Cusk (Brosme brosme) COSEWIC assessment and status report 2012: chapter 10

Population Sizes and Trends

Sampling Effort and Methods

While a number of fishery independent surveys have been conducted in the species range of Cusk, only a relatively small number are suitable for estimation of trends in Cusk abundance and biomass. These include:

The NMFS spring bottom trawl survey is also useful but it is a shorter series than the fall survey. As the two series exhibit similar trends, focus in this assessment is placed on the fall survey. In addition to these surveys, commercial catch rates (CPUE) of the longline fleet operating in NAFO Divisions 4X and 5Z have been used as estimates of biomass trends (Harris and Hanke 2010).

The DFO summer bottom trawl survey has been conducted every July – August since 1970. Employing a stratified – random design and standardized sampling protocol (Halliday and Kohler 1971), about 200 bottom trawl sets are annually made on the Scotian Shelf. Over the duration of the time series, the sampling effort has increased. The spatial distribution of the strata was described earlier. Harris and Hanke (2010) consider that this survey does not representatively sample the population because the survey does not sample rocky bottom areas, the preferred habitat of Cusk. It was argued that as Cusk abundance changes, it will either spread out from this habitat (high abundance) or retreat to these areas (low abundance). This can lead to hyperdepletion where the survey index declines faster than the population biomass, implying that survey catchability, q, is a function of Cusk abundance. This hypothesis was tested in population modelling by Davies and Jonsen (2011), who considered it to be supported by the information available. This is discussed further below.

The NMFS fall bottom trawl survey has been conducted every October – December since 1963. Also employing a stratified-random design and standardized sampling protocol (Grosslein 1974), the survey annually undertakes about 350 bottom trawl sets in the Gulf of Maine area. Harris and Hanke (2010) contend that this survey suffers the same catchability issue as the DFO survey.

The industry Atlantic Halibut survey is conducted during late May – late July every year since 1998 using both a commercial and fixed station design. For the purposes of this assessment, only the data from the fixed stations that have been consistently occupied (which reside in 4VWX) have been used. The protocol of the Halibut survey is discussed by Trzcinski et al.. (2011). As the protocol was in development during the first year (1998) of the survey, these data are not used in this assessment. Also, while set catch was standardized to 1000 hooks, no standardization for soak time was undertaken. This is consistent with the treatment of these data by Harris and Hanke (2010). Sampling has averaged about 55 stations per year with little variation.

As in COSEWIC (2003), commercial landings and effort data for longline vessels were used to estimate an annual CPUE (tons per trip) index of mature biomass. Longliners deploy their gear in a variety of habitats including deep water along the edge of the continental shelf and in rocky bottom areas that may not be well sampled by survey trawls.

Developing a catch per unit effort (CPUE) index requires careful data selection to avoid potential biases introduced by fishing. The design of the CPUE index here is based upon that of Harris et al.. (2002) and Harris and Hanke (2010) with some minor modifications. In their analysis, Harris and Hanke (2010) limited the CPUE data to NAFODiv 4X, excluding those in 5Z. The number of trips made in each area has been similar since 1986, except in the mid-1990s when effort in 5Z was considerably lower. Given the distributional range of Cusk, it was decided to use both the 4X and 5Z data in this assessment.

Longline vessels operating in this area target a range of groundfish species including Cod, Haddock, and Pollock. Cusk are generally a bycatch to this fishing. Prior to 1999, a longline fishery for ‘shack’ has been recognized, which was directed for Cusk and White Hake combined. Consistent with Harris and Hanke (2010), all trips that caught any of these five species, regardless of the target species, were used in the CPUE index.

Harris and Hanke (2010) reported that the reliability of data prior to 1986 was questioned anecdotally, presumably by fishermen, when a landing cap of 1000 t for Cusk was implemented. Previously, there was no landing limit for Cusk. It has been suggested that other species, such as Atlantic Cod, were reported as Cusk when target species quotas were exceeded. As well, misreporting and discarding were considered prevalent in the fishery. For this reason, they did not use the CPUE data prior to 1986. In 2003, the landing cap was reduced to 750t where it has remained. Here, the 1986 – 2010 CPUE data are used in the CPUE index.

Harris and Hanke (2010) based their CPUE index on the data from tonnage class two and three vessels. Tonnage class 2 and 3 vessels consistently contributed about 50 – 60% of the longliner fleet’s landings until the mid-1990s after which time, their share declined to the 20% level observed more recently (Figure 18). The contribution of small tonnage class zero and one vessels has, on the other hand, increased. Reliable effort data for these smaller vessels do not exist. The data for the TC 2 and 3 vessels were considered adequate to estimate a CPUE index.

Figure 18. Share of longline fleet landings in all NAFO areas by tonnage class.

Chart showing share of longline fleet landings from 1960 to 2010 in all Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization areas by vessel tonnage class.
Long description for figure 18

Chart showing share of longline fleet landings from 1960 to 2010 in all Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization areas by vessel tonnage class. Tonnage class 2 and 3 vessels consistently contributed about 50 to 60 percent of the longliner fleet’s landings until the mid-1990s after which their share declined to the 20 percent level observed more recently.

Harris and Hanke (2010) produced their CPUE index through averaging of monthly catch rates of tonnage class two and three longliners operating in NAFODiv 4X during July – September. There have been significant changes over the time series in the months during which the fishery occurs, with it becoming focused in July – September since the late 1990s. To ensure consistency of the time series, as with Harris and Hanke (2010), the analysis of the CPUE data was limited to these months.

