Second Priority Substances List (PSL2)

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The second Priority Substances List (PSL2) of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA) was published in December, 1995. The list, recommended by a Ministers' Expert Advisory Panel drawn from major stakeholder groups, contains 25 substances, including single chemicals as well as mixtures and effluents.

Environment Canada and Health Canada have completed ecological and human health risk assessments for the substances listed on PSL2. The Draft PSL2 Assessment Reports were made available for a 60-day public comment period. Following consideration of comments received, the Assessment Reports were revised as appropriate and published with final conclusions as to whether or not the substances are considered to be "toxic" as defined in CEPA 1999. Summaries of the public comments and their responses are also available from the website for each substance.

Because of the considerable limitations of the available data on effects of two of the PSL2 substances (aluminum salts and ethylene glycol), a definitive conclusion of toxic or not toxic with respect to human health could not be reached. Therefore, assessments of these two substances have been suspended in order for Health Canada to collect data on toxicity to human health. State of the Science Reports for these substances have been completed.

Please click the following links below to obtain the related assessment information.

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