Howell’s triteleia (Triteleia howellii) COSEWIC assessment and status report: chapter 10
Existing Protection or Other Status
International Status
Triteleia howellii is not covered under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), the Endangered Species Act (USA) or the IUCN Red Data Book. NatureServe (2002) has designated a global rank of "G3G4" for the species, a ranking which indicates that, on a global scale, it is considered to be "apparently secure." Triteleia howellii is considered "Imperiled" in California.
National and provincial status
The British Columbia Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management Conservation Data Centre ranks T. howellii as an S2 or Red-listed species in British Columbia. This indicates that this species is "imperiled because of rarity (typically 6-20 extant occurrences or few remaining individuals) or because of some factor(s) making it vulnerable to extirpation or extinction". It has a national status of N2 (NatureServe 2002).
British Columbia does not have specific legislation in place for the protection of vascular plants at risk. At the federal level the Species at Risk Act protects COSEWIC-listed plants on federal lands. The federal minister can also recommend a federal Cabinet Order that would provide for protection of COSEWIC species on provincial lands if the laws of the province do not effectively protect the species or the residences of its individuals.
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