For the subset of selected data since 1986, there has been a significant decline in the number of trips (Figure 19) with current levels (278) being well below peak values (1500 – 2500) in the early 1990s.

Figure 19. Trend in annual number of trips fished by tonnage class 2 and 3 longlines in NAFO Divs. 4X and 5.

Chart of trend in annual number of trips fished by tonnage class 2 and 3 longlines in Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization divisions 4X and 5. Since 1986, there has been a significant decline in the number of trips with current levels (278; figure from report text) being well below peak values (1,500 to 2,500) in the early 1990s.

Very little observer information is available for this fleet (Table 6). Since 1985, only 314 of the possible 24,516 trips have been observed. In addition, there were even fewer trips where length measurements of Cusk were taken. Therefore, the DFO Maritimes Science port sampling data were used to characterize longline landings size composition. An overview of port sampling intensity is given in Table 7. Since 1960, 459 samples have been taken with the majority of these since the mid-1990s. Sampling was focused on the longline fleet with few samples on trawl and gillnet landings and no samples of traps and other gears.

Table 6. Number of longline and trawl trips with observer coverage during 1977 – 2011 in NAFO Div. 4X5.
Year Longline Trawl Total
1977   1 1
1978   16 16
1979   5 5
1980   47 47
1981   42 42
1982   26 26
1983   17 17
1984   20 20
1985 2 7 9
1986   11 11
1987   25 25
1988   31 31
1989   60 60
1990 2 55 57
1991 1 64 65
1992 6 52 58
1993   57 57
1994 33 31 64
1995 21 42 63
1996 15 25 40
1997 2 7 9
1998 7 10 17
1999 7 10 17
2000 58 31 89
2001 24 18 42
2002 6 23 29
2003 8 12 20
2004 17 20 37
2005 16 14 30
2006 3 9 12
2007 6 14 20
2008 10 8 18
2009 7 5 12
2010 55 21 76
2011 8 15 23
Total 314 851 1165

Table 7. Number of DFO Maritimes Science commercial port samples of Cusk by gear (otter trawl, line and gillnet) and quarter during 1960 – 2010
  Otter Trawl
Quarter (Qtr) 1
Otter Trawl
Qtr 2
Otter Trawl
Qtr 3
Otter Trawl
Qtr 4
Qtr 1
Qtr 2
Qtr 3
Qtr 4
Qtr 1
Qtr 2
Qtr 3
Qtr 4
1961               2        
1962         1 1   1        
1964 1                      
1972             1          
1975           2            
1976           2            
1978         1 2            
1979           2            
1980           1   3        
1981         3 1 1 1        
1983             3          
1984             2          
1985             2 2        
1986             1          
1987           3            
1988           1         1  
1989               1        
1991           1 1          
1993           1 1 1        
1994           2 2          
1995         1 4 7 8   1    
1996           2 7 2        
1997           6 7 3        
1998         1 7 8 4        
1999 2       1 2 7 2        
2000   2 1 1 2 2 6 9        
2001     2   6 5 15 11 2 2    
2002   2 1 1 5 2 17 9        
2003 2 2 1 1 3 7 21 24        
2004     1   11 8 9 5        
2005   1       6 11 3        
2006 2 1       3 11 4        
2007   1 1   1 7 14     1    
2008   1       5 17          
2009 1 1       3 13 7        
2010 1 2     2 4 9 2   1 1  


Table 8 summarizes the abundance indices of the DFO summer bottom trawl survey. These were estimated for the whole survey area (4VWX) rather than just for 4X, as was done by Harris and Hanke (2010). While the two series are very similar, it was considered that the broader area index was more representative of abundance trends for the entire DU. This survey indicates a significant decline in mature (42 cm+) numbers since the start of the time series (Figure 20). The average indices in the survey since the last COSEWIC assessment (2002-2010) are lower than from the 9 years prior to that assessment (1993-2001). The average mature numbers declined from 341,000 to 218,000 while the mature biomass declined from 695 t to 407 t. These are underestimates of the true abundance and biomass because Canadian landings annually averaged 865 t over the 2002-2010 period and between 250-300 t was estimated to have been discarded annually in the Lobster fishery (see section on Threats and Limiting Factors). Thus, current catch is well in excess of the minimum estimates of mature biomass from the DFO summer bottom trawl survey. Therefore, these are considered minimum estimates of abundance and biomass and they are taken as an index of relative abundance.

