Turkey Lakes watershed study: publications

The Turkey Lakes Watershed Reference List contains all the reports, journal papers, etc. pertaining to or produced by the Turkey Lakes Watershed Study (TLWS). Any document containing data from or information about the TLW or the immediately surrounding region is deemed an acceptable entry to the Reference List. Most publications are available in PDF (Portable Document Format) from Fariborz (Fred) Norouzian.


Pictures of Journal issues containing groups of TLW papers

Journal issues containing groups of TLW papers

References in the List are organized and numbered by the year and sequence of entry. The entire list (418 entries as of 2019) or annual groups (based on entry number) may be accessed using the appropriate links below. The entire reference list provides the entry number and citation only, whereas the annual portions also include a short summary for each entry and a link to the corresponding author's address. Search the entire list using the Edit/Find facility of your browser to identify entries of specific interest and then view the corresponding annual list(s) to obtain more information.

Entire Turkey Lakes Watershed reference list

Turkey Lakes Watershed reference list by year

The entire Turkey Lakes Watershed reference list is also catalogued into 12 separate Ontario Research Sites (ORS) projects based on the subject area of each publication, but also including distinct entries for Internal Reports and Theses.

The ORS project reference ID numbers are listed below and can be accessed at the ORS website http://www.glfc.forestry.ca/ors/

ORS Reference #909 - Project Name/Title - Turkey Lakes Site Overview

ORS Reference #910 - Project Name/Title - Turkey Lakes Atmospheric/Meteorology

ORS Reference #911 - Project Name/Title - Turkey Lakes Vegetation: Forest/Understory

ORS Reference #912 - Project Name/Title - Turkey Lakes Soils

ORS Reference #913 - Project Name/Title - Turkey Lakes Hydrology: Soil Water/Ground Water

ORS Reference #914 - Project Name/Title - Turkey Lakes Hydrology: Streams

ORS Reference #921 - Project Name/Title - Turkey Lakes Hydrology: Lakes

ORS Reference #922 - Project Name/Title - Turkey Lakes Waterbirds

ORS Reference #923 - Project Name/Title - Turkey Lakes Fish and Aquatic Communities

ORS Reference #941 - Project Name/Title - Turkey Lakes Internal Reports

ORS Reference #942 - Project Name/Title - Turkey Lakes Modelling and Remote Sensing

ORS Reference #943 - Project Name/Title - Turkey Lakes Theses


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