Redside dace (Clinostomus elongatus) COSEWIC assessment and status report: chapter 15

Biographical Summary of Report Writers

E. Holm

Erling Holm is Assistant Curator (Ichthyology), Department of Natural History, ROM. He has co-authored 12 status reports, conducted fieldwork in Ontario, principally related to species at risk, and coordinates the ROM’s annual fish identification workshops. He is a member of the Sydenham River, Redside Dace and Eastern Sand Darter Recovery Teams.

A. Dextrase

Alan Dextrase has a B.Sc. in Fisheries Biology from the University of Guelph and an M.Sc. in Biology from Lakehead University. After graduating, Alan worked for the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources as a fisheries biologist in northwestern Ontario for 10 years on the management of recreational and commercial fisheries and fish and wildlife habitat management. Since 1993, he has worked as a biologist for OMNR in Peterborough, Ontario, where he has worked on the management of invasive species and species at risk. He is currently the Senior Species at Risk Biologist in the Fish and Wildlife Branch. Alan has been a member of COSEWIC and the COSEWIC Freshwater Fishes Specialist Subcommittee since 1994 and is a member of several recovery teams for freshwater species at risk in Ontario.

Collections Examined

No museum collections were examined.


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