Trade in protected species: information sheet on renewal of single-use permit

General Information

This application is to be used for requesting a permit or certificate to replace one that has expired or will be expiring before the shipment can take place. The original copies of the expired permit or certificate must be returned along with the application, as proof that they were not used. This is for single-shipment permits/certificates only.


  1. Complete all applicable sections accurately and legibly. Incomplete application forms will not be accepted.
  2. The application must be signed in order to be processed. Electronic signatures are not accepted.
  3. For the permit or certificate to be sent by courier, a courier company and account number must be provided.
  4. Service Standard - Allow up to 7 calendar days for the processing of this application.

Submitting the application

Part 1: Contact Information

1.1 Application Information

1.2 Broker Information

1.3 Consignee Information

Part 2: Reason for Re-export

Part 3: Item Description and Supporting Documents

3.1 Inventaire des spécimens

Section 3.2 - Shipments

Part 4: Moyen de transport d'animaux ou plantes vivantes

Part 5: Emplacement actuel du spécimen

Page details

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