Charity permit instruction
General information
The Migratory Birds Convention Act, 1994 (MBCA) serves to protect and conserve migratory birds, their nests and eggs in Canada, including surrounding ocean waters. The Migratory Birds Regulations, 2022 (MBRs) authorize permits for activities that would otherwise be prohibited under the MBCA or MBRs.
Charity permits are issued under paragraph 12(1)(h) of the MBRs, in accordance with MBRs’ section 82. The permit authorizes the charity permit holder or their nominee(s) to serve and give preserved and legally harvested migratory game birds and murres. Such permits may allow these birds to be served as a meal at a soup kitchen or charitable fundraising event related to migratory bird conservation, or given to clients of a food bank.
To request authorization to perform these charitable activities, the applicant must complete the Application for a Charity Permit under the Migratory Birds Regulations, 2022 and send it by email (preferred), fax or regular mail to the Canadian Wildlife Service (CWS) permitting office in your region. A list of regional permitting offices and contact information is available in Annex A of this instruction sheet.
CWS processes applications on a first-come, first-served basis. Charity permit decisions will be made within 40 calendar days or 20 calendar days prior to the start of the activity (whichever is later) after the application and any required supporting documentation have been received. Incomplete, unsigned or illegible application forms will not be processed and may result in a delay or refusal of your application. The current service standard for charity permit application processing is available online at the Government of Canada website.
Charity permits are valid for a period of up to one (1) year.
Record keeping and reporting requirements
As per section 82(4) of the MBRs, the charity permit holder must keep the following records for a period of one (1) year:
- keep records of the number of each species of preserved migratory game birds and murres received in each calendar year, the full name and contact information (i.e. postal address, email address and telephone number) of the individual who took each of those migratory birds and murres, and the permit number under which the birds were originally killed; and
- if the preserved migratory game bird or murre was served as part of a charitable fundraising dinner, keep records of all expenditures and revenues of the event and the manner in which the profits were used until the first anniversary of the fundraiser.
Additionally, the permit holder must also submit a report of the required records outlined in MBRs subsection 82(4) using the Charity Permit Record Log Charts. The report must be submitted to the issuing permit office upon the completion of permitted activities, and within thirty (30) days following the permit expiry date.
Please note: In the instructions that follow, where the information requested under a section of the application form is self-explanatory, no description is provided in the instructions for that section (however, the section number is listed as a placeholder to follow the sequence of the application form).
Section 1. Applicant information
1.1 Previous permits
If you have previously been issued a charity permit by the CWS, please indicate so here. Please indicate the identification number of all previous permit(s).
If you have ever been refused a charity permit or had one cancelled or suspended, please indicate so here and provide reasons.
If you have ever been convicted of an offence under the MBCA or the MBRs, please indicate so here and provide a reason or an explanation.
1.2 Primary contact information of applicant
The applicant is the individual to whom the permit may be issued. The applicant may be an employee or volunteer of a charitable organization or an individual who is not associated with a charitable organization. If the application is approved and the permit is issued, the applicant becomes a permit holder and is responsible for ensuring that the permit conditions are met, including record-keeping requirements.
The position or title refers to the position the applicant holds as part of the charitable organization listed under section 1.4. Please note that the applicant cannot be an organization. If the applicant does not hold a title or position, please leave the section blank.
If this is an amendment to an existing permit, please provide the permit number and only complete sections 1.1, 1.2 and the section that addresses the changes you are requesting. If the modification is substantial (e.g. nature of the activities, etc.), a new application may be required – please contact the issuing CWS office if you have any questions. Administrative changes, such as a change to a mailing address, phone number, or nominee, can be requested by emailing the issuing office.
Please indicate your current mailing address (where information will be mailed) by typing all the required information in the spaces provided.
1.3 Charitable organization contact information (If applicable)
The applicant must indicate the charitable organization with which they are associated, if applicable. The charitable organization’s current mailing address must also be included by typing all the required information in the spaces provided.
If the charitable organization is a registered charity, the applicant must indicate as such and provide the charitable organization’s registration number.
The applicant must indicate a mandate/statement of purpose for the organization. This section could describe how the organization is involved in the conservation of migratory birds and/or other wildlife.
Applicants who are not affiliated with a charitable organization may still apply for a charity permit, as long as they are able to fulfill the permit holder obligations.
1.4 Nominees
Nominees are individuals (paid or unpaid) who will be undertaking the permitted activities with or on behalf of the permit holder. Permit holders are responsible for ensuring that the nominees are properly qualified, instructed and supervised for the tasks they will be undertaking and that they will abide by the conditions contained in the permit. All individuals who will participate in the cooking, preparation, serving and/or giving of the birds must be listed as nominees.
- in the case of a soup kitchen, the individuals who will prepare and serve the preserved birds need to be listed as nominees.
- in the case of a food bank, the individuals who will give the preserved birds to the clients of the food bank need to be listed as nominees.
- in the case of a fundraising event, those individuals who will prepare and serve the preserved birds to the attendees of the fundraising event need to be listed as nominees.
If you need to add or change a nominee after the permit has been issued, you must request authorization from your regional CWS permitting office.
If the list of nominees exceeds the space provided in section 1.4, additional space has been provided at the bottom of the permit application in Annex 1, in the table entitled “1.4.1 Additional Nominees (If applicable)”.
Note:If the names of individuals who will be undertaking permitted activities on behalf of an organization are unknown at the time of application, it is sufficient to indicate “Employees or volunteers of” beside the name of the organization. Specific contact information for nominees is not required.
