Bird Conservation Strategy for region 12 in Quebec: identified threats

Note: Only threats with a population-level effect were considered, and overall ranks were generated through a roll-up procedure described in Kennedy et al. (2012). L represents Low Magnitude threats, M: Medium, H: High, and VH: Very High. Cells with hyphens indicate that no priority species had population-level threats identified in the threat category/habitat combination.

Table 5. Relative magnitude of identified threats to priority species within BCR 12 ON by threat category and broad habitat class.
Threat category Habitat class

Habitat class

Habitat class

Mixed Wood
Habitat class

Shrub/early successional
Habitat class

Cultivated and managed areas
Habitat class

Bare areas
Habitat class

Habitat class

Habitat class

Habitat class

Overall M H H M M H M H H M -
1. Residential and Commercial Development M H H M - H M H - M H
2. Agriculture and Aquaculture - - - L M - - L - - L
3. Energy Production and Mining - - - - - M - L - L L
4. Transportation and Service Corridors L L L L L - L M - M M
5. Biological Resource Use H H H - - - - M - M H
6. Human Intrusions and Disturbance L L L L M H M H H M H
7. Natural System Modifications M L M H - L - L L - M
8. Invasive and Other Problematic Species and Genes M M M M L M - H M - M
9. Pollution L L L L H L - H VH H H

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