Wellers Bay National Wildlife Area Management Plan: appendix 3
Appendix 2: Canadian Wildlife Service (Ontario) conditions of research requests
Permission under the Wildlife Area Regulations of the Canada Wildlife Act to undertake research at National Wildlife Areas may be given subject to the following conditions:
- All requests for research must be accompanied by a written proposal outlining the objectives; project duration; collection of data and specimens and measurements if any, number of participants, funding sources, location where work is to be undertaken, benefits to the National Wildlife Area (NWA), potential detractors and proposed mitigation measures. All proposals may be subject to a review by the Animal Care Committee of either Environment and Climate Change Canada or the submitting institution.
- No research shall be undertaken without a permit issued under the Canada Wildlife Act - Wildlife Area Regulations, and the research must be consistent with the NWA management plan for the site and other relevant legislation (e.g., Species at Risk Act, Migratory Birds Convention Act, 1994).
- All researchers must conform to regulations in effect regarding the NWA.
- All researchers are responsible for obtaining all permits (e.g., Species at Risk Act, Fisheries Act), approvals, and permissions (e.g., land managers, landowners), prior to commencement of the research project.
- Copies of raw data (field books and maps), preliminary reports of the research activities and a copy of the final manuscript must be provided to Environment and Climate Change Canada, Canadian Wildlife Service (ECCC-CWS) Ontario at the end of each field season.
- Priority will be given to researchers whose work has direct management implications for the NWA and species at risk.
- Applications to undertake a minor research study must be submitted to the ECCC-CWS Ontario office, in writing, prior to commencement of the project. Minor proposals without problems or issues require at least seven weeks for review, processing and issuance of a permit. Major proposals (that may require expert review, are multi-year, etc.) require a longer review period (minimum six months).
- A statement must be provided to ECCC-CWS Ontario on why the research project cannot be undertaken elsewhere.
- Any proposed work is subject to the Canada Labour Code, Part II (subject to the strictest safety certification, training, operational experience and mandatory use of appropriate safety equipment).
The Minister of Environment and Climate Change Canada may add terms and conditions governing the activity in order to protect and minimize the effects of the authorized activity on wildlife and their habitats.
All projects and activities in the NWA are subject to environmental screening and, if necessary, to further steps in the Environmental Assessment and Review Process (Environment and Climate Change Canada).
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