James Bay satelliste image February 2017

Fast Ice in James Bay. Southern Hudson Bay, Canada. MODIS Terra 02/10/2017 16:01 UTC

Image credit : MODIS Terra - National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

Image Description

Title: "Fast Ice in James Bay. Southern Hudson Bay, Canada. MODIS Terra 02/10/2017 16:01 UTC" 

NASA MODIS image acquired on February 10, 2017 over James Bay. This satellite image illustrates a difference in appearance between two kinds of ice. An arrow, labelled mobile ice, points to a section of moving ice in the centre of the bay. A second arrow, labelled fast ice, points to ice attached to the shore. The fast ice appears brighter than the mobile ice in this image. There is a map in the bottom left-hand corner which shows the location of the satellite image.

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