Reference method for measuring emissions of vinyl chloride from manufacturing: part III C-2

Part III - Calculations: Method C-2

Calculation of Emission Rates from Process Vents in Vinyl Chloride and Polyvinyl Chloride Plants

C-2.1 Scope

The calculations are described to compute the vinyl chloride emissions from process vents in vinyl chloride and polyvinyl chloride plants according to the conditions and basis stated in the emission regulations.

C-2.2 Mass Emission Rate

For the calculation of mass emission rates, Method B, EPS 1-AP-74-1 is to be used to measure the volumetric flow rate of the vent gases, Qs. The mass emission rate of vinyl chloride in the vent gases is to be calculated using equation C-2-1.

Mass Emission Rate Equation

C-2.3 Mass Emissions per Unit of Production

For the purposes of determining mass emissions per unit of production, the plant production over the shift during which sampling occurred shall be determined from plant records.

The production will then be prorated for the sampling period using equation

Mass Emissions per Unit of Production Equation

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