Table 8. Abundance (000s) and biomass (tons) indices of Cusk from DFO summer bottom trawl survey.
Year Abundance
1970 1829.503 2044.741 6441.222 6557.508 20.3%
1971 2843.885 2957.624 7437.100 7495.565 46.2%
1972 2870.328 2870.328 10039.186 10039.186 37.0%
1973 3160.945 3203.869 8720.577 8722.332 24.8%
1974 3702.474 3782.555 9783.806 9809.546 24.2%
1975 3459.578 3530.611 11093.108 11113.471 25.0%
1976 2961.421 3126.953 8623.228 8713.713 12.4%
1977 3587.545 3844.561 10149.489 10257.066 19.8%
1978 2644.550 2748.565 7847.673 7901.067 32.2%
1979 3001.852 3118.384 8178.303 8230.481 22.9%
1980 1233.797 1233.797 3350.709 3350.709 34.7%
1981 2481.629 2575.612 7526.568 7560.658 32.7%
1982 2441.037 3147.285 7623.891 7865.671 26.7%
1983 1374.181 1544.202 4079.546 4146.062 26.3%
1984 2732.205 3166.324 7340.293 7491.847 13.9%
1985 1267.487 1459.862 3644.892 3705.846 32.3%
1986 1106.484 1147.062 3368.056 3381.825 32.0%
1987 2699.241 2766.737 7190.718 7226.211 31.2%
1988 2100.383 2325.101 5900.804 6000.568 28.5%
1989 1387.025 1393.451 4305.056 4307.103 32.9%
1990 1270.969 1270.969 2717.908 2717.908 23.1%
1991 3064.672 3126.847 6376.251 6416.966 43.9%
1992 655.735 728.758 1815.513 1856.899 44.9%
1993 382.190 382.190 703.751 703.751 35.6%
1994 181.059 353.370 446.576 525.009 42.7%
1995 248.028 361.283 776.692 784.773 60.5%
1996 263.061 354.009 628.338 653.302 42.6%
1997 467.040 676.326 901.447 932.915 40.1%
1998 250.518 344.892 481.910 518.700 26.7%
1999 295.578 354.110 668.428 695.501 48.7%
2000 458.276 546.294 824.371 879.133 80.4%
2001 525.613 584.818 827.085 850.003 37.5%
2002 273.982 318.393 668.819 670.767 74.0%
2003 91.065 158.468 114.577 146.847 41.9%
2004 249.024 268.884 474.030 481.120 38.7%
2005 252.497 252.497 355.557 355.557 39.4%
2006 223.364 338.303 502.566 561.873 50.5%
2007 341.014 539.651 537.400 655.990 70.1%
2008 41.889 119.995 106.299 119.941 62.4%
2009 29.434 29.434 47.977 47.977 100.0%
2010 458.260 526.501 856.124 898.740 20.8%

Figure 20. Trend in abundance of immature (<42 cm) and mature (42 cm+) Cusk in NAFO Divs 4VWX, based upon DFO summer bottom trawl survey.

Chart showing trend in abundance of immature (less than 42 centimetres) and mature (42 centimetres or more) Cusk in Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization divisions 4VWX, based upon the Fisheries and Oceans Canada summer bottom trawl survey from 1970 to 2010.
Long description for figure 20

Chart showing trend in abundance of immature (less than 42 centimetres) and mature (42 centimetres or more) Cusk in Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization divisions 4VWX, based upon the Fisheries and Oceans Canada summer bottom trawl survey from 1970 to 2010. This survey indicates a significant decline in mature numbers since the start of the time series.

The length composition of Cusk taken in the trawl survey has contracted over the 40-year time series (Figure 21). In the 1970s and 1980s, the population on the Scotian Shelf was dominated by 55 cm + individuals. Since then, abundance of these length groups has declined considerably in comparison to the smaller Fish.

Figure 21. Decadal change in length frequency of Cusk in NAFODiv 4VWX as observed by DFO summer bottom trawl survey.

Chart of the decadal change in length-frequency of Cusk in Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization divisions 4VWX as observed by the Fisheries and Oceans Canada summer bottom trawl survey.
Long description for figure 21

Chart of the decadal change in length-frequency of Cusk in Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization divisions 4VWX as observed by the Fisheries and Oceans Canada summer bottom trawl survey. The length composition of Cusk taken in the trawl survey has contracted over the 40-year time series. In the 1970s and 1980s, the population on the Scotian Shelf was dominated by individuals of 55 centimetres and over. Since then, abundance of these length groups has declined considerably in comparison to the smaller sizes.

Table 9 summarizes the NMFS fall bottom trawl survey indices. The trends and CVs are similar to those in the DFO summer survey (Figure 22). The fall survey provides a minimum estimate of current abundance in the order of 450,000 individuals and a minimum estimate of mature biomass in the order of 580. Note that again these data are considered as relative and not absolute estimates of abundance and biomass.

