Reference method to measure releases of lead in particulate from stationary sources: chapter 5
Section 3: Calculations
- 3.1 Equations
- 3.1.1 Volume of Stack Gas Sample
- 3.1.2 Volume of Water Vapour
- 3.1.3 Moisture Content of Stack Gas
- 3.1.4 Absolute Stack Gas Pressure
- 3.1.5 Stack Gas Molecular Weight
- 3.1.6 Stack Gas Velocity
- 3.1.7 Volumetric Stack Gas Flow Rate
- 3.1.8 Weight of Particulate Sample
- 3.1.9 Weight of Lead in Sample
- 3.1.10 Concentration of Particulate Matter
- 3.1.11 Concentration of Lead
- 3.1.12 Mass Emission Rate of Particulate Matter
- 3.1.13 Mass Emission Rate of Lead
- 3.1.14 Percentage of Lead in Particulate Matter
- 3.1.15 Isokineticity
- 3.2 Nomenclature
To simplify record keeping during a test, field data may be entered in the units for which the sampling equipment is designed. These values must be converted, if necessary, to the metric units specified in the equations where they are used.
3.1 Equations (see Section 3.2 for nomenclature)
3.1.1 Volume of Stack Gas Sample
Correct the sample volume measured by the dry gas meter to reference temperature and reference pressure conditions (25°C and 101.3 kPa) by using:
Note: For a temperature-compensated dry gas meter, the average dry gas meter temperature, (Tm)avg, should be substituted by a constant value as specified by the manufacturer.
3.1.2 Volume of Water Vapour
Calculate the volume of water vapour in the stack gas sample at reference conditions using:
3.1.3 Moisture Content of Stack Gas
Calculate the volumetric fraction of water vapour in the stack gas at reference conditions using:
For saturated stack gas, use a psychrometric chart to determine Bwo.
3.1.4 Absolute Stack Gras Pressure
Calculate the absolute stack gas pressure using:
3.1.5 Stack Gas Molecular Weight
Calculate the stack gas molecular weight on a wet basis by using:
Note: Use procedures in Method C of Reference Method EPS 1/RM/8 to calculate Md.
3.1.6 Stack Gas Velocity
Calculate the stack gas velocity measured at each traverse point using:
3.1.7 Volumetric Stack Gas Flow Rate
Calculate the average volumetric flow rate of the stack gas on a dry basis and at reference conditions using:
3.1.8 Weight of Particulate Sample
Determine the weight of the particulate sample, Wp, from the sum of the particulate weights obtained from Containers No. l and 2 less the acetone blank, as shown in the Particulate Analytical Data sheet (Figure 4).
3.1.9 Weight of Lead in Sample
Determine the total weight of lead collected, WL, from the Lead Analytical Data Sheet (Figure 5).
3.1.10 Concentration of Particulate Matter
Calculate the concentration of particulate matter in the stack gas using:
3.1.11 Concentration of Lead
Calculate the concentration of lead in the stack gas using:
3.1.12 Mass Emission Rate of Particulate Matter
Calculate the mass emission rate of particulate matter using:
3.1.13 Mass Emission Rate of Lead
Calculate the mass emission rate of lead using:
3.1.14 Percentage of Lead in Particulate Matter
Calculate the percentage of lead in particulate matter using:
3.1.15 Isokineticity
Calculate the isokineticity for each traverse point using:
A test shall be considered valid with respect to isokineticity (or isokinetic variation) providing that:
- 90% or more of the isokineticity values, I, calculated for all traverse points are within the range 90 to 110%, i.e., 90 % ≤ I ≤ 110 %, and
- the arithmetic average of all the isokineticity values is within the 90 to 110% range, i.e., 90 % ≤ Iavg. ≤ 110 %.
3.2 Nomenclature
- As
inside cross-sectional area of the stack, duct or flue, m
- Bwo
volumetric fraction of water vapour in the stack gas, dimensionless
- CL
concentration of lead in the stack gas on a dry basis at reference temperature and pressure conditions, mg/m
- Cp
S-type pitot tube coefficient, dimensionless
- Cs
concentration of particulate matter in the stack gas on a dry basis at reference temperature and pressure conditions, mg/m
mass emission rate of lead, kg/h
- ERp
mass emission rate of particulate matter, kg/h
- ΔHavg
average pressure drop across orifice meter, kPa
- ΔH
pressure drop across orifice meter for each traverse point, kPa
- Iavg
the arithmetic average of all the isokineticity values for the test, %
- I
isokineticity (i.e., the ratio of the sampling velocity through the nozzle to the velocity of the undisturbed gas stream at each traverse point), %
- j
the j
th traverse point, dimensionless
- 10-3
conversion factor, kg/g
- 128.95
dimensional constant (m/s) [(kg/kmol/K)]
- 3600
conversion factor, seconds/hour
- 10-6
conversion factor, kg/mg
- 6 × 10-5
conversion factor, (m
- Md
molecular weight of stack gases on a dry basis, kg/kmol
- Ms
molecular weight of stack gases on a wet basis, kg/kmol
- MH2O
molecular weight of water, 18 kg/kmol
- Nd
inside diameter of the sampling nozzle, mm
- %PL
percentage of lead in particulate matter,
- Ps
absolute stack gas pressure, kPa
- Pbar
barometric pressure at the sampling site, kPa
- Pref
reference pressure, 101.3 kPa
- Δps
static pressure of the stack gases, kPa
- Δp
pitot tube velocity pressure at each traverse point, kPa
- Qs
volumetric stack gas flow rate on a dry basis at reference temperature and pressure conditions, m
- R
universal gas constant, 8.31 (kPa)(m
- t
sampling duration for each traverse point, min
- ( Tm )avg
arithmetic average of the dry gas meter temperatures, K
- Tmi
temperature at the dry gas meter inlet for each traverse point, K
- Tmo
temperature at the dry gas meter outlet for each traverse point, K
- Tref
reference temperature, 298 K
- ( Ts )avg
arithmetic average of the stack gas, temperatures, K
- Ts
stack gas temperature at each traverse point, K
- Us
stack gas velocity at each traverse point, m/s
- ( Us )avg
arithmetic average of the stack gas velocities, m/s
- ( Vw )ref
volume of water vapour in the stack gas sample at reference temperature and pressure conditions, m
- Vm
volume of stack gas sample at dry gas meter conditions, m
- ( Vm )j
volume of stack gas sample at dry gas meter conditions for the j
th traverse point, m
- ( Vm )ref
volume of stack gas sample at reference temperature and pressure conditions, m
- WH2O
weight of water vapour condensed in the impingers, g
- WL
total weight of lead collected during the test run, mg
- Wp
total weight of particulate samples collected during the test run, mg
- γ
- dry gas meter calibration factor (ratio of the wet test meter volume to the dry test meter volume), dimensionless
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