Kirtland's warbler (Dendroica kirtlandii) COSEWIC assessment and status report: chapter 3

Species Information

Name and classification







Scientific name:

Dendroica kirtlandii Baird 1852

English name:

Kirtland’s Warbler

French name:

Paruline de Kirtland

The close relatives of Kirtland’s Warbler are uncertain, as the phylogenetic relationships among the Dendroica warblers have been little studied (Mayfield 1992). Based on DNA fingerprinting the species is usually classified between the Pine Warbler (D. pinus) and Prairie Warbler (D. discolor; Sibley and Monroe 1990). The Kirtland’s Warbler may also be a relict species related to the Yellow-throated Warbler (D. dominica; Mengel 1964).

Morphological description

The Kirtland’s Warbler is a medium-sized songbird and a relatively large member of the Parulidae (Mayfield 1992). Adult males have bluish-grey upperparts, a lemon yellow belly, and black streaks on the flanks and sides. Females are similar to males but their plumage is duller, with paler yellow underparts and more black streaks on the breast. The Kirtland’s Warbler shares its habit of tail-bobbing with the Prairie Warbler, but unlike that species it does not have a yellowish face. It is also similar to the Magnolia Warbler (D. magnolia) but its wing bars and tail marks are not as prominent and the Magnolia Warbler does not pump its tail.

Designatable units

There are no subspecies of the Kirtland’s Warbler and no known distinctions between populations that would warrant consideration of designatable units below the species level. This report deals with a single designatable unit, Dendroica kirtlandii.

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