Table 9. Abundance (000s) and biomass (tons) indices of Cusk from National Marine Fisheries Service fall bottom trawl surveys
Year Abundance
1963 1580.0 1622.2 19.3 5138.2 5164.270 23.9
1964 670.2 752.94 30.0 2811.3 2813.950 35.9
1965 1047.6 1222.4 24.6 3302.0 3312.670 25.5
1966 1966.1 2336.3 25.9 8555.4 8583.950 30.4
1967 607.8 732.48 34.2 2308.2 2342.550 44.2
1968 990.3 1282.4 19.7 4448.1 4553.630 29.8
1969 956.0 1268.1 31.2 3299.5 3419.180 25.7
1970 1475.7 1630.4 20.4 4985.3 5048.060 20.3
1971 1118.3 1118.3 22.1 3987.3 3987.250 28.3
1972 1905.7 2047 25.1 5559.8 5627.990 28.1
1973 1405.8 1606.8 21.9 4560.5 4645.970 22.6
1974 360.2 378.21 33.3 1091.1 1092.500 45.2
1975 1314.1 1382 25.6 4423.1 4465.740 25.5
1976 517.0 567.89 43.4 1458.2 1470.130 37.4
1977 1169.3 1258.1 19.0 5390.0 5447.100 19.6
1978 931.3 997.2 16.6 4930.1 4973.800 17.7
1979 687.0 704.3 18.7 3784.1 3787.850 19.5
1980 1067.7 1196.2 29.6 5233.9 5298.560 29.9
1981 619.1 813.83 25.5 2995.9 3076.680 31.6
1982 278.3 296.32 33.3 1068.0 1070.950 41.4
1983 761.3 863.06 29.2 2354.4 2394.590 25.4
1984 1046.1 1152.6 31.4 4308.3 4357.800 34.3
1985 1682.1 1857.4 30.5 5693.4 5792.070 28.1
1986 1410.1 1439.6 29.7 3957.0 3966.380 29.0
1987 680.4 680.39 28.7 2455.3 2455.270 30.1
1988 1163.0 1163 26.6 3445.4 3445.420 28.0
1989 326.2 388.69 55.7 1273.2 1287.960 53.0
1990 329.2 371.61 39.5 1080.5 1102.800 40.2
1991 369.4 460.17 35.9 1593.1 1621.470 32.4
1992 201.1 353.69 51.3 480.7 489.415 48.9
1993 305.6 332.38 39.7 1323.4 1327.900 42.5
1994 94.7 470.07 28.3 289.0 359.016 65.3
1995 80.3 247.55 47.8 328.2 360.729 68.9
1996 352.8 662.75 24.8 1095.1 1161.310 40.6
1997 530.0 733.08 32.6 1808.6 1871.510 37.9
1998 54.8 130.65 48.8 132.5 169.857 76.8
1999 368.5 481.12 31.6 481.8 523.890 37.4
2000 142.5 268.64 45.6 195.1 228.273 63.4
2001 384.5 633.91 32.1 529.9 588.815 32.7
2002 331.1 412.23 34.5 1139.6 1159.970 57.5
2003 284.4 428.3 31.0 994.1 1050.870 56.6
2004 339.4 339.36 40.0 557.1 557.072 39.2
2005 317.8 368.71 44.9 530.3 554.945 32.3
2006 214.9 255.49 36.8 337.5 364.249 48.0
2007 42.2 42.16 99.9 29.5 29.512 99.9
2008 225.7 318.69 41.9 276.9 299.001 44.1
2009 201.1 201.06 36.7 366.7 366.655 42.1
2010 444.9 537.61 54.4 576.8 602.087 51.9

Figure 22. Trend in abundance of immature and mature (53 cm+) Cusk in NAFO Divs 5Z-6, based upon NMFS fall bottom trawl survey.

Chart showing trend in abundance of immature and mature Cusk in Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization divisions 5Z-6, based on the U.S. National Marine Fisheries Service fall bottom trawl survey from 1963 to 2010.

Similar decadal changes in length frequencies were observed in the NMFS survey as in the DFO summer survey (Figure 23), although the decline in mature individuals since 1988 is more evident in the NMFS fall survey.

Figure 23. Decadal change in length frequency of Cusk in NAFODiv 5Z-6 as observed by NMFS fall bottom trawl survey.

Figure showing decadal change in length-frequency of Cusk in Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization divisions 5Z-6 as observed by U.S. National Marine Fisheries Service fall bottom trawl survey.
Long description for figure 23

Harris and Hanke (2010), in their analysis of Cusk catch rates in the Atlantic Halibut survey, averaged the kg/1000 hooks of the 53 core stations to produce annual estimates of a biomass index. This analysis was repeated here. In addition, two analyses using the core station results and GLM models were used. One assumed a lognormal error distribution and the other assumed a negative binomial distribution as was done for Atlantic Halibut (Trzcinski et al. 2011). The R code and diagnostics for both the linear and GLM models are provided in Appendix 2*. The indices of the three models are provided in Table 10 and the trends in Figure 24. The results of the negative binomial model were used in trend analysis.

Table 10. Indices of Cusk biomass estimated from Industry Atlantic Halibut survey. Units are undefined.
  Average LM GLM.NB
1999 13.51 11.37 13.79
2000 17.42 10.97 17.54
2001 12.28 8.30 9.86
2002 11.24 8.10 10.53
2003 11.52 8.08 9.96
2004 13.22 8.70 11.37
2005 11.95 8.76 10.58
2006 7.92 7.87 9.65
2007 16.45 12.46 15.94
2008 16.51 14.60 17.08
2009 15.03 10.29 15.51
2010 16.25 11.58 14.57
2011 26.94 9.04 14.21

Figure 24. Trends in Cusk biomass indices (kg / 1000 hooks) based on Industry Atlantic Halibut survey. The legend is as follows: LM is the GLM estimate assuming lognormal error, GLM NB is the GLM estimate assuming negative binomial error (this is the index used in trend analysis), and Average is the simple mean of the fixed station catch rates.

Chart of trends in Cusk biomass indices (kilograms per 1,000 hooks) based on the industry Atlantic Halibut survey from 1999 to 2011.
Long description for figure 24

Chart of trends in Cusk biomass indices (kilograms per 1,000 hooks) based on the industry Atlantic Halibut survey from 1999 to 2011. The legend is as follows: LM is the GLM estimate assuming log normal error; GLM NB is the GLM estimate assuming negative binomial error (this is the index used in trend analysis); and Average is the simple mean of the fixed station catch rates. The trends of the three indices are similar except for the 2011 increase in kilograms per 1,000 hooks observed in the Average index.

