Bird Conservation Strategy for region 8 in Quebec: priority species

Table 1. Priority species in BCR 8-QC, population objective, and the reason for priority status.
Priority speciesGo to footnote 11 Bird group Population
COSEWICGo to footnote 22 SARAGo to footnote 33 Prov.
listingGo to footnote 44
concernGo to footnote 55
concern Go to footnote 55
shipGo to footnote 55
steward-shipGo to footnote 55
and ruleGo to footnote 66
levelGo to footnote 77
rankGo to footnote 88
reviewGo to footnote 99
(changes to
priority list)
Alder Flycatcher Landbird Maintain - - - - - Yes Yes - - - -
American Three-toed Woodpecker Landbird Assess/Maintain - - - - - - - - - - Yes
Bald Eagle Landbird Recovery objective - - V - - Yes -   - - -
Barn Swallow Landbird Increase 100% T - - - - - - - - - -
Bay-breasted Warbler Landbird Increase 50% - - - Yes Yes - Yes - - - -
Belted Kingfisher Landbird Maintain - - - - - - Yes - - - -
Bicknell's ThrushGo to footnote 1010 Landbird Recovery objective T T V Yes Yes - - - - - -
Black-and-white Warbler Landbird Assess/Maintain - - - - - - Yes - - - -
Black-backed Woodpecker Landbird Assess/Maintain - - - - - Yes Yes - - - -
Black-billed Cuckoo Landbird Increase 50% - - - - - - - - - - Yes
Blackburnian Warbler Landbird Assess/Maintain - - - Yes - Yes - - - - -
Black-throated Green Warbler Landbird Assess/Maintain - - - Yes - Yes Yes - - - -
Bobolink Landbird Increase 50% T - - Yes - - - - - - -
Boreal Chickadee Landbird Assess/Maintain - - - - - Yes - - - - -
Boreal Owl Landbird Assess/Maintain - - - - - - Yes - - - -
Brown Creeper Landbird Assess/Maintain - - - - - - - - - - Yes
Canada WarblerGo to footnote 1010 Landbird Recovery objective T T L Yes - - Yes - - - -
Cape May Warbler Landbird Assess/Maintain - - - Yes - Yes Yes - - - -
Chestnut-sided Warbler Landbird Assess/Maintain - - - Yes - Yes Yes - - - -
Chimney SwiftGo to footnote 1010 Landbird Recovery objective T T L Yes - - - - - - -
Common NighthawkGo to footnote 1010 Landbird Recovery objective T T L Yes - - - - - - -
Connecticut Warbler Landbird Increase 50% - - - Yes Yes Yes Yes - - - -
Eastern Meadowlark Landbird Increase 100% T - - - - - - - - - -
Eastern Whip-poor-willGo to footnote 1010 Landbird Recovery objective T T L Yes - - - - - - -
Evening Grosbeak Landbird Assess/Maintain - - - - - - Yes - - - -
Fox Sparrow Landbird Assess/Maintain - - - Yes - Yes - - - - -
Golden Eagle Landbird Recovery objective - - V - - - - - - - -
Gray Jay Landbird Assess/Maintain - - - - - Yes - - - - -
Long-eared Owl Landbird Assess/Maintain - - - - - - - - - - Yes
Magnolia Warbler Landbird Assess/Maintain - - - Yes - Yes - - - - -
Mourning Warbler Landbird Assess/Maintain - - - Yes - Yes Yes - - - -
Nashville Warbler Landbird Assess/Maintain - - - - - Yes Yes - - - -
Northern Flicker Landbird Maintain - - - - - - Yes - - - -
Northern Saw-whet Owl Landbird Assess/Maintain - - - - - - - - - - Yes
Olive-sided FlycatcherGo to footnote 1010 Landbird Recovery objective T T L Yes Yes - - - - - -
Orange-crowned Warbler Landbird Assess/Maintain - - - - - - - - - - Yes
Ovenbird Landbird Assess/Maintain - - - - - - Yes - - - -
Peregrine Falcon (anatum/tundrius)Go to footnote 1010 Landbird Recovery objective SC SC VGo to footnote 1111 Yes - - - - - - -
Philadelphia Vireo Landbird Assess/Maintain - - - - - Yes Yes - - - -
Pine Grosbeak Landbird Assess/Maintain - - - Yes - Yes - - - - -
Purple Finch Landbird Assess/Maintain - - - - Yes - Yes - - - -
Ruby-crowned Kinglet Landbird Assess/Maintain - - - - - - Yes - - - -
Rusty BlackbirdGo to footnote 1010 Landbird Recovery objective SC SC L Yes - - - - - - -
Sedge Wren Landbird Increase - - L - - - - - - - -
Sharp-shinned Hawk Landbird Assess/Maintain - - - - - - Yes - - - -
