Bird Conservation Strategy for region 7 in the Prairies and Northern Region: priority species

Table 1: Priority species in Bird Conservation Region (BCR) 7, Prairie and Northern Region, population objective, and the reason for priority status.
Priority species Bird group Population objective Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada
(COSEWIC)Return to footnote1
Species at Risk Act
(SARA)Return to footnote2
Provincial listingReturn to footnote3 National/continental concern
(landbirds, shorebirds, waterbirds)
Regional concern Continental stewardship
(landbirds only)
Regional stewardship
(landbirds, shorebirds, waterbirds)
North American Waterfowl Management Plan
(NAWMP)Return to footnote4priority
(waterfowl only)
NAWMP rankReturn to footnote5
(waterfowl only)
General Status RankReturn to footnote6 Expert reviewReturn to footnote7
(changes to priority list)
American Pipit Landbird Assess/Maintain - - - - - - - - - Yes -
American Tree Sparrow Landbird Increase 50% - - - Yes - Yes - - - Yes -
Barn Swallow Landbird Increase 50% Threatened (T) - - - - - - - - - -
Belted Kingfisher Landbird Assess/Maintain - - - - - - Yes - - - -
Black-backed Woodpecker Landbird Assess/Maintain - - - - - Yes Yes - - Yes -
Blackpoll Warbler Landbird Assess/Maintain - - - - - - Yes - - - -
Boreal Chickadee Landbird Assess/Maintain - - - - - Yes - - - Yes -
Common Nighthawk Landbird Recovery Objective T T T
Manitoba (MB)
Yes - - - - - - -
Eastern Phoebe Landbird Assess/Maintain - - - - - - - - - Yes -
Harris's Sparrow Landbird Increase 100% - - - Yes - - - - - Yes -
Merlin Landbird Assess/Maintain - - - - - - Yes - - - -
Northern Shrike Landbird Assess/Maintain - - - - - Yes Yes - - - -
Olive-sided Flycatcher Landbird Recovery Objective T T - Yes - - - - - - -
Palm Warbler Landbird Assess/Maintain - - - Yes - Yes Yes - - - -
Peregrine Falcon anatum/tundrius Landbird Assess/Maintain Special Concern (SC) SC Endangered (E) (MB);
Alberta (AB)
- - Yes - - - - -
Pine Grosbeak Landbird Assess/Maintain - - - Yes - Yes Yes - - Yes -
Rusty Blackbird Landbird Increase 100% SC SC - Yes - - Yes - - Yes -
Short-eared Owl Landbird Increase 100% SC SC T (MB) Yes - - - - - Yes -
Smith's Longspur Landbird Assess/Maintain - - - Yes - - Yes - - - -
Swamp Sparrow Landbird Assess/Maintain - - - Yes - Yes Yes - - - -
White-crowned Sparrow Landbird Assess/Maintain - - - - - - - - - Yes -
White-throated Sparrow Landbird Assess/Maintain - - - Yes - Yes - - - Yes -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
American Golden-Plover Shorebird Assess/Maintain - - - Yes Yes - Yes - - - -
Dunlin Shorebird Assess/Maintain - - - Yes Yes - - - - - -
Greater Yellowlegs Shorebird Assess/Maintain - - - Yes Yes - - - - - -
Hudsonian Godwit Shorebird Assess/Maintain - - - Yes Yes - Yes - - - -
Killdeer Shorebird Increase 50% - - - Yes Yes - - - - - -
Lesser Yellowlegs Shorebird Assess/Maintain - - - - Yes - Yes - - - -
Red-necked Phalarope Shorebird Increase 50% - - - Yes Yes - - - - - -
Semipalmated Sandpiper Shorebird Increase 100% - - - Yes Yes - Yes - - - -
Short-billed Dowitcher Shorebird Assess/Maintain - - - Yes Yes - Yes - - - -
Solitary Sandpiper Shorebird Assess/Maintain - - - Yes Yes - - - - - -
Whimbrel Shorebird Assess/Maintain - - - Yes Yes - Yes - - - -
Wilson's Snipe Shorebird Assess/Maintain - - - - Yes - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
American Bittern Waterbird Assess/Maintain - - - Yes Yes - - - - - -
Arctic Tern Waterbird Increase 50% - - - Yes Yes - Yes - - - -
Bonaparte's Gull Waterbird Assess/Maintain - - - Yes Yes - Yes - - - -
California Gull Waterbird Assess/Maintain - - - Yes Yes - - - - - -
Caspian Tern Waterbird Assess/Maintain - - - - Yes - - - - Yes -
Common Loon Waterbird Assess/Maintain - - - Yes Yes - Yes - - - -
Common Tern Waterbird Assess/Maintain - - - Yes Yes - - - - - -
Herring Gull Waterbird Assess/Maintain - - - Yes Yes - Yes - - - -
Horned Grebe (western) Waterbird Increase 50% SC - - Yes Yes - Yes - - - -
Little Gull Waterbird Assess/Maintain - - - Yes Yes - - - - Yes -
Pacific Loon Waterbird Assess/Maintain - - - Yes Yes - Yes - - - -
Red-throated Loon Waterbird Assess/Maintain - - - - - - - - - Yes -
Ross's Gull Waterbird Recovery Objective T T E (MB) Yes Yes - - - - - -
Sora Waterbird Assess/Maintain - - - Yes Yes - Yes - - - -
Yellow Rail Waterbird Maintain Current SC SC - Yes Yes - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
American Black Duck Waterfowl Assess/Maintain - - - Yes Yes - - Moderate (Mod)-High High - -
American Wigeon Waterfowl Assess/Maintain - - - Yes - - - Mod-High - - Yes
Black Scoter Waterfowl Increase 50% - - - Yes Yes - Yes Mod-High High - -
Bufflehead Waterfowl Assess/Maintain - - - - Yes - Yes Mod Mod- High - -
Canada Goose Waterfowl Assess/Maintain - - - - Yes - - - High - -
Common Eider Waterfowl Increase 50% - - - Yes Yes - Yes High Highest - -
Greater Scaup Waterfowl Assess/Maintain - - - - - - - - - - Yes
Lesser Scaup Waterfowl Increase 50% - - - Yes Yes - Yes High High - -
Lesser Snow Goose Waterfowl Decrease - - - - Yes - - Above Object-ive High - -
Long-tailed Duck Waterfowl Increase 50% - - - Yes Yes - Yes Mod-High Mod- High - -
Northern Pintail Waterfowl Increase 50% - - - Yes - - Yes High Mod Yes Yes
Surf Scoter Waterfowl Assess/Maintain - - - Yes Yes - Yes Mod-High High - -
White-winged Scoter Waterfowl Increase 50% - - SC (AB) Yes Yes - Yes Mod-High Mod-High - -

Return to the main document: Table 1

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