The trends of the three indices are similar except for the 2011 increase in kg/1000 hooks observed in the average index. The fit of the models was poor (e.g. R2 of 34% in the linear model) with influential observations evident. All models indicate a small decline at the beginning of the survey time series and a modest increase since 2006. There is some evidence of a recent declining trend. Overall, though, these effects are small with the overall trend being relatively flat.

Cusk lengths have not been consistently sampled on this survey although a reasonable amount of data is available. These data indicate that the Halibut survey has been catching almost exclusively mature (42cm+) Cusk throughout the times series (Figure 25). A comparison of size frequencies of the DFO summer and Halibut industry surveys for 2000 – 2010 indicates that the latter currently catches a significantly higher proportion of Cusk at lengths greater than 60 cm (Figure 26). These are sizes of Cusk seen by the DFO survey during the 1970s and 1980s (Figure 21). Indeed, this survey caught even larger Cusk at that time. Thus, the DFO trawl survey can catch this size of Cusk but does not appear to be doing so during the 1990s and 2000s.

Figure 25. Temporal change in Cusk proportion at length in industry Atlantic Halibut survey.

Chart of temporal change in Cusk proportion at length in the industry Atlantic Halibut survey over three periods: 1990s; 2000 to 2005; and 2006 to 2010.
Long description for figure 25

Chart of temporal change in Cusk proportion at length in the industry Atlantic Halibut survey over three periods: 1990s; 2000 to 2005; and 2006 to 2010. These data indicate that the Halibut survey has been catching almost exclusively mature (42 centimetre and over) Cusk throughout the time series.

Figure 26. Comparison of Cusk average proportion at length observed in the Halibut and DFO summer trawl survey during 2000 – 2010.

Chart comparing Cusk average proportion at length observed in the Halibut industry and Fisheries and Oceans Canada summer trawl surveys during 2000 to 2010.
Long description for figure 26

Chart comparing Cusk average proportion at length observed in the Halibut industry and Fisheries and Oceans Canada summer trawl surveys during 2000 to 2010. The data show that the Halibut industry survey currently catches a significantly higher proportion of Cusk at lengths greater than 60 centimetres.

A number of explorations of the commercial longline fishery’s catch rates were undertaken, using month and unit area as factors in both linear and GLM negative binomial models. As observed by Harris and Hanke (2010), the model explorations did not produce satisfactory statistical fits (available upon request from the status report writer). Therefore, the NAFODiv 4X 5Z average was used as the preferred CPUE index of biomass (Table 11). Figure 27 compares this series to that of Harris and Hanke (2010) which is reported in Davies and Jonsen (2008). The two series indicate the same overall trend.

Table 11. Cusk catch rate indices based upon analysis of commercial tonnage class 2 and 3 longline catch rates ( t /trip) in NAFO Div 4X – 5 during July – September.
Years 4X 5 CPUE Index
1986 1.100
1987 1.699
1988 1.152
1989 1.954
1990 0.846
1991 1.460
1992 1.669
1993 1.126
1994 0.377
1995 0.815
1996 0.594
1997 0.778
1998 0.794
1999 0.488
2000 0.669
2001 0.973
2002 0.888
2003 0.652
2004 0.571
2005 0.588
2006 0.371
2007 0.577
2008 0.426
2009 0.337
2010 0.335

Figure 27. Trends in CPUE indices for tonnage class 2 and 3 longliners fishing in NAFODiv 4X5 during July – September; note that the Harris & Hanke (2010) index was only for NAFODiv 4X.

Chart showing trends in catch per unit effort indices for tonnage class 2 and 3 longliners fishing in Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO) divisions 4X5 during July to September.
Long description for figure 27

Chart showing trends in catch per unit effort indices for tonnage class 2 and 3 longliners fishing in Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO) divisions 4X5 during July to September. Another line shows the indices for 4X only (Harris and Hanke 2010).

The commercial port sampling data indicate that the landings during quarter 2 and 3 reported by tonnage class 2 and 3 longliners consist of almost exclusively mature (>42 cm) individuals. Decadal changes in the size composition of the landings were evident (Figure 28). Modal size has become smaller, paralleling the trend in the DFO and NMFS surveys. There were some samples from 1961 – 62. Surprisingly, these indicated a smaller size range exploited than in the 1970s. This may indicate either inadequate sampling or changes in size composition not associated with population changes (e.g. regulatory changes).

Figure 28. Decadal changes in landings of tonnage class 2 and 3 longliners operating in NAFODiv 4X5 during the 2nd and 3rd quarters of the year.

Chart showing decadal changes in landings of tonnage class 2 and 3 longliners operating in Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization division 4X5 during the second and third quarters of the year.
Long description for figure 28

Chart showing decadal changes in landings of tonnage class 2 and 3 longliners operating in Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization division 4X5 during the second and third quarters of the year. Five time periods are shown: 1970s; 1980s; 1990s; 2000s; and 1961 to 1962.

