The Minister of the Environment's Response to Species at Risk Assessments Submitted by the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC) on 6 October 2015

Table 1: Terrestrial species assessed as at risk by COSEWIC and now eligible for addition to Schedule 1 (19 species)
Species Taxon COSEWIC Status Scientific Name Range Consultation Path
Black Swift Birds Endangered Cypseloides niger BC AB Normal
Black-foam Lichen Lichens Threatened Anzia colpodes ON QC NB NS Normal
Broad-banded Forestsnail Molluscs Endangered Allogona profunda ON Normal
Caribou (Newfoundland population) Mammals Special Concern Rangifer tarandus NL Extended
Cassin's Auklet Birds Special Concern Ptychoramphus aleuticus BC Pacific Ocean Normal
Eastern Box Turtle Reptiles Extirpated Terrapene carolina ON Normal
Fascicled Ironweed Vascular Plants Endangered Vernonia fasciculata MB Normal
Griscom’s Arnica Vascular Plants Threatened Arnica griscomii ssp. griscomii QC NL Normal
Limber Pine Vascular Plants Endangered Pinus flexilis BC AB Normal
Prairie Rattlesnake Reptiles Special Concern Crotalus viridis AB SK Normal
Proud Globelet Molluscs Endangered Patera pennsylvanica ON Normal
Red-necked Phalarope Birds Special Concern Phalaropus lobatus YT NT NU BC AB SK MB ON QC NB PE NS NL Pacific Ocean, Arctic Ocean, Atlantic Ocean Extended
Sable Island Sweat Bee Arthropods Threatened Lasioglossum sablense NS Normal
Spiked Saxifrage Table Footnotea Vascular Plants Special Concern Micranthes spicata YT Normal
Tall Beakrush Vascular Plants Endangered Rhynchospora macrostachya NS Normal
Tiny Tassel Mosses Special Concern Crossidium seriatum BC Normal
Vivid Dancer Arthropods Special Concern Argia vivida BC AB Normal
Yellow-banded Bumble Bee Arthropods Special Concern Bombus terricola YT NT BC AB SK MB ON QC NB PE NS NL Normal
Yukon Podistera Vascular Plants Special Concern Podistera yukonensis YT Normal
Table 2: Terrestrial species on Schedule 1 that have been reassessed by COSEWIC at a different status and are now eligible for a reclassification (6 species)
Species Taxon Proposed Status change Scientific Name Range Consultation Path
Blue Ash Vascular Plants From Special Concern to Threatened Fraxinus quadrangulata ON Normal
Eastern Wolf Mammal From Special Concern to Threatened Canis sp. cf. lycaon ON QC Extended
Phantom Orchid Vascular Plants From Threatened to Endangered Cephalanthera austiniae BC Normal
Poweshiek Skipperling Arthropods From Threatened to Endangered Oarisma poweshiek MB Normal
Small White Lady's-slipper Vascular Plants From Endangered to Threatened Cypripedium candidum MB ON Normal
Toothcup (Great Lakes Plains population) Table Footnoteb Vascular Plants From Endangered to Threatened Rotala ramosior ON Normal

Table 3. Terrestrial species on Schedule 1 that have been reassessed by COSEWIC at the same status (20 species, status confirmations – no consultations)
Species Taxon Status Scientific Name Range Consultation Path
Ancient Murrelet Birds Special Concern Synthliboramphus antiquus BC None; status confirmation
Banded Cord-moss Mosses Special Concern Entosthodon fascicularis BC None; status confirmation
Boreal Felt Lichen (Atlantic population) Lichens Endangered Erioderma pedicellatum NB NS None; status confirmation
Boreal Felt Lichen (Boreal population) Lichens Special Concern Erioderma pedicellatum NL None; status confirmation
Caribou (Atlantic-Gaspésie population) Mammals Endangered Rangifer tarandus QC None; status confirmation
Caribou (Boreal population) Mammals Threatened Rangifer tarandus YT NT BC AB SK MB ON QC NL None; status confirmation
Columbian Carpet Moss Mosses Special Concern Bryoerythrophyllum columbianum BC None; status confirmation
Ermine haidarum subspecies Mammals Threatened Mustela erminea haidarum BC None; status confirmation
Frosted Glass-whiskers (Atlantic population) Lichens Special Concern Sclerophora peronella NS None; status confirmation
Northern Red-legged Frog Amphibians Special Concern Rana aurora BC None; status confirmation
Ottoe Skipper Arthropods Endangered Hesperia ottoe MB None; status confirmation
Red Mulberry Vascular Plants Endangered Morus rubra ON None; status confirmation
Spotted Bat Mammals Special Concern Euderma maculatum BC None; status confirmation
Spotted Turtle Reptiles Endangered Clemmys guttata ON QC None; status confirmation
Toothcup (Southern Mountain population) Table Footnotec Vascular Plants Endangered Rotala ramosior BC None; status confirmation
Townsend's Mole Mammals Endangered Scapanus townsendii BC None; status confirmation
Twisted Oak Moss Mosses Special Concern Syntrichia laevipila BC None; status confirmation
Western Rattlesnake Reptiles Threatened Crotalus oreganus BC, Pacific Ocean None; status confirmation
Western Skink Reptiles Special Concern Plestiodon skiltonianus BC None; status confirmation
White Flower Moth Arthropods Endangered Schinia bimatris MB None; status confirmation

Table 4: Aquatic species assessed as at risk by the COSEWIC and now eligible for addition to Schedule 1; consultations to be conducted by Fisheries and Oceans Canada (3 species)
Species Taxon COSEWIC Status Scientific Name Range Consultation Path
Black Redhorse Fishes (freshwater) Threatened Moxostoma duquesnei ON Extended
Winter Skate (Eastern Scotian Shelf - Newfoundland population) Fishes (marine) Endangered Leucoraja ocellata Atlantic Ocean Extended
Winter Skate (Gulf of St. Lawrence population) Fishes (marine) Endangered Leucoraja ocellata Atlantic Ocean Extended

Table 5: Aquatic species on Schedule 1 that have been reassessed by COSEWIC at a different status and are now eligible for a reclassification (2 species)
Species Taxon Proposed Status change Scientific Name Range Consultation Path
Beluga Whale (St. Lawrence Estuary population) Mammals (marine) From Threatened to Endangered Delphinapterus leucas QC, Atlantic Ocean No consultations: this change in status will have no impact on protections or prohibitions
Warmouth Fishes (freshwater) From Special Concern to Endangered Lepomis gulosus ON Extended

Table 6: Aquatic species on Schedule 1 that have been reassessed by COSEWIC at the same status (4 species, status confirmations – no consultations)
Species Taxon Status Scientific Name Range Consultation Path
Grass Pickerel Fishes (freshwater) Special Concern Esox americanus vermiculatus ON QC None; status confirmation
North Pacific Right Whale Mammals (marine) Endangered Eubalaena japonica Pacific Ocean None; status confirmation
Shortnose Sturgeon Fishes (freshwater) Special Concern Acipenser brevirostrum NB NS None; status confirmation
Spotted Sucker Fishes (freshwater) Special Concern Minytrema melanops ON None; status confirmation

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