Summary of public comments received on the draft assessment for substances identified as being of low concern
Official title: Summary of public comments received on the Draft Assessment for substances identified as being of low concern using the ecological risk classification of inorganic substances and biomonitoring or rapid screening science approaches
Comments on the Draft Assessment for Substances identified as being of low concern using the ecological risk classification of inorganic substances and biomonitoring or rapid screening science approaches, assessed under the Chemicals Management Plan (CMP), were submitted by Canadian Consumer Specialty Products Association and IBM Global Real Estate Canada.
Summarized public comments and responses are provided below, organized by topic.
Comment summary 1: Stakeholders support the conclusions of the assessment and remain available should further input be required.
Response 1: Noted.
New information and data
Comment summary 2: Additional use pattern information was provided for consideration.
Response 2: The additional information submitted was compared to existing information in the assessment; and, it was taken into consideration in the finalization of the assessment.
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