As indicated earlier, the declines estimated based on trawl survey results were considered to have been overstated (Harris and Hanke 2010) due to a possible relationship between trawl survey catchability and Cusk abundance (hyperdepletion): as abundance declines, Cusk may retreat to their preferred rocky habitat that is relatively inaccessible to the survey trawl gear. Davies and Jonsen (2008, 2011) explored the possibility of a change in trawl survey catchability with Cusk biomass using a Bayesian surplus production model (equation 6):

Bt = (Bt-1 + rBt-1 (1 –Bt-1/ K) – Ct-1) ηt      (6)

Bt-1 and Ct-1 denote biomass and landings in year t – 1 respectively, r is the intrinsic rate of population growth, K is the carrying capacity (population biomass at equilibrium before exploitation and ht is a lognormal random variable with a mean of zero and variance σ2 to account for stochasticity in population dynamics. The observation model (equation 7) incorporated a shape parameter to explore hyperdepletion in the survey indices:

Ii,t = qiBtβεi,t     (7)

Ii,t is survey i in year t, qi is the catchability of survey i, and β is the shape parameter. If β is less than one, hyperstability is indicated (the index declines at a slower rate than the populaton biomass; common in many fisheries). If it is above one, hyperdepletion is indicated (catch rate falls faster than biomass decline). Initial versions of the model (Davies and Jonsen 2008) explored a number of data inputs and configurations. Ultimately, they settled on using NAFODiv 4X landings, along with the 4X CPUE (average) index and the DFO summer bottom trawl survey to characterize Cusk population dynamics (Davies and Jonsen 2011). The industry Halibut and 4VsW sentinel surveys were not used, as they were uninformative of stock dynamics due to being short time series. While the estimated parameters of these models were highly uncertain, hyperdepletion in the trawl surveys was shown to improve model fit. Cusk biomass was estimated to have declined 59% during 1970 – 2001 and 64% during 1970 – 2007, substantially lower than the rate estimated when assuming survey catchability is independent of Cusk biomass.

This model (Appendix 3* – equivalent to Model 3 of Davies and Jonsen 2011) was updated with some changes. First, the 1970 – 2010 Canadian total catch from all sources, rather than the landings for NAFODiv 4X + 5, were used. This includes the discard data provided in the Threats and Limiting Factors section below. Second, the 1986 – 2010 CPUE index (average) for NAFODiv 4X+5 rather than just 4X was used (Table 11). Finally, the 1970 – 2010 DFO summer bottom trawl survey index of mature biomass for NAFODiv 4VWX rather than the stratified mean kg/tow for NAFODiv 4X was used (Table 8). Similar to Davies and Jonsen (2011), model convergence was tested using two chains (300,000 total iterations with 260,000 burn-in iterations and a thinning rate of 20) resulting in a Gelman – Rubin Diagnostic of Rhat = 1, providing strong evidence of convergence (Ntzoufras 2009). The model fit the two biomass indices without apparent trends in residuals (Figure 29). The posterior distributions of the model parameters are provided in Figure 30 and the trend in the annual proportion biomass of the carrying capacity (K) is given in Figure 31. A summary of the posterior quantiles of key model parameters is provided in Table 12.

Figure 29. Observed (dots) and model predicted (lines) ln(indices) of Cusk biomass; 4X5 longline CPUE (top panel) and DFO summer survey (bottom panel).

Two chart panels showing observed and model predicted ln (indices) Cusk biomass.
Long description for figure 29

Two chart panels showing observed and model predicted ln(indices) Cusk biomass. The top panel is based on 4X5 longline catch per unit effort data, and the lower panel is based on Fisheries and Oceans summer survey data.

Figure 30. Posterior density plots of model parameters; and tau.rv are the observation error on the CPUE and DFO survey indices, σ is the process error, Commercial and Survey Q are the CPUE and DFO survey catchability; the remaining legends are self-explanatory.

Eight chart panels of the posterior distributions of the model parameters.
Long description for figure 30

Eight chart panels of the posterior distributions of the model parameters. The panels show observation error on the commercial catch per unit effort (CPUE) indices; observation error on the Fisheries and Oceans Canada survey indices; process error; CPUE and Fisheries and Oceans Canada survey catchability; survey shape parameter; intrinsic rate of growth; and carrying capacity.

Figure 31. Trend in proportion that annual Cusk biomass is of carrying capacity (K) from state – space model; 25th, 5th (median) and 75th percentiles provided.

Chart showing trend in proportion that annual Cusk biomass is of carrying capacity from state-space model; 25th, 5th, and 75th percentiles are provided.

Table 12. Summary of posterior quantiles of parameters for Bayesian State – Space model of Cusk; Process, Obs, CPUE and Obs, RV are the process error and observation error on the two biomass indices, P1970 and P2010 are biomass / K for the indicated years. Units for MSY and BMSY are tonnes.
  0.0% 25.0% Median 75.0% 100.0%
r 0.000044 0.043755 0.089435 0.153875 0.674700
K 20394 52052 68872 90219 474492
Q, CPUE 0.000005 0.000029 0.000042 0.000062 0.000229
Q, RV 0.0162 0.1333 0.1990 0.3011 1.9790
Shape 1.1930 1.8650 2.1090 2.4230 4.6960
Process 0.0056 0.0760 0.1200 0.1637 0.3864
Obs, CPUE 0.1591 0.2715 0.3042 0.3418 0.5821
Obs, RV 0.0628 0.5061 0.5666 0.6305 1.0300
P1970 0.42 0.89 0.97 1.03 1.76
P2010 0.04 0.10 0.14 0.20 0.82
MSY 1 924 1575 2180 12000
BMSY 10190 26058 34395 45253 236300

These results are very similar to those of Davies and Jonsen (2011) recognizing the uncertainty in the parameters. The intrinsic rate of population growth, r, is 0.09, close to the previous estimate of 0.12. The carrying capacity, K, is slightly higher at almost 69 kt compared to the previous estimate of 52 kt. MSY and BMSY are estimated to be 1.6 ktand 34 ktrespectively, compared to the previous estimates of 1.5 ktand 26 kt. Most significantly, the shape parameter on the DFO summer survey is well above one, with the median estimate being 2.1 (the previous estimate was 2.5). This is strong support for the hyperdepletion hypothesis.

