Storm preparedness: taking action against hurricane hazards

This part of the Canadian Hurricane Centre website describes the hazards posed by tropical cyclones. With this information in hand, Canadians will have what they need to take concrete action to prepare against these storms, well in advance of the threat. These actions will help to save lives at work, at home, or while on the road or on the water.

On this website you'll find almost everything you need to know about the hazard - that's our expertise. But you’ll also find almost everything you need to know about how you can limit your vulnerability or reduce the risks of these storms. That comes from the expertise of Public Safety Canada and provincial emergency management organizations. We are providing most of the necessary information you’ll need here, for your convenience. But you will also find links to the websites of these other agencies so that you can be aware of the efforts that are being taken in your own community and can go even further in your personal preparations.

Once you are armed with this information, you will know exactly what to do to take action - and it’s all about taking action. We agree with the United States National Hurricane Center, whose website states that

"preventing the loss of life and minimizing the damage to property from hurricanes are responsibilities that are shared by all."

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