Métis Nature-Based Solutions in Alberta |
Métis Nation of Alberta (MNA) |
This five-year project is supporting the securement of lands at risk of urban and industrial development to establish conservation areas. Sites secured through this initiative will prevent the loss of high greenhouse gas (GHG) capacity ecosystems, and/or restore degraded land to a state in which it can contribute through GHG sequestration and storage. MNA citizens will receive cultural benefits through access to natural areas for the purposes of re-connecting with nature, harvesting, gathering, and participating in land stewardship activities. |
Edmonton, AB |
Li Mushkayg ni Pishkaapahtaynaan |
Métis Nation -- Saskatchewan (MN-S) |
The five-year project is supporting research, monitoring and conservation of muskeg peatlands throughout Saskatchewan. This project also supports the establishment of baseline assessments of muskegs, gathering information from Traditional Knowledge Keepers and Elders regarding the cultural value of muskeg, carbon modelling of muskegs, and working with community organizations to increase awareness of the adverse effects of peat mining. |
Saskatoon, SK |
Assessing the Ecological Value And Vulnerability of Organic-Rich Humid and Hydric Environments Near Nunavik Communities |
Makivik Corporation |
This four-year project is developing and implementing a combined geomorphological, biochemical and cultural approach for the identification, characterization, and mapping of organic terrain near Nunavik communities. It involves the participation of scientists and local knowledge holders to produce practical tools and build local expertise to better recognize carbon rich wetlands and hydric environments, characterize their ecological value, and assess vulnerability. |
Kuujjuak, QC |
Restoring and Protecting the Muskeg in Fort Nelson First Nation Territory |
Fort Nelson First Nation |
This single-year project is enabling Guardians to prioritize landscape for restoration with a focus on carbon sequestration, treatability, and access. This project supports additional training for Guardians, as well as hummock transplants, tree manipulation, and seedling planting. |
Fort Nelson, BC |
Implementing Eco-Cultural Restoration Practices to Protect “At Risk” Tidal Marshes of Baynes Sound, British Columbia in Concert with Indigenous Led Canada Goose Management |
K’omoks First Nation |
This single-year project is implementing a strategy to reduce regionally overabundant Canada Goose populations and prevent habitat loss through restoration. This project will protect tidal marsh habitats, establish a long-term monitoring plan and develop a soil organic carbon-sampling regime to evaluate and predict greenhouse gas emission benefits. |
Courtenay, BC |
Xeni Gwet’in Forest Restoration Project |
Xeni Gwet’in First Nations Government |
This single-year project is re-introducing cultural burning to restore forests and grasslands using Traditional Knowledge, corroborated with aerial photos and scientific knowledge of fuel treatments. This project will reduce carbon emissions by catastrophic wildfire through pre-emptive reduction of forest fuels, while bringing about multiple ecological, cultural, and community well-being co-benefits. |
Nemaiah Valley, BC |
Increasing Plant Production for Grassland Restoration at the Mitigomin Native Plant Nursery (MNPN) |
Alderville First Nation Black Oak Savanna |
This project is increasing capacity to complete the restoration of native perennial plants in grassland ecosystems, preserving regional genetics and increasing carbon sequestration in grassland communities. This project supports enhanced land management by increasing the number of restoration plantings completed, critical for grassland habitats, and enabling climate change mitigation through carbon storage. It also supports the continuation of traditional practices by providing access to medicinal plants and traditional food plants. |
Roseneath, ON |
Homalco First Nation: Guardian Monitoring and Evaluation Program for Bute Inlet (Phase 1) |
Homalco First Nation |
This single-year project is establishing a monitoring and evaluation program for the Bute Inlet and builds capacity within Homalco First Nation. The program informs efforts to adapt to climate change by gathering baseline information and establishing monitoring parameters for the Bute Inlet, including an assessment of the current greenhouse gas emissions. This project will support the identification of priority sites for conservation, restoration, and improved land management to increase carbon sequestration and climate resilience. |
Campbell River, BC |
Planning and Capacity Building to Develop and Implement Future Nature-Smart Climate Solutions in Chisasibi, Quebec |
Cree Nation of Chisasibi |
This single-year project is supporting the Cree Nation of Chisasibi to establish a planning and capacity-building program to prepare land users for on-the-ground activities related to the restoration, enhancement, and management of coastal ecosystems. Future work will see the restoration of vegetated coastal ecosystems, such as eelgrass and saltmarshes, known to be effective at capturing and storing large amounts of organic carbon. |
Chisasibi, QC |
Carbon, Cutblocks and Connectivity: West Fraser Tenure In-block Wetland Restoration Program Planning & Seed Collection Program |
Aski Reclamation LP |
This single-year project is implementing planning and training to support wetland restoration grounded in Traditional Knowledge. In addition to supporting carbon sequestration, the project delivers biodiversity and cultural co-benefits through revegetation of wetlands and riparian buffers with culturally important native plants. |
Chetwynd, BC |
Xwísten Nature-based Climate Solutions Monitoring Program |
Xwísten (Bridge River Indian Band) Band |
This single-year project is creating a baseline inventory of ecosystem types and services within the territory, including current greenhouse gas emissions reduction capacity, and their potential emission mitigation capacity. This project supports and informs Guardian program development, and future restoration and conservation actions. |
Lillooet, BC |
Indigenous Eelgrass Monitoring & Stewardship Initiative (IEMSI) - Phase 1 |
T'Sou-ke First Nation, Maaqutusiis Hahoulthee Stewardship Society (MHSS Ahousaht), Tla-o-qui-aht First Nation, Coastal Restoration Society |
This single-year project is collecting baseline data and imagery of eelgrass beds to provide insight on eelgrass health and to predict the current and potential capacity for carbon sequestration and storage. This project supports capacity building, while bringing together key groups (Elders, women, youth) on ancestral waters to offer opportunities for knowledge sharing and transmission. |
Sooke, BC |
Muskowekwan First Nation |
This single-year project is building capacity through research, training, and data collection in order to identify areas of community concern that have a high potential for the storage and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. This project will report on baseline data, including weather and soil measurements and the current stock of carbon on site to identify which lands and land management techniques should be targeted in the future. |
Lestock, SK |
Nisto Watapi - Rooting our Community's Capacity Toward Nature Based Climate Solutions |
Wahkohtowin Development GP Inc |
This single-year project is supporting field inventories and monitoring, as well as educational opportunities for communities and Guardians to learn about nature-based climate solutions and build awareness around their role in stewardship of the land for future generations. |
Chapleau, ON |