Trade in protected species: information sheet on renewal of single-use permit
General Information
This application is to be used for requesting a permit or certificate to replace one that has expired or will be expiring before the shipment can take place. The original copies of the expired permit or certificate must be returned along with the application, as proof that they were not used. This is for single-shipment permits/certificates only.
- Complete all applicable sections accurately and legibly. Incomplete application forms will not be accepted.
- The application must be signed in order to be processed. Electronic signatures are not accepted.
- For the permit or certificate to be sent by courier, a courier company and account number must be provided.
- Service Standard - Allow up to 7 calendar days for the processing of this application.
Submitting the application
- Send your completed application to the appropriate CITES Permit Office. For more information, please refer to the Form Submission page of the Permits section on the Environment Canada CITES website (CITES).
- Should you have any questions, contact us at: 1-800-668-6767 or 1-819-953-1840, or by email at
Part 1: Contact Information
1.1 Application Information
- The applicant is the Canadian company or resident that currently has the items and to whom the certificate will be issued. This is the name which will appear on the certificate.
- The individual submitting the application form must sign the application. An individual other than the owner (e.g. the broker) may submit the application. However, please note that the information for the applicant (owner) must always be provided in Section 1.1.
- Unless otherwise specified in the area provided, the certificate will be sent to the applicant's address as listed on the form.
1.2 Broker Information
- If using a shipping company to export the animal(s), provide the broker’s information in Section 1.2.
- If no broker or carrier is used, this section may be left empty.
1.3 Consignee Information
- The consignee is the company or individual in the destination country that will be receiving the specimens.
- If requesting a certificate for a single shipment, provide the information for the recipient of the shipment.
- If the request is for multiple shipments, leave Section 1.3. blank.
Part 2: Reason for Re-export
- Please answer yes or no to all questions in this section, in order for the permitting team to assess the purpose of the re-export.
- In the case that the specimens are for use in an educational program, a scientific research program, or for the purposes of introduction/re-introduction into the wild, please submit a document with the name and address of the program and a detailed description of the program.
Part 3: Item Description and Supporting Documents
3.1 Inventaire des spécimens
- Fill out Table 1: Specimen Inventory on page 3 of the application to provide a description of each item you are shipping.
- Item # - this is a reference to the item being re-exported.
- Item Description - please describe as accurately as possible the specimen.
- Species Name - provide the scientific name of the species associated with this specimen. This scientific name would appear on the foreign CITES permit which was used to import the specimen into Canada.
- Quantity for re-export - indicate the quantity of this specimen matching the description.
- Country of Origin
- On the foreign CITES permit used to originally bring the specimen into Canada, the country of origin information will be indicated. This information should be indicated in this section. The permit number and the date of issue is required. Please note that the format for dates is different in each country, so please be careful in the date you are indicating.
- Country of Last Re-export
- If the foreign CITES permit used to originally bring the specimen into Canada, was a Re-export certificate, the number of that certificate and its issue date should be indicated in this section.
- Indicate on the appropriate foreign permit at the appropriate block on that permit, the item number that corresponds to the entry in Table 1: Specimen Inventory. This will help the permitting team correctly match the item being re-exported with the permit item and foreign permit used to import into Canada.
- If you are re-exporting large numbers of items or would rather complete the inventory in an electronic format, you can complete the attached Excel version of the Table 1: Specimen Inventory. Please ensure that the numbering of the items is incremented properly.
Section 3.2 - Shipments
- Indicate the number of shipments you expect to make with this certificate.
- This is used when the same source material brought into Canada with a foreign permit will be re-exported in multiple shipments. For example, a crocodile skin which was imported into Canada can be transformed into many pairs of boots, which are then re-exported in different shipments.
Part 4: Moyen de transport d'animaux ou plantes vivantes
- Il est essentiel de décrire le moyen de transport des animaux ou plantes vivantes ainsi que conteneur d’expéditiondans lequel ils seront transportés. Des images ou diagrammes peuvent être soumis avec la demande pour aider à expliquer.
- Le transport d’animaux vivants par voie aérienne doit rencontrer normes courantes de la Réglementation du transport des animaux vivants de l’IATA. Le transport des plantes vivantes par voie aérienne doit rencontrer le Perishable Cargo Regulations de l’IATA.
- Si le transport se fait par un moyen autre que voie aérienne, les Lignes directrices de la CITES pour le transport non-aérien d'animaux et de plantes sauvages doivent être suivies.
Part 5: Emplacement actuel du spécimen
- Veuillez indiquer où se trouve présentement le(s) spécimen(s).
- Si le(s) spécimen(s) est retenu à la douane, soit au Canada ou à l'étranger, veuillez fournir le numéro de dossier de la douane correspondante et fournir une copie de tous les documents pertinents à la saisie.
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