Export permit for hunted animal parts or products: information sheet
General information
This form is to be used when applying for a CITES permit to export parts or products of hunted animals (mounted animals, skin, bone, meat, claws, etc.). This is not to be used for hunting trophies exported on behalf of a hunter. The application form for hunting trophy exports must be used in that case.
- Complete all applicable sections accurately and legibly. Incomplete application forms will not be accepted. Attach additional sheets if necessary.
- Ensure that copies of supporting documentation are clear and legible.
- The application must be signed in order to be processed. Electronic signatures are not accepted.
- Replacement Permit - If this is a request for a replacement of a previously issued permit, the original copies of the previous permit must be returned before the new permit can be issued. Provide a clear explanation for this request for a replacement.
- On the application form indicate -No Change- in those sections where the information has not changed from the previous application.
- For the permits to be sent by courier, a courier company and account number must be provided. NOTE: Courier service is not available from every CITES Permit office in Canada.
- Service Standard - When the request is for the export of a polar bear trophy, allow up to 80 calendar days for the processing of a complete application. For all other species, allow up to 14 calendar days, once the complete application has been received.
- Note: An application is deemed complete once all required documents have been submitted to the permitting office.
Submitting the application
- Send your completed application to the appropriate CITES Permit Office. For more information, please refer to the Form Submission page of the Permits section on the Environment Canada CITES website (CITES)
- Should you have any questions, contact us at: 1 855 869 8670, or by email at cites@ec.gc.ca
Part 1: Contact information
1.1 Application information
- The applicant is the Canadian company or resident that currently possesses the animal parts or products, and to whom the permit will be issued. This is the name which will appear on the permit.
- The individual submitting the application form must sign the application. An individual other than the owner (e.g. the broker) may submit the application. However, please note that the information for the applicant must always be provided in Section 1.1.
- Unless otherwise specified in the area provided, the permit will be sent to the applicant’s address as listed on the form.
1.2 Broker information
- If using a shipping company to export the parts or products, provide the broker’s information in Section 1.2.
- If no broker or carrier is used, this section may be left empty.
1.3 Consignee information
- The consignee is the company or individual in the destination country that will be receiving the animal parts or products.
Part 2: Purpose of export
- Indicate whether the animal parts or products are being exported for resale in the receiving country.
- Indicate if the specimens are being sent to another country to be exhibited or as part of an exhibition. If yes, please specify the name of the exhibition, the type and purpose of the exhibition, duration of the exhibit, etc.
- Indicate if the specimens are being sent for an educational program which is run in the importing country. If yes, then documentation must be provided describing the program, its educational goals, history of the program, the responsible program manager or institution, etc.
- Indicate if the specimens are being sent for scientific analysis or research in the receiving country. If yes, then documentation must be provided describing the research project, the goal or purpose of the research, responsible scientist or institution, etc.
Part 3: Information and supporting documents
- For each animal whose parts or products are being exported, all relevant details must be provided.
- Species name - the common name and scientific name of the species are to be provided. The scientific name helps to ensure that the correct species is chosen for the permit and the appropriate assessment of the application.
- Gender - if known, indicate the gender of the animal hunted.
- Harvested in - indicate whether the animal was harvested from the wild or from some other location (such as a game farm).
- Province/territory - indicate where in Canada the animal was harvested.
- Date of harvest - this is the date when the animal was harvested, as accurate as possible.
- Name of hunter/trapper - specify the name of the individual that harvested this animal.
- Hunting permit/trapping license number - the permit or license number issued for the harvest must be provided as evidence the harvest was authorized.
- Tag or band number - if a tag or band number Is issued for marking the harvested animal, this number must be indicated.
- List all distinct items belonging to the animal described which will be exported. Please describe the items clearly, sizes and dimensions are required.
- If there are more items than can be listed on the form, please copy the page with part 3, and include with the application.
- The table provided in Section 3.2 Supporting Documents of the application form will help you identify the necessary documents to submit based on how the animal part was obtained. Submit all applicable supporting documentation showing proof of acquisition.
- For parts or products from polar bears, the tag information is mandatory. The provincial or territorial export permit must be provided. If the Hunter Kill Report is available, please submit this as well.
Part 4: Current location of the specimen(s)
- Please indicate where the specimens are currently located.
- If the specimen(s) are currently detained by customs officials in Canada or in another country, please provide information on this detention. The customs file information and copies of any documents pertinent to the detention should be sent along with the application.
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