The Minister of the Environment's Response to Species at Risk Assessments Submitted by the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC) on 6 October 2015
Species | Taxon | COSEWIC Status | Scientific Name | Range | Consultation Path |
Black Swift | Birds | Endangered | Cypseloides niger | BC AB | Normal |
Black-foam Lichen | Lichens | Threatened | Anzia colpodes | ON QC NB NS | Normal |
Broad-banded Forestsnail | Molluscs | Endangered | Allogona profunda | ON | Normal |
Caribou (Newfoundland population) | Mammals | Special Concern | Rangifer tarandus | NL | Extended |
Cassin's Auklet | Birds | Special Concern | Ptychoramphus aleuticus | BC Pacific Ocean | Normal |
Eastern Box Turtle | Reptiles | Extirpated | Terrapene carolina | ON | Normal |
Fascicled Ironweed | Vascular Plants | Endangered | Vernonia fasciculata | MB | Normal |
Griscom’s Arnica | Vascular Plants | Threatened | Arnica griscomii ssp. griscomii | QC NL | Normal |
Limber Pine | Vascular Plants | Endangered | Pinus flexilis | BC AB | Normal |
Prairie Rattlesnake | Reptiles | Special Concern | Crotalus viridis | AB SK | Normal |
Proud Globelet | Molluscs | Endangered | Patera pennsylvanica | ON | Normal |
Red-necked Phalarope | Birds | Special Concern | Phalaropus lobatus | YT NT NU BC AB SK MB ON QC NB PE NS NL Pacific Ocean, Arctic Ocean, Atlantic Ocean | Extended |
Sable Island Sweat Bee | Arthropods | Threatened | Lasioglossum sablense | NS | Normal |
Spiked Saxifrage Table Footnotea | Vascular Plants | Special Concern | Micranthes spicata | YT | Normal |
Tall Beakrush | Vascular Plants | Endangered | Rhynchospora macrostachya | NS | Normal |
Tiny Tassel | Mosses | Special Concern | Crossidium seriatum | BC | Normal |
Vivid Dancer | Arthropods | Special Concern | Argia vivida | BC AB | Normal |
Yellow-banded Bumble Bee | Arthropods | Special Concern | Bombus terricola | YT NT BC AB SK MB ON QC NB PE NS NL | Normal |
Yukon Podistera | Vascular Plants | Special Concern | Podistera yukonensis | YT | Normal |
Species | Taxon | Proposed Status change | Scientific Name | Range | Consultation Path |
Blue Ash | Vascular Plants | From Special Concern to Threatened | Fraxinus quadrangulata | ON | Normal |
Eastern Wolf | Mammal | From Special Concern to Threatened | Canis sp. cf. lycaon | ON QC | Extended |
Phantom Orchid | Vascular Plants | From Threatened to Endangered | Cephalanthera austiniae | BC | Normal |
Poweshiek Skipperling | Arthropods | From Threatened to Endangered | Oarisma poweshiek | MB | Normal |
Small White Lady's-slipper | Vascular Plants | From Endangered to Threatened | Cypripedium candidum | MB ON | Normal |
Toothcup (Great Lakes Plains population) Table Footnoteb | Vascular Plants | From Endangered to Threatened | Rotala ramosior | ON | Normal |
Species | Taxon | Status | Scientific Name | Range | Consultation Path |
Ancient Murrelet | Birds | Special Concern | Synthliboramphus antiquus | BC | None; status confirmation |
Banded Cord-moss | Mosses | Special Concern | Entosthodon fascicularis | BC | None; status confirmation |
Boreal Felt Lichen (Atlantic population) | Lichens | Endangered | Erioderma pedicellatum | NB NS | None; status confirmation |
Boreal Felt Lichen (Boreal population) | Lichens | Special Concern | Erioderma pedicellatum | NL | None; status confirmation |
Caribou (Atlantic-Gaspésie population) | Mammals | Endangered | Rangifer tarandus | QC | None; status confirmation |
Caribou (Boreal population) | Mammals | Threatened | Rangifer tarandus | YT NT BC AB SK MB ON QC NL | None; status confirmation |
Columbian Carpet Moss | Mosses | Special Concern | Bryoerythrophyllum columbianum | BC | None; status confirmation |
Ermine haidarum subspecies | Mammals | Threatened | Mustela erminea haidarum | BC | None; status confirmation |
Frosted Glass-whiskers (Atlantic population) | Lichens | Special Concern | Sclerophora peronella | NS | None; status confirmation |
Northern Red-legged Frog | Amphibians | Special Concern | Rana aurora | BC | None; status confirmation |
Ottoe Skipper | Arthropods | Endangered | Hesperia ottoe | MB | None; status confirmation |
Red Mulberry | Vascular Plants | Endangered | Morus rubra | ON | None; status confirmation |
Spotted Bat | Mammals | Special Concern | Euderma maculatum | BC | None; status confirmation |
Spotted Turtle | Reptiles | Endangered | Clemmys guttata | ON QC | None; status confirmation |
Toothcup (Southern Mountain population) Table Footnotec | Vascular Plants | Endangered | Rotala ramosior | BC | None; status confirmation |
Townsend's Mole | Mammals | Endangered | Scapanus townsendii | BC | None; status confirmation |
Twisted Oak Moss | Mosses | Special Concern | Syntrichia laevipila | BC | None; status confirmation |
Western Rattlesnake | Reptiles | Threatened | Crotalus oreganus | BC, Pacific Ocean | None; status confirmation |
Western Skink | Reptiles | Special Concern | Plestiodon skiltonianus | BC | None; status confirmation |
White Flower Moth | Arthropods | Endangered | Schinia bimatris | MB | None; status confirmation |
Species | Taxon | COSEWIC Status | Scientific Name | Range | Consultation Path |
Black Redhorse | Fishes (freshwater) | Threatened | Moxostoma duquesnei | ON | Extended |
Winter Skate (Eastern Scotian Shelf - Newfoundland population) | Fishes (marine) | Endangered | Leucoraja ocellata | Atlantic Ocean | Extended |
Winter Skate (Gulf of St. Lawrence population) | Fishes (marine) | Endangered | Leucoraja ocellata | Atlantic Ocean | Extended |
Species | Taxon | Proposed Status change | Scientific Name | Range | Consultation Path |
Beluga Whale (St. Lawrence Estuary population) | Mammals (marine) | From Threatened to Endangered | Delphinapterus leucas | QC, Atlantic Ocean | No consultations: this change in status will have no impact on protections or prohibitions |
Warmouth | Fishes (freshwater) | From Special Concern to Endangered | Lepomis gulosus | ON | Extended |
Species | Taxon | Status | Scientific Name | Range | Consultation Path |
Grass Pickerel | Fishes (freshwater) | Special Concern | Esox americanus vermiculatus | ON QC | None; status confirmation |
North Pacific Right Whale | Mammals (marine) | Endangered | Eubalaena japonica | Pacific Ocean | None; status confirmation |
Shortnose Sturgeon | Fishes (freshwater) | Special Concern | Acipenser brevirostrum | NB NS | None; status confirmation |
Spotted Sucker | Fishes (freshwater) | Special Concern | Minytrema melanops | ON | None; status confirmation |
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