Davies and Jonsen (2011) indicated that there is high uncertainty in the parameter estimates of the model. For instance, biomass is estimated to be close to virgin levels in 1970. However, Cusk have been fished since the early 1900s. Canadian reported landings in the 1960s averaged about 4000t annually. Thus, it is highly unlikely that the stock was at carrying capacity. More credence should be given to the model’s relative rather than absolute trends in biomass. Given the parameter uncertainties, Davies and Jonsen (2011) showed that the model could not be used to reliably predict future states under different catch scenarios. While an annual catch of 750 t (close to recent values) should be sufficient to allow biomass increase, this in fact has not occurred. Davies and Jonsen (2011) consider that this could be due to 1) high bycatch mortality, 2) lack of data on recent recruitment, 3) poor recruitment during 2000 – 2007 or 4) reduced productivity / increased natural mortality. While the model can explain historical trends, it does not appear to be informative in the prediction of future states. Given this uncertainty, it was decided not to undertake analyses of recovery trajectories.

Fluctuations and Trends

The overall trend in most indices of mature abundance and biomass are of long term decline. The times series of Cusk abundance from the DFO summer survey adjusted for hyperdepletion, commercial longline CPUE, and Halibut longline survey, standardized to their 2000 – 2010 means, are provided in Figure 32. The DFO summer survey indicates a continuous decline since the mid-1970s to the present. The commercial CPUE index has declined continuously since it began in 1986 and at a rate comparable to the adjusted DFO trawl survey index. The Halibut survey time series is too short to indicate long-term changes. However, it has been stable since it began in 1999.

Figure 32. Cusk abundance indices from the DFO trawl survey adjusted for hyperdepletion, the commercial longline CPUE, and the Halibut longline survey, standardized to their 2000 – 2010 means.

Chart of Cusk abundance indices from the Fisheries and Oceans Canada trawl survey adjusted for hyperdepletion, the commercial longline catch per unit effort (CPUE) index, and the Halibut longline survey, standardized to their 2000-2010 means.
Long description for figure 32

Chart of Cusk abundance indices from the Fisheries and Oceans Canada trawl survey adjusted for hyperdepletion, the commercial longline catch per unit effort (CPUE) index, and the Halibut longline survey, standardized to their 2000-2010 means. The Fisheries and Oceans Canada summer survey indicates a continuous decline since the mid-1970s to the present. The commercial CPUE index has declined continuously since it began in 1986 and at a rate comparable to the adjusted Fisheries and Oceans Canada trawl survey index. The Halibut survey time series is too short to indicate long-term changes.

The annual instantaneous rate of change (α) in the various indices were determined as the slope of the ln(index) versus year (log-linear regression). Data on the number of mature individuals were available for the DFO trawl surveys, and for mature biomass for the commercial CPUE and Halibut survey indices.

 The percent change (%Δ) over a specific time period t was estimated using equation 5. The regressions are plotted in Figure 33.

%Δ = 100 * (exp(α * t) – 1) (5)

Figure 33. Log linear regressions of Cusk abundance from the DFO trawl survey index (1974-2010), the same index adjusted for hyperdepletion, the commercial CPUE index (1986-2010) and the Halibut longline survey (1999-2011). The range of the y-axis values in each panel is the same thus allowing visual comparison of the estimate slopes.

Four chart panels showing log linear regressions of Cusk abundance from the Fisheries and Oceans Canada trawl survey index (1974 to 2010), the same index adjusted for hyperdepletion, the commercial catch per unit effort index (1986 to 2010) (bottom left panel); and the Halibut longline survey (1999 to 2011).
Long description for figure 33

Four chart panels showing log linear regressions of Cusk abundance from the Fisheries and Oceans Canada trawl survey index (1974 to 2010), the same index adjusted for hyperdepletion, the commercial catch per unit effort index (1986 to 2010); and the Halibut longline survey (1999 to 2011). The range of the y-axis values in each panel is the same, allowing visual comparison of the estimate slopes.

The estimated change in mature population numbers from the DFO summer survey over a 3-generation period (1974-2010) was −98%, based on a statistically significant slope estimate of −0.103 (Table 13). A regression over the last 2-generations (1986-2010) produced a statistically significant slope estimate of −0.117 which gives an estimated change over this time period of −94%. The slope estimate from the latest one-generation time period (1998-2010) was not significant but the estimated change was −70%. For the CPUE time series, the slope estimate for the last 2 generations (1986-2010) was statistically significant and indicated a change of −73%. The estimated change over the last generation was −55%, based on a significant slope estimate of −0.067. The regression of the Halibut survey results produced a positive but non-significant slope estimate of 0.018, and this indicates a change of +24% over the time period. The results from the NMFS fall survey indicate a change in mature numbers of −83% over the latest 3 generations.

