Reference method for measuring emissions of vinyl chloride from manufacturing: part I S-3
Part I - Sampling: Method S-3
Sampling of Polyvinyl Chloride Resins and Resin Slurries in Polyvinyl Chloride Plants
- S-3.1 Scope
- S-3.2 Apparatus
- S-3.3 Procedures
- S-3.4 Analysis
S-3.1 Scope
Procedures are described for obtaining polyvinyl chloride resin or resin slurry samples for the determination of emissions of vinyl chloride into the atmosphere after the stripping operation in the manufacture of polyvinyl chloride.
S-3.2 Apparatus
S-3.2.1 Bottles.
Wide-mouth bottles of at least 60-ml capacity with waxed, lined screw caps are required for the resin or resin slurry samples.
S-3.3 Procedures
S-3.3.1 Location of Sampling Point.
The resin or resin slurry samples must be obtained immediately after the stripping operation, either at a point in the transfer line from the stripping vessel to storage or subsequent operation, or directly from the stripper before transfer to subsequent operations.
S-3.3.2 Collection of the Sample.
Allow the resin or slurry in the sampling line to flow so as to purge the line of any old material. When the line has been purged, place a sample bottle or a sampling container under the tap, and fill to capacity. Immediately cap the bottle or transfer to a sample bottle and cap. If sampling the stripped resin from a batch process, take three separate and distinct samples from the batch. Label each of the three bottles with an identifying number or code and enter the required information on Figure S-3-1.
Figure S-3-1: Resin and Resin Slurry Samples

If sampling after continuous stripping, the three samples must be taken at 20-minute intervals. Purge the sampling line each time. Label each of the three bottles with an identifying number or code and enter the information required on Figure S-3-1.
S-3.4 Analysis
The residual vinyl chloride in the resin is to be analyzed within 24 hours using Method A-2.
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