Application for a Damage or Danger permit under the Migratory Birds Regulations, 2022

Alternate format

All information included in this application will be treated as confidential. Personal information collected as part of the permitting process is protected under the Privacy Act.

IMPORTANT: Please consult the document “Instruction Sheet: Applying for a Migratory Bird Damage or Danger Permit under the Migratory Birds Regulations, 2022” when filling out this application. Incomplete, illegible or unsigned application forms will be returned and may result in a refusal of your application or a delay in the issuance of your permit. Failure to provide adequate details could also result in a delay or refusal. Send the completed application form and any additional documents to your regional Canadian Wildlife Service office (contact information can be found at the end of the accompanying instruction sheet).

Section 1. Applicant information

1.1. Type of request

[Checkbox] New application
[Checkbox] Permit renewal
[Checkbox] Permit amendment

If you are applying for a renewal or amendment, please indicate the number of the previous permit(s):

1.2. History

Have you previously held a damage or danger permit under the Migratory Birds Regulations?

[Checkbox] Yes
[Checkbox] No

(If yes and the permit number is different from the number provided in section 1.1, please provide former permit numbers):

Have you ever been refused a damage or danger permit or had one cancelled or suspended?

[Checkbox] Yes
[Checkbox] No
(If yes, provide reason):

Have you ever been convicted of an offence under the Migratory Birds Convention Act or the Migratory Birds Regulations?

[Checkbox] Yes
[Checkbox] No
(If yes, provide reason):

1.3. Contact information of permit applicant

Given Name:
Name of business or organization (if applicable):
Mailing Address (street number and name, incl. P.O. Box if applicable):
Postal code:
Telephone Number (day):
Telephone Number (other):
Fax (if applicable):
Email Address:
Name of business or organization (if applicable):

Type of organization (please select one option that best describes your organization):
[Checkbox] Individual or condominium/strata corporation
[Checkbox] Government
[Checkbox] Agriculture
[Checkbox] Telecommunications
[Checkbox] Forestry
[Checkbox] Mining
[Checkbox] Oil
[Checkbox] Electricity
[Checkbox] Construction
[Checkbox] Other Business or Commerce
[Checkbox] Indigenous organization or government
[Checkbox] Academic
[Checkbox] Environmental Non-Government Organization
[Checkbox] Hunting or Outfitter organization
[Checkbox] Wildlife control organization
[Checkbox] Tourism
[Checkbox] Airport
[Checkbox] Museum
[Checkbox] Other (please specify): [Text area]

1.4. Land where permitted activities will occur

Land Tenure

What is your relationship with the land where activities will be undertaken?
(Please check the box that applies)

[Checkbox] Own
[Checkbox] Lease
[Checkbox] Manage
[Checkbox] Licence of occupation
[Checkbox] Hold an easement, servitude or right-of-way
[Checkbox] Hold a right under provincial laws to use the land for public utilities or infrastructure

Note: Damage or Danger permits may only be issued to individuals fitting one of the options above. If none apply, please contact your regional Canadian Wildlife Service office to determine whether your application requires a Letter of Authorization from the landowner or leasee. A template is available on the Government of Canada website.

1.5 - Current location of migratory birds (see instructions)

Provide the current location(s) of where the damage or danger is occurring. Please be as specific as possible in describing the site where the birds are located (rooftop, parking lot, soybean field, golf course greens, etc.). In most cases, the physical/civic address(es) or latitude/longitude coordinates must be provided (P.O. box is not acceptable). Additional information such as acreage and maps can be provided for clarity.

Section 2. Nominee(s) (see instructions) (please use Appendix A to add nominees)

Will nominees other than yourself undertake the activities listed on this application?

[Checkbox] Yes
[Checkbox] No
If yes, please complete Appendix A to list all nominees.

Section 3. Nature of the situation and activity(ies) you are seeking authorization to undertake (see instructions)

a. Describe in detail the situation and/or problem for which the permit is being requested. This must include your assessment of the seriousness of the damage or danger.

[Checkbox] Photographs attached (optional)

b. Explain in detail all previous measures used to resolve the problem, how effective each measure was, and the duration of use of each measure.

c. Describe your long-term plan to control the problem, including current and proposed management techniques, which may include non-lethal, proactive scaring or management techniques.

d) Describe the activities and methods (types of firearms to be used, egg disposal methods, etc.) you propose to address the problem.

e) Identify in the table below the species of migratory birds causing the damage or danger, the season when the problem is occurring, the type of activity(ies) you are proposing to undertake, and the estimated number of migratory birds, eggs and nests that will be affected. A request for any of the activities listed below does not guarantee that your application will be approved. (Use Appendix B if more species are affected).