It is not mandatory for nominees to have a copy of their permit on their person/in possession when performing the activity, as long as there is a permit on the premise that can be produced immediately upon request by a Wildlife Officer. Please note that nominees should be able to produce identification upon request from a game officer.
Section 2. Charitable cause information
2.1 Activities to be conducted (select all that apply)
In this section, the applicant should indicate all of the activities for which they are applying to receive a charity permit.
Examples include:
- The applicant will be holding a one-time fundraiser at an independent venue (e.g. dining hall) and is applying to be a permit holder to serve preserved migratory game birds at the event. In this case, the applicant would check ONLY the “serving preserved birds at a charitable fundraising event” box.
- The applicant is the authorized employee of a food bank and is applying to be a permit holder to possess preserved migratory game birds to give them to the clients of the food bank. In this case, the applicant would check ONLY the “giving preserved birds to clients of a food bank” box.
2.2 Activity description
In section (a), the applicant must describe the activities indicated in section 2.1. The applicant should describe in as much detail as possible how the activities will be conducted at the fundraising event, the soup kitchen or the food bank.
The applicant could include details such as statements about the mission of the charitable organization; how the organization is proposing to serve or give the preserved migratory game birds; and the number of clients or individuals who will likely benefit from this permit. In the case of a fundraiser, the applicant may wish to indicate statements about the event size and purpose.
In section (b), the applicant must check one box, either YES or NO, to indicate whether or not any profits will be produced from the activity. Profits include fees charged for attending a fundraising event. However, it is not permitted to charge directly for any meal that serves a migratory game bird or murre acquired under this permit.
If the applicant selects “yes,” in section (b), they must complete this section by explaining how the profit will be used to protect or conserve wildlife (e.g., donating to an active conservation project, restoring habitat etc.). Applicants may wish to include details such as whether the charitable organization hosting the event will use the profits themselves (e.g. local use) or whether profits will be donated to a charitable organization (e.g. to support provincial or national organizations as whole). The more details that are provided, the easier it will be to assess the application’s merits.
2.3 Anticipated activity duration
The applicant must indicate a start and end date for the activities they are applying for under the charity permit.
Section (a) applies to soup kitchens or food banks. The applicant should indicate the anticipated start date. The start date is the date on which the applicant intends to start receiving preserved migratory game birds and murres. The end date is the date on which the permit would expire and the last day the applicant may accept the migratory game birds. The applicant must enter an end date that is on or before August 31st of the calendar year applied or the following calendar year, if the application is being submitted after August 31st of the calendar year applied.
Section (b) applies to single fundraising events. The applicant should indicate the date thefundraiser begins and the date the fundraiser ends. The fundraising event will most likely start and end on the same date. The applicant must also indicate the start and end date for the period that preserved birds will be accepted leading up to the fundraiser. The end date will most likely correspond to the date the fundraiser ends.
2.4 Activity Location address
The applicant must indicate the location(s) of the facility or facilities where the activities under the charity permit will occur. The permitted activities may occur at different locations. Please indicate what activities are occurring at the designated location(s) by checking the appropriate box(es) and include the address of each location.
For purposes of this application, the designated location(s) refer(s) to the location(s) that will be associated with each permitted activity. More details are outlined below:
- birds accepted: the location(s) where the applicant expects to receive donations of preserved birds from Migratory Game Bird Hunting permit holders; Damage or Danger permit to kill holders; or section 35 of the Constitution Act, 1982 rights holders
- birds stored: the location(s) where the applicant will be keeping preserved birds until they are served
- birds given to clients at a food bank: the location(s) of the foodbank(s) where the birds will be given to clients
- birds served as a meal at a soup kitchen: the location(s) of the soup kitchen(s), where the birds will be served
- birds served as a meal at a fundraiser: the location(s) of the fundraiser(s), where the birds will be served
The applicant must provide the address of all locations that apply. Additional space is available in Annex 2, Table 2.4.1 “Additional Activity Location Address (If applicable)”.
Section 3. Statement of certification and applicant signature
The name in this section must match the name of the applicant in Section 1.3 of the application.
The signature binds the applicant to the statement of certification. The applicant should ensure that all information is correct and that they have read the statement before signing and dating the application.
Note: If the applicant does not sign the application, CWS will not process it.
Annex A. Permitting sections contact information, Canadian Wildlife Service offices (by region)
Atlantic Region: Newfoundland and Labrador, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick
17 Waterfowl Lane, P.O. Box 6227
Sackville NB
E4L 1G6
Telephone: 506-364-5068
Fax: 506-364-5062
Quebec Region
801-1550 Avenue d'Estimauville
Québec, QC
G1J 0C3
Telephone: 418-649-6129 / Fax: 418-648-4871
Ontario Region
335 River Road
Ottawa, ON
K1V 1C7
Telephone: 613-990-8355
Fax: 613-990-8400
Prairie Region - Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba
115 Perimeter Road
Saskatoon, SK
S7N 0X4
Telephone: 306-975-4090
Fax: 306-975-4089
Pacific Region - British Columbia
60 Front Street L3
Nanaimo, BC
V9R 5H7
Telephone: 250-327-4101
Fax: 604-946-7022
Northern Region - Northwest Territories, Nunavut and Yukon
P.O. Box 1870
Suite 301-933 Mivvik St.
Iqaluit, NU
X0A 0H0
Telephone: 867-975-4636
Fax: 867-975-4645
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