The Minister of the Environment's Response to Species at Risk Assessments Submitted by COSEWIC in 2011
Status | Taxon | Species | Scientific Name | Range | Consultation path |
Endangered | Lichens | Batwing Vinyl Lichen | Leptogium platynum | BC | Normal |
Endangered | Mosses | Roell’s Brotherella Moss | Brotherella roellii | BC | Normal |
Endangered | Arthropods | Hine’s Emerald | Somatochlora hineana | ON | Normal |
Endangered | Arthropods | Hungerford’s Crawling Water Beetle | Brychius hungerfordi | ON | Normal |
Endangered | Arthropods | Macropis Cuckoo Bee | Epeoloides pilosulus | NS | Normal |
Endangered | Arthropods | Olive Clubtail | Stylurus olivaceus | BC | Normal |
Endangered | Arthropods | Skillet Clubtail | Gomphus ventricosus | NB | Normal |
Threatened | Lichens | Crumpled Tarpaper Lichen | Collema coniophilum | BC | Normal |
Threatened | Birds | Barn Swallow | Hirundo rustica | YT NT BC AB SK MB ON QC NB PE NS NL | Extended |
Threatened | Birds | Eastern Meadowlark | Sturnella magna | ON QC NB NS | Extended |
Special Concern | Lichens | Blue Felt Lichen | Degelia plumbea | NB NS NL | Normal |
Special Concern | Lichens | Peacock Vinyl Lichen | Leptogium polycarpum | BC | Normal |
Special Concern | Arthropods | Dune Tachinid Fly | Germaria angustata | YT | Normal |
Up-list from Special Concern to Extirpated | Amphibians | Spring Salamander (Carolinian population) Footnotea | Gyrinophilus porphyriticus | ON | Normal |
Up-list from Special Concern to Endangered | Birds | Cerulean Warbler | Dendroica cerulea | ON QC | Extended |
Up-list from Special Concern to Threatened | Amphibians | Spring Salamander (Adirondack / Appalachian population) Footnotea | Gyrinophilus porphyriticus | QC | Normal |
Up-list from Special Concern to Threatened | Birds | Barn Owl (Western population) | Tyto alba | BC | Normal |
Up-list from Threatened to Endangered | Amphibians | Jefferson Salamander | Ambystoma jeffersonianum | ON | Normal |
Up-list from Threatened to Endangered | Reptiles | Butler’s Gartersnake | Thamnophis butleri | ON | Normal |
Down-list from Endangered to Special Concern | Vascular Plants | Pitcher’s Thistle | Cirsium pitcheri | ON | Normal |
Down-list from Threatened to Special Concern | Vascular Plants | Dwarf Lake Iris | Iris lacustris | ON | Normal |
Down-list from Threatened to Special Concern | Vascular Plants | Lyall’s Mariposa Lily | Calochortus lyallii | BC | Normal |
Down-list from Endangered to Threatened | Vascular Plants | Purple Twayblade | Liparis liliifolia | ON QC | Normal |
Down-list from Endangered to Threatened | Vascular Plants | Showy Goldenrod (Boreal population) Footnotea | Solidago speciosa | ON | Normal |
Status | Taxon | Species | Scientific Name | Range | Consultation Path |
Extirpated | Reptiles | Timber Rattlesnake | Crotalus horridus | ON | None; status confirmation |
Endangered | Mosses | Poor Pocket Moss | Fissidens pauperculus | BC | None; status confirmation |
Endangered | Vascular Plants | Furbish’s Lousewort | Pedicularis furbishiae | NB | None; status confirmation |
Endangered | Vascular Plants | Long’s Braya | Braya longii | NL | None; status confirmation |
Endangered | Vascular Plants | Nodding Pogonia | Triphora trianthophoros | ON | None; status confirmation |
Endangered | Vascular Plants | Seaside Birds-foot Lotus | Lotus formosissimus | BC | None; status confirmation |
Endangered | Vascular Plants | Showy Goldenrod (Great Lakes Plains population) Footnoteb | Solidago speciosa | ON | None; status confirmation |
Endangered | Vascular Plants | Skinner’s Agalinis | Agalinis skinneriana | ON | None; status confirmation |
Endangered | Vascular Plants | Small Whorled Pogonia | Isotria medeoloides | ON | None; status confirmation |
Endangered | Vascular Plants | Southern Maidenhair Fern | Adiantum capillus-veneris | BC | None; status confirmation |
Endangered | Vascular Plants | White Prairie Gentian | Gentiana alba | ON | None; status confirmation |
Endangered | Arthropods | Taylor’s Checkerspot | Euphydryas editha taylori | BC | None; status confirmation |
Endangered | Amphibians | Blanchard’s Cricket Frog | Acris blanchardi | ON | None; status confirmation |
Endangered | Amphibians | Oregon Spotted Frog | Rana pretiosa | BC | None; status confirmation |
Endangered | Reptiles | Desert Nightsnake | Hypsiglena chlorophaea | BC | None; status confirmation |
Endangered | Birds | Barn Owl (Eastern population) | Tyto alba | ON | None; status confirmation |
Endangered | Birds | Henslow’s Sparrow | Ammodramus henslowii | ON QC | None; status confirmation |
Endangered | Birds | King Rail | Rallus elegans | ON | None; status confirmation |
Endangered | Birds | Sage Thrasher | Oreoscoptes montanus | BC AB SK | None; status confirmation |
Endangered | Birds | White-headed Woodpecker | Picoides albolarvatus | BC | None; status confirmation |
