Minister of Environment response to COSEWIC species at risk assessments: October 13, 2016

Table 1: Terrestrial species assessed by COSEWIC eligible for addition to Schedule 1 or reclassification (24 species)
Taxon Species Scientific Name Range Current Schedule 1 status Proposed Schedule 1 status Amendment outcome Consutlation Path
Vascular Plants Baikal Sedge Carex sabulosa YT Threatened Special Concern Reclassify the species in a lower risk category Normal
Vascular Plants Bear’s-foot Sanicle Sanicula arctopoides BC Endangered Threatened Reclassify the species in a lower risk category Normal
Molluscs Blue-grey Taildropper Prophysaon coeruleum BC Endangered Threatened Reclassify the species in a lower risk category Normal
Vascular Plants Colicroot Aletris farinosa ON Threatened Endangered Reclassify the species in a higher risk category Normal
Vascular Plants Common Hoptree Ptelea trifoliata ON Threatened Special Concern Reclassify the species in a lower risk category Normal
Lichens Flooded Jellyskin Leptogium rivulare MB ON QC Threatened Special Concern Reclassify the species in a lower risk category Normal
Arthropods Hoptree Borer Prays atomocella ON Not listed Endangered Add the species to Schedule 1 Normal
Reptiles Lake Erie Watersnake Nerodia sipedon insularum ON Endangered Special Concern Reclassify the species in a lower risk category Normal
Arthropods Lake Huron Grasshopper Trimerotropis huroniana ON Not listed Threatened Add the species to Schedule 1 Normal
Birds Louisiana Waterthrush Parkesia motacilla ON QC Special Concern Threatened Reclassify the species in a higher risk category Normal
Birds McCown’s Longspur Rhynchophanes mccownii AB SK Special Concern Threatened Reclassify the species in a higher risk category Normal
Lichens Mountain Crab-eye Acroscyphus sphaerophoroides BC Not listed Special Concern Add the species to Schedule 1 Normal
Arthropods Nine-spotted Lady Beetle Coccinella novemnotata BC AB SK MB ON QC Not listed Endangered Add the species to Schedule 1 Extended
Arthropods Nuttall’s Sheep Moth Hemileuca nuttallii BC Not listed Endangered Add the species to Schedule 1 Extended
Mammals Peary Caribou Rangifer tarandus pearyi NT NU Endangered Threatened Reclassify the species in a lower risk category Extended
Mosses Pygmy Pocket Moss Fissidens exilis BC ON QC NS Special Concern Not at Risk Remove from SARA Schedule 1 Normal
Molluscs Pygmy Slug Kootenaia burkei BC Not listed Special Concern Add the species to Schedule 1 Normal
Birds Red Crossbill percna subspecies Loxia curvirostra percna QC NL Endangered Threatened Reclassify the species in a lower risk category Normal
Molluscs Sheathed Slug Zacoleus idahoensis BC Not listed Special Concern Add the species to Schedule 1 Normal
Reptiles Spiny Softshell Apalone spinifera ON QC Threatened Endangered Reclassify the species in a higher risk category Normal
Amphibians Unisexual Ambystoma (Jefferson Salamander dependent population) Ambystoma laterale - (2) jeffersonianum ON Not listed Endangered Add the species to Schedule 1 Normal
Amphibians Unisexual Ambystoma (Small-mouthed Salamander dependent population) Ambystoma laterale - texanum ON Not listed Endangered Add the species to Schedule 1 Normal
Reptiles Western Yellow-bellied Racer Coluber constrictor mormon BC Special Concern Threatened Reclassify the species in a higher risk category Extended
Lichens Wrinkled Shingle Lichen Pannaria lurida NB PE NS NL Not listed Threatened Add the species to Schedule 1 Normal


Table 2: Terrestrial species reassessed by COSEWIC (5 species; status confirmations – no consultations)
Taxon Species Scientific Name Range Current Schedule 1 status Proposed Schedule 1 status Amendment outcome Consutlation Path
Arthropods Eastern Persius Duskywing Erynnis persius persius ON Endangered Endangered Current status on Schedule 1 is maintained None; status confirmation
Reptiles Eastern Yellow-bellied Racer Coluber constrictor flaviventris AB SK Threatened Threatened Current status on Schedule 1 is maintained None; status confirmation
Mammals Gray Fox Urocyon cinereoargenteus ON Threatened Threatened Current status on Schedule 1 is maintained None; status confirmation
Reptiles Northern Rubber Boa Charina bottae BC Special Concern Special Concern Current status on Schedule 1 is maintained None; status confirmation
Mammals Pacific Water Shrew Sorex bendirii BC Endangered Endangered Current status on Schedule 1 is maintained None; status confirmation


Table 3: Aquatic species assessed by COSEWIC eligible for addition to Schedule 1 or reclassification (8 species)
Taxon Species Scientific Name Range Current Schedule 1 status Proposed Schedule 1 status Amendment outcome Consutlation Path
Fishes (freshwater) Little Quarry Lake Limnetic Threespine Stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus BC Not listed Threatened Add the species to Schedule 1 Extended
Fishes (freshwater) Little Quarry Lake Benthic Threespine Stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus BC Not listed Threatened Add the species to Schedule 1 Extended
Fishes (freshwater) Northern Sunfish (Great Lakes - Upper St. Lawrence populations) Lepomis peltastes ON QC Not listed Special Concern Add the species to Schedule 1 Normal
Molluscs Rainbow Villosa iris ON Endangered Special Concern Reclassify the species in a lower risk category
Fishes (freshwater) River Darter (Great Lakes - Upper St. Lawrence populations) Percina shumardi ON Not listed Endangered Add the species to Schedule 1 Extended
Molluscs Shortface Lanx Fisherola nuttallii BC Not listed Endangered Add the species to Schedule 1 Extended
Fishes (marine) Sockeye Salmon (Sakinaw population) Oncorhynchus nerka BC Not listed Endangered Add the species to Schedule 1 Extended
Fishes (freshwater) Spotted Gar Lepisosteus oculatus ON Threatened Endangered Reclassify the species in a higher risk category Normal


Table 4. Aquatic species on Schedule 1 that have been reassessed by COSEWIC at the same status (2 species, status confirmations – no consultations)
Taxon Species Scientific Name Range Current Schedule 1 status Proposed Schedule 1 status Amendment outcome Consutlation Path
Mammals (marine) Harbour Porpoise (Pacific Ocean population) Phocoena phocoena vomerina BC Special Concern Special Concern Current status on Schedule 1 is maintained None; status confirmation
Fishes (freshwater) River Redhorse Moxostoma carinatum ON QC Special Concern Special Concern Current status on Schedule 1 is maintained None; status confirmation


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