The Minister of the Environment's Response to Species at Risk Assessments Submitted by COSEWIC in 2010
Status | Taxon | Species | Scientific Name | Range | Consultation Path |
Endangered | Arthropods | Bert's Predaceous Diving Beetle | Sanfilippodytes bertae | AB | Normal |
Endangered | Arthropods | Bogbean Buckmoth | Hemileuca sp. | ON | Normal |
Endangered | Arthropods | Laura's Clubtail | Stylurus laurae | ON | Normal |
Endangered | Arthropods | Northern Barrens Tiger Beetle | Cicindela patruela | ON QC | Normal |
Endangered | Arthropods | Rusty-patched Bumble Bee | Bombus affinis | ON QC | Normal |
Endangered | Arthropods | Wallis' Dark Saltflat Tiger Beetle | Cicindela parowana wallisi | BC | Normal |
Endangered | Lichens | Pale-bellied Frost Lichen | Physconia subpallida | ON | Normal |
Endangered | Lichens | Vole Ears | Erioderma mollissimum | NB NS NL | Normal |
Endangered | Vascular Plants | Coast Manroot | Marah oreganus | BC | Normal |
Endangered | Vascular Plants | Four-leaved Milkweed | Asclepias quadrifolia | ON | Normal |
Endangered | Vascular Plants | Victoria's Owl-clover | Castilleja victoriae | BC | Normal |
Endangered | Vascular Plants | Virginia Mallow | Sida hermaphrodita | ON | Normal |
Endangered | Vascular Plants | Whitebark Pine | Pinus albicaulis | BC AB | Normal |
Threatened | Birds | Bicknell's Thrush | Catharus bicknelli | QC NB NS | Normal |
Threatened | Birds | Bobolink | Dolichonyx oryzivorus | BC AB SK MB ON QC NB PEI NS NL | Normal |
Threatened | Birds | Chestnut-collared Longspur | Calcarius ornatus | AB SK MB | Normal |
Special Concern | Lichens | Oldgrowth Specklebelly Lichen | Pseudocyphellaria rainierensis | BC | Normal |
Special Concern | Molluscs | Threaded Vertigo | Nearctula sp. | BC | Normal |
Up-list from Special Concern to Threatened | Birds | Lewis's Woodpecker | Melanerpes lewis | BC | Normal |
Up-list from Threatened to Endangered | Amphibians | Fowler’s Toad | Anaxyrus fowleri | ON | Normal |
Up-list from Threatened to Endangered | Reptiles | Queensnake | Regina septemvittata | ON | Normal |
Down-list from Threatened to Special Concern | Vascular Plants | Redroot | Lachnanthes caroliniana | NS | Normal |
Down-list from Threatened to Special Concern | Vascular Plants | Tubercled Spike-rush | Eleocharis tuberculosa | NS | Normal |
Down-list from Threatened to Special Concern | Vascular Plants | Western Blue Flag | Iris missouriensis | AB | Normal |
Down-list from Endangered to Threatened | Mammals | Swift Fox | Vulpes velox | AB SK | Normal |
Status | Taxon | Species | Scientific name | Range | Consultation Path |
Extirpated | Arthropods | Frosted Elfin | Callophrys irus | ON | None; status confirmation |
Extirpated | Arthropods | Island Marble | Euchloe ausonides insulanus | BC | None; status confirmation |
Extirpated | Arthropods | Karner Blue | Lycaeides melissa samuelis | ON | None; status confirmation |
Extirpated | Birds | Greater Prairie-Chicken | Tympanuchus cupido | AB SK MB ON | None; status confirmation |
Endangered | Birds | Acadian Flycatcher | Empidonax virescens | ON | None; status confirmation |
Endangered | Birds | Eskimo Curlew | Numenius borealis | YK NT NU AB SK MB ON QC NB PEI NS NL | None; status confirmation |
Endangered | Birds | Mountain Plover | Charadrius montanus | AB SK | None; status confirmation |
Endangered | Birds | Whooping Crane | Grus americana | NT AB SK MB | None; status confirmation |
Endangered | Mosses | Rigid Apple Moss | Bartramia stricta | BC | None; status confirmation |
Endangered | Reptiles | Sharp-tailed Snake | Contia tenuis | BC | None; status confirmation |
Endangered | Vascular Plants | Cucumber Tree | Magnolia acuminata | ON | None; status confirmation |
Endangered | Vascular Plants | Eastern Mountain Avens | Geum peckii | NS | None; status confirmation |
Endangered | Vascular Plants | Eastern Prickly Pear Cactus | Opuntia humifusa | ON | None; status confirmation |
Endangered | Vascular Plants | Pink Milkwort | Polygala incarnata | ON | None; status confirmation |
Endangered | Vascular Plants | Virginia Goat's-rue | Tephrosia virginiana | ON | None; status confirmation |
Threatened | Birds | Sprague’s Pipit | Anthus spragueii | AB SK MB | None; status confirmation |
