.3 | ppm | by weight | U.S. EPA 1997 |
U.S. coals: lignite | 0.15 | 0.03-1.0 | ppm | by weight | U.S. EPA 1997 |
U.S. coals: subbituminous | 0.10 | 0.01-8.0 | ppm | by weight | U.S. EPA 1997 |
U.S. oils: residual oil | 0.13 | - | ppm | Poll. Probe 1996 | |
U.S. oils: residual oil | - | 0.007-0.17 | ppm | mercury content of typical #6 oil | U.S. EPA 1997 |
U.S. oils: distillate oil | 0.07 | - | ppm | Poll. Probe 1996 | |
U.S. oils: distillate oil | - | < 0.12 | ppm | mercury content of typical #2 oil | U.S. EPA 1997 |
Crude Oil | - | 0.023-30 | ppm | Poll. Probe 1996 | |
Crude oil | 3.5 | 0.007-30 | ppm | U.S. EPA 1997 | |
Crude oil | - | 0.02-2 | ppm | Spectrum 2000 | |
Crude oil | 6 | - | ppm | crude oil used in U.S. carbon black (oil furnace process) | U.S. EPA 1998 |
Bitumens, asphalt, solid hydrocarbons | - | 2-900 | ppm | Spectrum 2000 |
Product/material type | Mercury content: mean | Mercury content: range | Mercury content: units | Comments | Reference |
Dental amalgams | 0.2 | - | g/ amalgam | average mercury content per amalgam contains 50% metallic mercury in silver-copper-tin amalgam | Env. Can. 1998 Poll. Probe 1996 |
Various medical reagents | - | - | - | mercury used in various disinfectants, diagnostic reagents, antiseptics, pharmaceutical diuretics, stains, etc. (for example, mercurous chloride, mercuric chloride, mercuric sulphide, thimerosol, Zenkers solution, immu-sal, carbosal, carbol-fushin) | Poll. Probe 1996 |
Product/material type | Mercury content: mean | Mercury content: range | Mercury content: units | Comments | Reference |
Cement materials: clinker product | - | < 0.01 | ppm | mercury content in U.S. cement production | U.S. EPA 1998 |
Cement materials: kiln dust | - | < 0.5 | ppm | mercury content in U.S. cement production | U.S. EPA 1998 |
Cement materials: raw mix | - | < 0.01 | ppm | mercury content in U.S. cement production | U.S. EPA 1998 |
Cement materials: waste fuels | - | < 1.5 | ppm | mercury content in U.S. cement production | U.S. EPA 1998 |
Lead smelter acid plant | 0.2 | - | ppm | mercury content in Canadian smelter H2SO4 acid plant | Env. Can. 1998 |
Metals and alloys | - | - | - | may exist as trace component due to surface amalgamation | |
Sewage sludge | 1.8 | - | ppm | average from Minnesota study | Env. Can. 1998 |
Sewage sludge | 5.2 | - | ppm | dry solids by weight | U.S. EPA 1997 |
Various acids and alkalis | - | - | - | may exist as trace component |
Product/material type | Mercury content: mean | Mercury content: range | Mercury content: units | Comments | Reference |
U.S. metal mine: copper ores | - | 0.01-1 | ppm | 0.5 ppm mercury average | U.S. EPA 1998 |
U.S. metal mine: gold ores | - | 0.1-1000 | ppm | U.S. EPA 1998 | |
U.S. metal mine: lead ores | 0.004 | - | lb Hg/ton | U.S. EPA 1998 | |
U.S. metal mine: lead (Missouri) ore | - | < 2 | ppm | lead smelter in Missouri | U.S. EPA 1997 |
U.S. metal mine: miscellaneous ores | - | - | - | unknown for silver, ferroalloy ores, etc. | U.S. EPA 1998 |
U.S. metal mine: zinc ores | - | 0.1-10 | ppm | U.S. EPA 1998 | |
Various mineral/gangue components: aragonite | 3.7 | - | % | mercury content in CaCO3 | Spectrum 2000 |
Various mineral/gangue components: barite | 0.5 | - | % | mercury content in BaSO4 | Spectrum 2000 |
Various mineral/gangue components: calcite | 0.03 | - | % | mercury content in CaCO3 | Spectrum 2000 |
Various mineral/gangue components: cerussite | 0.1 | - | % | mercury content in PbCO3 | Spectrum 2000 |
Various mineral/gangue components: fluorite | 0.01 | - | % | mercury content in CaF2 | Spectrum 2000 |
Various mineral/gangue components: galena | 0.02 | - | % | mercury content in PbS | Spectrum 2000 |
Various mineral/gangue components: graphite | 0.01 | - | % | mercury content in graphitic carbon | Spectrum 2000 |
Various mineral/gangue components: grey copper ores | 14 | - | % | mercury content in (Cu,As,SB)Xsy | Spectrum 2000 |
Various mineral/gangue components: hydrated iron oxides | 0.2 | - | % | mercury content in Fe2O3nH2O | Spectrum 2000 |
Various mineral/gangue components: marcasite | 0.07 | - | % | mercury content in FeS2 | Spectrum 2000 |
Various mineral/gangue components: pyrite | 2 | - | % | mercury content in FeS2 | Spectrum 2000 |
Various mineral/gangue components: pyrolusite | 2 | - | % | mercury content in MnO2 | Spectrum 2000 |
Various mineral/gangue components: realgar | 2.2 | - | % | mercury content in AsS | Spectrum 2000 |
Various mineral/gangue components: siderite | 0.01 | - | % | mercury content in FeCO3 | Spectrum 2000 |
Various mineral/gangue components: sphalerite | 1 | - | % | mercury content in ZnS | Spectrum 2000 |
Various mineral/gangue components: stibnite | 1.3 | - | % | mercury content in Sb2S3 | Spectrum 2000 |
Various mineral/gangue components: tetrahedrite | - | 17.6-21 | % | mercury content in Cu12Sb4S13 | Spectrum 2000 |
Various mineral/gangue components: wurtzite | 0.03 | - | % | mercury content in ZnS | Spectrum 2000 |
Environment Canada (1998) "Inventory of Uses and Releases of Mercury During Product Life Cycles", Report prepared for Environment Canada by C.C. Doiron & Associates and Charles E. Napier Company Ltd. (November, 1998).
Sang S. and Lourie B.A. (1996) "Mercury in Ontario: An Inventory of Sources, Uses and Releases", Pollution Probe Report prepared for the Mercury Elimination and Reduction Challenge Project (September, 1996).
Scorecard (2000) Environmental Defence Fund, Chemical Profiles
Spectrum (2000) Chemical Fact Sheet
U.S. EPA (1998) "Locating and Estimating Air Emissions from Sources of Polycyclic Organic Matter (POM)", Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, Report EPA-454/R-98-014 (July, 1998).
U.S. EPA (1998) "Economic Analysis of the Proposed Rule to Modify Reporting of Persistent Bioaccumulative Toxic Chemicals Under EPCRA Section 313", Economic and Policy Analysis Branch (December, 1998).
U.S. EPA (1997) "Locating and Estimating Air Emissions from Sources of Mercury and Mercury Compounds", Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, Report EPA-454/R-97-012 (December, 1997).
U.S. EPA (1997) "Mercury Study Report to Congress. Volume II: An Inventory of Anthropogenic Mercury Emissions in the United States", Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, Report EPA-452/R-97-004 (December, 1997).
U.S. EPA (1994) "Mercury Usage and Alternatives in the Electrical and Electronics Industries", Office of Research and Development, Report EPA/600/R-94-047 (January, 1994).
U.S. NTP (2000) National Toxicology Program
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