Species at risk program frameworks : chapter 8

8. RMAF-RBAF Implementation Review Strategy

The RMAF-RBAF implementation review strategy, presented in Table 16, was developed based on the principle of continual improvement. The strategy ensures that plans are in place to systematically review the performance and risk measurement strategy, the overall performance of the SAR Program, the protection of wildlife species at risk in Canada and the effectiveness and efficiency of the Species at Risk Act. The strategy will also ensure that the necessary adjustments are made, where required, to the performance and risk measurement strategy or the Program. This strategy identifies the approaches to be used (product), the timeframes and the responsibilities for the coordination of these reviews.

Table 16: Review Strategy
Review Activity Product Timing Responsibility

Review of the performance and risk measurement strategy (implementation of Table 13)

  • Ensure the performance and risk strategy has been implemented
  • Monitor progress made in collecting and reporting performance and risk information
  • Review and assess the appropriateness of the available performance and risk information
  • Make recommendations for adjustments or improvements to the RMAF and RBAF


Implementation Review

(In depth review – estimated cost 25-50K)
  • DFO Director SARS
  • EC Director CSDP
  • PC Executive Director EI
Recommendations will be presented as part of the report on the performance and risk measurement strategy (implementation of Table 13) to departmental management and SAR governance structures for their approval Annual
  • DFO Director SARS
  • EC Director CSDP
  • PC Executive Director EI

Review of the outcome evaluation report

  • Review of the recommendations presented in the outcome evaluation report
  • Identify action items for each of the recommendations
  • Prepare management response to evaluation report
Interdepartmental action plan and management response will be developed and presented to departmental management and SAR governance structures for their approval 2011- 2012
  • DFO Director SARS
  • EC Director CSDP
  • PC Executive Director EI


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