Short-eared OwlGo to footnote 1010 Landbird Recovery objective SC SC L Yes - - - - - - -
Solitary Sandpiper Landbird Assess/Maintain - - - - - - - - - - Yes
Spruce Grouse Landbird Assess/Maintain - - - - - Yes - - - - -
Swamp Sparrow Landbird Maintain - - - Yes - Yes Yes - - - -
Tennessee Warbler Landbird Assess/Maintain - - - - - Yes - - - - -
White-throated Sparrow Landbird Assess/Maintain - - - Yes - Yes - - - - -
Winter Wren Landbird Assess/Maintain - - - - - Yes Yes - - - -
Yellow-bellied Flycatcher Landbird Assess/Maintain - - - - - Yes Yes - - - -
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker Landbird Assess/Maintain - - - - - Yes Yes - - - -
Black-bellied Plover Shorebird Assess/Maintain - - - - - - - 3a - - -
Dunlin Shorebird Assess/Maintain - - - - - - - 3a - - -
Hudsonian Godwit Shorebird Assess/Maintain - - - - - - - 4b - - -
Killdeer Shorebird Increase 50% - - - - - - - 3a - - -
Purple Sandpiper Shorebird Increase 50% - - - - - - - 2b - - Yes
Red Knot (rufa)Go to footnote 1010 Shorebird Recovery objective E E L - - - - 4a - - -
Ruddy Turnstone Shorebird Increase 50% - - - - - - - 4a, b - - -
Sanderling Shorebird Increase 50% - - - - - - - 4a - - -
Semipalmated Sandpiper Shorebird Increase 100% - - - - - - - 3a - - -
Short-billed Dowitcher (griseus) Shorebird Assess/Maintain - - - - - - - 3a - - -
Solitary Sandpiper Shorebird Assess/Maintain - - - - - - - 3b - - Yes
Whimbrel Shorebird Assess/Maintain - - - - - - - 4a - - -
American Bittern Waterbird Assess/Maintain - - - - - - - - Tier 1 - -
Atlantic Puffin Waterbird Maintain - - - - - - - - Tier 3 - Yes
Black Guillemot Waterbird Maintain - - - - - - - - Tier 3 - Yes
Black Tern Waterbird Assess/Maintain - - - - - - - - Tier 1 - -
Black-legged Kittiwake Waterbird Increase 50% - - - - - - - - Tier 3 - Yes
Bonaparte's Gull Waterbird Assess/Maintain - - - - - - - - Tier 1 - -
Caspian Tern Waterbird Recovery objective - - T - - - - - Tier 3 - -
Common Loon Waterbird Maintain - - - - - - - - Tier 1 - -
Common Murre Waterbird Maintain - - - - - - - - Tier 3 - Yes
Common Tern Waterbird Maintain - - - - - - - - Tier 2 - -
Great Black-backed Gull Waterbird Maintain - - - - - - - - Tier 3 - Yes
Great Cormorant Waterbird Increase 100% - - - - - - - - Tier 3 - Yes
Herring Gull Waterbird Increase 50% - - - - - - - - Tier 2 - -
Leach's Storm-Petrel Waterbird Increase 50% - - L - - - - - Tier 1 - -
Razorbill Waterbird Maintain - - - - - - - - Tier 3 - Yes
Sora Waterbird Assess/Maintain - - - - - - - - Tier 2 - -
Virginia Rail Waterbird Assess/Maintain - - - - - - - - Tier 2 - -
Yellow Rail Waterbird Recovery objective SC SC T - - - - - Tier 1 - -
American Black Duck Waterfowl Increase - - - - - - - - - High -
Barrow's Goldeneye
(Eastern population)
Waterfowl Recovery objective SC SC V - - - - - - High -
Blue-winged Teal Waterfowl Maintain - - - - - - - - - Mod  low Yes
Canada Goose
(North Atlantic population)
Waterfowl Maintain - - - - - - - - - Mod high -
Canada Goose
(Atlantic population)
Waterfowl Maintain - - - - - - - - - Mod Yes
Common Eider (borealis) Waterfowl Increase - - - - - - - - - Very high -
Common Eider (dresseri) Waterfowl Maintain - - - - - - - - - Very high -
Common Goldeneye Waterfowl Increase - - - - - - - - - High -
Harlequin Duck
(Eastern population)
Waterfowl Recovery objective SC SC V - - - - - - Mod  high -
Hooded Merganser Waterfowl Increase - - - - - - - - - Mod Yes
Long-tailed Duck Waterfowl Maintain - - - - - - - - - Mod  high -
Red-breasted Merganser Waterfowl Maintain - - - - - - - - - Mod Yes
Surf Scoter Waterfowl Maintain - - - - - - - - - High -

Return to the main document: Table 1

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