Season when problem is occurring?

Winter [Checkbox]
Spring [Checkbox]
Summer [Checkbox]
Fall [Checkbox]

Activities (See instructions for descriptions)

Estimated no. of adult birds affected: Estimated no. of young birds affected: Activities (See instructions for descriptions) Estimated no. of adult birds affected: Estimated no. of young birds affected:

[Checkbox] Scare using firearms or aircraft
[Checkbox] Relocation of birds [Checkbox] Relocation of birds
[Checkbox] Relocation of nests with eggs or immature birds Exact no. of eggs: Exact no. of young: Exact no. of nests:
[Checkbox] Relocation of empty nests Exact no. of nests:

[Checkbox] Collection, destruction and disposal of eggs Estimated no. of eggs: Estimated no. of nests:
[Checkbox] Removal and destruction of nests Estimated no. of eggs: Estimated no. of nests: [Checkbox] Kill-to-support scaring
[Checkbox] Kill-to-remove
[Checkbox] Kill-to-remove

f) Provide dates for when the anticipated activity or activities will take place.

From (yyyy/mm/dd)
To (yyyy/mm/dd)

Section 4. Relocation (to be completed only if applying to relocate birds, nests or eggs. See instructions for details.)

4.1. Relocation of birds

a. Please describe in detail the intended capture method and name of qualified professional that will carry out the capture and relocation:

b. Please describe in detail the equipment that will be used, how it will be used and how birds will be kept during the relocation process:

c. Provide the physical address and municipality of the location to which the migratory birds will be relocated. The physical/civic address(es) or latitude/longitude coordinates must be provided (P.O. box is not acceptable). Please provide an approximate distance (in km) and time (in min) required for the transportation during the relocation process.

4.2. Relocation of nests

a) Please describe in detail the intended method for relocating nests:

b) Please describe in detail the equipment that will be used to transport nests and how it will be used:

c) Provide the physical address and municipality of the location to which the nests will be relocated. The physical/civic address(es) or latitude/longitude coordinates must be provided (a P.O. box is not acceptable). Please provide an approximate distance (in km) and time (in min) required for the transportation during the relocation process. (Distance should not exceed 50 km).

Landowner attestation from relocation site

I, (full name), the undersigned hereby approve the release of (insert name(s) of species) on the property described in section 4 and acknowledge that I am the owner of that property.

Landowner Telephone Number:
Date (yyyy/mm/dd):
Signature of the owner of the relocation site:

SECTION 5. Disposal, human consumption or giving (to be completed only if applying to kill birds or remove or destroy nests or eggs. See instructions for detail.)

a. Provide the method of disposal (e.g., local waste in accordance with local municipal bylaws).

b. If the carcass is being disposed of, provide the physical address as well as municipality where the carcasses will be disposed. The physical/civic address(es) or latitude/longitude coordinates must be provided (a P.O. box is not acceptable).

Landowner attestation from disposal site (to be completed if site is not a landfill)

I, (full name), the undersigned herby approve the disposal of migratory birds, eggs and/or nests on the property described in section 5 and acknowledge that I am the landowner of that property.

Landowner Telephone Number:
Date (yyyy/mm/dd):
Signature of the owner of the disposal site:

SECTION 6. Statement of certification and applicant signature

I, (full name) attest that I and the nominees have the knowledge to accurately identify the species for which I am requesting a permit and to conduct the permitted activities. I hereby certify that:

Signature of applicant: (sign with dark ink)

Date: (yyyy/mm/dd)

Appendix A. Nominee List Section 2 – Full list of nominee(s)

Organization (if applicable):

Appendix B. Species sheet

(if applicable)

Appendix - definitions

A full grown, independent migratory bird
Any migratory bird that is not an adult, including nestlings, flightless young, juveniles and subadults
A young bird that has not yet left the nest and is reliant on the adult birds’ care.
The egg of a migratory bird and includes parts of the egg
The nest of a migratory bird and includes parts of the nest. Active nests refer to nests that contain a live bird or viable egg. Inactive nests refer to nests that do not.

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