Bird Conservation Strategy for region 14 in Quebec: identified threats

Table 4. Relative magnitude of identified threats to priority species within BCR 14-QC by threat category and broad habitat class.
Threat category Habitat class
Habitat class
Habitat class
Shrub/Early Successional
Cultivated and managed areas
Habitat class
Bare areas
Habitat class
Habitat class
Habitat class
Habitat class
Habitat class
Habitat class
Overall M M M H H M H H L H M -
1 Residential & commercial development M M M - L - H M - M - M
2 Agriculture & aquaculture L M L H VH L - H - L - H
3 Energy production & mining M - - - - - - - - M - M
4 Transportation & service corridors L M - M L L L L - - L M
5 Biological resource use H H H L - L - M L M H H
6 Human intrusions & disturbance - - - - - M L L - M L M
7 Natural system modifications - - - VH M H - H - H M H
8 Invasive & other problematic species & genes - - - H - - - VH - VH - VH
9 Pollution - L L L H L - L L M L M
11 Climate change & severe weather - - - - H - H H - M M H
12 Other direct threats L L L L L L L L L L L L

Note: Overall ranks were generated through a roll-up procedure described in Kennedy et al. (2012). L represents Low Magnitude threats; M = Medium; H = High; VH = Very High. Blank cells indicate that no priority species had threats identified in the threat category/habitat combination.

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