Share ideas: Consultation document on a proposed roadmap to extend the life of plastics in end-of-use electronics

Current status: Open

Opened on December 2, 2024 and will close to new input on February 14, 2025.

The Government of Canada is seeking input, through national consultations, on a Roadmap to extend the life of plastics in end-of use-electronics. The purpose of this document is to highlight elements of a potential roadmap to extend the life of plastics in electronics, through repair and reuse of these products, as part of the Government's comprehensive zero plastic waste agenda.

Join in: How to participate

By email

Send an email to with your comments to make yourself heard. Please put “Consultation – Roadmap on plastics in electronics” in the subject line of your message.

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Who is the focus of this consultation

The Government of Canada would like to engage with:

Key questions for discussion

The proposed roadmap will identify priority action areas to shape the foundation of a more sustainable management approach for electronics in Canada, in order to reduce the quantity of plastics from electronics sent to landfills and recycling facilities.

Ideas and input are being sought around the following themes/topics:

ECCC will consider all comments received within the consultation period to inform the development of a final approach.

Related information

Contact us

Chemical Production and Products Division
Environment and Climate Change Canada
351 St. Joseph Blvd
Gatineau QC K1A OH3

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