Threatened | Vascular Plants | Dense Blazing Star | Liatris spicata | ON | None; status confirmation |
Special Concern | Amphibians | Great Plains Toad | Anaxyrus cognatus | AB SK MB | None; status confirmation |
Special Concern | Arthropods | Monarch | Danaus plexippus | BC AB SK MB ON QC NB PEI NS | None; status confirmation |
Special Concern | Birds | Flammulated Owl | Otus flammeolus | BC | None; status confirmation |
Special Concern | Birds | Savannah Sparrow princeps subspecies | Passerculus sandwichensis princeps | NS | None; status confirmation |
Special Concern | Birds | Yellow Rail | Coturnicops noveboracensis | NT BC AB SK MB ON QC NB | None; status confirmation |
Status | Taxon | Species | Scientific Name | Range | Consultation Path |
Endangered | Fishes | Atlantic Cod (Laurentian North population) |
Gadus morhua | Atlantic Ocean | Extended |
Endangered | Fishes | Atlantic Cod (Newfoundland & Labrador population) |
Gadus morhua | Atlantic Ocean | Extended |
Endangered | Fishes | Atlantic Cod (Laurentian South population) |
Gadus morhua | Atlantic Ocean | Extended |
Endangered | Fishes | Atlantic Cod (Southern population) |
Gadus morhua | Atlantic Ocean | Extended |
Endangered | Fishes | Deepwater Redfish (Gulf of St. Lawrence/ Laurentian Channel population) |
Sebastes mentella | Atlantic Ocean | Extended |
Endangered | Reptiles | Loggerhead Sea Turtle | Caretta caretta | Atlantic Ocean | Extended |
Threatened | Fishes | Acadian Redfish (Atlantic population) |
Sebastes fasciatus | Atlantic Ocean | Extended |
Threatened | Fishes | Deepwater Redfish (Northern population) | Sebastes mentella | Atlantic Ocean | Extended |
Threatened | Fishes | Quillback Rockfish | Sebastes maliger | Pacific Ocean | Extended |
Threatened | Fishes | Umatilla Dace | Rhinichthys umatilla | BC | Extended |
Threatened | Fishes | Yellowmouth Rockfish | Sebastes reedi | Pacific Ocean | Extended |
Threatened | Molluscs | Atlantic Mud-piddock | Barnea truncata | Atlantic Ocean | Normal |
Special Concern | Fishes | Acadian Redfish (Bonne Bay population) |
Sebastes fasciatus | Atlantic Ocean | Extended |
Special Concern | Fishes | Atlantic Cod (Arctic Lakes population) |
Gadus morhua | NU | Extended |
Special Concern | Fishes | Basking Shark (Atlantic population) |
Cetorhinus maximus | Atlantic Ocean | Extended |
Special Concern | Fishes | Darkblotched Rockfish | Sebastes crameri | Pacific Ocean | Extended |
Special Concern | Fishes | Rocky Mountain Sculpin (Westslope populations) | Cottus sp. | BC | Extended |
Special Concern | Fishes | Spiny Dogfish (Atlantic population) |
Squalus acanthias | Atlantic Ocean | Extended |
Down-list from Threatened to Special Concern | Molluscs | Wavy-rayed Lampmussel | Lampsilis fasciola | ON | Normal |
Status | Taxon | Species | Scientific name | Range | Consultation Path |
Extirpated | Mammals | Grey Whale (Atlantic population) |
Eschrichtius robustus | Atlantic Ocean | None; status confirmation |
Extirpated | Molluscs | Dwarf Wedgemussel | Alasmidonta heterodon | NB | None; status confirmation |
Endangered | Fishes | Paxton Lake Benthic Threespine Stickleback | Gasterosteus aculeatus | BC | None; status confirmation |
Endangered | Fishes | Paxton Lake Limnetic Threespine Stickleback | Gasterosteus aculeatus | BC | None; status confirmation |
Endangered | Fishes | Vananda Creek Benthic Threespine Stickleback | Gasterosteus aculeatus | BC | None; status confirmation |
Endangered | Fishes | Vananda Creek Limnetic Threespine Stickleback | Gasterosteus aculeatus | BC | None; status confirmation |
Endangered | Fishes | Western Brook Lamprey (Morrison Creek population) | Lampetra richardsoni | BC | None; status confirmation |
Endangered | Molluscs | Northern Riffleshell | Epioblasma torulosa rangiana | ON | None; status confirmation |
Endangered | Molluscs | Rayed Bean | Villosa fabalis | ON | None; status confirmation |
Threatened | Fishes | Coastrange Sculpin (Cultus population) | Cottus aleuticus | BC | None; status confirmation |
Threatened | Fishes | Eastern Sand Darter (Ontario populations) | Ammocrypta pellucida | ON | None; status confirmation |
Threatened | Fishes | Eastern Sand Darter (Quebec populations) | Ammocrypta pellucida | QC | None; status confirmation |
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