2012 Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement: annex 10

Annex 10

  1. Purpose
  2. Programs and Other Measures
  3. Science Review, Priority-Setting and Coordination
  4. Ecosystem Indicators
  5. Lake-Specific Science and Monitoring
  6. Reporting

A. Purpose

The purpose of this Annex is to contribute to the achievement of the General and Specific Objectives of this Agreement by enhancing the coordination, integration, synthesis, and assessment of science activities. Science, including monitoring, surveillance, observation, research, and modeling, may be supplemented by other bodies of knowledge, such as traditional ecological knowledge.

B. Programs and Other Measures

The Parties, in cooperation and consultation with State and Provincial Governments, Tribal Governments, First Nations, Métis, Municipal Governments, watershed management agencies, other local public agencies, and the Public, shall:

C. Science Review, Priority-Setting and Coordination

The Parties, in cooperation and consultation with State and Provincial Governments, Tribal Governments, First Nations, Métis, Municipal Governments, watershed management agencies, other local public agencies, and the Public, shall:

D. Ecosystem Indicators

The Parties shall establish and maintain comprehensive, science-based ecosystem indicators to assess the state of the Great Lakes, to anticipate emerging threats and to measure progress in relation to achievement of the General and Specific Objectives of this Agreement. The indicators shall be periodically reviewed and updated as necessary.

E. Lake-Specific Science and Monitoring

In addition to ongoing science and monitoring activities that are routinely carried out by the Parties and other government and non-government entities, the Parties shall implement a cooperative science and monitoring initiative for each of the Great Lakes on a five-year rotational basis. The Parties shall focus monitoring activities on the science priorities identified through the Lakewide Management Process. The Parties will coordinate these activities across government and non-government organizations.

F. Reporting

The Parties shall report on progress toward implementation of this Annex every three years through the Progress Report of the Parties.

The Parties shall also issue, every three years, a State of the Great Lakes Reportto the Commission and the Public, describing basin-wide environmental trends and lake-specific conditions using ecosystem indicators established by the Parties.

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