Table 13. Summary of log-linear regression results for the various abundance indices for Cusk. Slope estimates are presented for three time periods (12, 24 and 36 years). The final column gives the estimated percent change in abundance for each time period.
Source Years Time Period (years) N Slope SE P-val % Change over Time Period
DFO Summer Survey 1974-2010 36 37 -0.103 0.010 <0.0001 -98%
DFO Summer Survey 1986-2010 24 25 -0.117 0.021 <0.0001 -94%
DFO Summer Survey 1998-2010 12 13 -0.100 0.063 0.141 -70%
DFO Summer Survey Adjusted for Hyperdepletion 1974-2010 36 37 -0.049 0.005 <0.0001 -83%
DFO Summer Survey Adjusted for Hyperdepletion 1986-2010 24 25 -0.056 0.010 <0.0001 -74%
DFO Summer Survey Adjusted for Hyperdepletion 1998-2010 12 13 -0.048 0.030 0.141 -43%
CPUE 1986-2010 24 25 -0.055 0.009 <0.0001 -73%
CPUE 1998-2010 12 13 -0.067 0.018 0.0034 -55%
Halibut Survey 1999-2011 12 13 0.018 0.016 0.294 24%
NMFS Survey 1974-2010 36 37 -0.049 0.011 <0.0001 -83%
Surplus Production Model 1974-2010 36 37 -0.053 0.001 <0.0001 -85%

The surplus production model results indicate that biomass was close to virgin levels in 1970 and declined to 14% of this by 2010. This is an 85% (equation 5 applied to proportion data of Figure 31) decline in biomass over 3 generations (Figure 34). The estimated shape parameter β was used to adjust the DFO survey results using the equation Ît ≈ It1/β and a log-linear regression of the adjusted index produced an estimated 3-generation decline of 83%, and a decline of 73% over the past 2 generations, the same time period covered by the CPUE index. In other words, the trends in the adjusted DFO survey and CPUE index are similar.

Figure 34. Trend in Ln Proportion annual biomass of carrying capacity from Bayesian Surplus Production Model.

Chart of trend in natural log proportion annual biomass of carrying capacity from the Bayesian surplus production model during 1970 to 2010.

The overall estimated decline of 85% is more extreme than the 63% estimated by Davies and Jonsen (2011). It should be noted that some of this difference is related to how the percent decline is estimated. As noted above, Davies and Jonsen (2011) estimate a 59% decline in Cusk biomass between 1970 and 2001 and a 64% decline from 1970 to 2007. The latter is based upon the ratio of the 1970 to 2007 proportion biomass (of carrying capacity) or 1 – 0.34/0.91 = 63%. The estimate based upon equation 5 is 75%. To further explore the source of the change in perception between Davies and Jonsen (2011) and this assessment, the original model was run using updates to the 1970 – 2007 catch, CPUE and DFO summer trawl survey data both separately and combined. The updates produce similar percent declines in biomass during 1970 – 2007 to those of Davies and Jonsen (2011), suggesting that it is the addition of the 2008 – 2011 data that is causing the perception of further decline (Table 14).

Table 14. Percent decline in proportion biomass of carrying capacity during 1970 – 2007 under different catch, CPUE and DFO summer survey updates to Bayesian surplus production model of Davies and Jonsen (2011).
Model Percent Decline over 3 Generations R2
Davies & Jonsen (2011) data 75.2% 0.86
1970 – 2006 catch updated 78.9% 0.88
1970 – 2007 CPUE updated 73.2% 0.87
1970 – 2007 DFO summer survey updated 78.2% 0.89
1970 – 2007 catch, CPUE and survey updated 76.9% 0.89

A trend that the model does not capture is the stability (or slight increase) in mature biomass since 1999 reflected in the Atlantic Halibut survey (Figure 24). The slope of the Halibut survey is not significantly different from zero, whereas those of the other indices (except for the 1998 – 2010 DFO Summer Survey), are significantly different from zero (Table 13). The model indicates a continuing decline during this period. Davies and Jonsen (2011) did not include this index in their model, as was done here, due to the shortness of the time series.

The following is a summary of the main conclusions of the trend analyses. The DFO summer bottom trawl survey indicates a long-term decline in abundance and biomass, even when hyperdepletion is taken into account. Associated with this decline has been a shift to smaller sizes and a reduction in the IAO. The longline CPUE has also declined at a similar rate and there has been a shift in the catch’s size composition to smaller individuals. Of note is that the fishery and survey occur in generally the same area, so that this correspondence in trends indicates that they are measuring the same process. The population model also indicates a continuous decline in Cusk biomass over the past 3 generations. The Halibut survey indicates that large Cusk are still present on the Scotian Shelf and that biomass has been stable since 1999. The Halibut survey samples deeper waters off the Shelf that are outside the coverage of the trawl survey. It is possible that these waters still contain large Cusk, whereas they have been depleted on the Shelf proper.

Rescue Effect

The main source of a rescue effect for Cusk in Canadian waters would be from Cusk in the Gulf of Maine in US waters. As indicated in the population trends above, Cusk in this region have declined to a similar extent as in the Canadian zone. Indeed, NMFS conducted a workshop in November 2009 to describe its status from an endangered perspective and many of the issues noted for Canadian Cusk were also mentioned. Thus, this and the low suspected movement rates of Cusk suggest that the likelihood of a rescue from the US Gulf of Maine is low. There is thought to be little movement of Cusk between West Greenland and Canadian waters.

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