Threatened | Mammals | Pallid Bat | Antrozous pallidus | BC | None; status confirmation |
Special Concern | Birds | Barrow’s Goldeneye (Eastern population) | Bucephala islandica | QC NB PE NS NL | None; status confirmation |
Special Concern | Birds | Long-billed Curlew | Numenius americanus | BC AB SK | None; status confirmation |
Special Concern | Mammals | Eastern Mole | Scalopus aquaticus | ON | None; status confirmation |
Special Concern | Mammals | Woodland Vole | Microtus pinetorum | ON QC | None; status confirmation |
Status | Taxon | Species | Scientific Name | Range | Consultation Path |
Endangered | Fishes | Atlantic Bluefin Tuna | Thunnus thynnus | Atlantic Ocean | Extended |
Endangered | Fishes | Atlantic Salmon (Anticosti Island population) | Salmo salar | Quebec, Atlantic Ocean | Extended |
Endangered | Fishes | Atlantic Salmon (Eastern Cape Breton population) | Salmo salar | Nova Scotia, Atlantic Ocean | Extended |
Endangered | Fishes | Atlantic Salmon (Nova Scotia Southern Upland population) | Salmo salar | Nova Scotia, Atlantic Ocean | Extended |
Endangered | Fishes | Atlantic Salmon (Outer Bay of Fundy population) | Salmo salar | New Brunswick, Atlantic Ocean | Extended |
Endangered | Fishes | Eulachon (Central Pacific Coast population) | Thaleichthys pacificus | British Columbia, Pacific Ocean | Extended |
Endangered | Fishes | Eulachon (Fraser River population) | Thaleichthys pacificus | British Columbia, Pacific Ocean | Extended |
Endangered | Molluscs | Hickorynut | Obovaria olivaria | Ontario, Quebec | Extended |
Threatened | Mammals | Northern Fur Seal | Callorhinus ursinus | British Columbia | Extended |
Threatened | Fishes | Atlantic Salmon (South Newfoundland population) | Salmo salar | Newfoundland and Labrador, Atlantic Ocean | Extended |
Threatened | Fishes | Atlantic Sturgeon (Maritimes populations) | Acipenser oxyrinchus | New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Atlantic Ocean | Extended |
Threatened | Fishes | Atlantic Sturgeon (St. Lawrence populations) | Acipenser oxyrinchus | Quebec, Atlantic Ocean | Extended |
Threatened | Fishes | Mountain Sucker (Milk River populations) | Catostomus platyrhynchus | Alberta, Saskatchewan | Extended |
Special Concern | Fishes | Atlantic Salmon (Gaspe-Southern Gulf of St. Lawrence population) | Salmo salar | Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Atlantic Ocean | Extended |
Special Concern | Fishes | Atlantic Salmon (Inner St. Lawrence population) | Salmo salar | Quebec, Atlantic Ocean | Extended |
Special Concern | Fishes | Atlantic Salmon (Quebec Eastern North Shore population) | Salmo salar | Quebec, Atlantic Ocean | Extended |
Special Concern | Fishes | Atlantic Salmon (Quebec Western North Shore population) | Salmo salar | Quebec, Atlantic Ocean | Extended |
Special Concern | Fishes | Dolly Varden (Western Arctic populations) | Salvelinus malma malma | Yukon, Northwest Territories | Normal |
Special Concern | Fishes | Mountain Sucker (Pacific populations) | Catostomus platyrhynchus | British Columbia | Normal |
Special Concern | Mammals | Northern Bottlenose Whale (Davis Strait-Baffin Bay-Labrador Sea population) | Hyperoodon ampullatus | Atlantic Ocean | Extended |
Special Concern | Fishes | Silver Lamprey (Great Lakes - Upper St. Lawrence populations) | Ichthyomyzon unicuspis | Ontario, Quebec | Normal |
Up-list from Special Concern to Endangered | Molluscs | Rocky Mountain Ridged Mussel | Gonidea angulata | British Columbia | Normal |
Up-list from Special Concern to Threatened | Fishes | Silver Shiner | Notropis photogenis | Ontario | Extended |
Down-list from Threatened to Special Concern | Mammals | Humpback Whale (North Pacific population) | Megaptera novaeangliae | Pacific Ocean | Normal |
Down-list from Threatened to Special Concern | Fishes | Shorthead Sculpin | Cottus confusus | British Columbia | Normal |
Status | Taxon | Species | Scientific name | Range | Consultation Path |
Endangered | Fishes | Atlantic Salmon (Inner Bay of Fundy population) | Salmo salar | New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Atlantic Ocean | None; status confirmation |
Endangered | Fishes | Atlantic Whitefish | Coregonus huntsmani | Nova Scotia | None; status confirmation |
Endangered | Mammals | Northern Bottlenose Whale (Scotian Shelf population) | Hyperoodon ampullatus | Atlantic Ocean | None; status confirmation |
Endangered | Molluscs | Salamander Mussel | Simpsonaias ambigua | Ontario | None; status confirmation |
Special Concern | Fishes | Columbia Sculpin | Cottus hubbsi | British Columbia | None; status confirmation |
Special Concern | Molluscs | Olympia Oyster | Ostrea lurida | British Columbia, Pacific Ocean | None; status confirmation |
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