Recorded presentations from the Canadian Centre for Climate Services
The list of presentations below is organized from most to least recent.
Please contact the Climate Services Support Desk if you have questions or wish to request a presentation for your organization.
May 2022
Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society Congress
Probabilistic Climate Risk Assessments
In current practice, future emissions scenarios do not have probabilities assigned to them and are thus presented as equally likely to occur. This presentation argues that 'probabilistic' emissions projections would be more practical for successful, risk-based adaptation decision-making. This presentation provides an operational, end-to-end workflow that produces these projections along with risk-relevant physical, regional, climate change information for adaptation planning.
Delivering user-relevant projections of future fire weather for Canada (52:47)
This presentation will walk through the stages of development of national Fire Weather Index (FWI) projections, focusing on user-needs engagement, post-processing of projected FWI system indices (e.g., downscaling and bias adjustment, calculating key metrics), and potential mechanisms for delivery to practitioners across Canada.
Application of Future Weather Files in Building Performance Simulation (14:44)
This presentation covers the importance of using future weather files to support climate resilient building design and simulating building energy performance. Future weather files for various locations across Canada, developed by the Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium and the National Research Council of Canada, are highlighted. a modern interface for climate information delivery (37:07)
This presentation focuses on the Canadian Climate Data Portal,, a user-friendly online climate data source, which has brought together the expertise of national and regional climate service providers.
The CCCS provided the Financial Accountability Office of Ontario (FAO) with relevant climate data, resources, and climate-related guidance to help complete their assessment of impacts of extreme rainfall, extreme heat, and changes in freeze-thaw cycles on the long-term costs of maintaining public buildings and facilities in a state of good repair. This presentation explores the details of FAO's project, the work that CCCS undertook for the FAO, how this data was applied, and key takeaways from this collaboration.
Estimating historical and projected values of Humidex-based indices
This presentation discusses results from the evaluation of historical estimations of three Humidex-based indices and explores methods for production of climate projections over Canada.
This presentation describes the steps taken by the CCCS to provide and communicate information to decision-makers and practitioners on adjusting Intensity-Duration-Frequency (IDF) curves to consider climate change.
This presentation describes the processes used by planners and engineers in BC to identify highway infrastructure at high risk to climate change, and how future climate projections are used in these processes.
An inventory of historical climate data and climate projections for the Canadian North (1:25:15)
This presentation provides an overview of the work of the Northern Climate Data Working Group, convened in 2020 to identify, inventory, and characterize existing and publicly available climate datasets covering the Canadian North.
Transportation Association of Canada Training Sessions
This 3-part series provides transportation professionals with key concepts, climate data, and information to understand and plan for climate change, and to reduce risks, adapt, and build climate resiliency.
Part 1 of this webinar series provides an overview of key climate information concepts. Topics include climate change impacts and risk assessments, historical data sets, future climate projections and emissions scenarios, and the importance of considering climate change in decision-making.
Part 2 of this webinar series provides an overview of three key sources of climate information:, the Climate Atlas of Canada, and PCIC's Climate Explorer. Participants learn what is common and unique about each of these websites.
Part 3 of this webinar series walks participants through a learning exercise to understand key climate change impacts for infrastructure projects or asset management planning. Participants gain experience choosing climate indices they can use to assess changing climate risk for a transportation asset of their choice and identifying potential adaptation measures they can employ to reduce climate risks.
April 2022
Webinar for Ontario Municipalities
This presentation introduces the CCCS and the products and services available to help communities increase their resilience to climate change. The information in this presentation is tailored to Ontario municipalities but is relevant for other municipalities across Canada.
March 2022
Professional Engineers Ontario
This presentation focuses on the use of climate data and information for engineering. The presentation includes topics such as the impacts of climate change on future risk, the importance of considering climate change in engineering, and additional sources of information for engineers.
February 2022
Progress Towards a Dataset of National Fire Weather Index System Component Changes to Year 2100
This presentation shares some of the methods, early results, evaluation, and public delivery plans for the National Fire Weather Index projections project between the CCCS and the Canadian Forest Service.
December 2021
This training workshop offers presentations, discussions and activities on the intersection of Indigenous Knowledge and western climate data, and on how to integrate climate data and information into impact, risk, and vulnerability assessments. It also introduces participants to the use of the platform to support impact, risk, and vulnerability assessments in First Nation communities.
November 2021
Map of Adaptation Actions Launch
This presentation was dedicated to exploring the features, functionalities and content of the Map of Adaptation Actions as well as gathering early feedback on what users would like to see on the Map.
September 2021
Alberta Adaptation Resilience Training
This presentation explores climate change basics, climate impacts, and tools and resources at global, national and Alberta-specific scales.
May 2021
Adaptation to Climate Change Impacts – Explore by the Seat of your Pants
This presentation, designed for students in grades 4 to 8, addresses questions such as what is climate change, what impacts are Canadians seeing from climate change, what is adaptation and how can it help, and what Canadians can do to address climate change?
Public lecture for the Centre for Climate Science and Engineering
This presentation discusses the role of engineers in reducing climate change risk. The presentation includes an overview of climate change basics, how climate change impacts risk, and the role engineers play in addressing this risk.
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