Second report of the National Pollutant Release Inventory working group 2001 to 2002
Table of Contents
- List of Acronyms
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Criteria Air Contaminants: Speciation
- 3. Upstream Oil and Gas Exemption
- 4. Views on the Merits of Adding Greenhouse Gases to the NPRI
- 5. Parameters for Adding Greenhouse Gases to the NPRI
- 6. Substance-specific Changes
- 7. Other Issues Arising
- Annex A: List of Current (June 2002) WG Members and Alternates
- Annex B: Overview of the Mandate and Process of the Subgroups
- Annex C: Criteria for Developing the Species Listing
- Annex D: Proposed Elements of a Master List of Candidate VOC for Speciation
- Annex E: Percent Coverage at Different Reporting De-minimus
- Annex F: NP/NPES OP/OPES Proposed Groupings and Derivatives
Draft for Stakeholder Review and Comment
Prepared by:
Rebecca Aird
Marbek Resource Consultants
Work Group Facilitator
July 16th, 2002
This draft of the Work Group’s second report summarizes the WG’s current thinking on a range of issues and proposals relevant to the 2003 reporting year and beyond. WG members are now looking for input from other stakeholders to help inform their final positions, to be presented to EC in the form of a finalized second report, no later than October 31, 2002. At its next meeting on September 23/24, the WG will review the feedback received on the current draft. To facilitate preparation for this meeting, please ensure that your comments are submitted to EC no later than Friday, September 6, 2002. Please send comments to:
National Pollutant Release Inventory
2001-2002 Multistakeholder Work Group on Substances
c/o NPRI Office
Environment Canada
9th floor, Place Vincent Massey
351 St-Joseph Blvd., Hull, Quebec, K1A-0H3
Page details
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